What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

False dichotomy

You assume having a gun will result in him losing his son.

Millions of parents own guns and have not lost a son

That's not at all what I am saying

He's claiming that suicide should not be a part of the gun discussion. That's bullshit. It is a big part of the discussion

Suicide attempts with guns are almost always FINAL.

Non gun suicide attempts are only successful half the time. That's a BIG difference

Suicide is not relevant because suicide is a choice not a crime.
Suicide is not relevant because suicide is a choice not a crime.


It's a dead person...almost 100% of the time when a gun is used...not so when one isn't.

And you ignore the fact that suicide is an aggressive act. Often times suicides take other people with them

In fact most mass shootings are actually suicides

So yea...suicides are part of the gun discussion
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
sensible to me and sensible to you are 2 different things as i say , 'Shall not be Infringed' Lesh .
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep
The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Why in the HELL would you want people getting treatment for mental illness to have guns????
mass shooting are a very small number of shootings per year and are the price paid to have the FREEDOM to own and use guns Lesh .
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

So I am demanding to take all the guns, right? You sure do like to lie. Liars such as you should be deemed unstable to own guns at all since the Mentally Ill should be monitored closely according to one of your other supporters.

If you had any reading comprehension at all you would see that I did not quote you when writing that response I was responding to Lesh

So why don't you slow down and follow along the text with your finger as you read you can even move your lips if you have to. No one will judge you

My organization has been instructed to purchase a black chopper, all black clothing and really mean black guns (not the AR Toys) and await the arrival of the Black Government Contract. We are coming for your guns. Please tag them and keep them neat and clean. We know a South American Rebel group that will end up with them and do not wish to offend them with dirty guns and lousy ammo.
Suicide is not relevant because suicide is a choice not a crime.


It's a dead person...almost 100% of the time when a gun is used...not so when one isn't.

And you ignore the fact that suicide is an aggressive act. Often times suicides take other people with them

In fact most mass shootings are actually suicides

So yea...suicides are part of the gun discussion

You are correct. Suicide IS a crime. If you get caught and you didn't succeed then you are tried for your crime. If you are successful it's a bit hard to prosecute at that point. But, yes, it's a crime.
Suicide is not relevant because suicide is a choice not a crime.


It's a dead person...almost 100% of the time when a gun is used...not so when one isn't.

And you ignore the fact that suicide is an aggressive act. Often times suicides take other people with them

In fact most mass shootings are actually suicides

So yea...suicides are part of the gun discussion

How often do suicides take other people with them and FYI that's called murder

and where is the link to substantiate your claim that most mass shootings are suicides?

You may not think so but a person has the absolute right to choose whether or not e lives or dies and it's not your place to tell a person otherwise
Suicide is not relevant because suicide is a choice not a crime.


It's a dead person...almost 100% of the time when a gun is used...not so when one isn't.

And you ignore the fact that suicide is an aggressive act. Often times suicides take other people with them

In fact most mass shootings are actually suicides

So yea...suicides are part of the gun discussion

You are correct. Suicide IS a crime. If you get caught and you didn't succeed then you are tried for your crime. If you are successful it's a bit hard to prosecute at that point. But, yes, it's a crime.
Suicide is NOT a crime

and when was the last person tried for attempted suicide and found guilty of a crime
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

So I am demanding to take all the guns, right? You sure do like to lie. Liars such as you should be deemed unstable to own guns at all since the Mentally Ill should be monitored closely according to one of your other supporters.

If you had any reading comprehension at all you would see that I did not quote you when writing that response I was responding to Lesh

So why don't you slow down and follow along the text with your finger as you read you can even move your lips if you have to. No one will judge you

My organization has been instructed to purchase a black chopper, all black clothing and really mean black guns (not the AR Toys) and await the arrival of the Black Government Contract. We are coming for your guns. Please tag them and keep them neat and clean. We know a South American Rebel group that will end up with them and do not wish to offend them with dirty guns and lousy ammo.

the incoherent babbling of a feeble old man
mass shooting are a very small number of shootings per year and are the price paid to have the FREEDOM to own and use guns Lesh .
1% of all murder occurs in mass shootings even if "most of them" were suicides as Lesh claims we are talking about less than 1% of mass shooters being suicidal
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep
The measure sought to block some people with severe mental health problems from buying guns.

