What is the scope of your religious freedom as a business?

Yes, you do
You start a business and you have to comply with applicable laws

Is this law not applicable, virus?

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
In your private life, you are right
Once you open your business to the public, you are subject to the rules. The rules say you cannot deny service
When a person starts a business, does he give up his Constitutional right to "freely exercise" his religion?
There is nothing stopping the person from practicing their religion.
So he can refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
Yes he can refuse. There are consequences for that refusal if its via a business.
In your private life, you are right
Once you open your business to the public, you are subject to the rules. The rules say you cannot deny service
When a person starts a business, does he give up his Constitutional right to "freely exercise" his religion?
There is nothing stopping the person from practicing their religion.
So he can refuse to bake a cake for a gay wedding?
There's a cake-baking religion? Is there one for beer-making and scotch? Fuck me, Praise the Lord, of Hops and Barley! I'm a convert, I've seen the light, and it is aged to perfection.
You can believe what you want. All 3 of the monotheistic religions find Homosexuality sinful.
There are no monotheistic religions.

"We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth"

I must have said that 1000's of times growing up....
You also believe in jesus, mary, the holy ghost and various angels. Thats not monotheism.

Bzzzt wrong. Jesus and the holy spirit are aspects of the same deity. Mary is a saint, and angels are angels.
BS. Show me where they were described as the same in the bible. If you pray to something its a god. People pray to mary and jesus. Some even pray to angels. Christianity is about the same as Greek mythology.

Your ignorance on the matter is apparent, and your opinion is pretty much worthless.
I believe a person is free to decide what is morally acceptable to them.

This boils down to a simple question, "are people free, or property of the state?"

If people are free, they alone decide who they will work for, who they will buy from, who they will sell to, or engage in a contract with.

But democrats favor slavery and are demanding that they have successfully reestablished slavery as law of the land - ergo the slaves will do as they are told.
There are no monotheistic religions.

"We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth"

I must have said that 1000's of times growing up....
You also believe in jesus, mary, the holy ghost and various angels. Thats not monotheism.

Bzzzt wrong. Jesus and the holy spirit are aspects of the same deity. Mary is a saint, and angels are angels.
BS. Show me where they were described as the same in the bible. If you pray to something its a god. People pray to mary and jesus. Some even pray to angels. Christianity is about the same as Greek mythology.

Your ignorance on the matter is apparent, and your opinion is pretty much worthless.
You get angry when you are called on your BS everytime.
Where the fuck is that in the constitution? So considering me driving to church affects others, i.e. creates traffic, I am not allowed to do that (by your convoluted logic)?
Who told you it was in the constitution? Driving is not a right.

Buying a wedding cake isn't one either.
Who said it was a right? The point is the privilege is extended to everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

By forcing people to do something they don't want to? Honestly does fucking over religious people give you THAT much of a hard on?
They are not being forced. They have options. If they dont want to do it then they should close their business. I could give two fucks about religious people that think everyone should follow their rules.

That is not an option, but it is a convenient view for an vindictive twat such as yourself. But you get to hide behind the logic of "its the government doing it, not me" making you a cowardly vindictive twat as well.
so while the U.S. Constitution is burned up by the Left all you Marie Antoinettes have to say is Let them Eat Cake....
Where in the constitution does it say you can discriminate against people using your religion?

The Constitution restricts GOVERNMENT, not people (except in two cases).
So why do you think practicing your religion in the public sector and discriminating is protected?

because they gay people can go to another baker to get their cake. That doesn't require government to intervene and ruin a person who doesn't want to go along.

What if they live in redneck "we hate fags" America where a town only has one baker?

Then they have other issues besides buying a cake, such as no one attending their wedding.
how are they doing that...? the law says nothing about gays...

the law is simply to provide a way to court for people who do not want to be forced against their religious beliefs...

Forced to do what?

How does baking a cake violate the tenets of any religion?

And will these oh so holy people apply this refusal to all people who sin or just some people who sin?

