What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Laughter? I hope you don't mean you laughing.

You're not getting more regulation. Ain't happening. Give up. We are going the other way. Full autos will be common place.


And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.

Wow, the Lefties are just really really bad people, right? Maybe you should come right out and say it, "Everyone that doesn't think exactly like I do should be exterminated". I know you are thinking it. Where have I heard this doctrine before? We have a revolution every 2 and 4 years the American Way. If your way is the way it should be get it into the American Revolution and get the laws changed. Otherwise, openly acting on your wet dreams will not be met well by others. And MOST people will not tolerate it you act your fantasy out.
Like I said, you lefties fall back on insanity, and this is when you have nothing but blabber coming from your mouths when you go insane. No one hates anyone, but people hate it when lefties attempt to change everything the people once believed in, and especially when they try to shove it down their throats by way of rogue judges and politicians that the left corruptly put in place for this very purpose.

The war is being won as the left has been weakened by their own radical bullcrap they have embarked upon in this very conservative country.

Yes, it's mostly conservative, and it still flies the flag proud to the leftist dismay. Take away the leftist media mega horn, and it's celebrities mega horns by convincing the people of how bad they've been duped in all of this, and the left is revealed as to truly how small it really is.

You applying all your fears upon me in that post, just shows the game once again that you on the left love to play, but it ain't working anymore.

I know, I know, why don't the left just back off, and quit trying to tell Americans that everything they ever believed in (including crushing Nazi Germany), was somehow just a glich or aberration in life, and that now you on the left are going to just show everyone how the hippies of the 60's were right, and how the conservatives were all wrong. Good grief.

Stop with the radical bullcrap, and things will get better for all including for those on the left just as well. No one hates anyone.

Let me guess. If I don't 100% agree with everything you say, I should not the right to fly the American Flag. I should not have the right to vote. I should not have the right to hold public office. I should not have the right to openly express my views. Talk about radical.

And to go one step further in your radical suggestions, arm everyone including allowing everyone to have automatic weapons. And anyone not accepting your Caliph shall be labels a criminal and be exterminated or sent to camps for reeducation. Where have I seen this before?

If you want this, please move to Syria and join the radical movements there. The rest of us don't want Syria and other war torn areas by Radicals coming to our homes. If you want it in your home, please relocate where you can do just that. The good news is, at some point, your bunch of radicals will splinter and start killing each other much like the radical militant Muslims in the Middle East. But feel free to set your own country up in a far, far away land and try your experiment.
The fear mongering and insanity of the left is heavy within you. LOL.

How much more bullcrap you gonna come up with in that feeble mind of yours ?

I know, I know, why don't you use the quote function, and go slowly sentence by sentence in order to then see if you can apply your wild desperate assumptions to my words. Listen, save yourself some time on making a nut job of yourself, and try to find some common sense if you got any to use.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day

Still got mine and so do a few million others. People like you probably wont' fare as well.

Hey you admitted you have a mental illness PTSD it's on your medical records so you might as well turn your guns in now because pretty soon you'll forget where they are

Unlike you, I have been diagnosed and am able to operate fully without being a threat to society nor myself. You just haven't been diagnosed yet but you are definitely a threat to society. There are millions of us out here. When you think it's time to come collect the weapons of everyone that doesn't agree with you 100% then you can start with me. There are some skill sets to earn PTSD that you won't be prepared for. We are the reason you have the right to mouth off like you do. Don't take it any further than that. As I stated before, we have an American Revolution every 2 and 4 years and we try and do it without bloodshed.
And yet, that one last piece of common sense firearm regulation already has been agreed upon by the Colorado House, the new Senate coming in and the newly Governor Elect.

I suppose you believe that the new 5-4 Republican nominated Supreme Court is going to overturn the 1934 Firearms Act. Roe V will be overturned long before that is and I don't look for Roe V Wade to be bothered. Full Autos are highly regulated. But due to due process, you can get one yourself. There is no Ban on them at all. You just have to qualify for the license, pay 200 bucks for each weapon and the Feds get out of your way. Now, the States may not. May States just won't allow them. And many Counties won't allow them. Or they are regulated to the point where the common person can't have them nor operate them.

You put a lot of store on how the new Supreme Court is supposed to change things. But as long as they can only rule in favor of things that fall under the Constitution under the 2nd, 10th and 14th amendment then nothing much will change. It appears that your should be working with the States. Oh, that's right, the Reps took quite a shillacking at the locals levels. So don't look for a change there either.

