What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.
If he wasn't trying to hide something, he would have released them with all the self-aggrandizing flourish we have come to know and expect from the fat fuck.

He'd be waving them around at his hate rallies.

"I told you I'm very, very rich!"
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.

well then Hillary is innocent until proven guilty then right? No one can prove her guilty after 9 congressional hearings, but if you're a Republican she's guilty as hell. .... RW hypocrisy too thick to cut with a sword.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.
If he wasn't trying to hide something, he would have released them with all the self-aggrandizing flourish we have come to know and expect from the fat fuck.

He'd be waving them around at his hate rallies.

"I told you I'm very, very rich!"

Trump has every old, white, rightwing male so damn fooled into believing his bullshit its incredible.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.

This is a joke right ? Every day there's a new thread about Hillary emails and she getting the death penalty .

Righties love to dish it out but they sure can't take it!
Trump has White Privilege. He shouldn't have to release anything. As for Obama, we need to see that boys Occidental college admissions and 54 year old original birth certificate with the state raised seal.

Ah the poor racists still all pissy that Americans choose a black man to be in the White House....
Ever thing about Barak Hussein Sotoro Obama is locked in a freaking vault including his school records and even his freaking birth certificate and the left worries about Trump's tax returns? IRS officials "took the 5th" to avoid answering questions about Obama using the IRS to punish political enemies and you worry about Trump's tax returns? You can bet your ass(ets) that Media Matters has a little army of accountants going through Trump's entire freaking life as we speak.

His birth certificate has been released twice and certified by the State of Hawaii
And was proven fraudulent.

Not according to the Sheriff

Actually yes. What I showed was the first press conference from 2012. He has since confirmed the document fraudulent. Here he is confirming it to Jake Tapper.]

Show us the report then. If this was since 2012- why no report since 2012?

Why hasn't the 'sheriff' reported the fraud to the State of Hawaii?

Barry Hussein never made a dime that wasn't from taxpayers (so he probably used the short form) except maybe the time he shared the administration and skimmed money from an endowment fund with pal and political adviser former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers. The fund was supposed to go toward education in Chicago (how did that work out?) and instead it went to buy votes for democrats. Trump should offer to submit his tax returns when the IRS agrees to testify about the years of criminal abuse and targeting political enemies for the Hussein administration.

Thanks for the Right Wing Nut Job point of view.
I believe you are not legally required to release any tax returns.

Then why did trump demand that Obama release all of his personal information?
Why did the left demand Romney release his tax records in 2012? The answer to both is political hypocrisy.

President Obama released his tax records- why wouldn't 'the left' demand Romney release his also?
As I pointed no one is legally required to release there tax returns and at the end of the day no one really cares about them it's just your standard political B.S. As I just posted on this thread Jeb Bush released 33 years of tax returns no one cared.

Of course- no one is required to release any documentation.

I have no objection to Trump refusing to release his tax returns.

It will just make Clinton look better when Trump is the first candidate in several elections who doesn't disclose his.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.

This is a joke right ? Every day there's a new thread about Hillary emails and she getting the death penalty .

Righties love to dish it out but they sure can't take it!

She's already admitted it hello.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….

No they don't and how do you know he's "hilding" anything. You see this type of blatant dishonesty by you liberals is why nobody likes you people.

Enough people liked us to elect us.


If he didn’t have anything to hide, he’d release the returns. Instead, he trots out this lame “I’m being audited” ploy…and of course, you guys line up shoulder to shoulder to defend the lamest of bizarre excuses. Because he is being audited in 2015, he can’t release 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or this year? You don’t get audited in the same year you file…. sheesh.

You really should head to a forum more suited to your intellectual abilities. May I suggest HelloKitty.com?

The fact of the matter is you couldn't care less about Donald's tax returns, if a video emerged of Hillary cutting someone's head off, you'd still vote for her, making you a partisan dumb shit.

Matter of fact, you don't care what Trump does- if a video emerged of Don choosing the head of ISIS as his next Apprentice, you would be still cheering him on, because you are just another partisan asshole.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

If you have a (D) behind your name, the Right spends 8 years whining about birth certificates and college records.....

