What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

thats just dumb, period
First off, even as fewer compaies are in some areas, other areas grow. How many people get news from Drudge Report, or Rush Limbaugh or talk radio? You can argue those are biased or unreliable but we know the mainstream media is biased an unreliable as well.
Second, government frequently aids and abets monopolies, not the other way around. Tobacco is an excellent example. As part of the tobacco settlement government set regulations such that no new tobacco company could enter the marketplace. The trade off between the tobacco companies paying billions was that they were guaranteed a market free of competitiion.

Your first sentence is a non sequitur.

Your second sentence is hilarious since Rush is admittedly an entertainer who is no journalist by any stretch of the imagination and doesn't claim to be AND because talk radio, which is little more than an emotional wasteland of constant excessive fear-mongering, represents the complete antithesis of dispassionate news coverage which is sadly in decline mostly because too many people now choose to listen to the kind of propaganda that reinforces their previously held beliefs as opposed to news which might actually challenge their preconceived assumptions AND because news outlets seem to feel they have to compete with entertainment mediums in order to hold the attention of people. Unfortunately, that last fact is one of the reasons why we get so much fluff instead of hard facts.

But nothing you wrote addresses the issue of corporate ascendancy in terms of their power to bend other societal forces to their will and our individual and collective need to have a mitigating force which is strong enough to stand up to the economic and political juggernaut that corporate influence brings to bear on the local, state, and national stage. As for myself, I see plenty of similarities between today and the late 1890s when the trusts and the monopolies had pretty much grabbed so much power that they started to dominate most aspects of public life. Back in those days, a Republican (Teddy Roosevelt) stepped up to challenge their power and managed to thankfully knock them down a few pegs. Today, Republicans are aiding and abetting corporate power. Unfortunately, so are many of the Democrats since corporate money finances the campaigns of both political parties now.

You're merely a tool of your corporate masters. We get it.
You're dismissed.

you're a moron ..... you would require a raise in pay grade to even qualify for being dismissed much less dismiss anyone else .. breathing is about all you're good for, and that's under review..
Your first sentence is a non sequitur.

Your second sentence is hilarious since Rush is admittedly an entertainer who is no journalist by any stretch of the imagination and doesn't claim to be AND because talk radio, which is little more than an emotional wasteland of constant excessive fear-mongering, represents the complete antithesis of dispassionate news coverage which is sadly in decline mostly because too many people now choose to listen to the kind of propaganda that reinforces their previously held beliefs as opposed to news which might actually challenge their preconceived assumptions AND because news outlets seem to feel they have to compete with entertainment mediums in order to hold the attention of people. Unfortunately, that last fact is one of the reasons why we get so much fluff instead of hard facts.

But nothing you wrote addresses the issue of corporate ascendancy in terms of their power to bend other societal forces to their will and our individual and collective need to have a mitigating force which is strong enough to stand up to the economic and political juggernaut that corporate influence brings to bear on the local, state, and national stage. As for myself, I see plenty of similarities between today and the late 1890s when the trusts and the monopolies had pretty much grabbed so much power that they started to dominate most aspects of public life. Back in those days, a Republican (Teddy Roosevelt) stepped up to challenge their power and managed to thankfully knock them down a few pegs. Today, Republicans are aiding and abetting corporate power. Unfortunately, so are many of the Democrats since corporate money finances the campaigns of both political parties now.

You're merely a tool of your corporate masters. We get it.
You're dismissed.

you're a moron ..... you would require a raise in pay grade to even qualify for being dismissed much less dismiss anyone else .. breathing is about all you're good for, and that's under review..

Did I insult your boyfriend? You are consistently one of the worse posters here. When challenged you deflect or simply ignore the question.
You're merely a tool of your corporate masters. We get it.
You're dismissed.

you're a moron ..... you would require a raise in pay grade to even qualify for being dismissed much less dismiss anyone else .. breathing is about all you're good for, and that's under review..

Did I insult your boyfriend? You are consistently one of the worse posters here. When challenged you deflect or simply ignore the question.

So, you feel so confident about your abilities and your point of view that you decide to go after the person you think is one of the worse <sic> posters here? What does that say about you?
you're a moron ..... you would require a raise in pay grade to even qualify for being dismissed much less dismiss anyone else .. breathing is about all you're good for, and that's under review..

Did I insult your boyfriend? You are consistently one of the worse posters here. When challenged you deflect or simply ignore the question.

So, you feel so confident about your abilities and your point of view that you decide to go after the person you think is one of the worse <sic> posters here? What does that say about you?

That made no sense.
He posted. I responded to his post. What's the problem. "Worse" was correct in this context. He's not the worst poster, that would be maybe RDean with lots of competition. BUt he is among the worse ones rather than the better ones. On a different thread he posted some garbage and then refused to defend it.
There is no proof tht government is in cahoots with monopolies or grants monopolies.
There is proof that government often attempts to limit competition in some areas. Which is not the same thing remotely.

Oh I see. Granting exclusive rights to a market isn't the same as granting a monopoly on the market. ROFL

Dude you are out of your depth on this one.

