What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

It's based on the macroconomic principle that, in the long run, supply or creates it's own demand.
Never played the game monopoly huh?

That's what the right wing wants for US , played with about 50,000 boards and everyone but them go BK...

Yeah because the US economy is exactly like the game of monopoly, right?

Basically, YES. What do you think capitalism is? :eusa_hand:

Of course you had no credibility to start with. Because you're on crack. But thinking the US economy is like Monopoly is a new low in stupid.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

It's based on the macroconomic principle that, in the long run, supply or creates it's own demand.

Not really but thanks for playing.
Hah. You prove nothing.
Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
Hah. You prove nothing.
Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
So you can't refute what I wrote. Typical.
Hah. You prove nothing.
Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
So you can't refute what I wrote. Typical.

You didn't post anything of substance. You didn't say what the graph is of.

This your post.

Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

It doesn't say anything.

It's kinda difficult to support or refute nothing.
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What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
So you can't refute what I wrote. Typical.

You didn't post anything of substance. You didn't say what the graph is of.

This your post.

Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

It doesn't say anything.

It's kinda difficult to support or refute nothing.

My point is proven I think. Democrats: Fucking losers who screw it up for everybody else.
Hah. You prove nothing.
Here's a chart that shows what a disaster Democrats have been for the economy

What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
So you can't refute what I wrote. Typical.


In Greece, they can’t hardly give EU carbon credits away




What is that a graph of?

See, that is the question you should be asking yourself and the presenting to others. I suspect this is the problem. It is an issue with being in touch with reality. It's something that requires commitment and diligence. Your posting of an out of context graph along with a vague and generalized statement has all the earmarks of not focusing on reality. It's just meaningless ranting.

I'm just saying.
So you can't refute what I wrote. Typical.


In Greece, they can’t hardly give EU carbon credits away




And the Democrats want us to become another Greece! See, Dems are losers. You just proved it.
You're merely a tool of your corporate masters. We get it.
You're dismissed.

you're a moron ..... you would require a raise in pay grade to even qualify for being dismissed much less dismiss anyone else .. breathing is about all you're good for, and that's under review..

Did I insult your boyfriend? You are consistently one of the worse posters here. When challenged you deflect or simply ignore the question.

Rabid quips ..

"You're merely a tool of your corporate masters. We get it.
You're dismissed"

yeah, that was pure brilliance for a worm ... what was your question I deflected from again? oh, there wasn't one.

I keep telling you you're a moron, and you keep proving it.
Please show me where government granted exclusive rights to any market.
Dont even try to think you can compete with me on facts or logic. Not gonna happen.

Are you retarded?

A legal monopoly, statutory monopoly, or de jure monopoly is a monopoly that is protected by law from competition. A statutory monopoly may take the form of a government monopoly where the state owns the particular means of production or government-granted monopoly where a private interest is protected from competition such as being granted exclusive rights to offer a particular service in a specific region (e.g. patented inventions) while agreeing to have their policies and prices regulated. [1] This type of monopoly is usually contrasted with de facto monopoly which is a broad category for monopolies that are not created by government.

The few exceptions where gov't has granted a monopoly, like the Post Office, are well known.
You havent proven anything.

^ moron thinks patents don't exist.
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays

While you're spouting these dumb slogans, playing Charlie McCarthy, Edgar Bergman has his hand in your pocket, he wants as much of your money as he can get.

Man, you guys have swallowed this cliche capitalism crap hook, line and sinker. You fell hard for the old bait and switch. You think it's motherhood and apple pie Capitalism under that shell? The reality is that Capitalism doesn't even exist. You're shilling for the Plutocrats running the con game. Under the shell is a good old fashion oligarchy where wealth equals power and power equals more wealth.

You think you're going to get a shot at that power? Not unless you're wealthy. And I mean wealthy, not a lousy couple of million. Real wealth in America is measured in tens of millions or hundreds of millions for starters. The guys running this shell game don't give a shit about the Chigago school, trickle-down or trickle up, Keynes, Friedman, or you. All they care about is which K-street crony can get them a yes vote on the next bauble they want and have convinced you that they need.

While you're sloganeering for the global concentration of corporate power they're laughing all the way to the bank. Must be more than one of you born every minute. You poor phony key-board capitalists. You're nothing more than fairground barkers trying to sell non-existant shares of a non-existant dream to the other suckers lined up outside the gate. Jesus, give me a tea-partier any day, at least some of them know crony-capitalism when they see it.
“I have never understood why it is "greed" to want to keep the money you have earned but not greed to want to take somebody else's money.”