Common Sense says that to have full auto weapons without regulation means that even minor shooting today can turn into hundreds dead. Imagine a fruitcake firing up a M-2 Mah Deuce 50 Cal that he has mounted on his Jeep on a crowd of people waiting to get into a stadium. Imagine heads being blown off, arms and legs being removed, and it gets even uglier. Your wanting to remove the 1934 Firearms act is ridiculous. If you want to make a place much like Syria I suggest you just move there.
All this talk is getting ridiculous really. Hey I know what, you just go and convince the lefties to quit trying to destroy or reshape this country into something the people don't want, and the craziness will slow down to a crawl. The real crazies will be dealt with, and the peaceful will go back to being peaceful again, and the guns will fall off of the radar again.

The lefties have started a war, and the people have figured this out finally. The lefties are hiding behind insanity when the crap hits the fan. Either they are causing the problems or they are creating bad reactions to the problems they have created. Otherwise the trails of tears leads back to them.

Wow, the Lefties are just really really bad people, right? Maybe you should come right out and say it, "Everyone that doesn't think exactly like I do should be exterminated". I know you are thinking it. Where have I heard this doctrine before? We have a revolution every 2 and 4 years the American Way. If your way is the way it should be get it into the American Revolution and get the laws changed. Otherwise, openly acting on your wet dreams will not be met well by others. And MOST people will not tolerate it you act your fantasy out.
Like I said, you lefties fall back on insanity, and this is when you have nothing but blabber coming from your mouths when you go insane. No one hates anyone, but people hate it when lefties attempt to change everything the people once believed in, and especially when they try to shove it down their throats by way of rogue judges and politicians that the left corruptly put in place for this very purpose.

The war is being won as the left has been weakened by their own radical bullcrap they have embarked upon in this very conservative country.

Yes, it's mostly conservative, and it still flies the flag proud to the leftist dismay. Take away the leftist media mega horn, and it's celebrities mega horns by convincing the people of how bad they've been duped in all of this, and the left is revealed as to truly how small it really is.

You applying all your fears upon me in that post, just shows the game once again that you on the left love to play, but it ain't working anymore.

I know, I know, why don't the left just back off, and quit trying to tell Americans that everything they ever believed in (including crushing Nazi Germany), was somehow just a glich or aberration in life, and that now you on the left are going to just show everyone how the hippies of the 60's were right, and how the conservatives were all wrong. Good grief.

Stop with the radical bullcrap, and things will get better for all including for those on the left just as well. No one hates anyone.

Let me guess. If I don't 100% agree with everything you say, I should not the right to fly the American Flag. I should not have the right to vote. I should not have the right to hold public office. I should not have the right to openly express my views. Talk about radical.

And to go one step further in your radical suggestions, arm everyone including allowing everyone to have automatic weapons. And anyone not accepting your Caliph shall be labels a criminal and be exterminated or sent to camps for reeducation. Where have I seen this before?

If you want this, please move to Syria and join the radical movements there. The rest of us don't want Syria and other war torn areas by Radicals coming to our homes. If you want it in your home, please relocate where you can do just that. The good news is, at some point, your bunch of radicals will splinter and start killing each other much like the radical militant Muslims in the Middle East. But feel free to set your own country up in a far, far away land and try your experiment.
The fear mongering and insanity of the left is heavy within you. LOL.

How much more bullcrap you gonna come up with in that feeble mind of yours ?

I know, I know, why don't you use the quote function, and go slowly sentence by sentence in order to then see if you can apply your wild desperate assumptions to my words. Listen, save yourself some time on making a nut job of yourself, and try to find some common sense if you got any to use.

Your bunch sure likes to chew on a single bone. But I am free to post any way that I want to. If you don't agree and you find it so distasteful, take it up with the moderators. They could use a big chuckle.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them

I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day

Still got mine and so do a few million others. People like you probably wont' fare as well.

Hey you admitted you have a mental illness PTSD it's on your medical records so you might as well turn your guns in now because pretty soon you'll forget where they are

Unlike you, I have been diagnosed and am able to operate fully without being a threat to society nor myself. You just haven't been diagnosed yet but you are definitely a threat to society. There are millions of us out here. When you think it's time to come collect the weapons of everyone that doesn't agree with you 100% then you can start with me. There are some skill sets to earn PTSD that you won't be prepared for. We are the reason you have the right to mouth off like you do. Don't take it any further than that. As I stated before, we have an American Revolution every 2 and 4 years and we try and do it without bloodshed.

