What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

i forget the numbers breakdown . But whatever they are they only show that the cops and homeowners , Concealed Carry People are doing good work all over the USA as they shoot all the right people . And the suicide people would only use pills or rope if they didn't have a gun Lesh .

Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue
You're both wrong

only about 250 pieces of shit are killed in self defense scenarios.

Which is proof that civilian gun owners are far more likely to not fire a gun to deter or stop a crime and in fact demonstrates an amazing level of restraint on the part of the millions of gun owners in this country

There is enough that have shot too fast, shot too slow or not shot at all. The average citizen does not have the training for anything else. As a gun owner, some of your buddies think I would shoot too fast. Actually, as long as it's just money, I won't even draw my weapon. Let the thing stay in control and the bad guy get's his whopping 36 or 600 buck booty and no one has to die. Pulling that weapon changes all that. Someone or Someones will die that day. By not pulling the weapon while the situation is still under control (even if the bad guy is in control) people are less likely to die if the bad guy doesn't feel threatened and he is promptly give the money. But if it goes beyond that, I will pull my weapons and kill the SOB without hesitation. He won't get another chance to discharge that weapon. he made the choice that someone or someones had to die today. Whether I give a warning depends on the situation. If he has already discharged that weapon and was just firing a warning shot, he gets one warning with me holding my gun. If he shoots someone then no warning, poll my weapon and kill him before he gets the chance to kill me or more civilians. But as long as it's about money and the situation is under control, he gets away with the money and no one needs to die today. The decision to shoot or not is taken completely out of my hands and is the onus of the bad guy and it requires no thinking on my part. But to just pull your weapon and shout a warning means he may just shoot the store owner. And since he shot the store owner, he will have to compunction to shoot everyone else even the totally unarmed people.
i forget the numbers breakdown . But whatever they are they only show that the cops and homeowners , Concealed Carry People are doing good work all over the USA as they shoot all the right people . And the suicide people would only use pills or rope if they didn't have a gun Lesh .

Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue
You're both wrong

only about 250 pieces of shit are killed in self defense scenarios.

Which is proof that civilian gun owners are far more likely to not fire a gun to deter or stop a crime and in fact demonstrates an amazing level of restraint on the part of the millions of gun owners in this country

There is enough that have shot too fast, shot too slow or not shot at all. The average citizen does not have the training for anything else. As a gun owner, some of your buddies think I would shoot too fast. Actually, as long as it's just money, I won't even draw my weapon. Let the thing stay in control and the bad guy get's his whopping 36 or 600 buck booty and no one has to die. Pulling that weapon changes all that. Someone or Someones will die that day. By not pulling the weapon while the situation is still under control (even if the bad guy is in control) people are less likely to die if the bad guy doesn't feel threatened and he is promptly give the money. But if it goes beyond that, I will pull my weapons and kill the SOB without hesitation. He won't get another chance to discharge that weapon. he made the choice that someone or someones had to die today. Whether I give a warning depends on the situation. If he has already discharged that weapon and was just firing a warning shot, he gets one warning with me holding my gun. If he shoots someone then no warning, poll my weapon and kill him before he gets the chance to kill me or more civilians. But as long as it's about money and the situation is under control, he gets away with the money and no one needs to die today. The decision to shoot or not is taken completely out of my hands and is the onus of the bad guy and it requires no thinking on my part. But to just pull your weapon and shout a warning means he may just shoot the store owner. And since he shot the store owner, he will have to compunction to shoot everyone else even the totally unarmed people.

Carrying a weapon does not make one a temporary law enforcement officer. If your life is in jeopardy, that's when you need to pull out your gun.

