What is the republican solution to ending mass shootings? Why don’t they ever offer solutions?

Odd, I haven't seen any bear meat on the market, did that brave man have a gun backup, that would probably make the rug he wanted less valuable for the great white hunter.

BTW, killing for sport is tantamount to a serial killers pathology. You disgust me!

Actually bear meat is not all that bad, Same with mountain lion. While not my favorite some people think it’s their favorite.
You look at his YouTube he does not have a back up… Most guys that spear hunt and blow dart hunt don’t have back ups. You notice the animal just wanted to get the fuck out of there… LOL

OK snowflake

You Disgust Me. Killing for sport is absolutely pathological. That you take killing for fun as recreation, and refuse to accept the rational need for gun control makes people like you the problem. And people like you who enjoy killing, ought not to be allowed to own, possess or ever to have in your control or custody a gun.

Okkkkk... bedwetter
With Big game I always eat the meat that I kill, My wife is awesome at canning.
As far as varmints go they are there for me to shoot and everyone else that wants.
Prairie dogs carry the black plague… And they reproduce like fucking rabbits. Great for target practice

You're full of shit, you enjoy the kill. That's something I abhor and will always root for the target to eat the hunter.

I wonder, how many fleas do you kill when you shot the Prairie Dog? How many moved on to pass the black death to other PD's? Did you kill them all, and did other animals come along and eat the dead PD's and pass on the fleas?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.
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Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal government business… That’s what we have learned kiddies
The only thing the government should do, is it should get involved in finding out how an idiot gets his hands on a gun to then go and kill people with it. If the findings show that leftist policies are the problem or leftist do gooder idiocy ignores the obvious, then it should work to shore up the dam as so it stops leaking or worse bust from time to time. This never involves the gun, but instead should involve the mental health status of the citizens.
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
So do vehicles and bombs

Bombs are hard to make that won't get noticed while you are building it.

Vehicles don't reach out and touch someone in all directions. Very few die from homicidal vehicle attacks. The body count is generally low.
But they definitely prefer vehicles and bombs over firearms any day in the middle east where terrorism originated...
The thing is firearms are here to stay, and the strengthening of the Second Amendment is going to only increase for the next generation or more because of what Trump is nominating to the the courts.
Rural and urban America will always have a different view on the subject, As a libertarian I say live and let live. And leave the firearms alone...
And then just maybe everyone will get along… NOT!!!!!

Odd, I haven't seen any bear meat on the market, did that brave man have a gun backup, that would probably make the rug he wanted less valuable for the great white hunter.

BTW, killing for sport is tantamount to a serial killers pathology. You disgust me!
Actually bear meat is not all that bad, Same with mountain lion. While not my favorite some people think it’s their favorite.
You look at his YouTube he does not have a back up… Most guys that spear hunt and blow dart hunt don’t have back ups. You notice the animal just wanted to get the fuck out of there… LOL

OK snowflake

You Disgust Me. Killing for sport is absolutely pathological. That you take killing for fun as recreation, and refuse to accept the rational need for gun control makes people like you the problem. And people like you who enjoy killing, ought not to be allowed to own, possess or ever to have in your control or custody a gun.
Okkkkk... bedwetter
With Big game I always eat the meat that I kill, My wife is awesome at canning.
As far as varmints go they are there for me to shoot and everyone else that wants.
Prairie dogs carry the black plague… And they reproduce like fucking rabbits. Great for target practice

You're full of shit, you enjoy the kill. That's something I abhor and will always root for the target to eat the hunter.

I wonder, how many fleas do you kill when you shot the Prairie Dog? How many moved on to pass the black death to other PD's? Did you kill them all, and did other animals come along and eat the dead PD's and pass on the fleas?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.
You do realize that prairie dogs eat other dead prairie dogs? They are nasty little animals that carry the black plague… And they reproduce like fucking rabbits.
Coyotes and birds of prey, prey on prairie dogs more than other predators.
They always get the fleas one way or another so your point is mute.
Prairie dogs make great target practice… And it’s unlimited there’s no limit on how many you can shoot in a day
Our solution...end gun free zones so mass shooters stop targeting schools and churches.

Our solution, lock up known, violent, repeat gun offenders for long prison sentences instead of allowing democrat party politicians and judges to let them out of prison.

Our solution is to focus on mental health issues, to help the dangerously mentally ill, not taking guns away from women who need them to stay safe.

That's it?

Who has proposed any legislation that would FUND mental health issues? Why has the legislation enacted ALLOWED people with mental health issues to buy guns?