Tell that to the people who want to take guns away from the "mentally ill" AKA YOU
back to the OP.

solutions to gun violence:

1. enforce the laws regarding crimes committed with guns
2. put insane people in safe places where they cant harm themselves or others
3. crack down hard on gangs and gang members in our cities
4. Change our culture of hate and violence as solutions to personal and political differences.
5. Stop the welfare system that has destroyed the black family unit.
6. Teach respect and understanding in the public schools
7. teach personal responsibility in the public schools.
8. allow teachers and school officials to be armed
9. Stop the anti-cop culture
10. Put God back in our public discourse
11. There are some weapons that no private citizen has a need for, bazookas, gattling guns, tanks, anti tank missiles, RPGs, etc. ban ownership of these types of weapons by private citizens------------I think those bans already exist.

Bottom line the problem is cultural, we have always had guns in this country, the mass murder events are relatively recent in the last 20 years or so. What has changed? the rise of liberalism and the fall of personal responsibility.

Thank you for your input. While I disagree with some of it, I agree with most of it. I won't cover what I agree with but I will discuss those that I don't.

2. Sounds good until you learn that we don't know when some are unstable until they go off the deep end. Some can be predicted and often times, the signals are overlooked. Next year, we will finally have on the books where a concerned family member or Cops can petition a Judge to have the dangerous person's guns removed. This falls well within the 14th amendment and the 10th. For some odd reason, the Colorado Republican Senate, last year, was handed a House bill that was voted on by both parties to this affect. The Senate was Republican controlled. The Senate wouldn't even let it get out of committee and it died like many bills do. This is a large reason the Republicans in the Senate are being sent home. At any state level, we can't afford party politics. So I agree with you but with provisions.

5. You can't stop welfare until you stop Corporate Welfare that causes much of it. There are many more Whites on welfare than any other race. And most of those whites are working one and two jobs trying to make ends meet. They have no choice but to get the assistance just to keep the wolf from the front door. And many still aren't making it. If a company cannot afford to pay their workers a living wage, they shouldn't be in business in the first place. What even worse, companies like Walmart and other large corporate business have come up with a novel way to decrease the unemployment numbers. Drop back on full time employees and have more Part Time Employees. In Sep of this year, nation wide, we gained 36,200 jobs and lowered the unemployment rate. But what we also had done is the loss of 26,200 full time jobs at the same time. That means we netted a whole bunch of Part Time Jobs and lost a whole bunch of full time jobs. But, my oh my, the unemployment rate did look better. But I have noticed that you can use SNAP (welfare) to get cash and buy things like Energy Drinks and Soda pop, just to name a few. This practice needs to be stopped. The saving there alone would enable for the present Welfare rate to cost much less. On this one, I disagree. But I do agree we need to clean it up.

8. Although the teachers in this state can be armed, the Teachers Associations and PTAs have decided not to allow it. The Teachers and Parents don't think it is a very good idea. I bow to the educators on this one so we our first total disagree.

10. Although I don't see anything wrong with students making a club out of Religion so they can practice their religion, I do see a problem with this. Who's God are you talking about? What Religion are you talking about? Would you allow practicing Muslims to stop anywhere they want and pray 5 times a day? And what about the Athiests. This can become a problem real fast. You can't exclude one Religion while promoting another. So I have a partial agree on this one.

2. when relatives, employers, teachers, etc identify unusual behavior it should be dealt with BEFORE the person kills someone.

5. There is no such thing as corporate welfare, most of the US taxes collected come from corporations and their employees. But our welfare system today rewards women for have more kids without a husband and punishes her financially if she marrys.

8. Local choice and local responsibility for the results

10, all religions, all Gods, Muslims are already allowed to stop working and pray, but Christians cannot. See the difference?

Happy Holidays.

Sure, that's fine if its what you want to say. Merry Christmas is also fine, so is happy Honukkha, and allah Akbar and praise Buddha, and Vishnu. That's my point, ALL religions, ALL Gods. or none. Just don't tell people how to worship or prevent them from doing as they please
Tell that to the people who want to take guns away from the "mentally ill" AKA YOU

Why in the hell do you want people who are mentally ill to own guns??

