What is the right wing offering this country

View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Trump is RW?
Are you THAT stupid?
The RW HATES him.
I think the OP should properly be "what is the Alt R candidate offering this country?"
Go to his web site.
HINT: It's NOT DailyKos.
Trump is RW?
Are you THAT stupid?
The RW HATES him.

Or is that what the 'RW' wants you to believe.

Trump promotes greed, religion, and hate, which are all objectives of the 'RW.' The rich however, don't want a Republican in the White House after the last complete failure.
Actually you would be a idiot to vote for a regressive for president if you cared about the economy------
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

You have no clue here are the numbers By the numbers The last 50 years of presidents

Years held presidency REP. 28 year DEM. 22 years

Total jobs created Rep. 24 million Dem. 42 million

Stock market returns Rep. 109% Dem. 992%

Stock market return annually Rep. 2.7% Dem .11%

GDP Rep. 2.7% Dem 4.1%

Income Growth Rep. .6% Dem. 2.2%

add in the massive amount Obama added to these numbers and it will tell you one thing and that is you have to be totally certifiable mindless if you vote a regressive for president if your concerned by the economy, under the circumstance.

I am not GOP, but morons like you make me ROTFLMAO.

There is no context to any of those numbers. If you really think those statistics are meaningful, you are an ass.
Who is the blind one here, those numbers are to far apart to be random. If you can't see that or don't wish to see that then thats your problem. I see all you regressive denying your party now. Can't Imagen why.

Anyone who understand statistics, understands they seek to detect repeatable patterns where cause and effect can be correlated and proven. You then seek for a model that links the two and eliminates other external forces or influences.

As in.....In certain cities, you can closely correlate the incidence of rape with the sale of ice cream. Explain that one......


Please show the model that can explain these patterns.

Did each president have the same economic conditions ?

Did each president have the same make up in congress ?

What were the external conditions.

No...you are the idiot when it comes to this stuff.

BTW: If you can show me where I have called myself GOP, I'll be glad to recant. Even if I were, Trump is still a moron.
All that is answered by the large discrepancy in the numbers. It is as it looks. There is no scenario where the numbers can be as they are other than one fact, you have to be ignorant to vote for a regressive if you are concerned with the economy., You can't flip a coin over and over and have that degree of discrepancy.The only argument you have is whether the numbers are correct or not.
Ok goody, right now I'm going to show you people how stupid you are, This clown has no clue what a communist, socialist or Marxist is. Ok Einstein Go to google ,google a trusted encyclopedia get the main tenets of Communism bring that back and tell us all why by those tenets how I'm a communist or my party or the president is a communist.By the way bring the sight address with you You people have nothing but bullshit and this will prove it. Come on loser,

I understand. You support a central authoritarian state which controls or directly owns the means of production to ensure the "fair" distribution of goods to the people through careful central planning by the authority.

Why you're no Communist.. :eusa_whistle:

Standard Disclaimer: Third grade would have greatly benefited you, though had you stuck it out, you wouldn't be a Hillary supporter...
Bullshit I support nothing like that, nor does my party or the president. Your goofy. , there is no such things as degree , the Tenets are 100% or they are just simply a degree of reference. I support a government and believe in social programs , that isn't
supporting a central authoritarian state which controls or directly owns the means of production to ensure the "fair" distribution of goods to the people through careful central planning by the authority. If it was every country in the world would be communist. By the way your comment isn't even close.
Actually you would be a idiot to vote for a regressive for president if you cared about the economy------
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

You have no clue here are the numbers By the numbers The last 50 years of presidents

Years held presidency REP. 28 year DEM. 22 years

Total jobs created Rep. 24 million Dem. 42 million

Stock market returns Rep. 109% Dem. 992%

Stock market return annually Rep. 2.7% Dem .11%

GDP Rep. 2.7% Dem 4.1%

Income Growth Rep. .6% Dem. 2.2%

add in the massive amount Obama added to these numbers and it will tell you one thing and that is you have to be totally certifiable mindless if you vote a regressive for president if your concerned by the economy, under the circumstance.