WHo is going to fund turning all of our schools into armed fortresses?

Last year, there was a push to take the firearms from the Mentally Ill that were deemed to be violent. Enter the NRA once again. It was passed almost unamously by both parties in the State House. In the Senate, it never got out of the committee. The Senate was Republican Controlled. Not to worry, it's up at bat once more and the Dems control both houses AND the Governorship. It appears that the Reps want to keep screaming bloody murder that this is need but when the chips fall, the go with their sponsor, the NRA who sees this group as a wonderful business opportunity.

Moron, it was the ACLU and 23 other mental health organizations that stepped in because stripping mentally ill people of their Rights is a bad idea......especially with no basis for doing it...

Gun Control Laws Should Be Fair

But gun control laws, like any law, should be fair, effective and not based on prejudice or stereotype. This rule met none of those criteria.

In this era of “alternative facts,” we must urge politicians to create laws based on reliable evidence and solid data.

The thousands of Americans whose disability benefits are managed by someone else range from young people with depression and financial inexperience to older adults with Down syndrome needing help with a limited budget. But no data — none — show that these individuals have a propensity for violence in general or gun violence in particular.

To the contrary, studies show that people with mental disabilities are less likely to commit firearm crimes than to be the victimsof violence by others.

The ACLU and 23 national disability groups did not oppose this rule because we want more guns in our community. This is about more than guns. Adding more innocent Americans to the National Instant Criminal Background database because of a mental disability is a disturbing trend — one that could be applied to voting, parenting or other rights dearer than gun ownership. We opposed it because it would do little to stem gun violence but do much to harm our civil rights.
In Charlottesville that Nzie asshole drove into a crowd and killed ONE. Had he had an AR?

WHo knows how many he would have killed
In Charlottesville that Nzie asshole drove into a crowd and killed ONE. Had he had an AR?

WHo knows how many he would have killed

We know....

Parkland.... AR-15 18.

Crimea...5 shot, pump action shotgun...21.

Synagogue....AR-15.... 11.

Muslim Terrorist in France, used a rental truck to murder 86 people and wound 435.

That is how many he could have killed if he had spent 20 bucks to rent a truck from Home Depot....
In Charlottesville that Nzie asshole drove into a crowd and killed ONE. Had he had an AR?

WHo knows how many he would have killed

Do you know that he was unarmed?

Did he own guns at the time?

It is hard to believe he did not....
And Ar15 is not anything more than a sporting rifle...
I hunt antelope with an Ar15 in 6.8 SPC It is a particularly good hunting rifle for white tails, mule deer and antelope.

A real man wouldn't need a gun to take down anyone of these animals, prehistoric man chased down these animals and used spears to finish the job. Then they used every bit of the animal for food, shelter and tools; they didn't have their picture taken and the head stuffed and put on a wall.

Picture of Trump with animal he shot - Google Search

Odd, I haven't seen any bear meat on the market, did that brave man have a gun backup, that would probably make the rug he wanted less valuable for the great white hunter.

BTW, killing for sport is tantamount to a serial killers pathology. You disgust me!

Actually bear meat is not all that bad, Same with mountain lion. While not my favorite some people think it’s their favorite.
You look at his YouTube he does not have a back up… Most guys that spear hunt and blow dart hunt don’t have back ups. You notice the animal just wanted to get the fuck out of there… LOL

OK snowflake

You Disgust Me. Killing for sport is absolutely pathological. That you take killing for fun as recreation, and refuse to accept the rational need for gun control makes people like you the problem. And people like you who enjoy killing, ought not to be allowed to own, possess or ever to have in your control or custody a gun.

Ahhh look at you!! You hate people who aren’t like you! It’s been sport for how long?
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So you agree that the AR-15 is far from being any sort of Assault Weapon. THANK YOU!

Follow along kiddies.

We're told that it's important to have an AR-15 because it is a good gun for shooting squirrels...

We're also told that it's not a good self defense weapon (there are many much better)...

And that the main reason for having one is a "defense against the government"...but that it's not a military grade weapon.

Of course defending oneself against an actual military with a weapon that is admittedly not military grade sounds silly but then the entire gun hugger argument is pretty fucking silly so....