I don't I just want the definition not to include people who need help balancing a checkbook

You have a guy here who admits to being diagnosed with PTSD and he still has guns but you're OK with that because he believes in gun control like you do.

And why don't you tell me how to tell if a person is mentally ill if they have never been diagnosed and if you can't get access to their medical records if they have
Pretty simple. If someone is being treated for mental illness they should not have guns.

That's not unreasonable..nor is it a hardship
back to the OP.

solutions to gun violence:

1. enforce the laws regarding crimes committed with guns
2. put insane people in safe places where they cant harm themselves or others
3. crack down hard on gangs and gang members in our cities
4. Change our culture of hate and violence as solutions to personal and political differences.
5. Stop the welfare system that has destroyed the black family unit.
6. Teach respect and understanding in the public schools
7. teach personal responsibility in the public schools.
8. allow teachers and school officials to be armed
9. Stop the anti-cop culture
10. Put God back in our public discourse
11. There are some weapons that no private citizen has a need for, bazookas, gattling guns, tanks, anti tank missiles, RPGs, etc. ban ownership of these types of weapons by private citizens------------I think those bans already exist.

Bottom line the problem is cultural, we have always had guns in this country, the mass murder events are relatively recent in the last 20 years or so. What has changed? the rise of liberalism and the fall of personal responsibility.

Thank you for your input. While I disagree with some of it, I agree with most of it. I won't cover what I agree with but I will discuss those that I don't.

2. Sounds good until you learn that we don't know when some are unstable until they go off the deep end. Some can be predicted and often times, the signals are overlooked. Next year, we will finally have on the books where a concerned family member or Cops can petition a Judge to have the dangerous person's guns removed. This falls well within the 14th amendment and the 10th. For some odd reason, the Colorado Republican Senate, last year, was handed a House bill that was voted on by both parties to this affect. The Senate was Republican controlled. The Senate wouldn't even let it get out of committee and it died like many bills do. This is a large reason the Republicans in the Senate are being sent home. At any state level, we can't afford party politics. So I agree with you but with provisions.

5. You can't stop welfare until you stop Corporate Welfare that causes much of it. There are many more Whites on welfare than any other race. And most of those whites are working one and two jobs trying to make ends meet. They have no choice but to get the assistance just to keep the wolf from the front door. And many still aren't making it. If a company cannot afford to pay their workers a living wage, they shouldn't be in business in the first place. What even worse, companies like Walmart and other large corporate business have come up with a novel way to decrease the unemployment numbers. Drop back on full time employees and have more Part Time Employees. In Sep of this year, nation wide, we gained 36,200 jobs and lowered the unemployment rate. But what we also had done is the loss of 26,200 full time jobs at the same time. That means we netted a whole bunch of Part Time Jobs and lost a whole bunch of full time jobs. But, my oh my, the unemployment rate did look better. But I have noticed that you can use SNAP (welfare) to get cash and buy things like Energy Drinks and Soda pop, just to name a few. This practice needs to be stopped. The saving there alone would enable for the present Welfare rate to cost much less. On this one, I disagree. But I do agree we need to clean it up.

8. Although the teachers in this state can be armed, the Teachers Associations and PTAs have decided not to allow it. The Teachers and Parents don't think it is a very good idea. I bow to the educators on this one so we our first total disagree.

10. Although I don't see anything wrong with students making a club out of Religion so they can practice their religion, I do see a problem with this. Who's God are you talking about? What Religion are you talking about? Would you allow practicing Muslims to stop anywhere they want and pray 5 times a day? And what about the Athiests. This can become a problem real fast. You can't exclude one Religion while promoting another. So I have a partial agree on this one.

2. when relatives, employers, teachers, etc identify unusual behavior it should be dealt with BEFORE the person kills someone.

5. There is no such thing as corporate welfare, most of the US taxes collected come from corporations and their employees. But our welfare system today rewards women for have more kids without a husband and punishes her financially if she marrys.

8. Local choice and local responsibility for the results

10, all religions, all Gods, Muslims are already allowed to stop working and pray, but Christians cannot. See the difference?

Happy Holidays.

