What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

there is no trust fund and there never was all there ever was is a box stuffed with IOUs that the government writes to itself and guess what the governemnt has no obligation to pay that money out all they have to do is change the law and you are shit out of luck

They are IOUs in almost exactly the same way your friggin MORTGAGE is an IOU, stupid.

You just want to reneg on that obligation
no your mortgage is backed by REAL ASSETS namely your house and the land it sits on

you cannot get a mortgage if you do not have the REAL ASSETS of a house and the land it sits on.
And the Trust Fund is backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government..like any Treasury Bill...as long as people like you stay the hell away from it
And the Trust Fund is backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government..like any Treasury Bill...as long as people like you stay the hell away from it

No it's not

The treasury writes bonds to itself that no one else can buy there are no real assets whatsoever.

IOW there is nothing in it for people to take
I didn't vote for Trump

Riiiiiight. Nobody did

I haven't voted for over 10 years because there is absolutely no difference between the parties

both parties do nothing but run up debt and increase the size of government

I know it's hard only being able to think in 2 dimensions but if you really try maybe one day you'll be able to think for yourself and leave the herd of sheep you are in
I haven't voted for over 10 years because there is absolutely no difference between the parties

That's complete bullshit...and this very thread is evidence that I am correct.

You are pushing the Republican line on both guns and Social Security...and that's a clear difference from what the Democratic party stands for
And the Trust Fund is backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government..like any Treasury Bill...as long as people like you stay the hell away from it

No it's not

The treasury writes bonds to itself that no one else can buy there are no real assets whatsoever.

IOW there is nothing in it for people to take
Saying it don't make it true.

Those are Treasury Bills that are no different than any other Treasury Bills as far as paying back the obligation they stand for.

SO...as noted...you are on the wrong thread here with that discussion.

Start a thread for it or be reported
I haven't voted for over 10 years because there is absolutely no difference between the parties

That's complete bullshit...and this very thread is evidence that I am correct.

You are pushing the Republican line on both guns and Social Security...and that's a clear difference from what the Democratic party stands for

Yes you are stuck in a 2 dimensional mind.

And I am doing nothing for any party my opinions are my own and I believe in individual rights where you don't.
I believe people should mind their own fucking business where you believe you have the right and authority to tell other people how to live
And the Trust Fund is backed by the full faith and credit of the Federal Government..like any Treasury Bill...as long as people like you stay the hell away from it

No it's not

The treasury writes bonds to itself that no one else can buy there are no real assets whatsoever.

IOW there is nothing in it for people to take
Saying it don't make it true.

Those are Treasury Bills that are no different than any other Treasury Bills as far as paying back the obligation they stand for.

SO...as noted...you are on the wrong thread here with that discussion.

Start a thread for it or be reported

Hey MORON I didn't start the SS discussion here.

Now run along and tattle

and the bonds are different in that people can buy T bills but they can't buy the bonds issued to the so called trust fund
I haven't voted for over 10 years because there is absolutely no difference between the parties

That's complete bullshit...and this very thread is evidence that I am correct.

You are pushing the Republican line on both guns and Social Security...and that's a clear difference from what the Democratic party stands for

Yes you are stuck in a 2 dimensional mind.

And I am doing nothing for any party my opinions are my own and I believe in individual rights where you don't.
I believe people should mind their own fucking business where you believe you have the right and authority to tell other people how to live
Isn't it "funny" how closely your "opinion" aligns with all the other Trumpers.

Oh well
I haven't voted for over 10 years because there is absolutely no difference between the parties

That's complete bullshit...and this very thread is evidence that I am correct.

You are pushing the Republican line on both guns and Social Security...and that's a clear difference from what the Democratic party stands for

Yes you are stuck in a 2 dimensional mind.

And I am doing nothing for any party my opinions are my own and I believe in individual rights where you don't.
I believe people should mind their own fucking business where you believe you have the right and authority to tell other people how to live
Isn't it "funny" how closely your "opinion" aligns with all the other Trumpers.

Oh well

Only because you can't see beyond 2 points of view

So you have to squeeze everyone into one of 2 little pigeonholes in that tiny brain of yours.
you have a 1 in 11000 chance of being killed in a mass shooting and a 1 in 3000 chance of being struck be lightning

you are worrying about the wrong things

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been affected by these mass shootings...and yes...there are that many now

I really don't care.