IDGAF if people refuse to serve someone I just want them to be honest and consistent.

The problem contained in your question is that religions aren't 'official' or based on specific identiable sets of beliefs.

Your religion, essentially, is whatever you want to call your religion.
Not entirely. Usually there has to be some consistent tenets etc.

and the oh so holy people can't pick and choose the tenets they follow right?

Surely if baking a cake for a gay person is a sin then baking one for an adulterer is a sin, a thief? a murderer?

Seems to me with all the sinners that baker sells to his soul is already damned to hell so why not make a little money on a gay wedding cake

I believe a person is free to decide what is morally acceptable to them.
IOW to be a hypocrite.

Like I said if you want to push for right to refuse service laws I'm all for it. I think anyone should have the right t refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. I think people who do it are stupid but they have that right I guess. If they do it though they lose their right to whine when public action and outcry runs them out of business

I don't buy this religion argument.

It's disingenuous.
Who told you it was in the constitution? Driving is not a right.

Buying a wedding cake isn't one either.
Who said it was a right? The point is the privilege is extended to everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

By forcing people to do something they don't want to? Honestly does fucking over religious people give you THAT much of a hard on?
They are not being forced. They have options. If they dont want to do it then they should close their business. I could give two fucks about religious people that think everyone should follow their rules.

That is not an option, but it is a convenient view for an vindictive twat such as yourself. But you get to hide behind the logic of "its the government doing it, not me" making you a cowardly vindictive twat as well.
You should look up the meaning of option so you dont look so uneducated.
"We believe in One God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth"

I must have said that 1000's of times growing up....
You also believe in jesus, mary, the holy ghost and various angels. Thats not monotheism.

Bzzzt wrong. Jesus and the holy spirit are aspects of the same deity. Mary is a saint, and angels are angels.
BS. Show me where they were described as the same in the bible. If you pray to something its a god. People pray to mary and jesus. Some even pray to angels. Christianity is about the same as Greek mythology.

Your ignorance on the matter is apparent, and your opinion is pretty much worthless.
You get angry when you are called on your BS everytime.

I get angry when neo-fascists such as yourself use government to force their morality on others.
If people are free, they alone decide who they will work for, who they will buy from, who they will sell to, or engage in a contract with.
Well, you have your answer. If you want to be free, don't start a business. That won't exactly make that true, but it's a start.
Buying a wedding cake isn't one either.
Who said it was a right? The point is the privilege is extended to everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

By forcing people to do something they don't want to? Honestly does fucking over religious people give you THAT much of a hard on?
They are not being forced. They have options. If they dont want to do it then they should close their business. I could give two fucks about religious people that think everyone should follow their rules.

That is not an option, but it is a convenient view for an vindictive twat such as yourself. But you get to hide behind the logic of "its the government doing it, not me" making you a cowardly vindictive twat as well.
You should look up the meaning of option so you dont look so uneducated.

When the option is either go against ones morals or go out of buisiness, it is not an option, it is a diktat.
You also believe in jesus, mary, the holy ghost and various angels. Thats not monotheism.

Bzzzt wrong. Jesus and the holy spirit are aspects of the same deity. Mary is a saint, and angels are angels.
BS. Show me where they were described as the same in the bible. If you pray to something its a god. People pray to mary and jesus. Some even pray to angels. Christianity is about the same as Greek mythology.

Your ignorance on the matter is apparent, and your opinion is pretty much worthless.
You get angry when you are called on your BS everytime.

I get angry when neo-fascists such as yourself use government to force their morality on others.
Too bad.
how are they doing that...? the law says nothing about gays...

the law is simply to provide a way to court for people who do not want to be forced against their religious beliefs...

Forced to do what?

How does baking a cake violate the tenets of any religion?

And will these oh so holy people apply this refusal to all people who sin or just some people who sin?

IDGAF if people refuse to serve someone I just want them to be honest and consistent.