Source: Something you read on a Soros hate site that you pulled out of your ass. :thup:
You need it to be so don't you , other wise the truth that the regressive party has a large group of people that are absolutely marked by the letter S for stupid , for voting for them . Prove the numbers wrong or go away.

Anyone who understand statistics, understands they seek to detect repeatable patterns where cause and effect can be correlated and proven. You then seek for a model that links the two and eliminates other external forces or influences.

As in.....In certain cities, you can closely correlate the incidence of rape with the sale of ice cream. Explain that one......


Please show the model that can explain these patterns.

Did each president have the same economic conditions ?

Did each president have the same make up in congress ?

What were the external conditions.

No...you are the idiot when it comes to this stuff.

BTW: If you can show me where I have called myself GOP, I'll be glad to recant. Even if I were, Trump is still a moron.

The chance of a leftist troll on this board applying regression analysis and a Chi Square distribution to data approaches absolute zero.

Math deals in absolutes. Statistics depends on calculus, there are right and wrong answers, how you feel is irrelevant. This does not fit with the world view of the left.
Funny, we all saw you standing with a encyclopedia in front of you to right that crap. You can't kid us, nor can you seemingly say anything that is true. For you it is Raw Raw Raw for the hate party. We got your number hero.
You guys just can't Imagen the joy I'm getting out of chewing you up with facts and spitting you out. Not one supported argument to disprove anything I've said. It's the old I hate you and your wrong routine. repeated over and over again, quite useless actually. You can't argue what I said because it is fact.
Bullshit I support nothing like that, nor does my party or the president.

Sorry, I thought you were from Earth, and part of the filthy Khmer Rouge demcoratic party.

So which planet do you come from? K-Pax?

Your goofy. ,

My goofy? :confused-84:

Oh I'm sorry, you're a leftist; hence functionally illiterate.

there is no such things as degree , the Tenets are 100% or they are just simply a degree of reference. I support a government and believe in social programs , that isn't
supporting a central authoritarian state which controls or directly owns the means of production to ensure the "fair" distribution of goods to the people through careful central planning by the authority. If it was every country in the world would be communist. By the way your comment isn't even close.

The American democratic - socialist party absolutely promotes a centrally planned and managed economy, as do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
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You need it to be so don't you , other wise the truth that the regressive party has a large group of people that are absolutely marked by the letter S for stupid , for voting for them . Prove the numbers wrong or go away.

Need is irrelevant. I've seen lots of little hate drones like you over the years. You grab memes from the hate sites and present them as absolute fact. It isn't that you lack discernment, that you fail to fact check; it's that you don't give a shit. The meme fits with what you want, so you run with it.

In this case, you don't even bother with the meme and just make up some numbers that you think might be consistent with the party lane.

I don't prove negatives, though I do understand that the closest you of the left get to logic, is logical fallacy.
You guys just can't Imagen the joy I'm getting out of chewing you up with facts and spitting you out. Not one supported argument to disprove anything I've said. It's the old I hate you and your wrong routine. repeated over and over again, quite useless actually. You can't argue what I said because it is fact.

When will you start presenting facts?

Shall I hold my breath?

Uneducated and ignorant leftists are legion here. You'll fit in, but be lost in the crowd.
View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Trump is RW?
Are you THAT stupid?
The RW HATES him.

Or is that what the 'RW' wants you to believe.

Trump promotes greed, religion, and hate, which are all objectives of the 'RW.' The rich however, don't want a Republican in the White House after the last complete failure.
he promoted hate for U.S citizens where? Can you link us to that speech?
If you do I will link you to Hillary actually saying that blacks are natural born predators, or how about her disdain for the gay community, or even her latest tirade where she claimed hate for anyone that would not consider voting for her criminal ass.
Or is that what the 'RW' wants you to believe.

