What is this BS going around that the first Amendment only applies to the government, not Facebook

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He is a nut, but that doesn't make it right. God you are a commie/Nazi. It's ok as long as it's a political opponent in your mind.

and again, post the video or link that caused him to be banned....I bet you don't have one.
I don’t follow him to know, or care, why FB wants him banned. I do know it’s a private website just like this one; where anyone can be banned for any reason at any time. And to protect themselves from lawsuits brought on by his lunacies, any business, including FB, is wise to banish him.
Then stop talking on the issue.
Who made you hall monitor?

Apparently, YOU did, by advocating for speech to be silenced because someone doesn't like it.
Nope, you’re an idiot. I made no one a hall monitor here nor could I if I even wanted to.

Nope, YOU'RE an idiot, since you can't comprehend when you're being mocked for your hypocrisy.

Let me spell it out.

You're a big fan of OTHER people being silenced because you don't like what they're saying, but when someone doesn't like what YOU say and tells you to stop talking, suddenly your panties are ALL up your ass.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it.
I believe a free and open forum in which to discuss ideas is healthy for society. I also believe that free people should be free to ban anyone they choose from their private property or private web site. The American left is infamous for banning speech that opposes their ideology. The left cannot defeat the ideas of the right in an open forum so they must ban or limit the right from being able to present their ideas.
This could spread though, Facebook could spread to automakers, supermarkets, and everything private, not allowing conservative users. It's wrong any way you look at it
And? If cake bakers can pull out because of their "beliefs," why can't others? Stop trying to force other people to go along with your nasty little pity party.
They sure act like it and are protected by the media
Cries s rightard on a thread about how conservatives should be a protected class who should have the right to post on Facebook without being censored. :eusa_doh:

I’m tellin’ ya folks, you can’t make this shit up.
No you can't. The left posts even crazier shit and doesn't ever get censored....not cool

BTW what did Alex Jones get banned for on Facebook
Oh, stop whining like a baby.

As far as Alex Jones, he’s a raving lunatic. Any business would be wise to keep their distance from a nut like that.

Jones was right, you are, were and always will be wrong.

I do enjoy. I’m more than happy to be on the opposite side of the fence from a raving lunatic like Jones.


Maybe you could spend less time preening about your wonderfulness in "opposing Alex Jones", and a little more time taking a look at the raving lunatics you're on the SAME side with:



Then stop talking on the issue.
Who made you hall monitor?

Apparently, YOU did, by advocating for speech to be silenced because someone doesn't like it.
Nope, you’re an idiot. I made no one a hall monitor here nor could I if I even wanted to.
So you'd be fine with USMB just stopping you from posting......
If I posed the risk of bringing litigation against USMB like Jones does, I wouldn’t be surprised to get banned. And if that were to happen, I’d just move on.

Stop bullshitting. Jones brought no risk of litigation against those platforms . . . UNTIL they banned him.
I believe a free and open forum in which to discuss ideas is healthy for society. I also believe that free people should be free to ban anyone they choose from their private property or private web site. The American left is infamous for banning speech that opposes their ideology. The left cannot defeat the ideas of the right in an open forum so they must ban or limit the right from being able to present their ideas.
This could spread though, Facebook could spread to automakers, supermarkets, and everything private, not allowing conservative users. It's wrong any way you look at it
And? If cake bakers can pull out because of their "beliefs," why can't others? Stop trying to force other people to go along with your nasty little pity party.
You consider freedom of speech a nasty little party?

Take your pills
Cries s rightard on a thread about how conservatives should be a protected class who should have the right to post on Facebook without being censored. :eusa_doh:

I’m tellin’ ya folks, you can’t make this shit up.
No you can't. The left posts even crazier shit and doesn't ever get censored....not cool

BTW what did Alex Jones get banned for on Facebook
Poor trumpanzee victims....all the mean social media sites are picking on you......View attachment 209429
Wow, the left really hates free speech.......I didn't realize how much.
This comes from the side that likes Net Neutrality and the fairness doctrine....
The protection of free speech applies to the government, not private businesses. When are you dolts ever going to figure that out?

I don't believe anyone specified LEGAL protection from GOVERNMENT attacks on free speech. I believe he just said that the left hates people speaking freely.

When are YOU dolts going to learn to read?
Dayum, you’re one fucking rightard. :ack-1:

Read the fucking title. :eusa_doh:

What is this BS going around that the first Amendment only applies to the government, not Facebook

You can’t understand how that’s comparing legal protection from the government with protection from private businesses??
I don’t follow him to know, or care, why FB wants him banned. I do know it’s a private website just like this one; where anyone can be banned for any reason at any time. And to protect themselves from lawsuits brought on by his lunacies, any business, including FB, is wise to banish him.
Then stop talking on the issue.
Who made you hall monitor?

Apparently, YOU did, by advocating for speech to be silenced because someone doesn't like it.
Nope, you’re an idiot. I made no one a hall monitor here nor could I if I even wanted to.

Nope, YOU'RE an idiot, since you can't comprehend when you're being mocked for your hypocrisy.

Let me spell it out.

You're a big fan of OTHER people being silenced because you don't like what they're saying, but when someone doesn't like what YOU say and tells you to stop talking, suddenly your panties are ALL up your ass.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it.
Oh? What can’t I take? Where did I say I have a problem if I get banned? What I did point out, is that buckeye45_73 is a nobody who is in no position to silence me.
No you can't. The left posts even crazier shit and doesn't ever get censored....not cool

BTW what did Alex Jones get banned for on Facebook
Poor trumpanzee victims....all the mean social media sites are picking on you......View attachment 209429
Wow, the left really hates free speech.......I didn't realize how much.
This comes from the side that likes Net Neutrality and the fairness doctrine....
The protection of free speech applies to the government, not private businesses. When are you dolts ever going to figure that out?

