What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

there's a plethora of possibilities revealed in a persons tax return ... everyone isnt running for the most important job in the country, if not the world ...
So, according to you/liberals, unless a REPUBLICAN releases his taxes the worst must be assumed...while a liberal is allowed to seal all their records, speeches, etc and is given a pass. Good grief liberals are f*ed up...
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.
If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person the may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?
Our DEMAND, then, should have been for Obama to unseal all of his records so we could all see what type of person he was....should be for Hillary to release her transcripts so we can see what type of person we may be voting for.

Liberals didn't do that and are not doing that. By singling out Trump they are just proving their hypocrisy. Until they treat every candidate equally, as far as I'm concerned, the left can go f* off.
Hillary has been releasing 30 years worth of her tax returns DRUMP ZERO except when he wanted to open casinoes
Then releasing the transcripts of her speeches should be no problem...
What is he hiding?

If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person the may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?
Our DEMAND, then, should have been for Obama to unseal all of his records so we could all see what type of person he was....should be for Hillary to release her transcripts so we can see what type of person we may be voting for.

Liberals didn't do that and are not doing that. By singling out Trump they are just proving their hypocrisy. Until they treat every candidate equally, as far as I'm concerned, the left can go f* off.
Singling out trump? Now you have no oars in the water Every President since at least Nixon has shown his and Hill has too Why should the pos liar drump be any different??
A huge portion of the voting public believes Trump is a dishonest liar of massive proportions. He is not trusted and that makes it imperative that he follow a half century of tradition and precedent by releasing his tax returns. At the very least, he could release his returns from a few years back so as not to include the latest one that is being audited. It is obvious he is hiding something.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!
Someone who might be the leader of the free world should and yes I said all presidents my mis speak

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
What is he hiding?

If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person the may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?
Our DEMAND, then, should have been for Obama to unseal all of his records so we could all see what type of person he was....should be for Hillary to release her transcripts so we can see what type of person we may be voting for.

Liberals didn't do that and are not doing that. By singling out Trump they are just proving their hypocrisy. Until they treat every candidate equally, as far as I'm concerned, the left can go f* off.
What record do you want unsealed??
Second grade book report?

Trump has released nothing
Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person the may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?
Our DEMAND, then, should have been for Obama to unseal all of his records so we could all see what type of person he was....should be for Hillary to release her transcripts so we can see what type of person we may be voting for.

Liberals didn't do that and are not doing that. By singling out Trump they are just proving their hypocrisy. Until they treat every candidate equally, as far as I'm concerned, the left can go f* off.
Hillary has been releasing 30 years worth of her tax returns DRUMP ZERO except when he wanted to open casinoes
Then releasing the transcripts of her speeches should be no problem...
One thing has NOTHING to do with the other regardless of how you squeal
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

What does it reveal? In Nixon's case, it revealed he was a tax cheat. He released his while he was being audited. And why did Nixon release his taxes? He did it to prove he was "not a crook". Of course he was, but oh well.
We also know Barry had a hard time filling hos Cabinet because he had such a hard time finding a liberal who paid his taxes. Those individuals were not Barry. Trump isn't Nixon. No law requires Trump to release anything. Libs, embrace the suck and recognize your hypocrisy.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

Every Presidential candidate should release their tax returns.

Fact check: Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump said “there’s nothing to learn” from his tax returns, but experts say there’s plenty to learn from presidential candidates’ tax returns, including sources of income, effective tax rates, charitable giving habits and more.


But voters learn several pieces of information from candidates’ tax returns.

Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us that there are three things we could learn from Trump’s tax returns: details about where he gets his income and how much it is; “how he’s structuring his income for tax purposes”; and what kind of deductions he takes, including charitable giving. If Trump had overseas income or foreign bank accounts, for instance, that information would be on his tax return.

Jeremy Scott, editor in chief of the commentary and analysis products for the nonprofit Tax Analysts, told us in a phone interview that it was “strange for Trump to say you don’t learn anything,” when just four years ago, Romney’s effective tax rate, revealed through his tax returns, was a significant issue. (In fact, Romney’s 14% effective tax rate in 2010, due to most of his income coming from dividends and capital gains, became fodder for Obama campaign attack ads.)

Scott told us that ever since President Richard Nixon released his returns in 1973, the candidate’s returns have been “a form of checking on how a candidate conducts his financial affairs.” Conflicts of interest can be exposed, as well as how a candidates’ individual tax policy squares with his proposals.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said Scott, pushed the idea of paying your fair share, but his returns — released by his presidential library after he was in office — show he was “actually very aggressive at trying to minimize his own taxes.”