Why in the HELL would you want people getting treatment for mental illness to have guns????

So you think people who need a little help balancing their checkbooks are mentally ill?
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.
There was a time [the 50's] when we had less gun control and no real liberal threat, then came the 60's and the liberal establishment, mass shootings [schools in particular] are just one of many diseases of liberalism...so the answer, do whatever it was we were doing prior to the 60's, simple as that.

You missed the whole thing. In the last part of the 19th century, the US was about as Socialist as it could get. During both world wars, it was completely socialist. The United States has a tendency to move from mostly Socialism and some Corporatism to mostly corporatism to some socialism. The reason it swings like that is both in it's purest form destroys your country as a Federal Republic. One takes too much freedom by the individual and shifts it to the government while the other takes away too much freedom and shifts it to the Corporations. While you are yelling "Socialism Bad" you should be aware that we need some parts of Socialism for the community's good but not enough to stifle Capitalism.

When the US was young, there were no public roads outside of cities. So you own a place and want a road to travel that 2 miles to the city limits. You grab your shovel, pick and hitch up the horses pulling the drag and you made it;. That was YOUR road. You owned it. Capitalism worked great. But as time goes by, your neighbor 4 miles from town decides he wants a road as well. He grabs his shovel, pick and hitches up his horses pulling a drag and builds a road that links with yours. He owns HIS 2 miles of road but he doesn't own yours. He asks to use your road and you tell him he can. Things are working just fine. Now, the neighbors further up all want their 2 miles of roads to link up with the other roads. All of a sudden, you have what you feel is excessive traffic on your road. They are leaving ruts. So you put up a sign that explains "This is a private Road and you are Trespassing". Then you back it up with force if necessary. Guess what. Capitalism just failed. In order to bring commerce and civility, the State or County comes in and buys or just takes your road from you using imminent domain and they do that for the whole 2 mile sections of road. The government now must maintain it. This means that all of the Farmers can get their wares to the city to the Farmers Market quickly and easily. This brings in more money. But now, the Government wants to tax you so they can keep the road maintained. Welcome to Socialism. But you still own your farm and the goods you transport get to the farmers market cheaply, and your veggies are fresh as well as your Eggs and Milk. Of course, one farmer may take exception to this because he's crazy. Without that road, he would not make nearly as large a profit at the Farmers Market.
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Hey douchebag...I own guns.

I have owned guns my whole life.

I'm not taking away ANY "freedoms" I just want sensible gun regulations
I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

NH has slightly more than 1mil population in the whole state. So it has a fourth the annual gun crime rate. Sounds good until you link the two together and come up with the violent crimes versus the population. CA has well over 10 million people. That means that you have more of a chance to die by criminal gun in NH than CA. You keep leaving out the rest of the story.

The RATE is what matters not the actual number of crimes themselves

All I ever talk about is the MURDER RATE because that is the only metric that matters

SO go back to 8th grade and learn about ratios and rates

I can always tell when you have given up. You turn to just insults. At least there are some type of argument (no matter how silly) mixed in with your arguments in the beginning. But when you switch to just insults then I know your just got handed your ass once again.
It is completely alright with me if you don’t buy a firearm, it is also none of your business if I do. Liberals are too stupid to own a firearm and most are too stupid to drive. Your arguments are completely without merit your statistics are lies and your attempts to force your control on the law abiding gun owners of this country won’t work so get a tanto and go to your room,
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

So I am demanding to take all the guns, right? You sure do like to lie. Liars such as you should be deemed unstable to own guns at all since the Mentally Ill should be monitored closely according to one of your other supporters.

If you had any reading comprehension at all you would see that I did not quote you when writing that response I was responding to Lesh

So why don't you slow down and follow along the text with your finger as you read you can even move your lips if you have to. No one will judge you

My organization has been instructed to purchase a black chopper, all black clothing and really mean black guns (not the AR Toys) and await the arrival of the Black Government Contract. We are coming for your guns. Please tag them and keep them neat and clean. We know a South American Rebel group that will end up with them and do not wish to offend them with dirty guns and lousy ammo.

the incoherent babbling of a feeble old man
------------------------------------------ sure seems that way Skull .

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