What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

yeah , i don't worry about it and i had widdle kids and Grandkids . Zhit happens and the FEW school or mass shootings is the price we American pay for the Freedom to own guns . Same thing with cars and car deaths Lesh .

I said "people who love their kids". Obviously that leaves you out
Let's start out with......NHs capital population is only 109K and it's the largest town/city in the state. There are a ton of small towns, really small towns that make up NH. Pretty much, the whole state is considered Rural. So your Capital city is the only one with enough population where it would require very many gun regulations. And you have noted that it has pockets of crime around the capital. Hmm, where I live, we have about the same population and we are surrounded by a couple of hundred miles of rural in any direction. We have a few pockets of crime. And our total murder rate is right around 7.

Now on for the fun. Let's compare the violent crime since there really isn't an figures I can find that just covers violent crime by gun only. Using 2017, Ca had about 450 violent crimes. NH has 199. But when you take into the equation the population, NH has almost 50 times the violent crimes than CA does per capita. You are more likely to be murdered in NH than CA.

You gun crazies just keep making it up as you go. No wonder more and more states are adopting some forms of Firearms Regulations or outright banning.

Really? California had "about" 450 violent crimes in 2017. You're joking, right?

Violent Crimes 2015
State . . . . . . .Population . . . . Violent Crimes . . . .Violent Crimes Per 10,000
California . . . 39,144,818 . . . . . .166,883 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43

New Jersey . . .8,958,013 . . . . . . .22,879 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26

Violent Crime statistics by state | Interactive Crime Map 2017
1% of all murder occurs in mass shootings even if "most of them" were suicides as Lesh claims we are talking about less than 1% of mass shooters being suicidal

So you think mass shooting simply isn't something we should ever worry about?

Newsflash...parents who love their kids think about mass shootings every time they send their kids off to school..or drop them off at a movie or the mall...

I doubt any parents worry about that. You have a better chance at getting struck by lightning than being a victim of a mass shooting.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man
Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.

It's been going on in nearly every administration probably since you were born.
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Strange how poverty did not radically raise the crime rate during the Great Depression.

As for Alaska. If you had committed a serious crime or several crimes and you REALLY wanted to drop off the grid. Where would be a great place to go? Another reason for violence in Alaska is the fact that North of the Arctic Circle it is dark, 24 hours a day for 67 days in the winter and it is never dark for about 80 days in the Summer. Such darkness, cold and being shut in has major psychological effects. In more Southern cities, the darkness and light amount to about 20 hours per day.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

I would object to it because Democrats would make it political like they do everything else. Their utopia is to have everybody disarmed, so they would start creating new laws to do just that under the Mental Health provision.

It's not political. Just by your own paragraph you make it about politics.

No, it's like Rush Limbaugh always says "Folks, I know liberals like I know my own glorious naked body."

Liberals have proven themselves to be not trustworthy time after time. You can predict what they will do next.

They turned the Wellstone funeral into politics for crying out loud. They turned our own FBI into politics. They turned our healthcare into politics. They turned the nomination of a fine judge into politics. They make everything about politics.

DumBama made a policy where if an old person under care who can't make out a check (as discussed earlier) was mentally unfit to own a firearm; as if they would be able to use one.

So down the road if we ever came up with a mental health policy, it will be bastardized by liberals. Because who gets to decide who is mentally capable or not capable of owning a firearm? Whoever is in charge at the time.

Then what you would have is a bunch of people in need of mental help, and they'll be afraid to get that help because they don't want to be put on the Democrats black list; people who need help for anxiety, OCD, depression, marriage counseling, anything you may need help for.
yeah , i don't worry about it and i had widdle kids and Grandkids . Zhit happens and the FEW school or mass shootings is the price we American pay for the Freedom to own guns . Same thing with cars and car deaths Lesh .

I said "people who love their kids". Obviously that leaves you out
------------------------------------ i take a chance and all the time i take that chance i realize the --- zhit happens , there are NO guarantees of a long life Lesh .
1% of all murder occurs in mass shootings even if "most of them" were suicides as Lesh claims we are talking about less than 1% of mass shooters being suicidal

So you think mass shooting simply isn't something we should ever worry about?

Newsflash...parents who love their kids think about mass shootings every time they send their kids off to school..or drop them off at a movie or the mall...

News Flash, no we don't.
You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep
The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Why in the HELL would you want people getting treatment for mental illness to have guns????

The NRA doesn't care....they just lust for guns....and they have the perfect mindless stooge in the WH....