Trump promotes greed, religion, and hate, which are all objectives of the 'RW.' The rich however, don't want a Republican in the White House after the last complete failure.
Actually you would be a idiot to vote for a regressive for president if you cared about the economy------
p { margin-bottom: 0.08in; }

You have no clue here are the numbers By the numbers The last 50 years of presidents

Years held presidency REP. 28 year DEM. 22 years

Total jobs created Rep. 24 million Dem. 42 million

Stock market returns Rep. 109% Dem. 992%

Stock market return annually Rep. 2.7% Dem .11%

GDP Rep. 2.7% Dem 4.1%

Income Growth Rep. .6% Dem. 2.2%

add in the massive amount Obama added to these numbers and it will tell you one thing and that is you have to be totally certifiable mindless if you vote a regressive for president if your concerned by the economy, under the circumstance.

I am not GOP, but morons like you make me ROTFLMAO.

There is no context to any of those numbers. If you really think those statistics are meaningful, you are an ass.
Who is the blind one here, those numbers are to far apart to be random. If you can't see that or don't wish to see that then thats your problem. I see all you regressive denying your party now. Can't Imagen why.

Anyone who understand statistics, understands they seek to detect repeatable patterns where cause and effect can be correlated and proven. You then seek for a model that links the two and eliminates other external forces or influences.

As in.....In certain cities, you can closely correlate the incidence of rape with the sale of ice cream. Explain that one......


Please show the model that can explain these patterns.

Did each president have the same economic conditions ?

Did each president have the same make up in congress ?

What were the external conditions.

No...you are the idiot when it comes to this stuff.

BTW: If you can show me where I have called myself GOP, I'll be glad to recant. Even if I were, Trump is still a moron.
All that is answered by the large discrepancy in the numbers. It is as it looks. There is no scenario where the numbers can be as they are other than one fact, you have to be ignorant to vote for a regressive if you are concerned with the economy., You can't flip a coin over and over and have that degree of discrepancy.The only argument you have is whether the numbers are correct or not.

There is no answer by the discrepancy in the numbers. And it is never as it looks.

Or are you saying that you can explain the relationship between ice cream and rape.
You guys just can't Imagen the joy I'm getting out of chewing you up with facts and spitting you out. Not one supported argument to disprove anything I've said. It's the old I hate you and your wrong routine. repeated over and over again, quite useless actually. You can't argue what I said because it is fact.

You have not proved anything you claim.

You completely ignored the request to normalize your data to the associated congress.

I work with self-righteous pricks like you and take delight in showing them just how stupid their smug little asses are.
View attachment 89368Both Ugly,pompous, crude, lying, self Righteous, Megalomania , Regressives want this mentally handicapped, half wit, ass hole to stand over the red button that with one push will kill us all. Like I've been saying for the last few years, this insane hateful group are by far a worse threat to this country than any terrorist group that exists at this time. They are the enemy of this country, populated by exactly what Clinton said they were populated by, people I wouldn't be seen with, people who should be every American patriots first and foremost enemy.

Trump is RW?
Are you THAT stupid?
The RW HATES him.

Aryan Nation, KKK, Nazis, all the right wing crazies love the guy. He uses all the dog whistle words they live to hear.
Bullshit I support nothing like that, nor does my party or the president.

Sorry, I thought you were from Earth, and part of the filthy Khmer Rouge demcoratic party.

So which planet do you come from? K-Pax?

Your goofy. ,

My goofy? :confused-84:

Oh I'm sorry, you're a leftist; hence functionally illiterate.

there is no such things as degree , the Tenets are 100% or they are just simply a degree of reference. I support a government and believe in social programs , that isn't
supporting a central authoritarian state which controls or directly owns the means of production to ensure the "fair" distribution of goods to the people through careful central planning by the authority. If it was every country in the world would be communist. By the way your comment isn't even close.

The American democratic - socialist party absolutely promotes a centrally planned and managed economy, as do Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.
So what your trying to say is what, Government own all business, government set wages , government tell business what they have to make , government owns all the natural recourses of this country, government controls the media. Buddy your so full of shit that your eyes are brown. Your just plain stupid. I know how your party prerequisite is to be paranoid but this is beyond that. Try to bullshit this , communism advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole. Your a idiot.

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