What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

The rifle anyone buys at Walmart doesn't remotely resemble the same named rifle that is military issue.
It's like comparing a Ferrari to a Chevy.

An AR 15 resembles an M 16 that is the entire reason people here want to ban them

Not ban, regulate. Make it harder to buy them but not impossible. That's called Due Process and it's perfectly legal. The AR is designed for War as I have pointed out before. You will notice that some are starting to comment in that venue. Just because it can shoot a groundhog doesn't make it any less a weapon of war. And the reason it looks like a Military rifle is because it IS. The AR and the AK needs their own Firearms Classification.

Yes you say you want uber-regulation but others want outright bans and you know it

I only know what I think and know. I don't speak for anyone other than me. You seem to want to speak for me and everyone else. Pray tell, keep telling us what we are thinking.

Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.
An AR 15 resembles an M 16 that is the entire reason people here want to ban them

Not ban, regulate. Make it harder to buy them but not impossible. That's called Due Process and it's perfectly legal. The AR is designed for War as I have pointed out before. You will notice that some are starting to comment in that venue. Just because it can shoot a groundhog doesn't make it any less a weapon of war. And the reason it looks like a Military rifle is because it IS. The AR and the AK needs their own Firearms Classification.

Yes you say you want uber-regulation but others want outright bans and you know it

I only know what I think and know. I don't speak for anyone other than me. You seem to want to speak for me and everyone else. Pray tell, keep telling us what we are thinking.

Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.

So you said you speak for most people now you deny it
The AK looks less like a military rifle yet it IS a military rifle. It was born out of WWII and for many years, was the most successful military rifle ever made. The AR is born out of war as well. It has no room for nice things. Every part of it has a function of War. Both of these can be used for hunting but their intended purpose is to kill and wound other poeple and they are both very good at it. Just because a M-2 Mah Deuce can kill an elk at a mile with a very gifted shooter doesn't make it a hunting rifle. Claymores can also be used to uproot a tree stump but that still doens't make it a Wonderful tool for the back yard unless that backyard is a war zone.

Any AK a civilian can own is nothing but just another semiautomatic rifle that LOOKS LIKE a military weapon.

A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.

And nothing you posted here refutes what I said

You basically stated about the AK being a weapon of war, even in civilian trim, as I have about the AR. For once, you actually made sense. Now, don't go off the rails. You are on a roll. Make it a trend. That's one in a row for you.

I never said it was a weapon of war. I said any AK that any civilian can own is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle

If you are going to tell me what I say then use the fucking quote function.

Now you are dictating how I MUST post. What next, the beer I drink, or the way I must vote, or I can only support White Supremacist Candidates? Not going to happen, cupcake.
Not ban, regulate. Make it harder to buy them but not impossible. That's called Due Process and it's perfectly legal. The AR is designed for War as I have pointed out before. You will notice that some are starting to comment in that venue. Just because it can shoot a groundhog doesn't make it any less a weapon of war. And the reason it looks like a Military rifle is because it IS. The AR and the AK needs their own Firearms Classification.

Yes you say you want uber-regulation but others want outright bans and you know it

I only know what I think and know. I don't speak for anyone other than me. You seem to want to speak for me and everyone else. Pray tell, keep telling us what we are thinking.

Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.

So you said you speak for most people now you deny it


Here we go again equating semiautomatic rifles that LOOK LIKE military rifles with actual military rifles

The AK looks less like a military rifle yet it IS a military rifle. It was born out of WWII and for many years, was the most successful military rifle ever made. The AR is born out of war as well. It has no room for nice things. Every part of it has a function of War. Both of these can be used for hunting but their intended purpose is to kill and wound other poeple and they are both very good at it. Just because a M-2 Mah Deuce can kill an elk at a mile with a very gifted shooter doesn't make it a hunting rifle. Claymores can also be used to uproot a tree stump but that still doens't make it a Wonderful tool for the back yard unless that backyard is a war zone.

Any AK a civilian can own is nothing but just another semiautomatic rifle that LOOKS LIKE a military weapon.

A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.
Laughter? I hope you don't mean you laughing.

You're not getting more regulation. Ain't happening. Give up. We are going the other way. Full autos will be common place.


And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.
The AK looks less like a military rifle yet it IS a military rifle. It was born out of WWII and for many years, was the most successful military rifle ever made. The AR is born out of war as well. It has no room for nice things. Every part of it has a function of War. Both of these can be used for hunting but their intended purpose is to kill and wound other poeple and they are both very good at it. Just because a M-2 Mah Deuce can kill an elk at a mile with a very gifted shooter doesn't make it a hunting rifle. Claymores can also be used to uproot a tree stump but that still doens't make it a Wonderful tool for the back yard unless that backyard is a war zone.

