What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

I sure as hell do not believe you own any guns or that you support the right to gun ownership in any way

And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man

All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
There is no SS trust fund you dolt all your SS comes from the general fund

Who told you that. Here is the ssa.gov site that says it's held in a trust fund.
Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves
Social Security benefits are paid from the reserves of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund. The reserves are funded from dedicated tax revenues and interest on accumulated reserve holdings, which are invested in Treasury securities. These cash flows—the tax income, the investment (and redemption) of the securities, the interest on the invested reserves, and the payment of benefits—become critically important when reserves are low relative to benefit payments, as occurred in 1983. In 2015, reserves are large enough that cash flow will not be a problem for the trust fund for almost 20 years. In recent years, attention has focused on the cash flows' effects on the rest of the federal budget. This article examines the cash flows and reserves from the perspective of not just the trust fund itself but also from that of the rest of the budget.

Yes, some politicians are saying what you are saying because they are going to try an dip into that trust fund once more and put it into the general fund. But that is not what was intended for the money. And any politician that does that are stealing from many of us including me. If they do it this time, it may be time to get the ones that vote for it into a Federal Court, hopefully a criminal court.

yeah that's why the so called trust fund has been raided by the fucking government so many times
And I suppose you have a reason to oppose the Mental Health parts of the common sense gun regs. Could it be that YOU may not be able to have firearms due to that law?

You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man

All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
There is no SS trust fund you dolt all your SS comes from the general fund

Who told you that. Here is the ssa.gov site that says it's held in a trust fund.
Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves
Social Security benefits are paid from the reserves of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund. The reserves are funded from dedicated tax revenues and interest on accumulated reserve holdings, which are invested in Treasury securities. These cash flows—the tax income, the investment (and redemption) of the securities, the interest on the invested reserves, and the payment of benefits—become critically important when reserves are low relative to benefit payments, as occurred in 1983. In 2015, reserves are large enough that cash flow will not be a problem for the trust fund for almost 20 years. In recent years, attention has focused on the cash flows' effects on the rest of the federal budget. This article examines the cash flows and reserves from the perspective of not just the trust fund itself but also from that of the rest of the budget.

Yes, some politicians are saying what you are saying because they are going to try an dip into that trust fund once more and put it into the general fund. But that is not what was intended for the money. And any politician that does that are stealing from many of us including me. If they do it this time, it may be time to get the ones that vote for it into a Federal Court, hopefully a criminal court.
Of course the Trust Fund exists.

You're talking to a friggin idiot
man are you morons gullible

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?

If there was a trust fund then SS checks would be able to go out in spite of any debt issues

the federal government has borrowed all of that trust fund money and spent it, exactly as Krauthammer asserted. And the only way the trust fund can get some cash to pay Social Security benefits is if the federal government draws it from general revenues or borrows the money—which, of course, it can’t do because of the debt ceiling.
You mean the one that said people on SS who needed help balancing a checkbook were mentally ill?

You should be happy otherwise the government would come take your guns away for being a feeble old man

All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
There is no SS trust fund you dolt all your SS comes from the general fund

Who told you that. Here is the ssa.gov site that says it's held in a trust fund.
Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves
Social Security benefits are paid from the reserves of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund. The reserves are funded from dedicated tax revenues and interest on accumulated reserve holdings, which are invested in Treasury securities. These cash flows—the tax income, the investment (and redemption) of the securities, the interest on the invested reserves, and the payment of benefits—become critically important when reserves are low relative to benefit payments, as occurred in 1983. In 2015, reserves are large enough that cash flow will not be a problem for the trust fund for almost 20 years. In recent years, attention has focused on the cash flows' effects on the rest of the federal budget. This article examines the cash flows and reserves from the perspective of not just the trust fund itself but also from that of the rest of the budget.

Yes, some politicians are saying what you are saying because they are going to try an dip into that trust fund once more and put it into the general fund. But that is not what was intended for the money. And any politician that does that are stealing from many of us including me. If they do it this time, it may be time to get the ones that vote for it into a Federal Court, hopefully a criminal court.
Of course the Trust Fund exists.

You're talking to a friggin idiot
man are you morons gullible

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?

If there was a trust fund then SS checks would be able to go out in spite of any debt issues

the federal government has borrowed all of that trust fund money and spent it, exactly as Krauthammer asserted. And the only way the trust fund can get some cash to pay Social Security benefits is if the federal government draws it from general revenues or borrows the money—which, of course, it can’t do because of the debt ceiling.
You fucking idiot.

