What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

No one gives a shit. He's under audit, he'll pay what he owes.

Sure people give a shit…it’s national news. Oh wait, I forgot…the media (the same one that gave him $1 Billion in free media) is suddenly out to get him.

According to whom is he under audit? How does that prevent him from releasing taxes from 2012…2014….hmmm?

Jesus! How fucking stupid are you?
It's exactly as he said. He is being audited and his lawyers advised him not to. Only the sycophants of the criminal Hillary care about this issue and that's only to take the spotlight off of their corrupt, lying, criminal candidate.

Other years can be released. PS. If you file a return, the IRS has the info already. Releasing the filed return does nothing

Helloooo! McFly? Anyone in there? Can you read?
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

No one gives a shit. He's under audit, he'll pay what he owes.

Sure people give a shit…it’s national news. Oh wait, I forgot…the media (the same one that gave him $1 Billion in free media) is suddenly out to get him.

According to whom is he under audit? How does that prevent him from releasing taxes from 2012…2014….hmmm?

Jesus! How fucking stupid are you?
It's exactly as he said. He is being audited and his lawyers advised him not to. Only the sycophants of the criminal Hillary care about this issue and that's only to take the spotlight off of their corrupt, lying, criminal candidate.

Other years can be released. PS. If you file a return, the IRS has the info already. Releasing the filed return does nothing

Helloooo! McFly? Anyone in there? Can you read?

He said he is being audited…..the noted and proven liar.

Where are the tax returns...
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
If you want the White House you release your returns.

Maybe Trump doesn't want it that bad. If he thinks he can beat the system, the system will beat him.
If you want the White House you release your returns.

Maybe Trump doesn't want it that bad. If he thinks he can beat the system, the system will beat him.

If you want others to release their returns you first release yours to display your sincerity in the belief that nothing is private. Since the above fails to have a tax return attached then, I'm sorry, it's rejected as insincere.

Of course an affidavit that one has not earned sufficiently to pay any taxes could be an acceptable substitute.

Please proceed.....
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.
Hillary’s Book A Monumental Flop
In the book’s first week sales were not horrible, still they were nothing to get excited about. But by week two sales cratered and now it looks like “flop” is written all over this door stop. Sales fell by a whooping 43 percent in week two.
Oh this is too funny. Guarantee that a liberal will lie, to protect their dumbass politicians. Edward Bernays and Joseph Goebells would be proud of you, you friggin Nazi you.

As for Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, "My Lies" would of been the more appropriate title. Stupid people vote Dumbocrat.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
If you want the White House you release your returns.

Maybe Trump doesn't want it that bad. If he thinks he can beat the system, the system will beat him.
Poll Results

Who will win the general election for president this November?
36% Hillary Clinton
6% Bernie Sanders
53% Donald Trump
5% A third-party candidate/other
Total responses: 643,016 votes
Read more: Full politics coverage

If you want to make America the Super Power that it was before the Stay Puff Marshmallow man assumed office in 2008, just follow the poll. The liberals are ranting and raving that the vagina president just cant get traction. Maybe it is because she is a slimy loud mouthed bitch.

you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
Why does someone have to show his tax returns to be president, please show me in the Constitution where it says that? As for a honesty test, the vagina candidate fails there immediately but you liberals will still vote for the liar. Party First, even if it kills you. When you have liberal lickspittle lapdog media on your side, you can even get away with murder.

See Nazi and how well their leader led them to the 1000 year Reich.
Even if his returns reveal he's filthy rich and pays low taxes, i'm still going with him over the corrupt witch and her rapist husband.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
Why does someone have to show his tax returns to be president, please show me in the Constitution where it says that? As for a honesty test, the vagina candidate fails there immediately but you liberals will still vote for the liar. Party First, even if it kills you. When you have liberal lickspittle lapdog media on your side, you can even get away with murder.

See Nazi and how well their leader led them to the 1000 year Reich.

you dont have to.

IMO its a gesture of good faith proving yourself to your employer.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
If you want the White House you release your returns.

Maybe Trump doesn't want it that bad. If he thinks he can beat the system, the system will beat him.

"The System?"

Thanks for admitting that he is a real outsider.

And you need to have more than being a representative of the INsiders to force someone to do something.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.

