What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

i discount suiciders totally and you discount CCW people so thats cool . So someone is shooting people and i trust the cops for the most part to shoot the right people plus i trust homeowners shooting the right people in self defense . --------------------- so who is left that is shooting people to come up with about 33 thousand gun deaths a year Lesh ??
You "discount" suicides?

How big of you.

I wonder if you would be so dismissive if a loved one had used a gun to blow their brains out
---------------------------------- as YOU appeal to EMOTION eh Lesh .
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .
dude, relax, the stupid fk doesn't even know he spit at his own conclusion. he says only 6% of suicides are done with a gun. that means 94% are done by other means so his option doesn't do a fking thing. It's a completely useless statement he made. His stats are crushed by his own statement.
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking
So answer me this, what is the tool used by the majority that commit suicides stat man.
i discount suiciders totally and you discount CCW people so thats cool . So someone is shooting people and i trust the cops for the most part to shoot the right people plus i trust homeowners shooting the right people in self defense . --------------------- so who is left that is shooting people to come up with about 33 thousand gun deaths a year Lesh ??
You "discount" suicides?

How big of you.

I wonder if you would be so dismissive if a loved one had used a gun to blow their brains out
---------------------------------- as YOU appeal to EMOTION eh Lesh .
no because he's defending the gun. most people don't use guns to kill themselves. He obviously doesn't care about suicides cause he isn't looking to outlaw the tool most used.
you just said guns only account for 6% of all suicides. those people will still commit suicide. Removing the gun changes nothing.

You fucking idiot.

Those 6% of suicides that occur with guns are FINAL. They account for half of all successful suicides.

That means that only half of the remaining 94% of suicide attempts are successful.

Really. Stop talking. This isn't some abstract argument about philosophy. This is life and death
Republicans solutions to everything is the same ol' same ol'.

They see putting out a fire by adding gasoline.

Then they see the people burning up as ungrateful. Why are they screaming?
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking
---------------------------------------------- making it personal eh ?? Course a simple 'feck you' should work on YOU as you may think you rate Special Treatment eh Lesh ??
you just said guns only account for 6% of all suicides. those people will still commit suicide. Removing the gun changes nothing.

You fucking idiot.

Those 6% of suicides that occur with guns are FINAL. They account for half of all successful suicides.

That means that only half of the remaining 94% of suicide attempts are successful.

Really. Stop talking. This isn't some abstract argument about philosophy. This is life and death
well post up all the numbers, you got the 6% and the other 94% are not recognized, why not? cause you think they miss their mark more often? then how is it guns is still just 6%. Suicide means completed, death is achieved. so your argument is useless.
dude, relax, the stupid fk doesn't even know he spit at his own conclusion. he says only 6% of suicides are done with a gun. that means 94% are done by other means so his option doesn't do a fking thing. It's a completely useless statement he made. His stats are crushed by his own statement.

You dumb fuck.

You don't know the difference between a suicide ATTEMPT and a successful suicide?

If you're lucky you'll never have to find out
you just said guns only account for 6% of all suicides. those people will still commit suicide. Removing the gun changes nothing.

You fucking idiot.

Those 6% of suicides that occur with guns are FINAL. They account for half of all successful suicides.

That means that only half of the remaining 94% of suicide attempts are successful.

Really. Stop talking. This isn't some abstract argument about philosophy. This is life and death
-------------------------------------------------------- in your personal life experience maybe Lesh !! [ho hum]
dude, relax, the stupid fk doesn't even know he spit at his own conclusion. he says only 6% of suicides are done with a gun. that means 94% are done by other means so his option doesn't do a fking thing. It's a completely useless statement he made. His stats are crushed by his own statement.

You dumb fuck.

You don't know the difference between a suicide ATTEMPT and a successful suicide?

If you're lucky you'll never have to find out
I didn't use attempt. I used suicides. look up the word.
I didn't use attempt. I used suicides. look up the word.

You stupid fuck. You don't even know what you're talking about and you're too stupid to even understand that.

You tried to conflate suicide with attempted suicide and you seem incapable of understanding that there is a substantial difference between the two.

Newsflash...with HALF of non gun related suicide ATTEMPTS...the victim continues to breathe.

Not so much when a gun is used
I didn't use attempt. I used suicides. look up the word.

You stupid fuck. You don't even know what you're talking about and you're too stupid to even understand that.

You tried to conflate suicide with attempted suicide and you seem incapable of understanding that there is a substantial difference between the two.

Newsflash...with HALF of non gun related suicide ATTEMPTS...the victim continues to breathe.

Not so much when a gun is used
I said, post the stats. why didn't you? too busy calling me a stupid fk? yep.
thats why i say , discount the suiciders , its nothing to argue about . They wanted to die , killed themselves so they got their wish . I mean , what Gun advocate is going to give up their guns just to stop people from killing themselves when the suiciders wanted to kill themselves eh ??
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

NH has slightly more than 1mil population in the whole state. So it has a fourth the annual gun crime rate. Sounds good until you link the two together and come up with the violent crimes versus the population. CA has well over 10 million people. That means that you have more of a chance to die by criminal gun in NH than CA. You keep leaving out the rest of the story.

The RATE is what matters not the actual number of crimes themselves

All I ever talk about is the MURDER RATE because that is the only metric that matters

SO go back to 8th grade and learn about ratios and rates
Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

So anything that doesn't fit your bullshit narrative is an aberration.

I guess that means Texas is an aberration as well? It has almost exactly the same murder rate as CA

And then there's all those red states with loose gun regs that have 50-100% higher murder rates than California right?

Also aberrations?
Oh they have cities? But then so does California.

None of your claims hold up under even the least application of logic

If you knew anything about statistics you would know about outliers.

And I have said over and over again our murder rate stems from inner city violence that is co concentrated that it skews the rate for the entire country.

All you have to do is look at the map and see where those parts of the country that have murder rates of 50 per 100000 or even more and you think these places do not skew the murder rate of the country?

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