The Trust Fund is a DEBT...that the government owes to those collecting SSI Benefits because it BORROWED from that fund. What you are suggesting is that the government should reneg on that debt?

Only if Republicans have their way
All the more reason to reduce the availability of guns in our society
You are living in some sort of alternate reality that most don't live in or experience, so you might want to consider that before trying to speak on behalf of millions of American's. Just sayin.

Get out and experience life... Go fishing, hunting, eat some BBQ, and get some friends who might help you to experience life in such ways. So many are trapped in their lives not knowing anything but the things in which they know, and they think that it is the only things they should know, and therefore they try to create in the mind that to be accepted in all sectors of life, then they must configure and control those sectors to their liking or rather destroy them if they don't like them. It is the ultimate mental disorder, but they don't realize it.

What we have done around here is to remove the cult of the AR. Yes, you can still buy one if you want. In fact, the prices have dropped dramatically since they are just gathering dust in the Racks in the Gun Shops. I saw a MP-15 SW that retails for 599 on sale for 399 and it still won't sell. Those that already bought them don't need any more and there aren't any new buyers that want them. 6 years ago, they were flying off the shelves at full retail. The fear that is still tried today of "They are coming for your guns" doesn't work anymore. But the other types of real hunting rifles have gone up so people are still buying firearms. Just not the ARs. The Cult has been broken up which was made to grow due to fears artificially generated and have since been debunked. But there are some areas that the fear continues and the AR is still selling like hotcakes. For 599 I can get a conventional semi auto hunting rifle that is traditional in design and is just down right gorgeous. Something can be said about exotic woods over plastic. While it's perfectly legal to walk down the street with your Favorite AR, it's extremely frowned upon. You will find yourself friendless in a matter of minutes.

As long as the Cult of the AR exists though it will be the weapon of choice of the Mass Murderers. Yes, other weapons can do the job just not as efficient. You can claim that the AR was designed as a varmint rifle but I think we all know it was designed for combat and also can be used for Varmints. Then again, the other semi auto rifles also can be used for combat but they were originally designed as varmint rifles and do varmint hunting better and are more pleasing to the eyes. At a shoot, you will ocassionaly see an AR but no one is giving it much thought except for a very small group. But if someone shows up with a full dress Varmint Weatherby, that will draw quite a crowd. This is why some of the shooters say if you show up to a shootoff with just an AR you will be laughed right out of there. We broke the cult. You don't have to confiscate the ARs, just break the cult and they will slowly disappear into history from whence they came.

To give you an idea, Smith and Wessons MP-15 was their primary production rifle for about 9 years. Last year, they were hurting so bad that they were talking about Chapter 11. It seems the MP-15 market all but dried up. They produced like there was a Cult in every town. Now, the MP-15 is gathering dust on store shelves and SW can't justify producing many more. Yes, one person in here claims to be a Gun Shop Owner and sales have never been better. He claims to make at least one sale of the MP-15 a month. AFter seeing his posts, He may or may not be a Gun Shop Owner but that low of sales won't keep the doors open. In a retail market, if you aren't doing at least 600 bucks a day, shut the store down and find a job. Because 600 bucks a day is only about 200 a day gross profit. AFter expenses, you might have 50 bucks left. And 50 bucks a day means you will probably be on some form of Public Assistance. And I don't get out of bed for 50 bucks a day. That's about 8 bucks an hour gross pay.

I am also seeing Gun Dealer Shops closing their doors around here. We used to have a bunch of them including the Pawn Shops. Even the Pawn Shops are starting to close down. Well, those that have most of their money in Guns. These cropped up right after 1998 when the AR ban was lifted. But, hey, it's been a fun 10 year ride but it's come to an end.

As I said, you don't have to completely ban the AR, just do the common sense firearms regulations and the AR dies a slow death like it has. It's taken about 5 years to get it that way. So when I see a gun crazy go off about how I am coming for his AR and people should buy more, that is the tired old scare tactic that worked so well but it was seen as a con in the last 2 years.
You can do anything you can with an AR 15 with any other semiautomatic .223

The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.
As With any type of hunting shot placement is everything....
500-600 yard shots on varmints is not at all uncommon with AR15s chambered in 223...
I have no problem selling ARs, in fact I can’t keep them on the shelf... That’s the way most rural areas are.
Maybe I'm missing something but why the hell would anyone be shooting at squirrels 600 yards away?
You are living in some sort of alternate reality that most don't live in or experience, so you might want to consider that before trying to speak on behalf of millions of American's. Just sayin.