The voters are the ones who decides if he needs to take a piss test.

You're not voting for him regardless so you don't count.

I fully support his desire to NOT release his returns.

And I will be voting for him.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
Why does someone have to show his tax returns to be president, please show me in the Constitution where it says that? As for a honesty test, the vagina candidate fails there immediately but you liberals will still vote for the liar. Party First, even if it kills you. When you have liberal lickspittle lapdog media on your side, you can even get away with murder.

See Nazi and how well their leader led them to the 1000 year Reich.

you dont have to.

IMO its a gesture of good faith proving yourself to your employer.

You speak only for yourself, not all voters.

I don't care. I'M a voter. YOu don't speak for me.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
Trump is the one who refuses to go into details about issues. He concentrates and focuses on emotional knee-jerk attacks to rile up his followers and avoid substance and details. Bernie and Hillary, on the other hand, focuses on substance and detail.
you want a job, pee in a bottle ..drug test

you want to be President, make your tax returns public ... honesty test

there's no law that says you have to do either one .. it would be good idea if you want the job.
Why does someone have to show his tax returns to be president, please show me in the Constitution where it says that? As for a honesty test, the vagina candidate fails there immediately but you liberals will still vote for the liar. Party First, even if it kills you. When you have liberal lickspittle lapdog media on your side, you can even get away with murder.

See Nazi and how well their leader led them to the 1000 year Reich.

you dont have to.

IMO its a gesture of good faith proving yourself to your employer.

You speak only for yourself, not all voters.

I don't care. I'M a voter. YOu don't speak for me.

that gate swings two ways ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

I care, I'm a voter.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
Trump is the one who refuses to go into details about issues. He concentrates and focuses on emotional knee-jerk attacks to rile up his followers and avoid substance and details. Bernie and Hillary, on the other hand, focuses on substance and detail.
Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, lower the oceans and heal the planet, the redistribution of wealth? Hmmm, Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm. What a friggin moron Camp. Lets see the vagina candidate once again, speak with reason. ROTFLMAO-

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
Trump is the one who refuses to go into details about issues. He concentrates and focuses on emotional knee-jerk attacks to rile up his followers and avoid substance and details. Bernie and Hillary, on the other hand, focuses on substance and detail.
Hope and Change, the fundamental transformation of America, lower the oceans and heal the planet, the redistribution of wealth? Hmmm, Barrack Hussein Obama, mmm, mmm, mmm. What a friggin moron Camp. Lets see the vagina candidate once again, speak with reason. ROTFLMAO-

stay on topic.

no/low standard Trump voters are going to be in for a shock when they look back and figure it out.
Please cite the law that states Trump must release his tax records.

no law, legal isn't the issue ... itscommonplace among presidents and candidates.
It is only commonplace when to show ones tax returns benefits the liberal candidate. I for one don't give a rats ass whether the Donald shows his returns, because I know that he has much wealth, earned by providing a product or service. How did the vagina candidate make her $150,000,000? There were illegal donation from shady over seas governments, who contributed to her, in the hope that she will give them special preferences "IF"(and I do mean if) she would assume office. Why is it okay for Liberals to steal money from US, take corrupt cash from terrorists, and the lemmings rejoice, but if someone legally makes a buck, then he/she is demonized as a 1%'er? Because liberals are the stupidest people on Earth.

Ms. Clinton and her husband are both authors of best selling books and have released their tax returns. Mr. Drumpf’s sources of wealth are shady since Trump magazine went belly up, Trump steaks went belly up, Trump university went belly up, he really doesn’t develop real estate much any longer, Trump water went belly up, the Apprentice hardly ever comes on any more….

This is why we need see his tax returns….to see how much he is making off the snake oil.

We "need" to see his tax returns, because you libs are desperate to talk about anything but the issues and you want to go fishing for something you can try to gin up into an issue.

That is the only reason.
Trump is the one who refuses to go into details about issues. He concentrates and focuses on emotional knee-jerk attacks to rile up his followers and avoid substance and details. Bernie and Hillary, on the other hand, focuses on substance and detail.

HIs campaign is based on the issues of Trade and Immigration. He's been clear enough that we know where he is coming from and additional details are available on his website if you care. Which I know you don't.

My point about the desire for Tax returns being a fishing expedition stands.

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