Any AK a civilian can own is nothing but just another semiautomatic rifle that LOOKS LIKE a military weapon.

A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.
Laughter? I hope you don't mean you laughing.

You're not getting more regulation. Ain't happening. Give up. We are going the other way. Full autos will be common place.


And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.

Wow, the Lefties are just really really bad people, right? Maybe you should come right out and say it, "Everyone that doesn't think exactly like I do should be exterminated". I know you are thinking it. Where have I heard this doctrine before? We have a revolution every 2 and 4 years the American Way. If your way is the way it should be get it into the American Revolution and get the laws changed. Otherwise, openly acting on your wet dreams will not be met well by others. And MOST people will not tolerate it you act your fantasy out.
Any AK a civilian can own is nothing but just another semiautomatic rifle that LOOKS LIKE a military weapon.

A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.
Laughter? I hope you don't mean you laughing.

You're not getting more regulation. Ain't happening. Give up. We are going the other way. Full autos will be common place.


And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.

Wow, the Lefties are just really really bad people, right? Maybe you should come right out and say it, "Everyone that doesn't think exactly like I do should be exterminated". I know you are thinking it. Where have I heard this doctrine before? We have a revolution every 2 and 4 years the American Way. If your way is the way it should be get it into the American Revolution and get the laws changed. Otherwise, openly acting on your wet dreams will not be met well by others. And MOST people will not tolerate it you act your fantasy out.
Like I said, you lefties fall back on insanity, and this is when you have nothing but blabber coming from your mouths when you go insane. No one hates anyone, but people hate it when lefties attempt to change everything the people once believed in, and especially when they try to shove it down their throats by way of rogue judges and politicians that the left corruptly put in place for this very purpose.

The war is being won as the left has been weakened by their own radical bullcrap they have embarked upon in this very conservative country.

Yes, it's mostly conservative, and it still flies the flag proud to the leftist dismay. Take away the leftist media mega horn, and it's celebrities mega horns by convincing the people of how bad they've been duped in all of this, and the left is revealed as to truly how small it really is.

You applying all your fears upon me in that post, just shows the game once again that you on the left love to play, but it ain't working anymore.

I know, I know, why don't the left just back off, and quit trying to tell Americans that everything they ever believed in (including crushing Nazi Germany), was somehow just a glich or aberration in life, and that now you on the left are going to just show everyone how the hippies of the 60's were right, and how the conservatives were all wrong. Good grief.

Stop with the radical bullcrap, and things will get better for all including for those on the left just as well. No one hates anyone.
A little history lesson:

The Chinese developed the first gun. Application--WAR.

All guns are weapons of war. Even your granddaddy's shotgun was developed first for application in war.

Now, don't listen to commie Daryl. He is a retarded, stupid, idiotic motherfucker.

Anybody saying he wants to make it harder to get guns is someone who is for confiscation in total ban. Don't let them lie to you.

Fuck you, Daryl, you goose-stepping communist fuck. I can't wait to laugh as the SCOTUS starts shooting down commie state gun bans (pun intended). I wish I could see the look on your red army face when that happens.



Any AK a civilian can own is nothing but just another semiautomatic rifle that LOOKS LIKE a military weapon.

A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.

And nothing you posted here refutes what I said

You basically stated about the AK being a weapon of war, even in civilian trim, as I have about the AR. For once, you actually made sense. Now, don't go off the rails. You are on a roll. Make it a trend. That's one in a row for you.

I never said it was a weapon of war. I said any AK that any civilian can own is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle

If you are going to tell me what I say then use the fucking quote function.

Now you are dictating how I MUST post. What next, the beer I drink, or the way I must vote, or I can only support White Supremacist Candidates? Not going to happen, cupcake.

I wouldn't give a shit how you post but you misquote me ( or flat out lie about what I said) far too often.

And IDGAF what you drink eat smoke, shoot, or stick up your ass because I mind my own fucking business

you should try it
Yes you say you want uber-regulation but others want outright bans and you know it

I only know what I think and know. I don't speak for anyone other than me. You seem to want to speak for me and everyone else. Pray tell, keep telling us what we are thinking.

Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.

So you said you speak for most people now you deny it


It's a direct quote of what you said and you denied it

What's the matter is your short term memory is less than Dory's now?

If your memory gets any worse you;ll start giving everyone in the room a welcome home party every time you turn around
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
A civilian version of the AK is a wall hanger. Hey Look what I got type of gun. The Military AK is normally used in full auto. And the AK can spray lead with the best of them at short range. I can't even conceive of showing up a shoot with an AK47 and being expected to be taken seriously.. But there will be a lot of oogling. There also will be a lot of Laughter.
Laughter? I hope you don't mean you laughing.