Sure, that's fine if its what you want to say. Merry Christmas is also fine, so is happy Honukkha, and allah Akbar and praise Buddha, and Vishnu. That's my point, ALL religions, ALL Gods. or none. Just don't tell people how to worship or prevent them from doing as they please

You are stuck in a box and can't think out of it. Holiday's refer to Federal Holidays which included New Years Day, when used at this time of the year. Happy Holidays has zero religious inference to only Christianity since it is only one religion celebrated at the end of the year, and Kwanzaa and Hanukkah are also. And, BTW, there are sects of Christianity:

  • Catholic Church – 1.285 billion.
  • Protestantism – 920 million.
  • Eastern Orthodox Church – 270 million.
  • Oriental Orthodoxy – 86 million.
  • Restorationism and Nontrinitarianism – 35 million.
  • Independent Catholicism – 18 million.
  • Minor branches – 2 million.
I call that "Common Sense Gun Regulations". Add a couple more and you have something that works and does not cause any bans of private guns.

Let's add a couple more (and watch the gunnutters head explode).

Allow a mentally unbalanced person, through due process, to have his weapons temporarily (or permanently if you will) by a court order if they are found to be a danger to the public or themselves. That was stopped by the Republican Colorado Senate (it was passed by a large margin by both Republican and Democrats in the House) by not allowing it to get out of the senate committee. One person blocked it, the Senate Majority Leader. There was a good chance if it were put to vote, the Senate would have also passed it and the Governor already said he would sign it. Good news, this is one of the many reasons the Colorado Senate is now Democrat Controlled and it's one of the first things on both the house and the senate docket. Look for a NRA million dollar boondoggle challenge in court which they will lose just like all the other things they have lost at when dealing with the State of Colorado.

WE already have Universal Background Checks and limit the Mags to 15 rounds. The rest of your list would also be welcome. Put your suggestions with what we already have and the Mental Health one and that just abut completes the "Common Sense Firearms Regulations".

You'll lose your weapons the first day

Still got mine and so do a few million others. People like you probably wont' fare as well.

Hey you admitted you have a mental illness PTSD it's on your medical records so you might as well turn your guns in now because pretty soon you'll forget where they are

Unlike you, I have been diagnosed and am able to operate fully without being a threat to society nor myself. You just haven't been diagnosed yet but you are definitely a threat to society. There are millions of us out here. When you think it's time to come collect the weapons of everyone that doesn't agree with you 100% then you can start with me. There are some skill sets to earn PTSD that you won't be prepared for. We are the reason you have the right to mouth off like you do. Don't take it any further than that. As I stated before, we have an American Revolution every 2 and 4 years and we try and do it without bloodshed.

Tell that to the people who want to take guns away from the "mentally ill" AKA YOU

Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
On the one hand we're told that "mental health" is the key to gun violence...and then on the other we're told that there's no way to effectively deal with mental health in regards to gun ownership.

Are ya getting the idea that gun huggers don't actually want to solve the problem??
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
Here is the main battle in society that is wrapped up around all of this mess today.

The Demon-crats want a new way of life to include some weird and messed up ways, and in this it has been on a quest to conform society to it's will for decades now. As it has become more closer to reaching it's long term goals, it is running into the last holdouts that are extremely stubborn about giving up it's original American culture that it has worked so hard to perfect over the many, many years that it had been working on that culture. It was becoming a culture of inclusion until the liberal Demon-crats began to run it off of the rails. Ok, so you have a volital mixture that has brought many cultures to a cross roads finally. Now we see all the jockeying for position going on by the various cultures whom want to retain and carve out their way of life in this grand puzzle that has become the new splintering of America.

The Demon-crats want it all, and they want inclusion at any cost. This means they must control this thing in order to force inclusion regardless of what their demands of inclusion is to include. Any resistance in their minds must be crushed, and if guns are included in that strategy, then they will fight on to get control of that area as well.

Now we see the fracturing of America being orchastrated by the left in order to get it's way at any cost. The left will Allie itself to even the enemies of freedom in order to reach it's ultimate goal. This is why we are witnessing what we have been witnessing in all of this.

The left must destroy the Christian religion or make it so small that it will become a non-factor in the powers of this nation in the future. A secular nation complete is what they want, and it is what they must achieve to reach their ultimate goals in life.

Now just sit back and watch as it all continues to unfold.
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On the one hand we're told that "mental health" is the key to gun violence...and then on the other we're told that there's no way to effectively deal with mental health in regards to gun ownership.

Are ya getting the idea that gun huggers don't actually want to solve the problem??
I have the answer for you. I have said this answer repeatedly, but you refuse to hear it, so let me try a different approach.

Everyone wants to eliminate the conditions that make mass shootings so deadly. "Mental Health" is subjective and difficult to catch, much less put to use without due process. So, that is not guaranteed to have much of an effect at all.

