What is "Trickle Down Economics"?

"Trickle down economics" is a disparaging description of economic policies designed to enhance the overall level of prosperity in the country (e.g., a tax cut - which, of mathmatical necessity, would go mainly to high-earners). According to critics, the only way "the common man" would benefit from such a measure would be when The Rich spend their additional take-home income on services and locally-manufactured goods, vacation homes and whatnot, thereby creating employment for The Common Man.

Progressives, on the other hand, favor policies whereby The Common Man is empowered to demand more from The Rich and from Corporate America - increases in the Minimum Wage, increased unionization, greater public and quasi-public employment.

Allow me to speak for all Progressives (which is arrogant, but since you did...) and edit your remarks:

The Common Man has the right to end the exploitation of his/her labor by demanding an increase in the Minimum Wage, the right to organize and join with others to earn fair wages and benefits, and to strike for the same while petitioning the support of the public and his and her's political representatives.
"Trickle down economics" is a disparaging description of economic policies designed to enhance the overall level of prosperity in the country (e.g., a tax cut - which, of mathmatical necessity, would go mainly to high-earners). According to critics, the only way "the common man" would benefit from such a measure would be when The Rich spend their additional take-home income on services and locally-manufactured goods, vacation homes and whatnot, thereby creating employment for The Common Man.

Progressives, on the other hand, favor policies whereby The Common Man is empowered to demand more from The Rich and from Corporate America - increases in the Minimum Wage, increased unionization, greater public and quasi-public employment.

Allow me to speak for all Progressives (which is arrogant, but since you did...) and edit your remarks:

The Common Man has the right to end the exploitation of his/her labor by demanding an increase in the Minimum Wage, the right to organize and join with others to earn fair wages and benefits, and to strike for the same while petitioning the support of the public and his and her's political representatives.

Those are the positions of Communists.
So you're right.
You gotta be shitting me. You, the self professed economic professor is wanting Dems to explain to you what the Republicans very favorite method of making the rich richer IS.

What it IS, is a crock of bullshit that makes the rich richer.

Hey better yet, why don't you show when trickle down has actually "trickled down" on the poor and middle classes. You know, show when your favorite idea has actually worked for anyone other than the very rich.

Ahh...I see you have no answers. Only left wing partisan hackery.
Interestingly, the majority of the Tea Partyers will never be Capitalists, they will always desire to be one though. They seek the Holy Grail and will never possess it. If they weren't so filled with greed and lust I could feel sorry for them. For the progressive, liberal, uneducated, heathen left wingers I read about in the posts at USMB, Lust does not have to apply to sex.
Interestingly, the majority of the Tea Partyers will never be Capitalists, they will always desire to be one though. They seek the Holy Grail and will never possess it. If they weren't so filled with greed and lust I could feel sorry for them. For the progressive, liberal, uneducated, heathen left wingers I read about in the posts at USMB, Lust does not have to apply to sex.

There wasnt a sentence in there somewhere.
Lets see...we are nine pages into another useless Rabbi thread

Hey Rabbi!

Don't you think it is about time that you try to tell us that

Trickle Down= Voodoo Economics= Supply Side Economics

Is not the same thing?

Anyone who uses Wikipedia as their first, or even worse, their only source gets an F in critical thinking.

Wikipedia is crowd sourced by God only knows who.

Most of the shit found on the internet has a heavy liberal bias because it's created by libs. Google, Facebook, Wiki......they're all started by big lib contributors.

And yet the dullards don't think to look at the bias.

And that's why we're witnessing the complete revision of economic history and the Bizzarro World we now live in.

If you were as educated as you claim you'd know that one of the most common logical fallacies is to attack the messenger in an attempt to discredit the message.

You don't know the difference between ferreting out bias and attacking the messenger? Goof fucking gravy.

Besides, there's nothing wrong with attacking a messenger who is a fricken liar.
Interestingly, the majority of the Tea Partyers will never be Capitalists, they will always desire to be one though. They seek the Holy Grail and will never possess it. If they weren't so filled with greed and lust I could feel sorry for them. For the progressive, liberal, uneducated, heathen left wingers I read about in the posts at USMB, Lust does not have to apply to sex.

Thanks for revealing you can't even express in terms the rest of us learned by 6th grade. So what do you think that demonstrates in terms of your ability to analyze a topic that requires more than a 6th grade education?
Lets see...we are nine pages into another useless Rabbi thread

Hey Rabbi!

Don't you think it is about time that you try to tell us that

Trickle Down= Voodoo Economics= Supply Side Economics

Is not the same thing?

The stupid rabbit CAN'T tell anybody what trickle down economics IS. He don't know. That's why he's asking a Democrat to explain it. The Repub buddies of his sure as hell don't know.

Problem is, no one is telling the rabbit what it is he wants to hear.

So being a stupid rabbit, he goes on and on asking the same question over and over.

Right rabbit?
any attempt to stimulate economic growth by cutting taxes for the rich will do nothing -- it hasn't worked over the past 50 years.

next question.
Trickle Down economics was a Trojan Horse

In the 1980’s Ronald Reagan ushered in a new era in American economics as he cut the top tax bracket from 70% down to 50% and then down again to 28%. In order to get support for doing this from the people, and also from politicians, a very crafty set of lies were produced. As David Stockman, then Reagan’s budget director, put it: giving small tax cuts across the board to all brackets was simply a “Trojan Horse” that was used to get approval for the huge top tax bracket cuts. “Trickle-Down” was a term used by Republicans that meant giving tax cuts to the rich. Stockman explains that:

"It's kind of hard to sell 'trickle down,' so the supply-side formula was the only way to get a tax policy that was really 'trickle down.' Supply-side is 'trickle-down' theory."

"Yes, Stockman conceded, when one stripped away the new rhetoric emphasizing across-the-board cuts, the supply-side theory was really new clothes for the unpopular doctrine of the old Republican orthodoxy."

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