When you use deadly force to protect others, you're chancing that what you are seeing is not what it seems to be. For instance, you see a big guy on top of a woman holding her down while she's struggling and screaming. You shoot him only later to find out the woman he was holding down was his wife, and he was trying to prevent her from harming herself while she was having a seizure.
It is completely alright with me if you don’t buy a firearm, it is also none of your business if I do. Liberals are too stupid to own a firearm and most are too stupid to drive. Your arguments are completely without merit your statistics are lies and your attempts to force your control on the law abiding gun owners of this country won’t work so get a tanto and go to your room,

Lol, I have to agree with you there. I can't tell you how many times I seen a driver do something completely stupid, and they had an Obama or Kerry sticker on their bumper.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

I would object to it because Democrats would make it political like they do everything else. Their utopia is to have everybody disarmed, so they would start creating new laws to do just that under the Mental Health provision.
So this is specifically a Republican thing? What is the dim solution? I haven’t heard one. I’m sure we could just simplify things, and go door to door and confiscate everyone’s guns. Or just say no like how we cured the drug problem. Oh, we haven’t. Let me know what you decide.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking

So is mine, and I never blamed the gun. In fact I carry my gun when I go to the bank or anytime after dark.
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking

So is mine, and I never blamed the gun. In fact I carry my gun when I go to the bank or anytime after dark.
But, you're not a Hoplophobe.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

NH has slightly more than 1mil population in the whole state. So it has a fourth the annual gun crime rate. Sounds good until you link the two together and come up with the violent crimes versus the population. CA has well over 10 million people. That means that you have more of a chance to die by criminal gun in NH than CA. You keep leaving out the rest of the story.

The RATE is what matters not the actual number of crimes themselves

All I ever talk about is the MURDER RATE because that is the only metric that matters

SO go back to 8th grade and learn about ratios and rates

I can always tell when you have given up. You turn to just insults. At least there are some type of argument (no matter how silly) mixed in with your arguments in the beginning. But when you switch to just insults then I know your just got handed your ass once again.

You're the one who can't seem to understand the difference between murder rates and the actual number of murders committed in a state or a country for that matter

and you couldn't beat me in an argument if I had both halves of my brain tied behind my back.

The map clearly shows how concentrated murders in this country are and it is these very small pockets of violence that skew the rate for the entire country

But once again you really don't give a shit about the murder rate as much as you do pushing your gun control agenda
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

Why lefty children need the Gov to solve all of their "problems"?
i forget the numbers breakdown . But whatever they are they only show that the cops and homeowners , Concealed Carry People are doing good work all over the USA as they shoot all the right people . And the suicide people would only use pills or rope if they didn't have a gun Lesh .

Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue
You're both wrong

only about 250 pieces of shit are killed in self defense scenarios.

Which is proof that civilian gun owners are far more likely to not fire a gun to deter or stop a crime and in fact demonstrates an amazing level of restraint on the part of the millions of gun owners in this country

There is enough that have shot too fast, shot too slow or not shot at all. The average citizen does not have the training for anything else. As a gun owner, some of your buddies think I would shoot too fast. Actually, as long as it's just money, I won't even draw my weapon. Let the thing stay in control and the bad guy get's his whopping 36 or 600 buck booty and no one has to die. Pulling that weapon changes all that. Someone or Someones will die that day. By not pulling the weapon while the situation is still under control (even if the bad guy is in control) people are less likely to die if the bad guy doesn't feel threatened and he is promptly give the money. But if it goes beyond that, I will pull my weapons and kill the SOB without hesitation. He won't get another chance to discharge that weapon. he made the choice that someone or someones had to die today. Whether I give a warning depends on the situation. If he has already discharged that weapon and was just firing a warning shot, he gets one warning with me holding my gun. If he shoots someone then no warning, poll my weapon and kill him before he gets the chance to kill me or more civilians. But as long as it's about money and the situation is under control, he gets away with the money and no one needs to die today. The decision to shoot or not is taken completely out of my hands and is the onus of the bad guy and it requires no thinking on my part. But to just pull your weapon and shout a warning means he may just shoot the store owner. And since he shot the store owner, he will have to compunction to shoot everyone else even the totally unarmed people.

You like to assume a lot of shit don't you?
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep
The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Why in the HELL would you want people getting treatment for mental illness to have guns????

The NRA doesn't care....they just lust for guns....and they have the perfect mindless stooge in the WH....
i forget the numbers breakdown . But whatever they are they only show that the cops and homeowners , Concealed Carry People are doing good work all over the USA as they shoot all the right people . And the suicide people would only use pills or rope if they didn't have a gun Lesh .

Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue
You're both wrong

only about 250 pieces of shit are killed in self defense scenarios.