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on taxnotes.com that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.”

Trump’s comments also prompted Time magazine to outline “5 Interesting Things We Learned From Presidential Tax Returns,” including: Obama gave sizable charitable contributions to his controversial pastor; Romney had an unusually high IRA balance; and President George H.W. Bush gave nearly 62% of his 1991 income to charity.
If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person the may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?
Our DEMAND, then, should have been for Obama to unseal all of his records so we could all see what type of person he was....should be for Hillary to release her transcripts so we can see what type of person we may be voting for.

Liberals didn't do that and are not doing that. By singling out Trump they are just proving their hypocrisy. Until they treat every candidate equally, as far as I'm concerned, the left can go f* off.
What record do you want unsealed??
Second grade book report?

Trump has released nothing
Neither is required to release anything. Neither has. Deal with it.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

there's a plethora of possibilities revealed in a persons tax return ... everyone isnt running for the most important job in the country, if not the world ...

How many Presidential hopefuls tax returns have you read over the years? All of them? 40? 35? 25? 15? 10? 5? 1?

I'm sure that is why you chose Obama over Clinton in 2008, right?
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!
Someone who might be the leader of the free world should and yes I said all presidents my mis speak

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?

The refusal of Trump to release them proves that they are politically damaging. And yes, so are Hillary's speech transcripts.
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

there's a plethora of possibilities revealed in a persons tax return ... everyone isnt running for the most important job in the country, if not the world ...

How many Presidential hopefuls tax returns have you read over the years? All of them? 40? 35? 25? 15? 10? 5? 1?

I'm sure that is why you chose Obama over Clinton in 2008, right?

Elections don't hinge on one minor issue. They hinge on the cumulative damage/benefit of hundreds of minor issues.
Trump has decided that release of his taxes is more damaging than refusing to.
What is he hiding?

If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

Can't answer the question? BTW, neither Trump nor Clinton will get my vote. Two very bad candidates.

I just think releasing taxes is a stupid tradition. What does it mean whether you release or don't release. It isn't anyone's business. Sanders and Clinton shouldn't have released theirs. It proves nothing and there is no point.

your choice, my choice is for Trump to make his tax returns public so everyone can have an idea what type of person they may, or may not be voting for ... everyone, not just me ... get it?

How can you tell what kind of person you are voting for by looking at their tax statements? I have never looked at any Presidential tax statements before I voted, have you? Have you personally looked at every potential candidates taxes to decide on how to vote? Is Trump releasing his taxes going to cause you to vote for him because of what you see in them?
At least it would show what kind of
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

there's a plethora of possibilities revealed in a persons tax return ... everyone isnt running for the most important job in the country, if not the world ...

How many Presidential hopefuls tax returns have you read over the years? All of them? 40? 35? 25? 15? 10? 5? 1?

I'm sure that is why you chose Obama over Clinton in 2008, right?
NONE <<I let cpa's and others who are far more astute at looking at tax returns I believe the moron who has had over 1000 law suites to his credit is hiding beaucoup
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

Every Presidential candidate should release their tax returns.

Fact check: Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump said “there’s nothing to learn” from his tax returns, but experts say there’s plenty to learn from presidential candidates’ tax returns, including sources of income, effective tax rates, charitable giving habits and more.


But voters learn several pieces of information from candidates’ tax returns.

Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us that there are three things we could learn from Trump’s tax returns: details about where he gets his income and how much it is; “how he’s structuring his income for tax purposes”; and what kind of deductions he takes, including charitable giving. If Trump had overseas income or foreign bank accounts, for instance, that information would be on his tax return.

Jeremy Scott, editor in chief of the commentary and analysis products for the nonprofit Tax Analysts, told us in a phone interview that it was “strange for Trump to say you don’t learn anything,” when just four years ago, Romney’s effective tax rate, revealed through his tax returns, was a significant issue. (In fact, Romney’s 14% effective tax rate in 2010, due to most of his income coming from dividends and capital gains, became fodder for Obama campaign attack ads.)

Scott told us that ever since President Richard Nixon released his returns in 1973, the candidate’s returns have been “a form of checking on how a candidate conducts his financial affairs.” Conflicts of interest can be exposed, as well as how a candidates’ individual tax policy squares with his proposals.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said Scott, pushed the idea of paying your fair share, but his returns — released by his presidential library after he was in office — show he was “actually very aggressive at trying to minimize his own taxes.”

