What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer

What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.

Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:
What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.

Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it
Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.
Lets see.....

Repealing their tax cuts. Protecting reduced tax rates for capital gains. Blocking changes to the corporate tax code. Protecting subsidies to the Oil Companies

But look everyone....the rich are still getting richer under Obama

Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

then stop buying their products....
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When did more revenues ever lower our deficit?

"The deficit has come down, and I give the Clinton Administration and President Clinton himself a lot of credit for that. [He] did something about it, fast. And I think we are seeing some benefits."
— Paul Volcker, Federal Reserve Board Chairman (1979-1987), in Audacity, Fall 1994

So a Democrat gave credit to Bill Clinton? What a surprise!

The Peace Dividend allowed Clinton to cut the defence budget every year he was in office. That's what allowed him to lower the deficit. Not additional taxes.

Between 1981 and 1992, the national debt held by the public quadrupled

Enacted the 1993 Deficit Reduction Plan without a Single Republican Vote.

"Clinton’s 1993 budget cuts, which reduced projected red ink by more than $400 billion over five years, sparked a major drop in interest rates that helped boost investment in all the equipment and systems that brought forth the New Age economy of technological innovation and rising productivity."
— Business Week, May 19, 1997


Historical Federal Receipt and Outlay Summary
Yeah cause getting rich is such a horrible act. :cuckoo:

Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Holy shit what an idiot..........

The Rich Are Getting Richer - Forbes

The Rich Are Getting Richer And Everyone Else Is Getting Hosed - Business Insider

Under Obama, The Rich Get Richer While Everyone Else Gets Poorer - Investors.com

The most wealthy are doing cartwheels these days.!! And our kids and grandkids are going to get the bills.......yep.......Keynesian economics is awesome!!!

Has anybody else noticed that in 2014, people on the far left fringe will say ANYTHING no matter what the fact are. Nothing deters these assholes.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:

Sure the rich get richer with supply side economic policy.......its just that it doesnt have the same effect of the Keyneisians = trickle-up poverty!!

Yeah, THAT'S because of Keynesian policies *shaking head*


Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

then stop buying their products....

Why would we want to do something stupid like that when we can cut tax breaks, writeoffs, tax loopholes that allow the wealthy to keep more and more wealth

because that is the ONLY way you can stop 'contributing' to their wealth....the rest is just degrees of leeching....
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Hello, knock knock. You point out the rich are getting richer under Obama, yea, because those are policies put into place under Bush and the GOP. Come on. Stop being a stooge. It isn't pretty.

I love it when Republicans do everything possible to block you from repealing their previous legislation and then mock you because the rich are getting richer

What legislation was blocked by Republicans, especially int he first two years of Obama's reign? Was that legislation passed by the Democratic Congress in the last two years under Bush?
I love it when leftards have to make up lies to justify their failures. They're so transparent.

PLEASE give the bills passed in the last 2 years of Dubya? PRETTY PLEASE?

One of the standard Republican talking points is that the Democrats had a filibuster-proof, super majority for two years between 2008 and 2010. This talking point is usually trotted out when liberals complain that the Republicans filibustered virtually every piece of legislation proposed by Obama or the Democrats over that period of time.

Democrats only had a filibuster-proof majority for 24 working days during that period. Here are the details:

Democrats only had a veto proof majority for 24 working days | Fact Left
What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

It's a failed and discredited republican fiscal policy predicated on a fallacy propagated by conservative economic dogma that by reducing the tax burden on corporations and the wealthiest Americans, those corporations and individuals will 'reinvest' windfall profits to expand corporate production and business activity, resulting in growth in jobs and the economy.

Needless to say nothing could be further from the truth.

Trickle-down economics, a centerpiece of conservative economic thinking for many decades, failed to deliver its promise of distributing wealth across the economy, a new paper from Harvard University‘s Kennedy School of Government says.

Trickle-Down Economics Fails to Deliver as Promised - Real Time Economics - WSJ

Indeed, rather than using the windfall generated by tax cuts to 'create jobs,' corporations instead used their decreased tax burden to maximize profits and enrich investors and stockholders, where in fact there was nothing remaining to 'trickle-down.'

That republicans and conservatives continue to attempt to promote this failed and discredited fiscal policy is both remarkable and telling.

You wave your ignorance like a flag. Supply side economics worked every time it was tried. Creating incentives for people to work more and invest results in...people working more and investing! Creating incentives for people to move up their auto purchase from December to May creates...loss for the auto industry, as we just saw.
In contrast demand side economics, like Obama has been practicing, is a total failure. Just look at this chart, which proves it:

A total record of failure.



The Falling Price of Carbon Credits??? WTF



Why should we contribute to their added wealth when they obviously don't need it

"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.
"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Meh... we don't and did not need the microsoft monopoly. Microsoft copied 99% and/or bought of the stuff it sells. Apple was there, and other unix variants. Look at linux, it's doing great. Microsoft got to big, the government should not have allowed it the monopoly on desktop PCs. It should have been broken up before it got that big. Things would have moved along faster and the cost of PCs would have been lower.
"We" dont contribute anything. Wealthy people earn their money.
The question is why you feel entitled to what they've made, and why you think discouraging them from making more is a good idea.

Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Nothing against Microsoft or Ford. They are both great companies. That does not mean that they or their founders should be exempt from paying taxes
Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Nothing against Microsoft or Ford. They are both great companies. That does not mean that they or their founders should be exempt from paying taxes

How are they exempt from paying taxes?
Wealthy people are expected to contribute to the society from which they benefit so much. We have slashed the upper tax brackets from 90% down to 38%. It was promised that these cuts would add to the prosperity of the nation as a whole and add jobs

That promise never materialized

Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Meh... we don't and did not need the microsoft monopoly. Microsoft copied 99% and/or bought of the stuff it sells. Apple was there, and other unix variants. Look at linux, it's doing great. Microsoft got to big, the government should not have allowed it the monopoly on desktop PCs. It should have been broken up before it got that big. Things would have moved along faster and the cost of PCs would have been lower.

Nonsense. There is no monopoly outside of gov't granted ones.

But Bripat's point is well taken: Complaining that the wealthy need to give back more is absurd. How much money did Gates generate for lots of people: employees, stockholders, stock analysts, investment bankers? How much time did he save anyone who currently uses a computer? Things that took days today take minutes. There is no telling how much value Bill Gates added to the economy. You can carp he only did this or that. But no one else thought to do this or that.
Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Nothing against Microsoft or Ford. They are both great companies. That does not mean that they or their founders should be exempt from paying taxes

How are they exempt from paying taxes?

The Bush Administration singlehandedly enacted a secret EO that exempted anyone who would call himself rich from paying any taxes whatsoever. Didnt you hear about that?
Society benefited far more from what Microsoft created than Bill Gates. MS Windows, MS office and the desktop computer probably quadrupled the efficiency of the typical American office worker. The value to the economy is in the hundreds of billions of dollars, if not trillions. Yet all Bill Gates got out of it was a measly $100 billion.

The same goes for Henry Ford and the Model T. Ford provided cheap transportation to over 20 million people. He also invented the assembly line and revolutionized American Industry. What did he get out of it? A paltry few billion dollars.

Furthermore, taxes go to government, not society. They are two separate things. Government has done nothing that entitles it to one cent of Bill Gate's fortune. Neither have you.

Nothing against Microsoft or Ford. They are both great companies. That does not mean that they or their founders should be exempt from paying taxes

How are they exempt from paying taxes?

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