They don't lust for guns. They lust for existance. And in order for them to exist, they need sponsors. Most of the money coming is from Sponsors. The Dues paying Members think their dues of 25 bucks a year means something. It does. It means that those dues payers are about the best PR machine ever assembled. But the real reason is, the bulk of the money for them to operate like they have in the past is from Sponsors like Colt, SW, Ruger, etc.. The NRA can't get into politics but they have created a subwing that can and does take hefty Corporate Money in. This is the one gives huge "Donations" to the Political Coffers and hires the lawyers to sue any state or city or.... that may diminish the "Sponsors" in any way. The NRA is a PR agency working for people that sell guns. It's just business. I can think of any number of PR firms that operate exactly the same way for a mulitude of non firearm products. The only real difference is, the normal PR firm is NOT considered a 501(c)(3) non profit like the NRA is. The PR firm has to announce where there money to do the PR and such comes from. The NRA doesn't. But, rest assured, much of it comes from the Arms manufacturers.

The NRA contributes about a million dollars every other year to the Republicans. That's an average of about 600K per year. That's hardly any major buying power at all.

National Rifle Assn: Total Contributions | OpenSecrets
Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue

Regarding your claim about suicide.

If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?
If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?

I never said guns cause suicides. There are many reasons for suicides.

But guns make them VERY final

And probably because of the lack of guns in those countries...suicides don't turn into mass killings NEARLY as often as here
Strange how poverty did not radically raise the crime rate during the Great Depression.

My father could tell you stories about when he was a kid that could make you cry. He and his five siblings lived in a house about the size of a three car garage with no running water. They were on welfare, but welfare back then meant pulling your red wagon five miles so the fire station and they filled it with fruits and vegetables. They had an outhouse in the back which wasn't too bad in the summer, but winters here in the Cleveland area are brutal. If you had to go in the middle of a night during a snow storm, you really had to go.

My father joined the military just so he could get three square meals a day; something he seldom had at home. His brothers did the same. However he and his five siblings never seen a day in prison. Most of them became productive citizens and a few had their own businesses. My one Uncle was a drunk, but he worked here and there. He had some problems, but never on the outside with the law.
Yeas....making it personal.

Millions of Americans live with the results of gun suicide...and to them it is VERY personal

What does suicide have to do with the topic of this thread?
If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?

I never said guns cause suicides. There are many reasons for suicides.

But guns make them VERY final

And probably because of the lack of guns in those countries...suicides don't turn into mass killings NEARLY as often as here

I never said guns cause suicides either. You're dodging my question. Here it is again.

"If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?"

Do those countries have millions of guns among the civilian population?

What does this have to do with the topic of this thread?
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Strange how poverty did not radically raise the crime rate during the Great Depression.

As for Alaska. If you had committed a serious crime or several crimes and you REALLY wanted to drop off the grid. Where would be a great place to go? Another reason for violence in Alaska is the fact that North of the Arctic Circle it is dark, 24 hours a day for 67 days in the winter and it is never dark for about 80 days in the Summer. Such darkness, cold and being shut in has major psychological effects. In more Southern cities, the darkness and light amount to about 20 hours per day.
Add THAT to the never ending list of shit you got wrong


Crime rates spikes at the beginning of the Depression and fell off as it subsided.

It was also the era of gangsters and the rise of the Mafia
"If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?"

Hey dumbfuk. You're claiming that I am claiming that guns cause suicides ( If what you say is true) . I am NOT. I'm saying that guns make suicides far more FINAL and are the root of most mass shootings.
"If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?"

Hey dumbfuk. You're claiming that I am claiming that guns cause suicides ( If what you say is true) . I am NOT. I'm saying that guns make suicides far more FINAL and are the root of most mass shootings.

So do cars, knives, drugs and baseball bats. Tough shit.
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Strange how poverty did not radically raise the crime rate during the Great Depression.

As for Alaska. If you had committed a serious crime or several crimes and you REALLY wanted to drop off the grid. Where would be a great place to go? Another reason for violence in Alaska is the fact that North of the Arctic Circle it is dark, 24 hours a day for 67 days in the winter and it is never dark for about 80 days in the Summer. Such darkness, cold and being shut in has major psychological effects. In more Southern cities, the darkness and light amount to about 20 hours per day.
Add THAT to the never ending list of shit you got wrong


Crime rates spikes at the beginning of the Depression and fell off as it subsided.

It was also the era of gangsters and the rise of the Mafia

Most of those people were foreigners with little education to make money. Today is a different story. Besides our social programs, we have education for people to advance in life.
"If what you say is true, why then do South Korea, India, Belgium, Japan, and Finland have HIGHER suicide rates, along with 29 other countries, than the United States?"

Hey dumbfuk. You're claiming that I am claiming that guns cause suicides ( If what you say is true) . I am NOT. I'm saying that guns make suicides far more FINAL and are the root of most mass shootings.

A person who wants to kill themselves will find a way. The people who attempt suicide don't want to kill themselves, they are just looking for help using sympathy.

You can remove every gun in the country, and it won't change our suicide rate.

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