What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

So anything that doesn't fit your bullshit narrative is an aberration.

I guess that means Texas is an aberration as well? It has almost exactly the same murder rate as CA

And then there's all those red states with loose gun regs that have 50-100% higher murder rates than California right?

Also aberrations?
Oh they have cities? But then so does California.

None of your claims hold up under even the least application of logic

If you knew anything about statistics you would know about outliers.

And I have said over and over again our murder rate stems from inner city violence that is co concentrated that it skews the rate for the entire country.

All you have to do is look at the map and see where those parts of the country that have murder rates of 50 per 100000 or even more and you think these places do not skew the murder rate of the country?
Facts mean little to liars.
Poverty absolutely affects gun violence

But so does the availability OF guns

You need to stop cherry picking and explain the murder rate in Alaska for instance

Alaska is an aberration full of people who are a little nuts. Anyone who has ever been there knows this.

And the availability of guns in NH far exceeds the availability in CA yet once again CA has a murder rate more than 4 times higher than NH

And I'm not cherry picking all you have to do is look at the concentrations of murders within a state to know what I say is true.

Murders in US very concentrated: 54% of US counties in 2014 had zero murders, 2% of counties have 51% of the murders - Crime Prevention Research Center


You see that the vast majority of the country has very low murder rates while much smaller areas have extremely high murder rates

If you really cared about lowering the murder rate as much as you want to take guns away from people who will never commit any crimes whatsoever you would be offering solutions that specifically address the problem areas.

So I am demanding to take all the guns, right? You sure do like to lie. Liars such as you should be deemed unstable to own guns at all since the Mentally Ill should be monitored closely according to one of your other supporters.

If you had any reading comprehension at all you would see that I did not quote you when writing that response I was responding to Lesh

So why don't you slow down and follow along the text with your finger as you read you can even move your lips if you have to. No one will judge you
Okay, so any level gun control is bad which is of course retarded on its own, but the right can’t even think of any alternatives to curbing gun violence. Saying “no” to everything accomplishes absolutely nothing. It’s astounding we are still at square one.

We could open the borders and give criminals sanctuary in our cities. Oh wait, that's a Liberal idea.
i forget the numbers breakdown . But whatever they are they only show that the cops and homeowners , Concealed Carry People are doing good work all over the USA as they shoot all the right people . And the suicide people would only use pills or rope if they didn't have a gun Lesh .

Concealed carry people are a non factor. They create as much harm as they prevent. They "shoot all the right people"?

Really? ANd you base that on what....

As far as suicide...6% of all suicide attempts are made with a gun...but they account for 50% of all SUCCESSFUL suicides.

Put a gun to your head and twitch your finger and you're dead.

There's no hope of a second chance. You don't go to the hospital...you go to the morgue
You're both wrong

only about 250 pieces of shit are killed in self defense scenarios.

Which is proof that civilian gun owners are far more likely to not fire a gun to deter or stop a crime and in fact demonstrates an amazing level of restraint on the part of the millions of gun owners in this country
i discount suiciders totally and you discount CCW people so thats cool . So someone is shooting people and i trust the cops for the most part to shoot the right people plus i trust homeowners shooting the right people in self defense . --------------------- so who is left that is shooting people to come up with about 33 thousand gun deaths a year Lesh ??
You "discount" suicides?

How big of you.

I wonder if you would be so dismissive if a loved one had used a gun to blow their brains out
Suicide is not a crime it is a choice
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking

PEople have the right to choose to commit suicide
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking
So answer me this, what is the tool used by the majority that commit suicides stat man.

The best one for the job.
----------------------- i don't agree with you but boy , you worry alot . And the way it is now , heck there are armed people both criminal and law abiders all over the place and the criminals are your enemies RWinger .

33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.

What the fuck do you even think you're talking about?

You mention one state that has lax gun regs and use it to make your point...and then ignore another that has lax gun regs and has a high murder rate. You're cherry picking your data.

And then you ignore the fact that TEXAS has the exact same murder rate as California

And the fact that 25 other states with lax gun regs have higher murder rates.than CA.

You're a joke
33,000 gun deaths a year
That is a lot of armed assholes

2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?
False dichotomy

You assume having a gun will result in him losing his son.

Millions of parents own guns and have not lost a son

That's not at all what I am saying

He's claiming that suicide should not be a part of the gun discussion. That's bullshit. It is a big part of the discussion

Suicide attempts with guns are almost always FINAL.

Non gun suicide attempts are only successful half the time. That's a BIG difference
Seems to me that Lesh wants to use his personal problems , tragedies to limit other Americans Gun Freedoms and that doesn't work on me Lesh .
Shocking how low our literacy rate is
I don't believe the top 5 have nearly that high of literacy. Fucking, Cuba? I doubt ANYONE in Uzbekistan can read.

It's a bullshit lie. It's what communist nations have done for decades to try and make themselves appear equal to capitalist nations.
2/3 of those are suicides

Suicide is a choice not a crime

2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....
What the fuck do you even think you're talking about?

You mention one state that has lax gun regs and use it to make your point...and then ignore another that has lax gun regs and has a high murder rate. You're cherry picking your data.

And then you ignore the fact that TEXAS has the exact same murder rate as California

And the fact that 25 other states with lax gun regs have higher murder rates.than CA.

You're a joke


the murders in AK are very concentrated.

The vast majority of the state has a low murder rate

Your point has been that gun laws lower the murder rate so by your logic CA should have the lowest murder rate in the country because it has the most and the strictest gun laws

I have said all along that gun laws do not lower the murder rate conversely the lack of gun law do not increase the murder rate.
i'm just saying , feck those suicide people that wanted to die and stop using them as a reason to limit Gun Culture peoples Guns Lesh .

I'm just saying "feck you".

20-25 thousand families a year EVERY year...have to live with the results of gun suicides...my family is one of them. ANY family could be among that group.

You need to stop talking
So answer me this, what is the tool used by the majority that commit suicides stat man.

The best one for the job.
I was asking him if he knew what that one was. I mean he is spewing statistics, let's see the way the majority of suiciders kill themselves.
What the fuck do you even think you're talking about?

You mention one state that has lax gun regs and use it to make your point...and then ignore another that has lax gun regs and has a high murder rate. You're cherry picking your data.

And then you ignore the fact that TEXAS has the exact same murder rate as California

And the fact that 25 other states with lax gun regs have higher murder rates.than CA.

You're a joke
2/3 of suicides choose guns
Dead is dead
And if someone make the choices to be dead it's none of your business
Of course it is

I don't like to see people die unnecessarily

The view of the NRA is....Even if it costs the lives of every man, woman, and child in the US....EVERYONE should have the right to bear arms. trump even signed an order to assure the mentally ill can acquire guns.


You mean he rescinded the EO of Obama that called elderly people who might need a little help balancing their checkbook mentally ill?

FACT CHECK: Did President Trump Revoke Gun Background Checks for Mentally Ill People?

Educate your sorry self....

idiot why don't you post the text of the Obama order he rescinded?

Trump signs bill revoking Obama-era gun checks for mental illness

an Obama-era regulation that made it harder for people with mental illnesses to purchase a gun.

The rule, which was finalized in December, added people receiving Social Security checks for mental illnesses and people deemed unfit to handle their own financial affairs to the national background check database.

This was nothing but a huge government overstep

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