I don't believe anyone specified LEGAL protection from GOVERNMENT attacks on free speech. I believe he just said that the left hates people speaking freely.

When are YOU dolts going to learn to read?
Dayum, you’re one fucking rightard. :ack-1:

Read the fucking title. :eusa_doh:

What is this BS going around that the first Amendment only applies to the government, not Facebook

You can’t understand how that’s comparing legal protection from the government with protection from private businesses??

Dayum, you're fucking stupid even for a leftist.

Read the fucking post you were actually responding to.

"Wow, the left really hates free speech.......I didn't realize how much.

This comes from the side that likes Net Neutrality and the fairness doctrine...."

You weren't responding to the thread title, shit-for-brains; you were responding to buckeye.

You can't understand how people might ALSO be talking about how much you just fucking hate people being allowed to say things you don't agree with?

Then stop talking on the issue.
Who made you hall monitor?

Apparently, YOU did, by advocating for speech to be silenced because someone doesn't like it.
Nope, you’re an idiot. I made no one a hall monitor here nor could I if I even wanted to.

Nope, YOU'RE an idiot, since you can't comprehend when you're being mocked for your hypocrisy.

Let me spell it out.

You're a big fan of OTHER people being silenced because you don't like what they're saying, but when someone doesn't like what YOU say and tells you to stop talking, suddenly your panties are ALL up your ass.

You can dish it out, but you can't take it.
Oh? What can’t I take? Where did I say I have a problem if I get banned? What I did point out, is that buckeye45_73 is a nobody who is in no position to silence me.

"I wake up to a new fucking conversation with every single post. I have absolutely no ability to recall back to the LAST post, even though they're all right there on the quote function." - Faun
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

Just FYI. The First Amendment only applies to the Government, not Facebook
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

Just FYI. The First Amendment only applies to the Government, not Facebook
Facebook is the government, as it is an arm of the NSA designed to gather data on imbeciles. This is what Alex Jones revealed that really got him banned.

NSA Sneakily Deletes Years Of Phone Call Records After Rosenstein Testifies

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.

Alex Jones
They claim to be a platform, yet conspiratorially ban users for political reasons.

These companies received millions and millions in subsidies. Attacking Americans like this is absolutely not ok. Any more than all the power companies suddenly deciding that they won't be delivering the electricity.
You don't like what they do, go elsewhere. Easy solution. You must be a trumpanzee, right?

You mean like you did when Trump won the election? Seems like you're still here begging for handouts
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

Just FYI. The First Amendment only applies to the Government, not Facebook
Facebook is the government, as it is an arm of the NSA designed to gather data on imbeciles. This is what Alex Jones revealed that really got him banned.

NSA Sneakily Deletes Years Of Phone Call Records After Rosenstein Testifies

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.

Alex Jones

Just so you know, I'm able to read your thoughts right now. You'd better check the tinfoil, I think it's slipping
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

Just FYI. The First Amendment only applies to the Government, not Facebook
Facebook is the government, as it is an arm of the NSA designed to gather data on imbeciles. This is what Alex Jones revealed that really got him banned.

NSA Sneakily Deletes Years Of Phone Call Records After Rosenstein Testifies

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.

Alex Jones

Just so you know, I'm able to read your thoughts right now. You'd better check the tinfoil, I think it's slipping

I said the government was recording phone calls 10 years ago. Edward Snowden proved me correct, so you are the one who is afraid of the truth and chooses to live in a foil hat.

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.
Seriously if Facebook can censor conservatives and it is not subject to the first Amendment, because it is not a public entity, but a private one, then we can all violate the first Amendment since we are all private entities.

So can Walmart not hire a certain color people? They are a private company.

Who thought this nonsense thru?

Just FYI. The First Amendment only applies to the Government, not Facebook
Facebook is the government, as it is an arm of the NSA designed to gather data on imbeciles. This is what Alex Jones revealed that really got him banned.

NSA Sneakily Deletes Years Of Phone Call Records After Rosenstein Testifies

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.

Alex Jones

Just so you know, I'm able to read your thoughts right now. You'd better check the tinfoil, I think it's slipping

I said the government was recording phone calls 10 years ago. Edward Snowden proved me correct, so you are the one who is afraid of the truth and chooses to live in a foil hat.

Owen Shroyer breaks down how the NSA has somehow lost years of phone call records and questions the timing of the removal of these records since Rosenstein just testified to withholding documents.

Shhh, they don't want that getting out
I don’t follow him to know, or care, why FB wants him banned. I do know it’s a private website just like this one; where anyone can be banned for any reason at any time.

Not true really. 90% of folks that walk the USMB plank are shoved off for violations of our clear simple rules. They are posted. And they are common sense. These social media giants never gave moderation and content control an issue in their design. NOW -- they are fucking up royally by making poor decisions and blaming them on "their algorithms". You don't NEED a fucking algorithm. You need clear simple posting guidelines.

BTW -- the OTHER 10% of USMB plank walkers are folks who are one issue people that grab hold of ANY threads and turn them into "their issue". Which is also a rule violation called hijacking threads. But in their cases, these are vile haters or looney tunes that CAN'T discuss without their hair on fire.

You cannot get banned or throttled on USMB --- on our whim. That's why we're BETTER than Twitter and Facebook for discussions.
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