What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

More like not desperate for it to be true.
Trump shouldn't release anything until Obama releases his occidental college admissions and original 54 year old birth certificate with the raised state seal.
What does that crap have to do with the public's right to know information about a person who is running for President?
It's a national security and Constitutional issue with Obama. We need to see those admissions and original certificate.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Every other candidate has released their tax records. That's the standard and Trump has not met that standard. College transcripts or birth certificates are not the standard and are irrelevant.
If you have your panties in such a wad over tax records, why don't you contact your congress critter and get them to change election laws? That way you'll have such a great sense of relief when you can sleep at night knowing how much someone makes.

BTW: As to birth certificates, it is a requirement to prove where you were born in order to run for President.
The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

No doubt.

But the facts remain Trump has dodged releasing the returns. A time honored rite of passage for candidates. It's time he does. I understand not doing it before Iowa or Super Tuesday.
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

No doubt.

But the facts remain Trump has dodged releasing the returns. A time honored rite of passage for candidates. It's time he does. I understand not doing it before Iowa or Super Tuesday.
Funny thing is, if he does decide to release them, and there's no juicy information there, what will be the next thing to freak out over?
What does that crap have to do with the public's right to know information about a person who is running for President?
It's a national security and Constitutional issue with Obama. We need to see those admissions and original certificate.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Every other candidate has released their tax records. That's the standard and Trump has not met that standard. College transcripts or birth certificates are not the standard and are irrelevant.
If you have your panties in such a wad over tax records, why don't you contact your congress critter and get them to change election laws? That way you'll have such a great sense of relief when you can sleep at night knowing how much someone makes.

BTW: As to birth certificates, it is a requirement to prove where you were born in order to run for President.

I'm not in twist at all. Don't release them. The voters will decide if it hurts his integrity. I simply clarified that it's been standard for several cycles now for candidates to release tax records.
Obviously then Obama passed that test and the point is moot.
What does that crap have to do with the public's right to know information about a person who is running for President?
It's a national security and Constitutional issue with Obama. We need to see those admissions and original certificate.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Every other candidate has released their tax records. That's the standard and Trump has not met that standard. College transcripts or birth certificates are not the standard and are irrelevant.
If you have your panties in such a wad over tax records, why don't you contact your congress critter and get them to change election laws? That way you'll have such a great sense of relief when you can sleep at night knowing how much someone makes.

BTW: As to birth certificates, it is a requirement to prove where you were born in order to run for President.

Good point.

Still, demanding it of a 44 y/o man?
candycorn, do you demand that Hillary release the transcripts of her speeches to the various bankers she was paid to speak to?
Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….

No they don't and how do you know he's "hilding" anything. You see this type of blatant dishonesty by you liberals is why nobody likes you people.

Enough people liked us to elect us.


If he didn’t have anything to hide, he’d release the returns. Instead, he trots out this lame “I’m being audited” ploy…and of course, you guys line up shoulder to shoulder to defend the lamest of bizarre excuses. Because he is being audited in 2015, he can’t release 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or this year? You don’t get audited in the same year you file…. sheesh.

No you fooled a bunch of people with your lies, then voters got wise and bitch slapped the hell out of you in 2014. It was an epic beating and rejection of liberals and liberalism. An historic spanking so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to finding a beating that epic. The Democratic party lost over 1,200 seats nationally, thanks to liberals. If I were a Democrat I'd say hey liberals stay off my side. :laugh:

As I recall, 2010 wasn't good for the Dems either. Then blammo 332-206. That the Dems are even in the race much less leading most polling is incredible since the 8 year rotation is pretty normal

What part of biggest historical bitch slapping since 1921 don't you understand? Tissue? :laugh:
No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

No doubt.

But the facts remain Trump has dodged releasing the returns. A time honored rite of passage for candidates. It's time he does. I understand not doing it before Iowa or Super Tuesday.
Funny thing is, if he does decide to release them, and there's no juicy information there, what will be the next thing to freak out over?

They will go right on lying claiming he's hiding something. Look liberals have to lie otherwise nobody would vote for them.
candycorn, do you demand that Hillary release the transcripts of her speeches to the various bankers she was paid to speak to?
You rubes are constantly setting new benchmarks. Haven't you learned your lesson these always come back to snap you in the face? Tax returns, birth certificates, college transcripts, and now private speeches?

Those job creators paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for those speeches, and now you want them for FREE?

What are you, some kind of commie?
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Stapled to Obamas transcripts.

Fucking hypocrite.
Trump should agree to release his taxes if Obama releases his school records and if Hillary teleases her Goldman Sax's speech trascripts....
Obama did not seal his college transcripts. The college seals all student transcripts. Just like the college Bush attended seals their transcripts.

Of course. That's standard. I was amazed my son, in this day and age, can't get his electronically.
But, surely Obama knows how to write, correct? Or, make a phone call to the Registrar's office to request a copy be sent for the media and the public.
Has he done either?
So, see the point here, shitstain?
If not, let me know and I'll whip out a Crayola and dumb it down written on a diaper for you. You can have your fucking Nanny read it to you.
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
The topic is Trump refusing to show his tax returns. The crap about college records was just a deflection. That makes you the asshole here in this thread. But hey, you should be used to that job by now.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

If honesty was important, Clinton would not be winning the Democratic nomination.
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
The topic is Trump refusing to show his tax returns. The crap about college records was just a deflection. That makes you the asshole here in this thread. But hey, you should be used to that job by now.

What difference does it make?
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
The topic is Trump refusing to show his tax returns. The crap about college records was just a deflection. That makes you the asshole here in this thread. But hey, you should be used to that job by now.

The issue with that other person was regarding Obama, not trump, Shitstain

You chimed in with your head in ass, as usual

Carry on, fool...
What possible reason would anyone want to see college records from when Obama was 19?

We want to see Trumps tax returns for THIS YEAR

What is he hiding?

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