Which is proof that civilian gun owners are far more likely to not fire a gun to deter or stop a crime and in fact demonstrates an amazing level of restraint on the part of the millions of gun owners in this country

There is enough that have shot too fast, shot too slow or not shot at all. The average citizen does not have the training for anything else. As a gun owner, some of your buddies think I would shoot too fast. Actually, as long as it's just money, I won't even draw my weapon. Let the thing stay in control and the bad guy get's his whopping 36 or 600 buck booty and no one has to die. Pulling that weapon changes all that. Someone or Someones will die that day. By not pulling the weapon while the situation is still under control (even if the bad guy is in control) people are less likely to die if the bad guy doesn't feel threatened and he is promptly give the money. But if it goes beyond that, I will pull my weapons and kill the SOB without hesitation. He won't get another chance to discharge that weapon. he made the choice that someone or someones had to die today. Whether I give a warning depends on the situation. If he has already discharged that weapon and was just firing a warning shot, he gets one warning with me holding my gun. If he shoots someone then no warning, poll my weapon and kill him before he gets the chance to kill me or more civilians. But as long as it's about money and the situation is under control, he gets away with the money and no one needs to die today. The decision to shoot or not is taken completely out of my hands and is the onus of the bad guy and it requires no thinking on my part. But to just pull your weapon and shout a warning means he may just shoot the store owner. And since he shot the store owner, he will have to compunction to shoot everyone else even the totally unarmed people.

Carrying a weapon does not make one a temporary law enforcement officer. If your life is in jeopardy, that's when you need to pull out your gun.

When you use deadly force to protect others, you're chancing that what you are seeing is not what it seems to be. For instance, you see a big guy on top of a woman holding her down while she's struggling and screaming. You shoot him only later to find out the woman he was holding down was his wife, and he was trying to prevent her from harming herself while she was having a seizure.

You mean like the Security Guard that was keeping a shooter from shooting up the place and the Cops blow him away?
The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep
The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Why in the HELL would you want people getting treatment for mental illness to have guns????

The NRA doesn't care....they just lust for guns....and they have the perfect mindless stooge in the WH....

They don't lust for guns. They lust for existance. And in order for them to exist, they need sponsors. Most of the money coming is from Sponsors. The Dues paying Members think their dues of 25 bucks a year means something. It does. It means that those dues payers are about the best PR machine ever assembled. But the real reason is, the bulk of the money for them to operate like they have in the past is from Sponsors like Colt, SW, Ruger, etc.. The NRA can't get into politics but they have created a subwing that can and does take hefty Corporate Money in. This is the one gives huge "Donations" to the Political Coffers and hires the lawyers to sue any state or city or.... that may diminish the "Sponsors" in any way. The NRA is a PR agency working for people that sell guns. It's just business. I can think of any number of PR firms that operate exactly the same way for a mulitude of non firearm products. The only real difference is, the normal PR firm is NOT considered a 501(c)(3) non profit like the NRA is. The PR firm has to announce where there money to do the PR and such comes from. The NRA doesn't. But, rest assured, much of it comes from the Arms manufacturers.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

I would object to it because Democrats would make it political like they do everything else. Their utopia is to have everybody disarmed, so they would start creating new laws to do just that under the Mental Health provision.

It's not political. Just by your own paragraph you make it about politics.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man

All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
1% of all murder occurs in mass shootings even if "most of them" were suicides as Lesh claims we are talking about less than 1% of mass shooters being suicidal

So you think mass shooting simply isn't something we should ever worry about?

Newsflash...parents who love their kids think about mass shootings every time they send their kids off to school..or drop them off at a movie or the mall...
1% of all murder occurs in mass shootings even if "most of them" were suicides as Lesh claims we are talking about less than 1% of mass shooters being suicidal

So you think mass shooting simply isn't something we should ever worry about?

Newsflash...parents who love their kids think about mass shootings every time they send their kids off to school..or drop them off at a movie or the mall...
------------------------------------- yeah , i don't worry about it and i had widdle kids and Grandkids . Zhit happens and the FEW school or mass shootings is the price we American pay for the Freedom to own guns . Same thing with cars and car deaths Lesh .

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