What is the common condition of all mass shootings that we can eliminate right now that has a real opportunity to make sure mass shooters do not go on a spree uncontested?







On the one hand we're told that "mental health" is the key to gun violence...and then on the other we're told that there's no way to effectively deal with mental health in regards to gun ownership.

Are ya getting the idea that gun huggers don't actually want to solve the problem??

There really isn't any good way to effectively deal with the mental healthy regarding gun ownership. Never was, not now and never will be. The only thing we can do in minimize the problem the best we can. There are no absolutes here. But we have to keep trying.
Newsflash folks

Sensible gun regs

Universal background checks...on every gun purchase (currently more than 1 in 5 purchases are outside of that...over 5 million a year)

Ban anyone on the no fly list from owning guns

Assault weapons ban (we had one and the sky didn't fall)

Bump stock and trigger mechanism bad

Hi cap magazine ban

Virtually every sane person supports those but the NRA owned Republicans fight every one of them
Shit for brains...

Universal background checks(dog whistle) = firearm registration therefore unconstitutional

Make the no fly lists better and more accurate

ARs and the like are not so called “assault weapons”... they are just sporting rifles. A ban on firearm is a ban on all of them. Another dog whistle

I don’t give two shits about bump stocks they are just a gimmick, a string or rubber band can be used for the same result. I could barely Sell bump stocks till you nutters lit your hair in fire after the fact.
Trigger mechanisms? What the fuck are you talking about? Lol

Magazine ban? What will that accomplish? It have been proven size does not matter... when it comes to magazines.

None of them make any real sense, it’s just control freaks like yourself want to control people that disagree with you. So shut the fuck up

Speaking of Ordure for a Cranium, you keep changing the term and meaning of Universal Background Checks (meaning every sale) to mean Universal Registration (meaning, registering people by name). FAKE NEWS!!!

There is nothing wrong with the no fly lists. If you are on it by mistake, it's very simple to get off of it. Just prove it's not you with your ID. You are just trying to find a way to stay within the NRA doctrine. I guess the NRA thinks that their real masters (the gun industry) might miss a sale or two.

Bump Stocks makes even the stupid able to fire an AR like a Model M-16A-1. Even our Military don't have those. Smart people might find a way around it but stupid people should never be afforded help to be stupid.

As for Mag Size, the number one mag size for a mass shooting is a 30 round mag and it really doesn't matter what semi auto weapon is used. It's been the 9mm semi auto rifle with the 32 shot mag, the AR with the 30, 50 or 100 round mag, even the 45 with the 30 round. It's the mag size of the well fashioned and dressed Mass Shooter. You want to stop mass shooting, remove the tools they use and the Cult dies with it. It's not like you need a bazzillion shots to bag a ground hog. I only need one. Or it's not like you are going to corner a Deer in a warehouse armed with a Bazooka. For a Deer, I need only one. If I need more, I don't take the shot. I am not out there to slaughter animals. I am out there to bag game.
Here is the main battle in society that is wrapped up around all of this mess today.

The Demon-crats want a new way of life to include some weird and messed up ways, and in this it has been on a quest to conform society to it's will for decades now. As it has become more closer to reaching it's long term goals, it is running into the last holdouts that are extremely stubborn about giving up it's original American culture that it has worked so hard to perfect over the many, many years that it had been working on that culture. It was becoming a culture of inclusion until the liberal Demon-crats began to run it off of the rails. Ok, so you have a volital mixture that has brought many cultures to a cross roads finally. Now we see all the jockeying for position going on by the various cultures whom want to retain and carve out their way of life in this grand puzzle that has become the new splintering of America.

The Demon-crats want it all, and they want inclusion at any cost. This means they must control this thing in order to force inclusion regardless of what their demands of inclusion is to include. Any resistance in their minds must be crushed, and if guns are included in that strategy, then they will fight on to get control of that area as well.

Now we see the fracturing of America being orchastrated by the left in order to get it's way at any cost. The left will Allie itself to even the enemies of freedom in order to reach it's ultimate goal. This is why we are witnessing what we have been witnessing in all of this.

The left must destroy the Christian religion or make it so small that it will become a non-factor in the powers of this nation in the future. A secular nation complete is what they want, and it is what they must achieve to reach their ultimate goals in life.

Now just sit back and watch as it all continues to unfold.


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