Get out and experience life... Go fishing, hunting, eat some BBQ, and get some friends who might help you to experience life in such ways. So many are trapped in their lives not knowing anything but the things in which they know, and they think that it is the only things they should know, and therefore they try to create in the mind that to be accepted in all sectors of life, then they must configure and control those sectors to their liking or rather destroy them if they don't like them. It is the ultimate mental disorder, but they don't realize it.

What we have done around here is to remove the cult of the AR. Yes, you can still buy one if you want. In fact, the prices have dropped dramatically since they are just gathering dust in the Racks in the Gun Shops. I saw a MP-15 SW that retails for 599 on sale for 399 and it still won't sell. Those that already bought them don't need any more and there aren't any new buyers that want them. 6 years ago, they were flying off the shelves at full retail. The fear that is still tried today of "They are coming for your guns" doesn't work anymore. But the other types of real hunting rifles have gone up so people are still buying firearms. Just not the ARs. The Cult has been broken up which was made to grow due to fears artificially generated and have since been debunked. But there are some areas that the fear continues and the AR is still selling like hotcakes. For 599 I can get a conventional semi auto hunting rifle that is traditional in design and is just down right gorgeous. Something can be said about exotic woods over plastic. While it's perfectly legal to walk down the street with your Favorite AR, it's extremely frowned upon. You will find yourself friendless in a matter of minutes.

As long as the Cult of the AR exists though it will be the weapon of choice of the Mass Murderers. Yes, other weapons can do the job just not as efficient. You can claim that the AR was designed as a varmint rifle but I think we all know it was designed for combat and also can be used for Varmints. Then again, the other semi auto rifles also can be used for combat but they were originally designed as varmint rifles and do varmint hunting better and are more pleasing to the eyes. At a shoot, you will ocassionaly see an AR but no one is giving it much thought except for a very small group. But if someone shows up with a full dress Varmint Weatherby, that will draw quite a crowd. This is why some of the shooters say if you show up to a shootoff with just an AR you will be laughed right out of there. We broke the cult. You don't have to confiscate the ARs, just break the cult and they will slowly disappear into history from whence they came.

To give you an idea, Smith and Wessons MP-15 was their primary production rifle for about 9 years. Last year, they were hurting so bad that they were talking about Chapter 11. It seems the MP-15 market all but dried up. They produced like there was a Cult in every town. Now, the MP-15 is gathering dust on store shelves and SW can't justify producing many more. Yes, one person in here claims to be a Gun Shop Owner and sales have never been better. He claims to make at least one sale of the MP-15 a month. AFter seeing his posts, He may or may not be a Gun Shop Owner but that low of sales won't keep the doors open. In a retail market, if you aren't doing at least 600 bucks a day, shut the store down and find a job. Because 600 bucks a day is only about 200 a day gross profit. AFter expenses, you might have 50 bucks left. And 50 bucks a day means you will probably be on some form of Public Assistance. And I don't get out of bed for 50 bucks a day. That's about 8 bucks an hour gross pay.

I am also seeing Gun Dealer Shops closing their doors around here. We used to have a bunch of them including the Pawn Shops. Even the Pawn Shops are starting to close down. Well, those that have most of their money in Guns. These cropped up right after 1998 when the AR ban was lifted. But, hey, it's been a fun 10 year ride but it's come to an end.

As I said, you don't have to completely ban the AR, just do the common sense firearms regulations and the AR dies a slow death like it has. It's taken about 5 years to get it that way. So when I see a gun crazy go off about how I am coming for his AR and people should buy more, that is the tired old scare tactic that worked so well but it was seen as a con in the last 2 years.
You can do anything you can with an AR 15 with any other semiautomatic .223

The 223/556 was invented for the AR-15 Model 601 and the round was designed not to kill but to wound. I know you know nothing about combat but it takes extra personnel to care and transport a wounded than it does a dead body. The Dead can wait until after the battle concludes. The wounded can't.

But if you get close enough, it can kill or wound with the best of them if you fire enough rounds. That means the round was thought to be well suited for combat but not as a long ranged varmint round. That thought is changing in the Military who are looking at upgrading probably to a 6.8 caliber with composite casings that kill very efficiently and can effectively go out past 400 yds which is the absolute range maximum for a 223 to do any actual damage and not start succumbing to the elements (drift).

