What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

I give Obama almost no chance of winning in 2016.

One would have to ask why Trump has any supporters at all. When you do ask the question, the overwhelming load of crap you hear from his supporters is that “he is different”. But isn’t it strange how whenever you question Drumpf, the first thing the same supporters do is draw parallels between he and other politicians . If he’s truly different, they wouldn’t be doing that; obviously.

You know, that's a legitimate question. As it was when we asked the same of those who supported Obama. What had he done? A junior Senator with no record of anything but hanging around some very questionable characters.

We were called "racists".

Are you too a racist?

Obama released his tax records.
Trump hasn't. What is he hiding?

Or, you could just try answering the question.

And for the record, I don't give two shits about tax returns; they have no bearing on anything. But hey, you fixate on that.

Tax returns....don't lie but Drumpf does
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

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Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

No one gives a shit. He's under audit, he'll pay what he owes.

Sure people give a shit…it’s national news. Oh wait, I forgot…the media (the same one that gave him $1 Billion in free media) is suddenly out to get him.

According to whom is he under audit? How does that prevent him from releasing taxes from 2012…2014….hmmm?

Jesus! How fucking stupid are you?
It's exactly as he said. He is being audited and his lawyers advised him not to. Only the sycophants of the criminal Hillary care about this issue and that's only to take the spotlight off of their corrupt, lying, criminal candidate.

Other years can be released. PS. If you file a return, the IRS has the info already. Releasing the filed return does nothing

We can learn if he pays the same % as we do….
We can learn how charitable he is with his money…
We can learn who (if anyone) he is claiming as a dependent…
We can learn how savvy an investor he is given that he is supposed to be smart with money and all….
We can learn how he makes his money; is it from just whoring out the name Trump (not Drumpf—his real name) or does he actually produce something???

He has produced thousands of jobs.

What has Hillary Clinton produced?

Yes the Chinese made suits and Honduran made ties that have the name "Trump" on them have produced lots of jobs.

Now he has to produce his returns
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

What is Hillary hiding, where are the emails? We know her staff destroyed 1,000's of emails that they labled "private"...we are just supposed to trust them...what is she hiding?

All been reviewed by the FBI, no wrongdoing found.

Where are Drumpf's returns?
Today Drumpf admitted that he works very hard to pay as little tax as possible. It will be fun to see just how successful he is at avoiding paying taxes.

What’s he hiding?

The most likely explanation is that his tax returns would show that The Donald isn't really a billionaire and that his yuuuge businesses are actually losing $$$


If you could see the tax returns for his business, I’m pretty sure you’d be correct. But what are usually released are personal tax filings and yes, you’d likely find there are all sorts of creative accounting tricks being used like paying yourself $1 a year in salary so your income is lower, living off dividend income which is taxed less than labor income, etc….

Legal? Yes.
Honorable? No.
Presidential? Helllllll No.

How much larger was your check to the IRS than what you absolutely, positively HAD TO PAY?

No matter what is in Donald Trumps voluminous tax returns, you haters gonna hate. So why not just leave you twisting your panties?

I'm not asking people to vote for me.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Is it getting to you? She (Hildabeast) is having a hard time getting rid of Bernie, The Donald snubs his nose at the extremely center left MSM and the little keyboard commando candycorn is foaming at the mouth over his Tax Returns?

What are you going to do if he wins?

Are you going to move to another country?

Do we need to start a fund to help you cover the move?

Time honored tradition....he should release them. Now
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Is it getting to you? She (Hildabeast) is having a hard time getting rid of Bernie, The Donald snubs his nose at the extremely center left MSM and the little keyboard commando candycorn is foaming at the mouth over his Tax Returns?

What are you going to do if he wins?

Are you going to move to another country?

Do we need to start a fund to help you cover the move?

Time honored tradition....he should release them. Now

Can you imagine if Hillary refused to show her tax returns?
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Is it getting to you? She (Hildabeast) is having a hard time getting rid of Bernie, The Donald snubs his nose at the extremely center left MSM and the little keyboard commando candycorn is foaming at the mouth over his Tax Returns?

What are you going to do if he wins?

Are you going to move to another country?

Do we need to start a fund to help you cover the move?

Time honored tradition....he should release them. Now

Can you imagine if Hillary refused to show her tax returns?

The practice of releasing tax returns when running for office didn't become commonplace until the late 1960's, which is also when presidential candidates, and not just presidents, began to routinely release their income tax returns to the public. In the runup to the 1968 presidential election, George Romney, a governor of Michigan at the time, released 12 years of his tax returns from 1955-1966 after being pressed on the topic by reporters. This set the precedent for presidential candidates to release their tax returns and almost every president from Nixon onward has made their tax returns public. The only exception was Gerald Ford, who kept his tax returns private.

do it Donnie.
Either drump is afraid to show how little he gives to charity or how little he actually pays or that' is wealth is not near what he says it is My guess is ALL ....might also show giving to Dems in the past
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.
you know how he can stop people from guessing?

release his tax returns like Hillary and Sanders did.
What is Donald Drumpf hiding by not releasing his tax records?

Why do you pretend to care?

She obviously doesn't care, just another pretext to attack the Republican candidate.
What is he hiding?

If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?
And casino man Addelson giving trump 100 million and wants nothing for it??? lol at republican fools
The practice of releasing tax returns when running for office didn't become commonplace until the late 1960's, which is also when presidential candidates, and not just presidents, began to routinely release their income tax returns to the public. In the runup to the 1968 presidential election, George Romney, a governor of Michigan at the time, released 12 years of his tax returns from 1955-1966 after being pressed on the topic by reporters. This set the precedent for presidential candidates to release their tax returns and almost every president from Nixon onward has made their tax returns public. The only exception was Gerald Ford, who kept his tax returns private.

do it Donnie.

So it's a tradition? Why are liberals all of a sudden wanting to hold to a tradition? I suppose you don't want gay marriage either.

No reason to release returns, I never understood why anyone would.
Either drump is afraid to show how little he gives to charity or how little he actually pays or that' is wealth is not near what he says it is My guess is ALL ....might also show giving to Dems in the past
Nice liberal theory and opinion.

By your own theory, Hillary refusing to release the transcripts from her speeches means she COULD be advocating the use of cocaine, promoting the pedophilia in which her husband engages, or supporting the oppression of women that the nations that have donated to her engage in...we just don't know because she refuses to release them. The only way she can prove she did not do any of those things, according to your theory, is for her to release the transcripts. If she doesn't then she's obviously guilty of these things...based on your theory of how these things work.
What is Donald Drumpf hiding by not releasing his tax records?

Why do you pretend to care?

She obviously doesn't care, just another pretext to attack the Republican candidate.
What is he hiding?

If he showed you his taxes would you vote for him? Did you look over every line item of Clinton's taxes? Obama's taxes? Romney's taxes? If he released his taxes would you look at every item of Trump's taxes?

Would you even understand what you are looking at or would it just create more questions?

Trump supporters are missing the point ... as usual, thats nothing new.

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