The problem contained in your question is that religions aren't 'official' or based on specific identiable sets of beliefs.

Your religion, essentially, is whatever you want to call your religion.
Not entirely. Usually there has to be some consistent tenets etc.

and the oh so holy people can't pick and choose the tenets they follow right?

Surely if baking a cake for a gay person is a sin then baking one for an adulterer is a sin, a thief? a murderer?

Seems to me with all the sinners that baker sells to his soul is already damned to hell so why not make a little money on a gay wedding cake

I believe a person is free to decide what is morally acceptable to them.

I agree. It's sad that this is such a radical concept.
Who said it was a right? The point is the privilege is extended to everyone regardless of sexual orientation.

By forcing people to do something they don't want to? Honestly does fucking over religious people give you THAT much of a hard on?
They are not being forced. They have options. If they dont want to do it then they should close their business. I could give two fucks about religious people that think everyone should follow their rules.

That is not an option, but it is a convenient view for an vindictive twat such as yourself. But you get to hide behind the logic of "its the government doing it, not me" making you a cowardly vindictive twat as well.
You should look up the meaning of option so you dont look so uneducated.

When the option is either go against ones morals or go out of buisiness, it is not an option, it is a diktat.
Going out of business is a course of action that can be chosen. That is the very definition of an option. Look it up so you dont look so lost when talking with adults.
so while the U.S. Constitution is burned up by the Left all you Marie Antoinettes have to say is Let them Eat Cake....
Where in the constitution does it say you can discriminate against people using your religion?

The Constitution restricts GOVERNMENT, not people (except in two cases).
So why do you think practicing your religion in the public sector and discriminating is protected?

because they gay people can go to another baker to get their cake. That doesn't require government to intervene and ruin a person who doesn't want to go along.
BS The governent sets up rules and the businesses have to abide by them or close up shop.

Again, your inner fascist showing through. How about we get government to start banning useless twats such as yourself from posting on forums?
Forced to do what?

How does baking a cake violate the tenets of any religion?

And will these oh so holy people apply this refusal to all people who sin or just some people who sin?

IDGAF if people refuse to serve someone I just want them to be honest and consistent.

The problem contained in your question is that religions aren't 'official' or based on specific identiable sets of beliefs.

Your religion, essentially, is whatever you want to call your religion.
Not entirely. Usually there has to be some consistent tenets etc.

and the oh so holy people can't pick and choose the tenets they follow right?

Surely if baking a cake for a gay person is a sin then baking one for an adulterer is a sin, a thief? a murderer?

Seems to me with all the sinners that baker sells to his soul is already damned to hell so why not make a little money on a gay wedding cake

I believe a person is free to decide what is morally acceptable to them.
IOW to be a hypocrite.

Why not? The left exercises their hypocrisy on these threads daily.
By forcing people to do something they don't want to? Honestly does fucking over religious people give you THAT much of a hard on?
They are not being forced. They have options. If they dont want to do it then they should close their business. I could give two fucks about religious people that think everyone should follow their rules.

That is not an option, but it is a convenient view for an vindictive twat such as yourself. But you get to hide behind the logic of "its the government doing it, not me" making you a cowardly vindictive twat as well.
You should look up the meaning of option so you dont look so uneducated.

When the option is either go against ones morals or go out of buisiness, it is not an option, it is a diktat.
Going out of business is a course of action that can be chosen. That is the very definition of an option. Look it up so you dont look so lost when talking with adults.

its a non option. Again either way you get to jack off to screwing over a religious person, as well as a person who doesn't agree with you. Vindictive twat.
Congress shall make no law.

what part of that is difficult to understand?

the government has no right to infringe on our conscience.

why are you so insecure with your beliefs that you feel the need to force others to agree with you?

if we aren't free to practice our religion in our business how are we free? You whine if we don't follow our religion and then you whine if we do. I wish you hypocrites would figure out what you want.

Congress is not making a law regarding the establishment of a religion. They are regulating commerce

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