― Thomas Sowell, Barbarians inside the Gates and Other Controversial Essays

While you're spouting these dumb slogans, playing Charlie McCarthy, Edgar Bergman has his hand in your pocket, he wants as much of your money as he can get.

Man, you guys have swallowed this cliche capitalism crap hook, line and sinker. You fell hard for the old bait and switch. You think it's motherhood and apple pie Capitalism under that shell? The reality is that Capitalism doesn't even exist. You're shilling for the Plutocrats running the con game. Under the shell is a good old fashion oligarchy where wealth equals power and power equals more wealth.

You think you're going to get a shot at that power? Not unless you're wealthy. And I mean wealthy, not a lousy couple of million. Real wealth in America is measured in tens of millions or hundreds of millions for starters. The guys running this shell game don't give a shit about the Chigago school, trickle-down or trickle up, Keynes, Friedman, or you. All they care about is which K-street crony can get them a yes vote on the next bauble they want and have convinced you that they need.

While you're sloganeering for the global concentration of corporate power they're laughing all the way to the bank. Must be more than one of you born every minute. You poor phony key-board capitalists. You're nothing more than fairground barkers trying to sell non-existant shares of a non-existant dream to the other suckers lined up outside the gate. Jesus, give me a tea-partier any day, at least some of them know crony-capitalism when they see it.

Great. Another clod that sees things in black and white.

Even under your scenario of how horrible life is in a semi Capitalist country, people still start businesses, make a lot of money, take great care of their loved ones, move on and do other things after the realization all that money isn't what it's cracked up to be, and continue to be very happy with their lives and their accomplishments without giving a shit about all that power.

Have both parties engaged in crony capitalism? Absolutely. But those of us who don't whine about "the man" the way you do can still do just fine if we put our minds to it, while also working hard to try to change the system.

You know....like getting on message boards and trying to educate the brainwashed and moronic that can be found glorifying Socialism and collectivism.
Yes, the 'Doctorate' in Economics doesn't understand it's all or nothing... lol

I don't have a doctorate. Where did I say I have a doctorate?

This is made up just like almost everything else you say, D23.

But I will compliment you on one thing. If I look past the literal words you've typed, I think I see sarcasm.

And if that's sarcasm.... then it means you finally see things in shades of grey!

There's hope for you, D23.

Weird weren't you the one GOING for her Doctorate in Economics was was that some other right winger who is always wrong?

Yes, because when people talk about inequality, of course that mean they want everyone to make the same *shaking head*

Yo, dumdum, thanks for confirming you don't even have an undergrad degree. Surely someone with ANY degree wouldn't say something so egregiously stupid.
Are you retarded?

A legal monopoly, statutory monopoly, or de jure monopoly is a monopoly that is protected by law from competition. A statutory monopoly may take the form of a government monopoly where the state owns the particular means of production or government-granted monopoly where a private interest is protected from competition such as being granted exclusive rights to offer a particular service in a specific region (e.g. patented inventions) while agreeing to have their policies and prices regulated. [1] This type of monopoly is usually contrasted with de facto monopoly which is a broad category for monopolies that are not created by government.

The few exceptions where gov't has granted a monopoly, like the Post Office, are well known.
You havent proven anything.

^ moron thinks patents don't exist.

^Moron thinks patents are monopolies.
I don't have a doctorate. Where did I say I have a doctorate?

This is made up just like almost everything else you say, D23.

But I will compliment you on one thing. If I look past the literal words you've typed, I think I see sarcasm.

And if that's sarcasm.... then it means you finally see things in shades of grey!

There's hope for you, D23.

Weird weren't you the one GOING for her Doctorate in Economics was was that some other right winger who is always wrong?

Yes, because when people talk about inequality, of course that mean they want everyone to make the same *shaking head*

Yo, dumdum, thanks for confirming you don't even have an undergrad degree. Surely someone with ANY degree wouldn't say something so egregiously stupid.

Dad has an advanced degree in "Crack"
^ moron thinks patents don't exist.

^Moron thinks patents are monopolies.

Uhmmm a patent is a granted monopoly. Nimrod.
Only to produce a specific item. Other items might compete with it under different patents.
AMD and Intel both compete in chips, each using their own patented technology.
I realize that's an advanced concept for a chowderhead like you, but there you have it.

While you're spouting these dumb slogans, playing Charlie McCarthy, Edgar Bergman has his hand in your pocket, he wants as much of your money as he can get.