You're not getting more regulation. Ain't happening. Give up. We are going the other way. Full autos will be common place.


And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.

Wow, the Lefties are just really really bad people, right? Maybe you should come right out and say it, "Everyone that doesn't think exactly like I do should be exterminated". I know you are thinking it. Where have I heard this doctrine before? We have a revolution every 2 and 4 years the American Way. If your way is the way it should be get it into the American Revolution and get the laws changed. Otherwise, openly acting on your wet dreams will not be met well by others. And MOST people will not tolerate it you act your fantasy out.
Like I said, you lefties fall back on insanity, and this is when you have nothing but blabber coming from your mouths when you go insane. No one hates anyone, but people hate it when lefties attempt to change everything the people once believed in, and especially when they try to shove it down their throats by way of rogue judges and politicians that the left corruptly put in place for this very purpose.

The war is being won as the left has been weakened by their own radical bullcrap they have embarked upon in this very conservative country.

Yes, it's mostly conservative, and it still flies the flag proud to the leftist dismay. Take away the leftist media mega horn, and it's celebrities mega horns by convincing the people of how bad they've been duped in all of this, and the left is revealed as to truly how small it really is.

You applying all your fears upon me in that post, just shows the game once again that you on the left love to play, but it ain't working anymore.

I know, I know, why don't the left just back off, and quit trying to tell Americans that everything they ever believed in (including crushing Nazi Germany), was somehow just a glich or aberration in life, and that now you on the left are going to just show everyone how the hippies of the 60's were right, and how the conservatives were all wrong. Good grief.

Stop with the radical bullcrap, and things will get better for all including for those on the left just as well. No one hates anyone.

Let me guess. If I don't 100% agree with everything you say, I should not the right to fly the American Flag. I should not have the right to vote. I should not have the right to hold public office. I should not have the right to openly express my views. Talk about radical.

And to go one step further in your radical suggestions, arm everyone including allowing everyone to have automatic weapons. And anyone not accepting your Caliph shall be labels a criminal and be exterminated or sent to camps for reeducation. Where have I seen this before?

If you want this, please move to Syria and join the radical movements there. The rest of us don't want Syria and other war torn areas by Radicals coming to our homes. If you want it in your home, please relocate where you can do just that. The good news is, at some point, your bunch of radicals will splinter and start killing each other much like the radical militant Muslims in the Middle East. But feel free to set your own country up in a far, far away land and try your experiment.
I only know what I think and know. I don't speak for anyone other than me. You seem to want to speak for me and everyone else. Pray tell, keep telling us what we are thinking.

Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.

So you said you speak for most people now you deny it


It's a direct quote of what you said and you denied it

What's the matter is your short term memory is less than Dory's now?

If your memory gets any worse you;ll start giving everyone in the room a welcome home party every time you turn around

Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".
Really you only speak for your self?

Then why did you say this

What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

and I quote

I speak for MOST people

Let's see. The majority here have voted for the firearms regulations we have now, have spent millions defending it in courts and just elected enough people that want to see that last step for common sense gun regs be made into law.

I am not most people but MOST people want what I have posted. You can play your little trollish games but you gunnutters are losing and losing fast. Of course, the more violent actions from other gunnutters makes the common person move away from leaving your with your weapons without regulations. You people don't play well with others.

So you said you speak for most people now you deny it


It's a direct quote of what you said and you denied it

What's the matter is your short term memory is less than Dory's now?

If your memory gets any worse you;ll start giving everyone in the room a welcome home party every time you turn around


The more you deny what you said the more idiotic you appear.

See this is why I use the quote function.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day

Still got mine and so do a few million others. People like you probably wont' fare as well.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day

Still got mine and so do a few million others. People like you probably wont' fare as well.

Hey you admitted you have a mental illness PTSD it's on your medical records so you might as well turn your guns in now because pretty soon you'll forget where they are
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Still blaming the gun for the insane in this country eh ?? News Flash - Begin a campaign of enforcement upon the laws that are already on the books. You know, the ones the left diluted and/or did away with like the lethal injection, hanging, the electric chair etc. Turning a blind eye towards Chicago or towards any other major city the Demon-crat's control or have had a serious influence over has got to be dealt with, and dealt with in a serious way again.

Time to go after those who have guns illegally in those cities, and are using guns in a manor not legal for them to do so. Leave the good citizens alone, and quit trying to cover up the bad in America by accusing the good as being bad when we know it's absolutely not the case.

To try and conform America to some sort of nation that lifts up or conceals the truth about those that are bad for political reasons is highly unexceptable. This won't go on much longer, it can't.
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Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up
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