So stop with the sales pitch trying to sell those ARs you have that you can only sell one a month. You'll sink your money into better inventory and eat much more steady.
As With any type of hunting shot placement is everything....
500-600 yard shots on varmints is not at all uncommon with AR15s chambered in 223...
I have no problem selling ARs, in fact I can’t keep them on the shelf... That’s the way most rural areas are.
Maybe I'm missing something but why the hell would anyone be shooting at squirrels 600 yards away?
Not normally squirrels but like ‘yotes, fox, prairie dogs, etc.

and most gun deaths are suicides.

All the more reason to reduce the availability of guns in our society
You are living in some sort of alternate reality that most don't live in or experience, so you might want to consider that before trying to speak on behalf of millions of American's. Just sayin.

Get out and experience life... Go fishing, hunting, eat some BBQ, and get some friends who might help you to experience life in such ways. So many are trapped in their lives not knowing anything but the things in which they know, and they think that it is the only things they should know, and therefore they try to create in the mind that to be accepted in all sectors of life, then they must configure and control those sectors to their liking or rather destroy them if they don't like them. It is the ultimate mental disorder, but they don't realize it.
that is because mental disorder is mental.
and most gun deaths are suicides.

All the more reason to reduce the availability of guns in our society
You are living in some sort of alternate reality that most don't live in or experience, so you might want to consider that before trying to speak on behalf of millions of American's. Just sayin.

Get out and experience life... Go fishing, hunting, eat some BBQ, and get some friends who might help you to experience life in such ways. So many are trapped in their lives not knowing anything but the things in which they know, and they think that it is the only things they should know, and therefore they try to create in the mind that to be accepted in all sectors of life, then they must configure and control those sectors to their liking or rather destroy them if they don't like them. It is the ultimate mental disorder, but they don't realize it.

What we have done around here is to remove the cult of the AR. Yes, you can still buy one if you want. In fact, the prices have dropped dramatically since they are just gathering dust in the Racks in the Gun Shops. I saw a MP-15 SW that retails for 599 on sale for 399 and it still won't sell. Those that already bought them don't need any more and there aren't any new buyers that want them. 6 years ago, they were flying off the shelves at full retail. The fear that is still tried today of "They are coming for your guns" doesn't work anymore. But the other types of real hunting rifles have gone up so people are still buying firearms. Just not the ARs. The Cult has been broken up which was made to grow due to fears artificially generated and have since been debunked. But there are some areas that the fear continues and the AR is still selling like hotcakes. For 599 I can get a conventional semi auto hunting rifle that is traditional in design and is just down right gorgeous. Something can be said about exotic woods over plastic. While it's perfectly legal to walk down the street with your Favorite AR, it's extremely frowned upon. You will find yourself friendless in a matter of minutes.

As long as the Cult of the AR exists though it will be the weapon of choice of the Mass Murderers. Yes, other weapons can do the job just not as efficient. You can claim that the AR was designed as a varmint rifle but I think we all know it was designed for combat and also can be used for Varmints. Then again, the other semi auto rifles also can be used for combat but they were originally designed as varmint rifles and do varmint hunting better and are more pleasing to the eyes. At a shoot, you will ocassionaly see an AR but no one is giving it much thought except for a very small group. But if someone shows up with a full dress Varmint Weatherby, that will draw quite a crowd. This is why some of the shooters say if you show up to a shootoff with just an AR you will be laughed right out of there. We broke the cult. You don't have to confiscate the ARs, just break the cult and they will slowly disappear into history from whence they came.

To give you an idea, Smith and Wessons MP-15 was their primary production rifle for about 9 years. Last year, they were hurting so bad that they were talking about Chapter 11. It seems the MP-15 market all but dried up. They produced like there was a Cult in every town. Now, the MP-15 is gathering dust on store shelves and SW can't justify producing many more. Yes, one person in here claims to be a Gun Shop Owner and sales have never been better. He claims to make at least one sale of the MP-15 a month. AFter seeing his posts, He may or may not be a Gun Shop Owner but that low of sales won't keep the doors open. In a retail market, if you aren't doing at least 600 bucks a day, shut the store down and find a job. Because 600 bucks a day is only about 200 a day gross profit. AFter expenses, you might have 50 bucks left. And 50 bucks a day means you will probably be on some form of Public Assistance. And I don't get out of bed for 50 bucks a day. That's about 8 bucks an hour gross pay.

