What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Nothing against Microsoft or Ford. They are both great companies. That does not mean that they or their founders should be exempt from paying taxes

Henry Ford wanted to build a product his employees could afford to buy, he wanted his employees to be his customers, too.

Bill Gates found himself slapped with a anti-trust suit when he pushed his products down every single computer user's throat and became a multi-billionaire doing so.

Big difference between those two. Big difference now.
Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Meh... we don't and did not need the microsoft monopoly. Microsoft copied 99% and/or bought of the stuff it sells. Apple was there, and other unix variants. Look at linux, it's doing great. Microsoft got to big, the government should not have allowed it the monopoly on desktop PCs. It should have been broken up before it got that big. Things would have moved along faster and the cost of PCs would have been lower.

Nonsense. There is no monopoly outside of gov't granted ones.

But Bripat's point is well taken: Complaining that the wealthy need to give back more is absurd. How much money did Gates generate for lots of people: employees, stockholders, stock analysts, investment bankers? How much time did he save anyone who currently uses a computer? Things that took days today take minutes. There is no telling how much value Bill Gates added to the economy. You can carp he only did this or that. But no one else thought to do this or that.

Not true. This or that existed before Microsoft existed. Microsoft was given the PC monopoly by another monopoly named IBM. IBM gave Microsoft the operating system monopoly on the PC and Intel the CPU monopoly on the PC. Bill's only claim to fame was that his mother knew the wife of the guy who was running IBM at the time. Oh yeah and bill was an average programmer. He was just the right guy in the right place at the right time. Hell IBM even wrote most of the code and did most of the testing and provided almost all of the funding to get Microsoft off the ground.

As for giving back and stuff... they pay their taxes the same as everyone else.
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Were you born a moron, or did it take years for you to get there?

I created my own job. No one created it for me. To Create a job for yourself all you have to do is GET UP OFF YOUR STUPID LAZY ASS AND START WORKING at something others are willing to pay for. Children do it all the time. Are you or are you not smarter than a 1st grader?

Whoop de shit. Like everyone can do that.
SO you "created" a fucking job. Big fucking deal. I do that every day.

But that wasn't the premise of the conversation or the questions that was asked.

What was asked was were are the jobs that were promised by the Bush administration when they were asking for a tax cut.

They got the taxes cut. Where are the jobs that were going to be created as a result of the tax cut?

Not where are the self employed people who didn't get a tax cut.

Not where could an un employed person maybe find some 1099 work.

But where are the W2 hourly or salary rate, work 50 hours a week and have week ends off and a small vacation with health benes and maybe a 401k to contribute too.

Where are those fucking jobs rmk?

Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...
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Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...

Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.
Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

I don't know why you buy their products. Why don't you answer that question. If you hate American products and services so much why don't you just stop using them?
Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

I don't know why you buy their products. Why don't you answer that question. If you hate American products and services so much why don't you just stop using them?

Because that would inconvenience him, which is a no-no. Better to stick it to people who are harder working and more successful.
Liberals are all about sticking it to people they dont like.
Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...

Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

Ohhhh, those are good ones, Rabbi. :eusa_clap:

When I was making the list I was trying to recall some of my favorite idiotic ones and couldn't at that moment......glad you unearthed some of those favorites.

As anyone thinks of more, feel free to add.....
Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...

Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)
"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Yes, and IF those VERY WEALTHY guys had to pay a little more taxes, those things wouldn't had been invented right? lol
Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

I don't know why you buy their products. Why don't you answer that question. If you hate American products and services so much why don't you just stop using them?

Because that would inconvenience him, which is a no-no. Better to stick it to people who are harder working and more successful.
Liberals are all about sticking it to people they dont like.



The Falling Price of Carbon Credits??? WTF





Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...

Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

Yes, the 'Doctorate' in Economics doesn't understand it's all or nothing... lol
Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

Yes, the 'Doctorate' in Economics doesn't understand it's all or nothing... lol

I don't have a doctorate. Where did I say I have a doctorate?