Oh and no...the gun huggers have no solution to mass shootings or gun violence because ...they just don't see it as a problem
Someone else’s firearm ownership is none of your fucking business, and certainly none of the federal government business… That’s what we have learned kiddies
The only thing the government should do, is it should get involved in finding out how an idiot gets his hands on a gun to then go and kill people with it. If the findings show that leftist policies are the problem or leftist do gooder idiocy ignores the obvious, then it should work to shore up the dam as so it stops leaking or worse bust from time to time. This never involves the gun, but instead should involve the mental health status of the citizens.
Yep, People kill people not firearms

Yes, people kill people but firearms of today makes it more efficient.
No it doesn’t! Why aren’t there more occurrences then?
These mass shootings virtually always involve high- capacity rapid-fire weapons.
There is absolutely no rational reason an ordinary citizen (that is, excluding law-enforcement and military), needs to have such a lethal weapon.
The only reason an ordinary citizen needs a gun is for hunting or target shooting, and the remote possibility that he might need to defend his home at some point.
If you own a gun, you have a responsibility to maintain it, and your competence in handling it. Target shooting is very educational, and hunting is a thrill. Get them both, and you'll have a ball, and, with luck no-one will be killed accidentally in the process.
But, if you need an AR15, you should get a LOT of education, before you go hunting!
you need to learn what a semiautomatic weapon is maybe then you will realize that it is nothing but a semiautomatic rifle just like any other that has been available to the public for over 100 years

He probably knows. The AR15 IS a rapid fire weapon. Even with just semi auto. It came into being as the AR-15 Model 601 and has seen a ton of battles in Combat. There is little difference between the AR-15 Model 760 and the AR-15 Model 601. That means that there is little difference between the modern AR-15 and it's clones and the M-4. It has features to help a scared shitless skinny young kid carry it for long periods of time and put a lot of lead into the enemy. The normal operation of the M-4 is semi auto and that means it's so close to the AR-15 model 760 there isn't enough to argue about. Yet, you do argue.

The first thing that we have to do to stop the mass shootings of today is to get rid of the AR Cult. And you demonstrate why each and every time you post.
one shot per trigger pull is not rapid fire

There you go again. One shot per trigger pull. A non bump stock AR-15 might have trouble making 120 rounds a minute. But with a bump stock, it does many times that amount. That means that it IS a MG. You can keep going on like this but you are just digging yourself deeper.

A bump stock does NOT make it a machine gun, you are entirely incorrect. You are the one digging a hole
Odd, I haven't seen any bear meat on the market, did that brave man have a gun backup, that would probably make the rug he wanted less valuable for the great white hunter.

BTW, killing for sport is tantamount to a serial killers pathology. You disgust me!
Actually bear meat is not all that bad, Same with mountain lion. While not my favorite some people think it’s their favorite.
You look at his YouTube he does not have a back up… Most guys that spear hunt and blow dart hunt don’t have back ups. You notice the animal just wanted to get the fuck out of there… LOL

OK snowflake

You Disgust Me. Killing for sport is absolutely pathological. That you take killing for fun as recreation, and refuse to accept the rational need for gun control makes people like you the problem. And people like you who enjoy killing, ought not to be allowed to own, possess or ever to have in your control or custody a gun.
Okkkkk... bedwetter
With Big game I always eat the meat that I kill, My wife is awesome at canning.
As far as varmints go they are there for me to shoot and everyone else that wants.
Prairie dogs carry the black plague… And they reproduce like fucking rabbits. Great for target practice

You're full of shit, you enjoy the kill. That's something I abhor and will always root for the target to eat the hunter.

I wonder, how many fleas do you kill when you shot the Prairie Dog? How many moved on to pass the black death to other PD's? Did you kill them all, and did other animals come along and eat the dead PD's and pass on the fleas?

The more you post, the dumber you seem to be.
Naw, you’ve got that honor
Can you read?


The Crimea attack occurred across the street from a police station and the response was incredibly slow.

The Pittsburg shooting that just occurred was responded to in like TWO minutes

W Virginia was NOT a shotgun attack stupid. You evene noted that

The point that flew right over your blunt little head is that a person hell bent on killing people doesn't need a rifle and if you ban one weapon then that person who is hell bent on murder will simply use a different weapon

Using other forms of weapons to kill require some skill and many times some danger to the killer. A gun is also not personal, it is used to arbitrarily kill without concern for humanity in general.

In fact most mass murderers want to die in a blaze of gunfire, and we cannot know what is inside the mind of those who engage in this sort of aberrant behavior.

The Best Way to reduce mass murder IMO is to require everyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody and control a License and for all weapons to be registered.

I've outlined why many times, and each time the same whine echoes around this theme, the wording of the 2nd A.

Let's parse this amendment, and see if we can agree on how it should be interpreted.

Let's look beyond the amendment and discuss Art I, Sec 8, clauses 15 & 16.