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on taxnotes.com that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.”

Trump’s comments also prompted Time magazine to outline “5 Interesting Things We Learned From Presidential Tax Returns,” including: Obama gave sizable charitable contributions to his controversial pastor; Romney had an unusually high IRA balance; and President George H.W. Bush gave nearly 62% of his 1991 income to charity.

So you personally read over every Presidential hopefuls tax return. Have you personally looked over Clinton's tax returns? What did that tell you about her?

Is Trump releasing his tax returns going to sway you to vote for him?
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!

Every Presidential candidate should release their tax returns.

Fact check: Trump’s tax returns

Donald Trump said “there’s nothing to learn” from his tax returns, but experts say there’s plenty to learn from presidential candidates’ tax returns, including sources of income, effective tax rates, charitable giving habits and more.


But voters learn several pieces of information from candidates’ tax returns.

Roberton Williams, the Sol Price fellow at the nonpartisan Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, told us that there are three things we could learn from Trump’s tax returns: details about where he gets his income and how much it is; “how he’s structuring his income for tax purposes”; and what kind of deductions he takes, including charitable giving. If Trump had overseas income or foreign bank accounts, for instance, that information would be on his tax return.

Jeremy Scott, editor in chief of the commentary and analysis products for the nonprofit Tax Analysts, told us in a phone interview that it was “strange for Trump to say you don’t learn anything,” when just four years ago, Romney’s effective tax rate, revealed through his tax returns, was a significant issue. (In fact, Romney’s 14% effective tax rate in 2010, due to most of his income coming from dividends and capital gains, became fodder for Obama campaign attack ads.)

Scott told us that ever since President Richard Nixon released his returns in 1973, the candidate’s returns have been “a form of checking on how a candidate conducts his financial affairs.” Conflicts of interest can be exposed, as well as how a candidates’ individual tax policy squares with his proposals.

President Franklin D. Roosevelt, said Scott, pushed the idea of paying your fair share, but his returns — released by his presidential library after he was in office — show he was “actually very aggressive at trying to minimize his own taxes.”

The Tax Analysts’ Tax History Project is compiling an online archive of candidates’ returns. Project Director Joseph J. Thorndike wrote in a May 12 blog post on taxnotes.com that beyond an effective tax rate, “[r]eturns can shed light on the way a candidate lives his life. It can tell us about charitable giving as well as personal borrowing and investment activity. Returns can also illuminate the complicated business arrangements that often provide the bulk of a candidate’s income, especially for a real estate mogul like Trump.”

And the returns also “tell us a lot about how candidates conduct themselves in the gray areas of the tax law,” Thorndike wrote. “Some items on a tax return are black and white, like the income reported on a W-2. But other items, especially for someone with lots of non-salary business income, are open to debate and interpretation.”

Trump’s comments also prompted Time magazine to outline “5 Interesting Things We Learned From Presidential Tax Returns,” including: Obama gave sizable charitable contributions to his controversial pastor; Romney had an unusually high IRA balance; and President George H.W. Bush gave nearly 62% of his 1991 income to charity.

So you personally read over every Presidential hopefuls tax return. Have you personally looked over Clinton's tax returns? What did that tell you about her?

Is Trump releasing his tax returns going to sway you to vote for him?
No it won't sway me but at least I'd know he didn't speak out of both sides of his mouth Romney showing his and what he paid led to helping him lose that election
no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
So you admit it's none of your business, and Trump does not have to comply with the whiny liberal demands. Thank you.
Yes easy it's not the law but if you think people won't think the worst you're a fool Every President or hopeful has done so What is drump hiding??

What business is it of yours? What does the revealing of personal taxes prove when becoming a President? How does a tax return make a better or worse President?

You are wrong, not every Presidential hopeful has done so, it started in the 60's.

Should everyone release their taxes, if they don't, everyone could be hiding something. OMG!
Someone who might be the leader of the free world should and yes I said all presidents my mis speak

Why? What does the taxes prove? Have you read every Presidential candidates tax returns and decided to vote or not vote for them based on their tax returns? Since 1960 how many Presidential candidates tax returns have you read? I am sure you have read them all since it is such a big issue. Am I right?
Why do you think every voter in America should be restricted to your own personal opinion of what data they deserve to have for making their decision. You seem very insistent that this particular data is not needed and hence, should be allowed to be withheld from the public. All based on your own very personal opinion.

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