Please show me where government granted exclusive rights to any market.
Dont even try to think you can compete with me on facts or logic. Not gonna happen.

Are you retarded?

A legal monopoly, statutory monopoly, or de jure monopoly is a monopoly that is protected by law from competition. A statutory monopoly may take the form of a government monopoly where the state owns the particular means of production or government-granted monopoly where a private interest is protected from competition such as being granted exclusive rights to offer a particular service in a specific region (e.g. patented inventions) while agreeing to have their policies and prices regulated. [1] This type of monopoly is usually contrasted with de facto monopoly which is a broad category for monopolies that are not created by government.
If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

Yes, the 'Doctorate' in Economics doesn't understand it's all or nothing... lol

I don't have a doctorate. Where did I say I have a doctorate?

This is made up just like almost everything else you say, D23.

But I will compliment you on one thing. If I look past the literal words you've typed, I think I see sarcasm.

And if that's sarcasm.... then it means you finally see things in shades of grey!

There's hope for you, D23.

Weird weren't you the one GOING for her Doctorate in Economics was was that some other right winger who is always wrong?

Yes, because when people talk about inequality, of course that mean they want everyone to make the same *shaking head*
Oh I see. Granting exclusive rights to a market isn't the same as granting a monopoly on the market. ROFL

Dude you are out of your depth on this one.

Please show me where government granted exclusive rights to any market.
Dont even try to think you can compete with me on facts or logic. Not gonna happen.

Are you retarded?

A legal monopoly, statutory monopoly, or de jure monopoly is a monopoly that is protected by law from competition. A statutory monopoly may take the form of a government monopoly where the state owns the particular means of production or government-granted monopoly where a private interest is protected from competition such as being granted exclusive rights to offer a particular service in a specific region (e.g. patented inventions) while agreeing to have their policies and prices regulated. [1] This type of monopoly is usually contrasted with de facto monopoly which is a broad category for monopolies that are not created by government.

The few exceptions where gov't has granted a monopoly, like the Post Office, are well known.
You havent proven anything.
If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

That's another one along the lines of "the oceans are made of bubblegum."

I don't think you meant it to work perfectly on our list, but alas, it does.

Siete, even socialist economists don't argue that. They argue it purely on a "fairness" aspect. Or so-called fairness aspect. I say so-called because as the Soviet experiment showed when it crashed and burned, that became a HUGE disincentive for anyone to work their asses off like entrepreneurs do here.

Instead in THAT fairy dust world, everybody raced to see who could work the least. Afterall, why work 12 hour days and get paid for what the other jerk was doing only 8 hours of. And we saw what THAT finally did to that economy.

Seriously, I never thought we'd have to be re-teaching all these things from just 24 years ago.

I thought Soviet propaganda was bad in those days. The liberal indoctrination via academia, media, and Hollywood rivals Soviet indoctrination in a very eery way.

Read the classic, 1984.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth

The widening gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else has made the economy more prone to boom-bust cycles and slowed the 5-year-old recovery from the recession.

Economic disparities appear to be reaching extremes that "need to be watched because they're damaging to growth," said Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. economist at S&P.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth
Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Yes, and IF those VERY WEALTHY guys had to pay a little more taxes, those things wouldn't had been invented right? lol

What did they invent during the 1930s when marginal rates were 90%?

You meant 1930's-1963 top rates were 91%? The economy SUCKED and nothing was invented right? lol
eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

That's another one along the lines of "the oceans are made of bubblegum."

I don't think you meant it to work perfectly on our list, but alas, it does.

Siete, even socialist economists don't argue that. They argue it purely on a "fairness" aspect. Or so-called fairness aspect. I say so-called because as the Soviet experiment showed when it crashed and burned, that became a HUGE disincentive for anyone to work their asses off like entrepreneurs do here.

Instead in THAT fairy dust world, everybody raced to see who could work the least. Afterall, why work 12 hour days and get paid for what the other jerk was doing only 8 hours of. And we saw what THAT finally did to that economy.

Seriously, I never thought we'd have to be re-teaching all these things from just 24 years ago.

I thought Soviet propaganda was bad in those days. The liberal indoctrination via academia, media, and Hollywood rivals Soviet indoctrination in a very eery way.

Read the classic, 1984.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth

The widening gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else has made the economy more prone to boom-bust cycles and slowed the 5-year-old recovery from the recession.

Economic disparities appear to be reaching extremes that "need to be watched because they're damaging to growth," said Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. economist at S&P.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth

So let's kick the Democrats out of office since their policies have resulted in an increasing wealth gap, slowing growth. Right?
If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

A fallacious belief that eventually 10 people in the country will control all tjhe money while everyone else will be digging through garbage cans for dinner.
Its a total fantasy with no basis but leftists run on fantasy.

Never played the game monopoly huh?

That's what the right wing wants for US , played with about 50,000 boards and everyone but them go BK...
Yes, and IF those VERY WEALTHY guys had to pay a little more taxes, those things wouldn't had been invented right? lol

What did they invent during the 1930s when marginal rates were 90%?