I am also seeing Gun Dealer Shops closing their doors around here. We used to have a bunch of them including the Pawn Shops. Even the Pawn Shops are starting to close down. Well, those that have most of their money in Guns. These cropped up right after 1998 when the AR ban was lifted. But, hey, it's been a fun 10 year ride but it's come to an end.

As I said, you don't have to completely ban the AR, just do the common sense firearms regulations and the AR dies a slow death like it has. It's taken about 5 years to get it that way. So when I see a gun crazy go off about how I am coming for his AR and people should buy more, that is the tired old scare tactic that worked so well but it was seen as a con in the last 2 years.
are you talking about racism? cause that's what that sounded like.
All of my finances are electronic in all way. I pay by card and 1 minute after I use the card, the transaction is sitting in my bank and the funds have removed. I use only 1 check a month and that is for Rent. All other transactions are either cash or charge. This feeble old man knows how to balance a checkbook but in todays day and age, that becomes less and less important.

Yes, I am on SSI but I am also on Retired Military Pension and do get money from a business I sold around 2005. As you can see, I worked hard for about 40 years and get paid because of those efforts. I paid in money every month for SSI and Medicare. That's MY money. When your Orange Orangatan and his court of fools start monkeying around with it and allows MY money to be taken out of the Trust and put into the General Fund then they are stealing from me and 10s of millions of other people.
There is no SS trust fund you dolt all your SS comes from the general fund

Who told you that. Here is the ssa.gov site that says it's held in a trust fund.
Social Security Trust Fund Cash Flows and Reserves
Social Security benefits are paid from the reserves of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund. The reserves are funded from dedicated tax revenues and interest on accumulated reserve holdings, which are invested in Treasury securities. These cash flows—the tax income, the investment (and redemption) of the securities, the interest on the invested reserves, and the payment of benefits—become critically important when reserves are low relative to benefit payments, as occurred in 1983. In 2015, reserves are large enough that cash flow will not be a problem for the trust fund for almost 20 years. In recent years, attention has focused on the cash flows' effects on the rest of the federal budget. This article examines the cash flows and reserves from the perspective of not just the trust fund itself but also from that of the rest of the budget.

Yes, some politicians are saying what you are saying because they are going to try an dip into that trust fund once more and put it into the general fund. But that is not what was intended for the money. And any politician that does that are stealing from many of us including me. If they do it this time, it may be time to get the ones that vote for it into a Federal Court, hopefully a criminal court.
Of course the Trust Fund exists.

You're talking to a friggin idiot
man are you morons gullible

What Happened to the $2.6 Trillion Social Security Trust Fund?

If there was a trust fund then SS checks would be able to go out in spite of any debt issues

the federal government has borrowed all of that trust fund money and spent it, exactly as Krauthammer asserted. And the only way the trust fund can get some cash to pay Social Security benefits is if the federal government draws it from general revenues or borrows the money—which, of course, it can’t do because of the debt ceiling.
You fucking idiot.

The Trust Fund is a DEBT...that the government owes to those collecting SSI Benefits because it BORROWED from that fund. What you are suggesting is that the government should reneg on that debt?

Only if Republicans have their way

You are the fucking idiot

The so called trust fund is supposed to be self sustain and your FICA taxes and your employer match is supposed to go into that trust fund to be used solely to pay benefits bit that fund has a ZERO balance because the fucking government uses it as a slush fund and has spent it all so it is NOT a trust fund
The so called trust fund is supposed to be self sustain and your FICA taxes and your employer match is supposed to go into that trust fund to be used solely to pay benefits bit that fund has a ZERO balance because the fucking government uses it as a slush fund and has spent it all so it is NOT a trust fund

I'm a fucking idiot?

A. Wrong thread

B. The Trust Fund is something you obviously know ZERO about

We have been paying into the Trust Fund since the mid 80s out of our payroll checks. It was ALWAYS loaned to the General Fund (in the form of Treasury Bills to be redeemed OUT of the General Fund in repayment when payroll tax receipts began to run short of full payment obligation).

Know why? Because the government has no mechanism for savings. In order for that money to be available when needed (between 2017 and when it runs out --2035) it HAD to be done that way.. That was the Deal that Saint Ronnie made back in the 80s

So...yea...it exists and it's very real...as long as Republicans keep their grubby hands off it and honor the obligation.
The so called trust fund is supposed to be self sustain and your FICA taxes and your employer match is supposed to go into that trust fund to be used solely to pay benefits bit that fund has a ZERO balance because the fucking government uses it as a slush fund and has spent it all so it is NOT a trust fund

I'm a fucking idiot?