Oh wait- that was Donald the Birther.......
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.

Apparently this is a new concept for you guys:

Has Hillary's security clearance been revoked?

Care to explain yourself?
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….

No they don't and how do you know he's "hilding" anything. You see this type of blatant dishonesty by you liberals is why nobody likes you people.

Enough people liked us to elect us.


If he didn’t have anything to hide, he’d release the returns. Instead, he trots out this lame “I’m being audited” ploy…and of course, you guys line up shoulder to shoulder to defend the lamest of bizarre excuses. Because he is being audited in 2015, he can’t release 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or this year? You don’t get audited in the same year you file…. sheesh.

No you fooled a bunch of people with your lies, then voters got wise and bitch slapped the hell out of you in 2014. It was an epic beating and rejection of liberals and liberalism. An historic spanking so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to finding a beating that epic. The Democratic party lost over 1,200 seats nationally, thanks to liberals. If I were a Democrat I'd say hey liberals stay off my side. :laugh:

As I recall, 2010 wasn't good for the Dems either. Then blammo 332-206. That the Dems are even in the race much less leading most polling is incredible since the 8 year rotation is pretty normal
tax records, come on Donnie cough em up, everyone else has, we're waiting on YOU :eusa_whistle:
Trump shouldn't release anything until Obama releases his occidental college admissions and original 54 year old birth certificate with the raised state seal.
What does that crap have to do with the public's right to know information about a person who is running for President?
It's a national security and Constitutional issue with Obama. We need to see those admissions and original certificate.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Every other candidate has released their tax records. That's the standard and Trump has not met that standard. College transcripts or birth certificates are not the standard and are irrelevant.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Birth certificate? That was released.

Trump’s tax returns…not so much.
What was released was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation by the
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. He needs to release the 54 year old original document.

lol….sure it was and “You won’t believe what they’re finding”—Donald Drumpf commenting on his investigators in Hawaii checking on Obama’s birth certificate. Nothing was ever released about what they found so yes, we don’t believe them...
Watch as the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office lays out the forensic evidence proving the certificate released was fraudulent.

That bullshit investigation is about as real as your heart attack.
Trump shouldn't release anything until Obama releases his occidental college admissions and original 54 year old birth certificate with the raised state seal.
What does that crap have to do with the public's right to know information about a person who is running for President?
It's a national security and Constitutional issue with Obama. We need to see those admissions and original certificate.
It has nothing to do with national security or the constitution. You are just being silly to deflect away from the fact that Trump has shit to hide in his tax returns.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Every other candidate has released their tax records. That's the standard and Trump has not met that standard. College transcripts or birth certificates are not the standard and are irrelevant.

If Trump wants to release his college records and challenge Clinton to release hers- that would be fair game.

Just as Clinton can point out that she has released her tax returns- and Trump is 'hiding' his.
So when a Republican runs it is important to release records but when a democrat runs it is unimportant to vet them right? Remind us how well Obama was vetted? Remind us how we saw his birth certificate and his college records? Remind us how every complaint against Obama's policies was racism but every complaint against trump is justified?

Birth certificate? That was released.

Trump’s tax returns…not so much.
What was released was found to be a 100% forgery after a lengthy investigation by the
Maricopa County Sheriffs Office. He needs to release the 54 year old original document.

lol….sure it was and “You won’t believe what they’re finding”—Donald Drumpf commenting on his investigators in Hawaii checking on Obama’s birth certificate. Nothing was ever released about what they found so yes, we don’t believe them...
Watch as the Maricopa County Sheriffs Office lays out the forensic evidence proving the certificate released was fraudulent.

That bullshit investigation is about as real as your heart attack.

About as real as that thing on Trump's head.
Trump is not playing by the establishment's rules get over it. Trump is saying, hey my taxes are none of your damn business so piss off!

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….
You make the assumption that he's actually hiding something.

No typical of the left she's smearing him without 1 ounce of evidence and mocking our laws, in this country you are presumed innocent.
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

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