Bingo! I post that libs believe the raising rates wont have any effect but lowering them will be disaster. And here's Dad Crack addict posting exactly that.


eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

A fallacious belief that eventually 10 people in the country will control all tjhe money while everyone else will be digging through garbage cans for dinner.
Its a total fantasy with no basis but leftists run on fantasy.

On that point I would disagree.

The overall pie is expanding and I appreciate the value of capitalism.

But economics teaches about barriers to entry and big corporations are putting them up with the help of morons like Obama.

Yes because the libertarian fantasy has worked so well EVERYWHERE it's been tried right? I'll take just ONE example EVER? And NO the US never was, we used HEAVY protectionists policy from day 1!
eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

A fallacious belief that eventually 10 people in the country will control all tjhe money while everyone else will be digging through garbage cans for dinner.
Its a total fantasy with no basis but leftists run on fantasy.

Never played the game monopoly huh?

That's what the right wing wants for US , played with about 50,000 boards and everyone but them go BK...

Yeah because the US economy is exactly like the game of monopoly, right?
A fallacious belief that eventually 10 people in the country will control all tjhe money while everyone else will be digging through garbage cans for dinner.
Its a total fantasy with no basis but leftists run on fantasy.

On that point I would disagree.

The overall pie is expanding and I appreciate the value of capitalism.

But economics teaches about barriers to entry and big corporations are putting them up with the help of morons like Obama.

Big corporations always try to put up barriers. That's why every computer sold in America is an IBM. Oh wait. Yeah, it used to be you had a choice between Apple and IBM. Then there was IBM compatible. Now IBM doesnt make desk top computers.
Or every browser is Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Microsoft was actually sued for anti trust over it. Today there are numerous browsers out there.
There are no monopolies without government decree.

There are no monopolies without government decree.

Yes, tell that too Rockefeller and Standard oil....
On that point I would disagree.

The overall pie is expanding and I appreciate the value of capitalism.

But economics teaches about barriers to entry and big corporations are putting them up with the help of morons like Obama.

Big corporations always try to put up barriers. That's why every computer sold in America is an IBM. Oh wait. Yeah, it used to be you had a choice between Apple and IBM. Then there was IBM compatible. Now IBM doesnt make desk top computers.
Or every browser is Microsoft's Internet Explorer. Microsoft was actually sued for anti trust over it. Today there are numerous browsers out there.
There are no monopolies without government decree.

I take this to mean you agree that government helps to screw us when it comes to a free market.

This is the joke in health care. There never was a free market as insurance and health care are two heavily regulated industries.

I'd be more than willing to allow myself a visit to someone besides a doctor. Who else's business is it other than mine ?

What's with this FANTASY you have of 'free markets' EVER, ANYWHERE?

That's another one along the lines of "the oceans are made of bubblegum."

I don't think you meant it to work perfectly on our list, but alas, it does.

Siete, even socialist economists don't argue that. They argue it purely on a "fairness" aspect. Or so-called fairness aspect. I say so-called because as the Soviet experiment showed when it crashed and burned, that became a HUGE disincentive for anyone to work their asses off like entrepreneurs do here.

Instead in THAT fairy dust world, everybody raced to see who could work the least. Afterall, why work 12 hour days and get paid for what the other jerk was doing only 8 hours of. And we saw what THAT finally did to that economy.

Seriously, I never thought we'd have to be re-teaching all these things from just 24 years ago.

I thought Soviet propaganda was bad in those days. The liberal indoctrination via academia, media, and Hollywood rivals Soviet indoctrination in a very eery way.

Read the classic, 1984.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth

The widening gap between the wealthiest Americans and everyone else has made the economy more prone to boom-bust cycles and slowed the 5-year-old recovery from the recession.

Economic disparities appear to be reaching extremes that "need to be watched because they're damaging to growth," said Beth Ann Bovino, chief U.S. economist at S&P.

S&P finally finds something to dislike in our extreme wealth gap: It's hurting economic growth

So let's kick the Democrats out of office since their policies have resulted in an increasing wealth gap, slowing growth. Right?

Sure, it was Dems policies, after all we ALL know an economy as large as US with a $15+ GDP, distributes wealth on a dime. No other factors or policies played an effect except the party currently in control *shaking head*

A fallacious belief that eventually 10 people in the country will control all tjhe money while everyone else will be digging through garbage cans for dinner.
Its a total fantasy with no basis but leftists run on fantasy.

Never played the game monopoly huh?

That's what the right wing wants for US , played with about 50,000 boards and everyone but them go BK...

Yeah because the US economy is exactly like the game of monopoly, right?

Basically, YES. What do you think capitalism is? :eusa_hand:
Bingo! I post that libs believe the raising rates wont have any effect but lowering them will be disaster. And here's Dad Crack addict posting exactly that.



Hah. You prove nothing.
Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy


In Greece, they can’t hardly give EU carbon credits away


Print Page - In Greece, they can’t hardly give EU carbon credits away


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