Man, you guys have swallowed this cliche capitalism crap hook, line and sinker. You fell hard for the old bait and switch. You think it's motherhood and apple pie Capitalism under that shell? The reality is that Capitalism doesn't even exist. You're shilling for the Plutocrats running the con game. Under the shell is a good old fashion oligarchy where wealth equals power and power equals more wealth.

You think you're going to get a shot at that power? Not unless you're wealthy. And I mean wealthy, not a lousy couple of million. Real wealth in America is measured in tens of millions or hundreds of millions for starters. The guys running this shell game don't give a shit about the Chigago school, trickle-down or trickle up, Keynes, Friedman, or you. All they care about is which K-street crony can get them a yes vote on the next bauble they want and have convinced you that they need.

While you're sloganeering for the global concentration of corporate power they're laughing all the way to the bank. Must be more than one of you born every minute. You poor phony key-board capitalists. You're nothing more than fairground barkers trying to sell non-existant shares of a non-existant dream to the other suckers lined up outside the gate. Jesus, give me a tea-partier any day, at least some of them know crony-capitalism when they see it.

Great. Another clod that sees things in black and white.

Even under your scenario of how horrible life is in a semi Capitalist country, people still start businesses, make a lot of money, take great care of their loved ones, move on and do other things after the realization all that money isn't what it's cracked up to be, and continue to be very happy with their lives and their accomplishments without giving a shit about all that power.

Have both parties engaged in crony capitalism? Absolutely. But those of us who don't whine about "the man" the way you do can still do just fine if we put our minds to it, while also working hard to try to change the system.

You know....like getting on message boards and trying to educate the brainwashed and moronic that can be found glorifying Socialism and collectivism.

Hey econchick, are there such people as "plutocrats? Have you ever run across what the definition of a "plutocracy" is. You know; government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
Ever heard that before?

Have there ever been ultra rich people from around the world that have conspired to become even more rich and powerful?

But those people and their desires don't exist today. Is that what you want to claim?
Ever read any history?
While you're spouting these dumb slogans, playing Charlie McCarthy, Edgar Bergman has his hand in your pocket, he wants as much of your money as he can get.

Man, you guys have swallowed this cliche capitalism crap hook, line and sinker. You fell hard for the old bait and switch. You think it's motherhood and apple pie Capitalism under that shell? The reality is that Capitalism doesn't even exist. You're shilling for the Plutocrats running the con game. Under the shell is a good old fashion oligarchy where wealth equals power and power equals more wealth.

You think you're going to get a shot at that power? Not unless you're wealthy. And I mean wealthy, not a lousy couple of million. Real wealth in America is measured in tens of millions or hundreds of millions for starters. The guys running this shell game don't give a shit about the Chigago school, trickle-down or trickle up, Keynes, Friedman, or you. All they care about is which K-street crony can get them a yes vote on the next bauble they want and have convinced you that they need.

While you're sloganeering for the global concentration of corporate power they're laughing all the way to the bank. Must be more than one of you born every minute. You poor phony key-board capitalists. You're nothing more than fairground barkers trying to sell non-existant shares of a non-existant dream to the other suckers lined up outside the gate. Jesus, give me a tea-partier any day, at least some of them know crony-capitalism when they see it.

Great. Another clod that sees things in black and white.

Even under your scenario of how horrible life is in a semi Capitalist country, people still start businesses, make a lot of money, take great care of their loved ones, move on and do other things after the realization all that money isn't what it's cracked up to be, and continue to be very happy with their lives and their accomplishments without giving a shit about all that power.

Have both parties engaged in crony capitalism? Absolutely. But those of us who don't whine about "the man" the way you do can still do just fine if we put our minds to it, while also working hard to try to change the system.

You know....like getting on message boards and trying to educate the brainwashed and moronic that can be found glorifying Socialism and collectivism.

Hey econchick, are there such people as "plutocrats? Have you ever run across what the definition of a "plutocracy" is. You know; government of the rich, by the rich, for the rich.
Ever heard that before?

Have there ever been ultra rich people from around the world that have conspired to become even more rich and powerful?

But those people and their desires don't exist today. Is that what you want to claim?
Ever read any history?

Indeed.....under Obama, the big banks are kicking ass!!! Never done better!!

Its a bonanza!!!!!!!!:D:D:D:2up:

Just have the Fed keep printing.......and printing.......and printing.......and printing.......and printing.

No Ponzi scheme here!!!:coffee:


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