What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

Weird, I thought the conservatives were worried about debt? THINK the US Gov't runs on libertarian dreams and fairy tale dust?

worried...yes....but not to the point we let government become even more oppressive....witness the companies leaving the USA...

we need less government....less regulations.....less taxes.....setting free our American capitalist economy......there will be enough 'trickle down' to support government....or do you want to be stagnant for the next 30 years like Japan....?

Gawwwd, I give you honest, well thought out answers, and you give me right wing drivel. Back to copy and pasting for you :mad:

You post nothing but cut-and-paste propaganda from all the usual communist organs.

Were you born a moron, or did it take years for you to get there?

I created my own job. No one created it for me. To Create a job for yourself all you have to do is GET UP OFF YOUR STUPID LAZY ASS AND START WORKING at something others are willing to pay for. Children do it all the time. Are you or are you not smarter than a 1st grader?

Whoop de shit. Like everyone can do that.

SO you "created" a fucking job. Big fucking deal. I do that every day.

But that wasn't the premise of the conversation or the questions that was asked.

What was asked was were are the jobs that were promised by the Bush administration when they were asking for a tax cut.

They got the taxes cut. Where are the jobs that were going to be created as a result of the tax cut?

Not where are the self employed people who didn't get a tax cut.

Not where could an un employed person maybe find some 1099 work.

But where are the W2 hourly or salary rate, work 50 hours a week and have week ends off and a small vacation with health benes and maybe a 401k to contribute too.

Where are those fucking jobs rmk?
Yet another retard that can't start his own business and needs some else to do it for him. You need a box of tissues? Jackwagon. Cry why won't someone give me a 50hr job and a 401k. Cry me a river.
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because the goal of government shouldn't be to 'get more revenues'.....

Weird, I thought the conservatives were worried about debt? THINK the US Gov't runs on libertarian dreams and fairy tale dust?

When did more revenues ever lower our deficit?

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
— Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994
Were you born a moron, or did it take years for you to get there?

I created my own job. No one created it for me. To Create a job for yourself all you have to do is GET UP OFF YOUR STUPID LAZY ASS AND START WORKING at something others are willing to pay for. Children do it all the time. Are you or are you not smarter than a 1st grader?

Whoop de shit. Like everyone can do that.

SO you "created" a fucking job. Big fucking deal. I do that every day.

But that wasn't the premise of the conversation or the questions that was asked.

What was asked was were are the jobs that were promised by the Bush administration when they were asking for a tax cut.

They got the taxes cut. Where are the jobs that were going to be created as a result of the tax cut?

Not where are the self employed people who didn't get a tax cut.

Not where could an un employed person maybe find some 1099 work.

But where are the W2 hourly or salary rate, work 50 hours a week and have week ends off and a small vacation with health benes and maybe a 401k to contribute too.

Where are those fucking jobs rmk?
Yet another retard that can't start his own business and needs some else to do it for him. You need a box of tissues? Jackwagon. Cry why won't someone give me a 50hr job and a 401k. Cry me a river.

Good you agree, lowest tax rates that have been sustained (effective) for over a decade, hasn't proven to create jobs as conservatives/GOP promised when they gutted federal revenues.
Weird, I thought the conservatives were worried about debt? THINK the US Gov't runs on libertarian dreams and fairy tale dust?

When did more revenues ever lower our deficit?

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
— Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

So a Democrat gave credit to Bill Clinton? What a surprise!

The Peace Dividend allowed Clinton to cut the defence budget every year he was in office. That's what allowed him to lower the deficit. Not additional taxes.
if we have such low taxes.....why is Obama getting panicky enough to use his 'pen and phone' trick to stop the exodus.....?


You mean Corps want to pay even lower effective tax rates, zero IF possible? I'm shocked

WHY not use GOOD GOV'T POLICY TO GET MORE REVENUES? Why not get MUCH more from Corps who get the VAST majority of their profits from the US?

Oh, right that 'punishes' the job creators' *shaking head*

because the goal of government shouldn't be to 'get more revenues'.....

Especially when you have $17 trillion debt
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes



The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

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You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Good god you skook are as stupid as the rabbit. Are you the rabbits economic professor?

What the fuck was it I said; oh yea, the rich are getting richer from trickle down bullshit.
Maybe you could add something to the "conversation" next time instead of agreeing with me.

The rich are getting richer. Is that news to you skook? You a little behind the times. To much gun smoke get in your eyes? Or did you just make it out of the bunker?
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Good god you skook are as stupid as the rabbit. Are you the rabbits economic professor?

What the fuck was it I said; oh yea, the rich are getting richer from trickle down bullshit.
Maybe you could add something to the "conversation" next time instead of agreeing with me.

