What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

On the one hand we're told that "mental health" is the key to gun violence...and then on the other we're told that there's no way to effectively deal with mental health in regards to gun ownership.

Are ya getting the idea that gun huggers don't actually want to solve the problem??
I have the answer for you. I have said this answer repeatedly, but you refuse to hear it, so let me try a different approach.

Everyone wants to eliminate the conditions that make mass shootings so deadly. "Mental Health" is subjective and difficult to catch, much less put to use without due process. So, that is not guaranteed to have much of an effect at all.

What is the common condition of all mass shootings that we can eliminate right now that has a real opportunity to make sure mass shooters do not go on a spree uncontested?


I think what you are alluding to is to arm everyone. That is not something I choose to see. it's one thing to arm trained, experience security guards with the current stress training but another to arm common people and put them directly into a war zone. And that is exactly the conditions of a mass shooting.

There are going to be three types of normal people attending at that mass shooting.

1. The ones that freeze and duck down. They become sitting ducks or targets.

2. Those that flee and are targets for a shorter time but the panic that comes with it feeds the insanity of the crowd. People get killed without being shot.

3. The Rexall Rangers who pull out their Iron and start blasting away. Chances are, they are going to kill bystanders in the process and they are still targets. These are the most dangerous of all the groups.

4. The Ones that have the ability to handle the stress and have the training and the skill set who might make a difference who also might be a target. There might be one or two of these in the crowd and they become targets for the Rexall Rangers and the bad guys. Unfortunately, they also become targets for the Cops as well.

Until you have been in received the proper training AND been in a real combat firefight you won't know which category you will fall into. This is why the best candidates for the trained, stress trained, skill set security are going to be ex combat troops. The second best group might be Cops but even cops might go their entire career without firing their weapon in anger so they may not be the best choice. And if you do find a Cop that has used his weapon 6 or more times in the line of duty, you just might be getting a glorified Rexall Ranger with a Badge.

I keep bringing up Stress Training. One of the things some of the Security Firms do is to require their Body Guards to go through stress training every month. Otherwise, they will revert back to the common person. Stress training along with other training means they react without thinking and do the right thing the first time. One without the other means mistakes are going to be made. A Combat Troop gets both. He gets a lot of both. A Swat Team Member gets a lots of both. And even then, mistakes do happen, just not as often is they did not have that training. Without that training, remind me to be out of town that day.

The answer might be more guns but with a qualifier. More guns in the hands of trained and current stress trained security guards.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
there is no solution. the fact you think there is is fking special. Tell you what genius, tell us the winning numbers for the next lottery right now. That's the equivalent of your stupid statement.
Strangely we are the only civilized country with this problem. There is a solution.
Norway is certainly civilized as is Switzerland. Both have had mass shootings among many, many other "civilized" nations. Stop lying and hoping you won't be outed.
What is the solution to murder, robbery, fraud, bullying, adultry, child abuse, pedofilia, necrofilia, lying and etc., and etc.? Was prohibition the answer to excess drinking, the war on drugs the answer to drug abuse? When has prohibition ever been the answer to anything people wanted or wanted to do?
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
Here is the main battle in society that is wrapped up around all of this mess today.

The Demon-crats want a new way of life to include some weird and messed up ways, and in this it has been on a quest to conform society to it's will for decades now. As it has become more closer to reaching it's long term goals, it is running into the last holdouts that are extremely stubborn about giving up it's original American culture that it has worked so hard to perfect over the many, many years that it had been working on that culture. It was becoming a culture of inclusion until the liberal Demon-crats began to run it off of the rails. Ok, so you have a volital mixture that has brought many cultures to a cross roads finally. Now we see all the jockeying for position going on by the various cultures whom want to retain and carve out their way of life in this grand puzzle that has become the new splintering of America.

The Demon-crats want it all, and they want inclusion at any cost. This means they must control this thing in order to force inclusion regardless of what their demands of inclusion is to include. Any resistance in their minds must be crushed, and if guns are included in that strategy, then they will fight on to get control of that area as well.

Now we see the fracturing of America being orchastrated by the left in order to get it's way at any cost. The left will Allie itself to even the enemies of freedom in order to reach it's ultimate goal. This is why we are witnessing what we have been witnessing in all of this.

The left must destroy the Christian religion or make it so small that it will become a non-factor in the powers of this nation in the future. A secular nation complete is what they want, and it is what they must achieve to reach their ultimate goals in life.

Now just sit back and watch as it all continues to unfold.

You wish it was fake news, but sadly for conservatives it's the absolute truth.
On the one hand we're told that "mental health" is the key to gun violence...and then on the other we're told that there's no way to effectively deal with mental health in regards to gun ownership.

Are ya getting the idea that gun huggers don't actually want to solve the problem??
I have the answer for you. I have said this answer repeatedly, but you refuse to hear it, so let me try a different approach.

