What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns



Why do you pretend to care?

because Trump wanted to see the shitstain in Obamas drawers ... he opened the door ( as he would say)

So, you admit that you have no interest in what is actually there?

It will have no impact on your mind at all, no matter what?

This is some type of partisan pay back.

“He started it” Donald J. Drumpf. LOL

And you don't care about what you started a thread about.

Kind of dishonest of you.
Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.
It doesn't matter to the tards. I don't know why it doesn't matter, but it doesn't.

They have 683 litmus tests every Republican must pass, but they make SEVERAL exceptions for Trump.

I have no idea why. It's beyond bizarre.

Trump is pro choice, pro gun ban, pro socialized medicine. Any one of these would be a death stroke for a real Republican, but the RINOs let false flagger get away with it.

Trump wanted to impeach Bush. Another death stroke.

Trump want to cut and run from Iraq. Something every rabid dog claims led to the rise of ISIS. Yet Trump's RINOs don't give a fuck.

Trump is a close personal friend of the Clintons. This is a nuclear strike against any other Republican.

Trump's entire family donated to Hillary's Senate and Presidential campaigns. Trump's RINOs don't care.

Trump financed Terry McAuliffe's gubernatorial campaign. McAuliffe was Bill Clinton's campaign manager and the chairman of the DNC, for fuck's sake! But Trump's RINOs don't care.

So why should they care about his tax returns? The less evidence they are forced to look at which proves Trump is a fake, the better for his RINOs.


Why do you pretend to care?

because Trump wanted to see the shitstain in Obamas drawers ... he opened the door ( as he would say)

So, you admit that you have no interest in what is actually there?

It will have no impact on your mind at all, no matter what?

This is some type of partisan pay back.

“He started it” Donald J. Drumpf. LOL

And you don't care about what you started a thread about.

Kind of dishonest of you.

As always, you’re totally dreaming up shit. I do like your attempts to try to be relevant to a conversation. They’re cute.

Now run along sonny.


Why do you pretend to care?

because Trump wanted to see the shitstain in Obamas drawers ... he opened the door ( as he would say)

So, you admit that you have no interest in what is actually there?

It will have no impact on your mind at all, no matter what?

This is some type of partisan pay back.

I'm not in the least bit partisan. Just watching the partisan hypocrite RW's like you soak up some of the crap they've been dishing out for the last 8 years and WHINE like children about it ..
Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????

Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.
Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

an actual American

stupid shit like that is why you'll take what you can get which is LOSING ... enjoy !
Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

Mr. Drumpf contributed to every political campaign ran by both HRC and Bill that he wasn’t involved in (i.e. this one). To say that he is not part of the alleged corruption is to make the asinine argument that the getaway driver isn’t part of the team that robbed the bank.

Seriously dude, you’re not too bright. I want you to keep supporting Drumpf though; knowing you’re over there makes me feel 10 times better about being over here. K?Thxbye
Hey, he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. Good enough for me. He's got my support.

9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

Mr. Drumpf contributed to every political campaign ran by both HRC and Bill that he wasn’t involved in (i.e. this one). To say that he is not part of the alleged corruption is to make the asinine argument that the getaway driver isn’t part of the team that robbed the bank.

Seriously dude, you’re not too bright. I want you to keep supporting Drumpf though; knowing you’re over there makes me feel 10 times better about being over here. K?Thxbye

Hey you wanna support the corrupt skank and her serial rapist husband, go for it. I can't stop you. But i'm gonna go with Trump.
9/11 truthers are about 180% of Drumpf supporters it seems. Is there a connection between the idiocy it takes to believe there was a conspiracy then and the idiocy to not be able to see Drumpf is playing you for a fool?

You betcha

Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

Mr. Drumpf contributed to every political campaign ran by both HRC and Bill that he wasn’t involved in (i.e. this one). To say that he is not part of the alleged corruption is to make the asinine argument that the getaway driver isn’t part of the team that robbed the bank.

Seriously dude, you’re not too bright. I want you to keep supporting Drumpf though; knowing you’re over there makes me feel 10 times better about being over here. K?Thxbye

Hey you wanna support the corrupt skank and her serial rapist husband, go for it. I can't stop you. But i'm gonna go with Trump.
Of course you are. I wish I could see your face when he enacts an assault weapons ban (if he is elected).

I'm sure the shocked look on your gob will be priceless. :lol:
Ah, at least he's an American Citizen and not a Clinton. That's gonna be good enough for much of America. It is what it is.

Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

Mr. Drumpf contributed to every political campaign ran by both HRC and Bill that he wasn’t involved in (i.e. this one). To say that he is not part of the alleged corruption is to make the asinine argument that the getaway driver isn’t part of the team that robbed the bank.

Seriously dude, you’re not too bright. I want you to keep supporting Drumpf though; knowing you’re over there makes me feel 10 times better about being over here. K?Thxbye

Hey you wanna support the corrupt skank and her serial rapist husband, go for it. I can't stop you. But i'm gonna go with Trump.
Of course you are. I wish I could see your face when he enacts an assault weapons ban (if he is elected).

Nah, he's made it very clear where he stands on the 2nd Amendment. Today he's even proposing a National Conceal Carry Permit. On the 2nd Amendment issue, it's Trump in a landslide.
Did you see his birth certificate? Hold it in your hands—check to see if it was a phony, etc…????


At this point, we'll take what we can get. At the very minimum, we know we'll at least have an actual American as President this time around. But hopefully, it won't be the corrupt Clintons.

Mr. Drumpf contributed to every political campaign ran by both HRC and Bill that he wasn’t involved in (i.e. this one). To say that he is not part of the alleged corruption is to make the asinine argument that the getaway driver isn’t part of the team that robbed the bank.

Seriously dude, you’re not too bright. I want you to keep supporting Drumpf though; knowing you’re over there makes me feel 10 times better about being over here. K?Thxbye

Hey you wanna support the corrupt skank and her serial rapist husband, go for it. I can't stop you. But i'm gonna go with Trump.
Of course you are. I wish I could see your face when he enacts an assault weapons ban (if he is elected).

Nah, he's made it very clear where he stands on the 2nd Amendment. Today he's even proposing a National Conceal Carry Permit. On the 2nd Amendment issue, it's Trump in a landslide.
Trump knows he will never get a national conceal carry permit passed. But he knows rubes like you will swallow that bullshit without engaging a single brain cell in critical thinking.

He WILL get his assault weapons ban passed, though.

God, I wish I could see your face on that day!
BTW: As to birth certificates, it is a requirement to prove where you were born in order to run for President.

LOL.....there is no such requirement.

Senator Obama was the first candidate to show his birth certificate to anyone.

Trump doesn't have to show his tax returns.

I hope he doesn't- Clinton can just pound the point over and over that she has been transparent with hers and why is Trump the only candidate in years to refuse to release his?
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.
AND 13 audits in the last 13 years shows that' he's probably doing something wrong ,,wonder how many fines he's had to pay
Releasing tax records, according to you Candy, is a TRADITION, NOT A REQUIREMENT....much like releasing personal records and transcripts of speeches. In that case, Trump has every right to refuse, and Liberals have no valid right to declare he MUST release them.

Got it - thanks.

There is no tradition of releasing transcripts of speeches or of releasing personal records.

But Trump has every right to refuse to release them.

And Trump's opponents have every right to point out that Hilary has released her tax returns- but Donald won't release his.
We will release the tax returns when Obama releases a real birth certificate.

Yeah that is what Trump said.

Then despite releasing two official- and real birth certificates- verified by the State of Hawaii- Trump never released his tax records.

Because Donnie is a liar.

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