This is made up just like almost everything else you say, D23.

But I will compliment you on one thing. If I look past the literal words you've typed, I think I see sarcasm.

And if that's sarcasm.... then it means you finally see things in shades of grey!

There's hope for you, D23.
Rabbi and you other guys, we have GOT to do a thread with all the Bizarro Bullshit like this that comes out of their mouths. :eek:

Stuff that is SO illogical and would automatically be seen as a lie by even the most uninformed Americans.

We could start with:

1) Liberals think the oceans were created using bubblegum.

2) Liberals think entrepreneurs didn't build their own businesses.

3) Liberals think it's a piece of cake to create your own job (see above post). So get off the dole and get with it.

4) Liberals think Reagan was a disaster, which must mean they think the USSR won the Cold War and there was no economic exuberance in the 80s (queue the tons of videos disproving that).

5) Liberals think $17,000,000,000 in debt is irrelevant to their kids' and your kids' futures.

6) Feel free to add!!!!!!!!!! I know the list is long and I've been meaning to do a list like this for years, lol...

Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.
Increasing taxes wont affect the economy, but decreasing them destroys it.
High income earners will continue to work hard even when government takes 90% of what they make
Low income earners pay their fair share in taxes even though they get back more in refunds than they pay in.
Consumer spending drives the economy
Government creates prosperity
A minimum wage increase means everyone will earn more money
Food stamps are a stimulus to the economy
Higher energy prices are good because people will spend less on energy due to conservation.
We could go on. Because the universe is expanding to accomodate all the new idiots.

If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)

eventually the/a large gap in income will slow the economy.

How many stories can you keep adding to a house
how many cars will high income earners buy
how many televisions
big ticket item saturation takes place and buying power goes elsewhere to quench its thurst ... trips, homes, domestic services, jobs and revenue go to other countries, the lower end of the spending gap can't and won't spend enough to keep the economy stimulated. Italy can spend tax money American greed refuses to give to Americans.

That's another one along the lines of "the oceans are made of bubblegum."

I don't think you meant it to work perfectly on our list, but alas, it does.

Siete, even socialist economists don't argue that. They argue it purely on a "fairness" aspect. Or so-called fairness aspect. I say so-called because as the Soviet experiment showed when it crashed and burned, that became a HUGE disincentive for anyone to work their asses off like entrepreneurs do here.

Instead in THAT fairy dust world, everybody raced to see who could work the least. Afterall, why work 12 hour days and get paid for what the other jerk was doing only 8 hours of. And we saw what THAT finally did to that economy.

Seriously, I never thought we'd have to be re-teaching all these things from just 24 years ago.

I thought Soviet propaganda was bad in those days. The liberal indoctrination via academia, media, and Hollywood rivals Soviet indoctrination in a very eery way.

Read the classic, 1984.
America isn't the Soviet Union and never will be as bad as the RW wants it to be..
America isn't the Soviet Union and never will be as bad as the RW wants it to be..

Of course it isn't. One is the greatest Capitalist nation ever created. The other is the greatest economic failure ever tried.

I'm talking about one aspect. Kinda like a fascist aspect. The aspect where suppression of information is occurring like I've never seen in my lifetime.

There it was done by the state. Here it's done by mouthpieces for the state.
If only there were no income gap at all, the populace would be ecstatic.

(Never mind that's what the Soviet Union was....and it crashed and burned in a spectacular way.)
The Soviet Union is not useful as an economic comparison with the U.S. because of its severely depressed economic history. In fact every nation which has adopted a communist form of government has a long history of abject poverty. This is why of all the world's nations the U.S. has least potential for adopting communism.

China adopted communism because of its totally ruined imperial government and utterly failed economy. But China is now rising as an economic power and its communist status will gradually evaporate.

The United States is at serious risk of becoming a de facto plutocracy, which harbors far worse prospects for the common citizen than does communism.

Give that some thought.
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