The rich are getting richer. Is that news to you skook? You a little behind the times. To much gun smoke get in your eyes? Or did you just make it out of the bunker?

post #427 pwns you s0n!!!
Skook, quit proving that you are stupid. We already figured that out.

You ever post anything that isn't a cartoon? Or a gun picture? Or that isn't just plain ole bullshit?

Hell no. You are the poster child for ignorant Republicans. Carry on sis.
The lefties here frequently mock "trickle down economics" as the cause of our slow economy. So what is trickle down economics? I want to hear an explanation. Snarky responses like "it's what the GOP believes" will be thrashed soundly.

Trickle is easy to understand, hence it's "appeal" to the Republican base. The problem is it is riddled with so many "suppositions" that without one of the suppositions working as expected, the entire scam falls completely apart.

Broadly speaking, it's assumed that if you shovel money to the already rich (or as it is properly called "redistribute the wealth of the nation to the top 1%") in the form of tax breaks, free water, free land, deregulation, subsidies and corporate tax breaks, with the "extra money", they will create jobs or spend it on large ticket items like yachts and estates. They will spend the "extra" money and it will "trickle down" to the rest of us and that will fund jobs and create a vibrant middle class. To a simple mind, it really is "just that simple".

Now for the reality:

1. There are hundreds of millions of Americans living in this country. There simply isn't that much "trickle".

2. What if they buy Italian Yachts and their new "estate" is in Spain? That doesn't help us here.

3. What if they decide to save and not spend. That money is now out of the economy.

4. Most jobs come from small business and not the super rich. So how does throwing money at them help the country.

5. What if the corporations build their new plant overseas. (like the millions of jobs lost and the 43,000 factories closed from 2001 to 2008).

6. The foundation of all reputable economies around the world, "supply and demand", for Republicans it is a wild liberal theory that has no part in "trickle down".

Just a few minutes and I've completely torn apart the GOP's entire economic strategy. That's what happens when you rely on "simple" in a complex word. To believe in the nonsense of "Trickle Down", you would most certainly have to be a "simpleton".

And yes Virginia, it really is "just that simple".

Why do you even bother making a serious reply to the Rabbi?

He will just dismiss it without reading and say....see? You can't define trickle down

It did cut and paste something. But I suspect it saw a few words it could understand and thought. "Oh, this must be it".
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.

So Obama is merely continuing policies put in place under Bush??
Dodd Frank was passed under Bush?
Higher tax rates were passed under Bush?
Obamacare was passed under Bush?
New EPA regs were formulated under Bush?

Tapdancingmotherfuckingchristonacrackker, RDimwit, you are one stupid motherfucker lying sacki of shit who will say anythng--anything!--to excuse your failed messiah.
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.

I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer
Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.

I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer

What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.
Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.

I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer

What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.

Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama
I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer

What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.

Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Tax cuts were repealed.
Capital gains rates were increased.
Harry Reid blocked the changes from the Camp committee.

New Rule:
Leftnutsucker can only post stupid ignorant shit for 24hours a day. After that it's a new day.
Rabbi Rules #2!
You mean Corps want to pay even lower effective tax rates, zero IF possible? I'm shocked

WHY not use GOOD GOV'T POLICY TO GET MORE REVENUES? Why not get MUCH more from Corps who get the VAST majority of their profits from the US?

Oh, right that 'punishes' the job creators' *shaking head*

because the goal of government shouldn't be to 'get more revenues'.....

Especially when you have $17 trillion debt

How does that work in real life....?

You stop spending.
Whoop de shit. Like everyone can do that.

SO you "created" a fucking job. Big fucking deal. I do that every day.

But that wasn't the premise of the conversation or the questions that was asked.

What was asked was were are the jobs that were promised by the Bush administration when they were asking for a tax cut.

They got the taxes cut. Where are the jobs that were going to be created as a result of the tax cut?

Not where are the self employed people who didn't get a tax cut.

Not where could an un employed person maybe find some 1099 work.

But where are the W2 hourly or salary rate, work 50 hours a week and have week ends off and a small vacation with health benes and maybe a 401k to contribute too.

Where are those fucking jobs rmk?
Yet another retard that can't start his own business and needs some else to do it for him. You need a box of tissues? Jackwagon. Cry why won't someone give me a 50hr job and a 401k. Cry me a river.

Good you agree, lowest tax rates that have been sustained (effective) for over a decade, hasn't proven to create jobs as conservatives/GOP promised when they gutted federal revenues.
Correct. Personal Tax rate cuts alone won't bring investments. For investments you need affordable labor in comparison with other regions, corporate friendly regulations in comparison to other regions, and a customer base to sell to at a profit.

It's not hard all you have to do is figure out why they are leaving putting their investments in other countries instead and stop it by changing up the dynamic.

You want to kill jobs? Just keep doing what we are doing it's working really well.

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