In the last sentence of clause 16 (to wit: "reserving to the states respectively, the Appointment of Officers, and the Authority of Training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress") the current interpretation by the NRA and its followers is that emphasis on the right of the people.

Yet in practice, this phrase implies no one can be denied the right to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. And yet, some forms of guns are outlawed (Zip Guns for example) and others regulated (fully automatic) and some people are denied the right as expressed by Scalia in Heller.

16 leaves the authority to the states to appoint officers and train the militia. Consider if every governor has that authority, and using guidance from The Congress appoint officers (likely retired & honorably discharged vets) to recruit, vet and train volunteers to serve and become weekend warriors as contractors?

It takes no skill to drive a truck through a crowd.

and if a person wants to walk into a place and start shooting he isn't going to care if his gun is registered or not.

Anyone hell bent on killing will kill and you cannot stop it.

I'm not going to argue the militia aspect. The Bill of rights is a protection of the rights of the people not the rights of states or of state militias.

His post shows he either doesn't think about what he is posting or doesn't care, since his goal is simply to make it harder for normal people to own guns...since it won't make any difference for criminals or mass shooters.

The idea that no solution exists, is the only strength you have. People like you who cannot think outside of the box are part of the problem and never part of a solution.

So we know banning a gun won't work but you all have nothing else
As can be seen, those obsessed with their lethal toys have no inclination to discuss the victims of gun violence, because they have this self proclaimed Right.

We can discuss the victims of gun violence all you want.

None of those people became victims of violence through anything that 99.999% of gun owners did. That you somehow want to place the blame on people who don't commit crimes negates everything else you say
The point that flew right over your blunt little head is that a person hell bent on killing people doesn't need a rifle and if you ban one weapon then that person who is hell bent on murder will simply use a different weapon

Using other forms of weapons to kill require some skill and many times some danger to the killer. A gun is also not personal, it is used to arbitrarily kill without concern for humanity in general.

In fact most mass murderers want to die in a blaze of gunfire, and we cannot know what is inside the mind of those who engage in this sort of aberrant behavior.

The Best Way to reduce mass murder IMO is to require everyone who wants to own, possess or have in their custody and control a License and for all weapons to be registered.

I've outlined why many times, and each time the same whine echoes around this theme, the wording of the 2nd A.

Let's parse this amendment, and see if we can agree on how it should be interpreted.

Let's look beyond the amendment and discuss Art I, Sec 8, clauses 15 & 16.

In the last sentence of clause 16 (to wit: "reserving to the states respectively, the Appointment of Officers, and the Authority of Training the Militia according to the discipline prescribed by Congress") the current interpretation by the NRA and its followers is that emphasis on the right of the people.

Yet in practice, this phrase implies no one can be denied the right to own, possess or have in their custody and control a gun. And yet, some forms of guns are outlawed (Zip Guns for example) and others regulated (fully automatic) and some people are denied the right as expressed by Scalia in Heller.

16 leaves the authority to the states to appoint officers and train the militia. Consider if every governor has that authority, and using guidance from The Congress appoint officers (likely retired & honorably discharged vets) to recruit, vet and train volunteers to serve and become weekend warriors as contractors?

It takes no skill to drive a truck through a crowd.

and if a person wants to walk into a place and start shooting he isn't going to care if his gun is registered or not.

Anyone hell bent on killing will kill and you cannot stop it.

I'm not going to argue the militia aspect. The Bill of rights is a protection of the rights of the people not the rights of states or of state militias.

His post shows he either doesn't think about what he is posting or doesn't care, since his goal is simply to make it harder for normal people to own guns...since it won't make any difference for criminals or mass shooters.

The idea that no solution exists, is the only strength you have. People like you who cannot think outside of the box are part of the problem and never part of a solution.

So we know banning a gun won't work but you all have nothing else

Oh, they've got other things...like taxing the country into general poverty.
The point that flew right over your blunt little head is that a person hell bent on killing people doesn't need a rifle and if you ban one weapon then that person who is hell bent on murder will simply use a different weapon

And you keep pretending that all weapons are equal.

They aren't

A baseball bat is a weapon...but much less lethal than a machine gun. No?

A shot gun is lethal...but far less lethal than a semi-auto magazine fed assault weapon

A truck with a snow plow is a weapon too.

and arguably as deadly as a firearm.

you're to thick to realize banning one rifle will not stop one murder

Sit down. I don't take questions from Fake News.
Once again you feeble minded old coot there was nothing in the exchange you just quoted that was directed to you so I wasn't asking you anything

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