What is the reason republicans have to explain why the US has 25% of all COVID deaths worldwide?

Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?
"We're doing a great job." Trump was taking the credit at the beginning. Then he went golfing and rallying and basically neglected the entire country's health and well-being. He called it a hoax, no worse than the flu.

He even showed up at the CDC in a campaign hat. That's how serious he took the pandemic, kids.

Now it is biting him in the ass and the tard herd is lamely trying to find excuses for him. :lol:

Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
More of your usual stupidity.

Tissue? Why are so many Dems biting the dust in Dem cities and Dem states? Christ if you idiots are not shooting hundreds of each other weekly you are catching a virus.
Where is your proof, boy?

Meh, live in ignorance lib it matters not to me.
Remember when the Democrats were calling for action and Trump said their worries about Covid-19 were "the new Democrat hoax"?

Yeah, so do I.

And now the tard herd is trying to put Trump's total apathy, inaction, and idiocy on the Democrats! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You know that’s not what he said, but you continue to repeat it. Have an agenda there, g5000?
Remember when the Democrats were calling for action and Trump said their worries about Covid-19 were "the new Democrat hoax"?

Yeah, so do I.

And now the tard herd is trying to put Trump's total apathy, inaction, and idiocy on the Democrats! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

I remember when the filthy, snot-smearing Covid-Pelosi told everyone to go out and celebrate during the pandemic. Meanwhile Trump was securing the country.
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Most deaths are in Dem run cities in Dem run states with Dem leaders populated by Dems. Oh snap!!
More of your usual stupidity.

Tissue? Why are so many Dems biting the dust in Dem cities and Dem states? Christ if you idiots are not shooting hundreds of each other weekly you are catching a virus.
Where is your proof, boy?

Meh, live in ignorance lib it matters not to me.
Knew you were lying.
Trump practically took credit for the sun rising every day for his first three years. And the tard herd was happy to give him credit for anything positive that happened on the planet.

Look at them all running from responsibility now! :lol:


Raging hypocrites.
Remember when the Democrats were calling for action and Trump said their worries about Covid-19 were "the new Democrat hoax"?

Yeah, so do I.

And now the tard herd is trying to put Trump's total apathy, inaction, and idiocy on the Democrats! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!

You know that’s not what he said, but you continue to repeat it. Have an agenda there, g5000?
Everyone has an agenda.
Remember when the Democrats were calling for action and Trump said their worries about Covid-19 were "the new Democrat hoax"?

Yeah, so do I.

And now the tard herd is trying to put Trump's total apathy, inaction, and idiocy on the Democrats! BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA!


400 billion dollar virus bill is priceless ?

Make Accountants Gag Again
Yep, the US has 1/3 of the worlds virus cases (and still climbing), but we DON'T have 1/3 of the population.

If this is Trump and his "winning", I'm tired of it. Instead of holding rallies and telling people not to worry because it would be gone by summer, or go away "like a miracle", he should have started looking at preparation when he did his China ban.

But, here it is, several months later, and Trump is JUST NOW starting to get the tests ordered. Should have been done a long time ago, not started yesterday when he had his virus briefing. He paraded a whole bunch of people who he said were going to be making the tests.

Sorry, but Trump's response has been worse than horrible. But, we already knew he didn't pay much attention to his PDB's, and there were several of them that were all the way back in Jan, warning him of this coming to America, but he ignored it.

Now? He's let it bite the whole country in the ass, while he did nothing.

Tell the board exactly what he should have done during a impeachment hearing?

Back in January no one in this country was taking this virus seriously and even when Trump issued bans from Europe and China the WHO and E.U. objected to it.

It is so amazing how many now scream he should have done more but when he did anything back in January he was told he was wrong, so come on give a detailed list on what you believe he should have done in JANUARY and let me ask you how many of you on the left would have accepted his plan back then?

Instead of golfing, holding rallies, and telling everyone that it was gonna be fine, he should have been looking at getting PPE, ventilators, as well as should have been screening EVERYONE coming back from overseas. The reason that New York is being hit so hard is because of all the people traveling between Europe and the US who had it. But, we didn't worry about that, we just banned China from coming here.

Then, he should have been listening to his doctor advisors, and started calling for tests to be made so that people can be screened back at the end of Jan/beginning of Feb. South Korea handled the situation pretty well, and managed to flatten the curve way before most, but that is because they had widespread testing.
Confirmed U.S. Deaths 57,812 New York confirmed deaths 17,638 New Jersey deaths 6,442 for a total 24,080 a third of U.S. deaths from two states. The source for these numbers the covid tracking project updated today at 11.00am
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020.

United States/Population

328.2 million



So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.

The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
DIRECTLY attributable to the Dem-run sh*thole, New York City and many other Dem-run sh*tholes. Thank you.
Sh*thole defined by righties as locations so highly desired that the property value is astronomical compared to red states that suck up all the federal welfare. You are killing it dude. Amazing logic.
He-he, you are SO dim, gator baiter! New York City and MANY other Dem-run and illegal infested cities ARE sh*tholes. Do YOU live in one of these, or have you been to one of these recently? If not, SHUT YOUR DAMN BRAINWASHED IGNORANT PIE-HOLE. And, of course, have a very pleasant evening.
I live in Charlotte - it’s great. But I’ve lived in Chicago, Detroit, Pittsburgh, worked in NYC and San Fran. All great places to live and work if you have money. If you don’t have money I recommend somewhere in the south. You should live in the south.
"I take no responsibility at all."

"I have absolute authority."

Positively schizophrenic.
In demographics, the world population is the total number of humans currently living, and was estimated to have reached 7.8 billion people as of March 2020.

United States/Population

328.2 million



So off went the Emperor in procession under his splendid canopy. Everyone in the streets and the windows said, "Oh, how fine are the Emperor's new clothes! Don't they fit him to perfection? And see his long train!" Nobody would confess that he couldn't see anything, for that would prove him either unfit for his position, or a fool. No costume the Emperor had worn before was ever such a complete success.

"But he hasn't got anything on," a little child said.

"Did you ever hear such innocent prattle?" said its father. And one person whispered to another what the child had said, "He hasn't anything on. A child says he hasn't anything on."

"But he hasn't got anything on!" the whole town cried out at last.


The Emperor shivered, for he suspected they were right. But he thought, "This procession has got to go on." So he walked more proudly than ever, as his noblemen held high the train that wasn't there at all.
Because outside of the US and Europe, Wuhan Plague statistics are trustworthy, right?

China says they have virtually no new cases or deaths, so case closed, yea?

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