Zone1 What is the root cause of white racism?


Platinum Member
Feb 28, 2023
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
Once you start to operate off the fact that "racism" is just a lame social construct used as a club to beat people over the head with it makes things a lot easier. ;)
"You are a racist!" is the generic woke response to legitimate criticisms of the Negro race.

(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)
"You are a racist!" is the generic woke response to legitimate criticisms of the Negro race.

(When I criticize the Negro race I do so with the awareness that there are decent Negroes.)
While I am aware that there are decent, even admirable negroes, I am no longer willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. It is a mistake that can only be made once.
While I am aware that there are decent, even admirable negroes, I am no longer willing to give anyone the benefit of the doubt. It is a mistake that can only be made once.
I have learned to take precautions with young black men I do not know - especially a group of them - that are unnecessary to take with young white, Oriental, or even Hispanic men.
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
Racism is color blind. Just pick a target to hate/discriminate against & try to get people gullibilized enough to want to support your views. Below are a couple of B&W images mixed in with digitally colorized images. BOTH B&W as well as colorized send a STRONG message to me. In the colorized image of the Birkenau unloading ramp I notice that BOTH victim & perpetrator are of the same color of skin telling me that this was a religious persecution, just like we see going on today. Humanity cannot pull put of it's dive into hatred for the sake of hatred no matter what color of skin the two sides in a persecution have, like one can remove both color & religion & still there will be hatred.

Racism is color blind. Just pick a target to hate/discriminate against & try to get people gullibilized enough to want to support your views. Below are a couple of B&W images mixed in with digitally colorized images. BOTH B&W as well as colorized send a STRONG message to me. In the colorized image of the Birkenau unloading ramp I notice that BOTH victim & perpetrator are of the same color of skin telling me that this was a religious persecution, just like we see going on today. Humanity cannot pull put of it's dive into hatred for the sake of hatred no matter what color of skin the two sides in a persecution have, like one can remove both color & religion & still there will be hatred.

No one thinks Jews are inferior. Some people resent Jews because most of them are intelligent, successful, and prosperous. I admire them for the same reasons.
What is the cause of ALL "racism"?

People accepting the bullshit concept that humanity is more than a single race so that people can be divided and fight among each other over bullshit rather than act in unity for a common interest.
Our tyrant leaders want us all at each others' throats. It makes accomplishing their goals so much easier.
I dislike everybody. It is part of my egalitarian nature. Give them all something better to do than be near me.
Our tyrant leaders want us all at each others' throats. It makes accomplishing their goals so much easier.
I have come to the conclusion that the people who really call the shots, people who have guys like Epstein, Soros, Ed Buck, Bloomberg, EtAl on their payroll and buy their senators, presidents, representatives, prime ministers, generals, warlords and other "contractors" though them no longer care at all about the politics.

They don't care who wins or loses as long as the interest checks flow from the treasuries of any nation that has a debt and a currency. Which is pretty much all of them.
We hear much about the root cause of black crime. It is said to be poverty, which in turn is supposed to be caused by white racism.

What is the root cause of white racism?

I know from personal experience that a neighborhood full of poor Orientals is safe to walk in after dark. I would like for IM2 and JoeB131 to explain why this is true. I wonder if they walk along Martin Luther King Blvd. after dark. I did when I walked home from doing unpaid volunteer work at a Christian charity that helped homeless blacks and fatherless black children.
I was raised in the North but moved South in 1973 as a teenager. I had zero exposure to anything racial growing up. When I came South I noticed a LOT of racism toward blacks. Most of it seemed to come from older whites. That racist behavior was handed down through generations. It was the older black folks that were the kindest to me. Today it seems that a lot of racism from younger whites is being afraid of blacks because a large portion of violent crimes on local tv stations is committed by blacks. I have been told by blacks that they dislike me just because I’m white so I must be racist, which in itself is a racist statement.
I was raised in the North but moved South in 1973 as a teenager. I had zero exposure to anything racial growing up. When I came South I noticed a LOT of racism toward blacks. Most of it seemed to come from older whites. That racist behavior was handed down through generations. It was the older black folks that were the kindest to me. Today it seems that a lot of racism from younger whites is being afraid of blacks because a large portion of violent crimes on local tv stations is committed by blacks. I have been told by blacks that they dislike me just because I’m white so I must be racist, which in itself is a racist statement.
Interesting. I had a similar experience quite recently. I went to a resort in Maryland several months ago, and there was a big mix of people - white, black, young, old.

I found that the older blacks (say ages 60+) were warm and friendly to me, and had many nice conversations with several couples. But the attitude of the younger blacks, especially those in their 20s, was notably hostile. Even a friendly ”hello” on my part was rebuffed. One young black woman was sitting with her adorable baby, and I told her how cute the little girl was. She just glared at me - couldn’t even manage a thanks. But HER mother, around 50, smiled at me.

It SEEMS it would be the opposite. The older black people would have experienced directly, or known of the existence, of racism down South until the 60s, while the younger ones would have had benefit of preferential admissions policies and hiring practices.
Interesting. I had a similar experience quite recently. I went to a resort in Maryland several months ago, and there was a big mix of people - white, black, young, old.

I found that the older blacks (say ages 60+) were warm and friendly to me, and had many nice conversations with several couples. But the attitude of the younger blacks, especially those in their 20s, was notably hostile. Even a friendly ”hello” on my part was rebuffed. One young black woman was sitting with her adorable baby, and I told her how cute the little girl was. She just glared at me - couldn’t even manage a thanks. But HER mother, around 50, smiled at me.

It SEEMS it would be the opposite. The older black people would have experienced directly, or known of the existence, of racism down South until the 60s, while the younger ones would have had benefit of preferential admissions policies and hiring practices.
In my opinion older members of ALL minorities see how large the steps towards equality that have been taken are, but the younger ones just see how far things still need to go. The open hostility younger blacks show to whites undermines all the successful steps that have been taken. White society as a whole supported the equal rights movement or it wouldn't have happened, only a minority of reactionary whites, mostly in the deep south, opposed it. People like IM2 are working very hard to reverse that trend.
150 years ago I think it was because many white people were generally malicious to primitive tribal people and sought to exploit them or destroy them. It wasn't because they were black so much as vulnerable. In general, pimitive aboriginal people were darker....and still are. In modern times I think it's mainly due to black people acting like assholes. And I think racism among blacks is partly a counter-reaction to this and also refusing to let the past die in hopes they can exploit to get free shit. Of course the media fans the flames of all do trolls on sociopolitical forums.

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