Everyone wants to eliminate the conditions that make mass shootings so deadly. "Mental Health" is subjective and difficult to catch, much less put to use without due process. So, that is not guaranteed to have much of an effect at all.

What is the common condition of all mass shootings that we can eliminate right now that has a real opportunity to make sure mass shooters do not go on a spree uncontested?


I think what you are alluding to is to arm everyone. That is not something I choose to see. it's one thing to arm trained, experience security guards with the current stress training but another to arm common people and put them directly into a war zone. And that is exactly the conditions of a mass shooting.

There are going to be three types of normal people attending at that mass shooting.

1. The ones that freeze and duck down. They become sitting ducks or targets.

2. Those that flee and are targets for a shorter time but the panic that comes with it feeds the insanity of the crowd. People get killed without being shot.

3. The Rexall Rangers who pull out their Iron and start blasting away. Chances are, they are going to kill bystanders in the process and they are still targets. These are the most dangerous of all the groups.

4. The Ones that have the ability to handle the stress and have the training and the skill set who might make a difference who also might be a target. There might be one or two of these in the crowd and they become targets for the Rexall Rangers and the bad guys. Unfortunately, they also become targets for the Cops as well.

Until you have been in received the proper training AND been in a real combat firefight you won't know which category you will fall into. This is why the best candidates for the trained, stress trained, skill set security are going to be ex combat troops. The second best group might be Cops but even cops might go their entire career without firing their weapon in anger so they may not be the best choice. And if you do find a Cop that has used his weapon 6 or more times in the line of duty, you just might be getting a glorified Rexall Ranger with a Badge.

I keep bringing up Stress Training. One of the things some of the Security Firms do is to require their Body Guards to go through stress training every month. Otherwise, they will revert back to the common person. Stress training along with other training means they react without thinking and do the right thing the first time. One without the other means mistakes are going to be made. A Combat Troop gets both. He gets a lot of both. A Swat Team Member gets a lots of both. And even then, mistakes do happen, just not as often is they did not have that training. Without that training, remind me to be out of town that day.

The answer might be more guns but with a qualifier. More guns in the hands of trained and current stress trained security guards.

Well, fake unrealistic thinking to be more correct.
What is the solution to murder, robbery, fraud, bullying, adultry, child abuse, pedofilia, necrofilia, lying and etc., and etc.? Was prohibition the answer to excess drinking, the war on drugs the answer to drug abuse? When has prohibition ever been the answer to anything people wanted or wanted to do?

Q. (to first sentence) There are no panaceas to any crime on you list.

Prohibition generally creates a black market and criminal enterprises, and creates more criminals.

Republicans wanting to end mass shootings?


The thought is ludicrous.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
there is no solution. the fact you think there is is fking special. Tell you what genius, tell us the winning numbers for the next lottery right now. That's the equivalent of your stupid statement.
Strangely we are the only civilized country with this problem. There is a solution.
Norway is certainly civilized as is Switzerland. Both have had mass shootings among many, many other "civilized" nations. Stop lying and hoping you won't be outed.

And those are directly attributed to Terrorist Attacks that are spread across Europe. Ours are domestic for the most part. We do a better job at stopping terrorist before they can act. The Terrorist will be better armed and have things planned much better than our domestic shooters. Hence the number of dead is usually higher for them. This applies to Norway and Not Switzerland.

Now, about Switzerland. Every firearm is registered. Every person that has them must have a permit. The Swiss do go one step further and ensure that all young go through shooter training and all 18-45 men go though military training and can elect to buy their service weapon when the separate from the Service. But the purchase is not mandatory. You want to be like Switzerland with no shooting since 2001? Switzerland has always been the most strict gun regulation country in the free world.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
More frivolous gun laws means less freedom… End of story
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
there is no solution. the fact you think there is is fking special. Tell you what genius, tell us the winning numbers for the next lottery right now. That's the equivalent of your stupid statement.
Strangely we are the only civilized country with this problem. There is a solution.
Norway is certainly civilized as is Switzerland. Both have had mass shootings among many, many other "civilized" nations. Stop lying and hoping you won't be outed.

And those are directly attributed to Terrorist Attacks that are spread across Europe. Ours are domestic for the most part. We do a better job at stopping terrorist before they can act. The Terrorist will be better armed and have things planned much better than our domestic shooters. Hence the number of dead is usually higher for them. This applies to Norway and Not Switzerland.

Now, about Switzerland. Every firearm is registered. Every person that has them must have a permit. The Swiss do go one step further and ensure that all young go through shooter training and all 18-45 men go though military training and can elect to buy their service weapon when the separate from the Service. But the purchase is not mandatory. You want to be like Switzerland with no shooting since 2001? Switzerland has always been the most strict gun regulation country in the free world.
They have no freedom of firearm ownership, and they have no freedom of speech for that matter...
Why even own firearms in a place like that… You truly don’t own them.