A. Wrong thread

B. The Trust Fund is something you obviously know ZERO about

We have been paying into the Trust Fund since the mid 80s out of our payroll checks. It was ALWAYS loaned to the General Fund (in the form of Treasury Bills to be redeemed OUT of the General Fund in repayment when payroll tax receipts began to run short of full payment obligation).

Know why? Because the government has no mechanism for savings. In order for that money to be available when needed (between 2017 and when it runs out --2035) it HAD to be done that way.. That was the Deal that Saint Ronnie made back in the 80s

So...yea...it exists and it's very real...as long as Republicans keep their grubby hands off it and honor the obligation.
and the fucking government has been raiding it to pay for other shit.

If there was a trust fund then SS wouldn't be affected by the debt ceiling but that's not the case
The so called trust fund is supposed to be self sustain and your FICA taxes and your employer match is supposed to go into that trust fund to be used solely to pay benefits bit that fund has a ZERO balance because the fucking government uses it as a slush fund and has spent it all so it is NOT a trust fund

I'm a fucking idiot?

A. Wrong thread

B. The Trust Fund is something you obviously know ZERO about

We have been paying into the Trust Fund since the mid 80s out of our payroll checks. It was ALWAYS loaned to the General Fund (in the form of Treasury Bills to be redeemed OUT of the General Fund in repayment when payroll tax receipts began to run short of full payment obligation).

Know why? Because the government has no mechanism for savings. In order for that money to be available when needed (between 2017 and when it runs out --2035) it HAD to be done that way.. That was the Deal that Saint Ronnie made back in the 80s

So...yea...it exists and it's very real...as long as Republicans keep their grubby hands off it and honor the obligation.
Misleading the Public: How the Social Security Trust Fund Really Works
i discount suiciders totally and you discount CCW people so thats cool . So someone is shooting people and i trust the cops for the most part to shoot the right people plus i trust homeowners shooting the right people in self defense . --------------------- so who is left that is shooting people to come up with about 33 thousand gun deaths a year Lesh ??
You "discount" suicides?

How big of you.

I wonder if you would be so dismissive if a loved one had used a gun to blow their brains out
---------------------------------- as YOU appeal to EMOTION eh Lesh .

Lesh doesn't just appeal to emotion. He lies and then gets butthurt when called on his lies.
Yea...kids getting gunned down in school...and malls...and concerts...and movies...kinda does bring about an emotional response...as well it should.

Now about these supposed "lies" fuckface?

Please explain your stupid comment and show proof
Yea...kids getting gunned down in school...and malls...and concerts...and movies...kinda does bring about an emotional response...as well it should.

Now about these supposed "lies" fuckface?

Please explain your stupid comment and show proof

you have a 1 in 11000 chance of being killed in a mass shooting and a 1 in 3000 chance of being struck be lightning

you are worrying about the wrong things
Misleading the Public: How the Social Security Trust Fund Really Works

Hey douchebag...they said exactly what I said. They just don't think we should pay BACK the loan that was taken against our payroll deductions. That's THEFT.

Like I said...The Trust Fund is fine as long as Republicans honor their obligation (those "IOUs...ya know like your fucking MORTGAGE is an IOU)
you have a 1 in 11000 chance of being killed in a mass shooting and a 1 in 3000 chance of being struck be lightning

you are worrying about the wrong things

Tell that to the hundreds of thousands of people who have been affected by these mass shootings...and yes...there are that many now
Misleading the Public: How the Social Security Trust Fund Really Works

Hey douchebag...they said exactly what I said. They just don't think we should pay BACK the loan that was taken against our payroll deductions. That's THEFT.

Like I said...The Trust Fund is fine as long as Republicans honor their obligation (those "IOUs...ya know like your fucking MORTGAGE is an IOU)
there is no trust fund and there never was all there ever was is a box stuffed with IOUs that the government writes to itself and guess what the governemnt has no obligation to pay that money out all they have to do is change the law and you are shit out of luck

and if you put money in a bank the bank cannot issue you an IOU they must have REAL ASSETS so that you can withdraw your money anytime you want.

If a baker set up a system like SS he would be put in jail
there is no trust fund and there never was all there ever was is a box stuffed with IOUs that the government writes to itself and guess what the governemnt has no obligation to pay that money out all they have to do is change the law and you are shit out of luck

They are IOUs in almost exactly the same way your friggin MORTGAGE is an IOU, stupid.

You just want to reneg on that obligation

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