People die every day.
------------------------------------------------- thats the thing as every day for all of history people have been living and dying but the lefty dems hone in on guns and try to disarms Americans . Dems just want disarmed Americans because they have EVIL plans after disarming Americans . off topic but concerning unexpected death
How many people just died in the Paradise fire [RiP] and that was just totally unexpected and a good example of people just up dying everyday .
you have a 1 in 11000 chance of being killed in a mass shooting and a 1 in 3000 chance of being struck be lightning

you are worrying about the wrong things

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been affected by these mass shootings...and yes...there are that many now

I really don't care.

People die every day.
------------------------------------------------- thats the thing as every day for all of history people have been living and dying but the lefty dems hone in on guns and try to disarms Americans . Dems just want disarmed Americans because they have EVIL plans after disarming Americans . off topic but concerning unexpected death
How many people just died in the Paradise fire [RiP] and that was just totally unexpected and a good example of people just up dying everyday .
Newsflash...reducing the number of assault weapons...or even magazine fed semi-auto weapons will NOT "disarm Americans".
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
Defend your nation from liberal government and totalitarian control by Washington DC.
Newsflash...reducing the number of assault weapons...or even magazine fed semi-auto weapons will NOT "disarm Americans".
Fuck you. You don't get to tell us what guns we have. Go fuck yourself. Your unreasonable fear is not our problem, you pussy.

You are my enemy and an enemy of freedom.

We will NEVER give you a Goddamn inch!!!

We are going the other way. We will get machine guns back soon. Nothing you can do about it but cry and shit your communist pants.

We WILL repeal!!!

Eat a fat dick.

Just out of curiosity, why would anyone need a machine gun? You can't go hunting with it, you'll ruin the meat.

Same with the AR-15. It has ammo that travels at damn near 3 times the speed of sound, and the bullet is designed to tumble and fragment when it hits. That also will ruin the meat if you go hunting with it.

Me? I'm from Montana, and grew up hunting for our meat, and we all had guns. Some were for home defense, but by and large they were used for hunting.
And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man

All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
There is no SS trust fund you dolt all your SS comes from the general fund

Who told you that. Here is the ssa.gov site that says it's held in a trust fund.
Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves
Social Security benefits are paid from the reserves of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund. The reserves are funded from dedicated tax revenues and interest on accumulated reserve holdings, which are invested in Treasury securities. These cash flows—the tax income, the investment (and redemption) of the securities, the interest on the invested reserves, and the payment of benefits—become critically important when reserves are low relative to benefit payments, as occurred in 1983. In 2015, reserves are large enough that cash flow will not be a problem for the trust fund for almost 20 years. In recent years, attention has focused on the cash flows' effects on the rest of the federal budget. This article examines the cash flows and reserves from the perspective of not just the trust fund itself but also from that of the rest of the budget.

Yes, some politicians are saying what you are saying because they are going to try an dip into that trust fund once more and put it into the general fund. But that is not what was intended for the money. And any politician that does that are stealing from many of us including me. If they do it this time, it may be time to get the ones that vote for it into a Federal Court, hopefully a criminal court.
Of course the Trust Fund exists.

You're talking to a friggin idiot

I sometimes wonder if they are sent a script with a mind altering tin foiled cap that makes them stop looking at reality and just read off the script. And the script is made by a bunch of old white haired fat dudes sitting around trying to figure out how to worship their God which is Money and Power. It sounds like neither of us got that memo. And I really hate scripts because it takes away my ability to think which is the reason I can never be a druggy or anything other than an occasional drinker. I guess if you take enough Orange Koolaid laced with some really strong shit you might get that way. But let's hope more and more people continue to put the decanter down and start thinking.
Fuck you. You don't get to tell us what guns we have. Go fuck yourself. Your unreasonable fear is not our problem, you pussy.

You are my enemy and an enemy of freedom.

Wow. Hell hath no fury like a snowflake triggered.

Newsflash...you don't have the freedom to own a machine gun (made after 1984 and heavily restricted prior to that)...so yea..."we" do get to tell you what guns to have

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