Republicans wanting to end mass shootings?


The thought is ludicrous.
As long as there’s crazy people there will be mass shootings, no amount of frivolous gun control laws will change that
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
The republican answer to mass shootings is as always, more guns in the the hands of the public which of course includes those doing the mass shootings.
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Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
The republican answer to mass shootings is as always, more guns in the hands of public which of course includes those doing the mass shootings.
Get the crazy Demon-crats out of everything, and those crazies who Demon-crats accuse conservatives of ignoring will end quickly.

It's time to call a spade a spade and an ace and ace. It has been the problem for to long now, where as the Demon-crats sympathy for the devil's that are among us has been our ultimate downfall.
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
The republican answer to mass shootings is as always, more guns in the hands of public which of course includes those doing the mass shootings.
Na, not really
Criminals don’t obey laws that’s why they are called criminals
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
The republican answer to mass shootings is as always, more guns in the hands of public which of course includes those doing the mass shootings.
along with more swat treams, domestic terrorist funding, and alphabet departments

Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
More frivolous gun laws means less freedom… End of story

Death is always the end of the Story for each individual in this life, isn't it. And not one of us are getting out of this life alive. But we can hasten that death along.

The real problem here is, one side want's it all and the other sides doesn't want any of it and both sides think that the rest of us are caught in the middle. We are going to succeed as well as we can in spite of both of you.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
More frivolous gun laws means less freedom… End of story

Death is always the end of the Story for each individual in this life, isn't it. And not one of us are getting out of this life alive. But we can hasten that death along.

The real problem here is, one side want's it all and the other sides doesn't want any of it and both sides think that the rest of us are caught in the middle. We are going to succeed as well as we can in spite of both of you.
How come progressives only listen to one side of the story? Is it their control freak nature?
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
there is no solution. the fact you think there is is fking special. Tell you what genius, tell us the winning numbers for the next lottery right now. That's the equivalent of your stupid statement.
Strangely we are the only civilized country with this problem. There is a solution.
Norway is certainly civilized as is Switzerland. Both have had mass shootings among many, many other "civilized" nations. Stop lying and hoping you won't be outed.

And those are directly attributed to Terrorist Attacks that are spread across Europe. Ours are domestic for the most part. We do a better job at stopping terrorist before they can act. The Terrorist will be better armed and have things planned much better than our domestic shooters. Hence the number of dead is usually higher for them. This applies to Norway and Not Switzerland.

Now, about Switzerland. Every firearm is registered. Every person that has them must have a permit. The Swiss do go one step further and ensure that all young go through shooter training and all 18-45 men go though military training and can elect to buy their service weapon when the separate from the Service. But the purchase is not mandatory. You want to be like Switzerland with no shooting since 2001? Switzerland has always been the most strict gun regulation country in the free world.
They have no freedom of firearm ownership, and they have no freedom of speech for that matter...
Why even own firearms in a place like that… You truly don’t own them.

In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
More frivolous gun laws means less freedom… End of story

Death is always the end of the Story for each individual in this life, isn't it. And not one of us are getting out of this life alive. But we can hasten that death along.

The real problem here is, one side want's it all and the other sides doesn't want any of it and both sides think that the rest of us are caught in the middle. We are going to succeed as well as we can in spite of both of you.
How come progressives only listen to one side of the story? Is it their control freak nature?

Progressives do only listen to one side. Meanwhile you Regressives only listen to the other side. The rest of us will succeed in spite of both of you.
there is no solution. the fact you think there is is fking special. Tell you what genius, tell us the winning numbers for the next lottery right now. That's the equivalent of your stupid statement.
Strangely we are the only civilized country with this problem. There is a solution.
Norway is certainly civilized as is Switzerland. Both have had mass shootings among many, many other "civilized" nations. Stop lying and hoping you won't be outed.

And those are directly attributed to Terrorist Attacks that are spread across Europe. Ours are domestic for the most part. We do a better job at stopping terrorist before they can act. The Terrorist will be better armed and have things planned much better than our domestic shooters. Hence the number of dead is usually higher for them. This applies to Norway and Not Switzerland.

Now, about Switzerland. Every firearm is registered. Every person that has them must have a permit. The Swiss do go one step further and ensure that all young go through shooter training and all 18-45 men go though military training and can elect to buy their service weapon when the separate from the Service. But the purchase is not mandatory. You want to be like Switzerland with no shooting since 2001? Switzerland has always been the most strict gun regulation country in the free world.
They have no freedom of firearm ownership, and they have no freedom of speech for that matter...
Why even own firearms in a place like that… You truly don’t own them.

In Switzerland, they DO have freedom of speech and press. In fact, their press is more free than ours is.
They do not have a right of freedom of speech, nowhere does it say that.
They like all of Europe are part of a fucked up collective...

True, we don’t have any real freedom in this country… Just like every other country

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