What is Trump hiding? Where are his Tax Returns

The public has a right to know what he is hiding….

No they don't and how do you know he's "hilding" anything. You see this type of blatant dishonesty by you liberals is why nobody likes you people.

Enough people liked us to elect us.


If he didn’t have anything to hide, he’d release the returns. Instead, he trots out this lame “I’m being audited” ploy…and of course, you guys line up shoulder to shoulder to defend the lamest of bizarre excuses. Because he is being audited in 2015, he can’t release 2014 or 2013 or 2012 or this year? You don’t get audited in the same year you file…. sheesh.

No you fooled a bunch of people with your lies, then voters got wise and bitch slapped the hell out of you in 2014. It was an epic beating and rejection of liberals and liberalism. An historic spanking so bad you have to go all the way back to 1921 to finding a beating that epic. The Democratic party lost over 1,200 seats nationally, thanks to liberals. If I were a Democrat I'd say hey liberals stay off my side. :laugh:

As I recall, 2010 wasn't good for the Dems either. Then blammo 332-206. That the Dems are even in the race much less leading most polling is incredible since the 8 year rotation is pretty normal

What part of biggest historical bitch slapping since 1921 don't you understand? Tissue? :laugh:

The same part you missed about 332-206. You are Obama's bitch
Unless you have an (R) behind your name...

Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

No doubt.

But the facts remain Trump has dodged releasing the returns. A time honored rite of passage for candidates. It's time he does. I understand not doing it before Iowa or Super Tuesday.
Funny thing is, if he does decide to release them, and there's no juicy information there, what will be the next thing to freak out over?

They will go right on lying claiming he's hiding something. Look liberals have to lie otherwise nobody would vote for them.

What is he hiding? Same crapolla you guys asked for years.
Trump should agree to release his taxes if Obama releases his school records and if Hillary teleases her Goldman Sax's speech trascripts....

Will Trump also release tapes of all his private speeches?

Bet they will be more damning than anything Hillary has said
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
Actually, the topic of this thread is Trump, but you all are going on and on about Obama. Don't start out on Obama and then tell me I can't talk about him. You all started deviating from the topic by finding fault with Obama.
What records did Obama seal again, I forget??

Do you have a link to his college transcripts that you can share, shitstain? I can't seem to locate that. Thanks.
How about showing us the ones GW Bush voluntarily released?

Sorry, he's been gone eight years. If you're interested in his, or Nixon's - give them a call. The topic here is the president. As in Obama, dingbat. Got it? Good. Now, STFU.
The topic is Trump refusing to show his tax returns. The crap about college records was just a deflection. That makes you the asshole here in this thread. But hey, you should be used to that job by now.

The issue with that other person was regarding Obama, not trump, Shitstain

You chimed in with your head in ass, as usual

Carry on, fool...

The topic of the thead is Trump. The right-wingers started in on Obama's transcripts; I responded to that. Then you tell me the topic of the thread is 'the president.' You were wrong. You can't even follow the discussion or think with any clarity.
Every day there is a thread about HRC being convicted already posted by A RWNJ. Innocent until proven guilty is a new concept apparently to repubs
And dems... If you can't see it, you're blind.

No doubt.

But the facts remain Trump has dodged releasing the returns. A time honored rite of passage for candidates. It's time he does. I understand not doing it before Iowa or Super Tuesday.
Funny thing is, if he does decide to release them, and there's no juicy information there, what will be the next thing to freak out over?

They will go right on lying claiming he's hiding something. Look liberals have to lie otherwise nobody would vote for them.

What is he hiding? Same crapolla you guys asked for years.

He's hiding your momma lib.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

They are with racist Al Sharptons taxes... loser

Say hello President Trump lol

Actually, the topic of this thread is Trump, but you all are going on and on about Obama. Don't start out on Obama and then tell me I can't talk about him. You all started deviating from the topic by finding fault with Obama.

Yes, the topic of this thread is about Trump, however, I was responding to a poster who attempted to change the topic to Bush. I realize it may be difficult for you to keep up, but dear God, when you do things this dense, it's hard to have any compassion for dipshits like you.
What is Mr. 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' hiding?
-- His oersonal records remain sealed. Recent news that his administration is THE most criminally non-compliant in US history regarding the FOIA has proven tbat he has had hidden more from the American people than any President in US history.

What MORE is Hillary hiding?
-- Despite the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally tried to hide (from FOUA requests) she still refuses to release the transcripts of her Goldman Sax speeches.

There is no clamor from liberals for Obama and Hillary to release their hidden documents and no condemnation for their refusal to do so...so their hypocrisy regarding Trump exposes their insane partisanship and their lack of concern over the secrecy of their own party's leaders.
What is Mr. 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' hiding?
-- His oersonal records remain sealed. Recent news that his administration is THE most criminally non-compliant in US history regarding the FOIA has proven tbat he has had hidden more from the American people than any President in US history.

What MORE is Hillary hiding?
-- Despite the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally tried to hide (from FOUA requests) she still refuses to release the transcripts of her Goldman Sax speeches.

There is no clamor from liberals for Obama and Hillary to release their hidden documents and no condemnation for their refusal to do so...so their hypocrisy regarding Trump exposes their insane partisanship and their lack of concern over the secrecy of their own party's leaders.
Is there any history or precedent for releasing college records of speech transcripts made while a politician is making speeches as a private citizen? There is a precedent or tradition of candidates releasing years of tax returns for the voting public to review.
Actually, the topic of this thread is Trump, but you all are going on and on about Obama. Don't start out on Obama and then tell me I can't talk about him. You all started deviating from the topic by finding fault with Obama.

Yes, the topic of this thread is about Trump, however, I was responding to a poster who attempted to change the topic to Bush. I realize it may be difficult for you to keep up, but dear God, when you do things this dense, it's hard to have any compassion for dipshits like you.
Oh, I see. It's okay for you all to discuss Obama in a thread about Trump, but not okay for anyone to discuss Bush? Double standard on your part. You must be afraid of people bringing up Bush...as there is no defense to his abysmal presidency.
What is Mr. 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' hiding?
-- His oersonal records remain sealed. Recent news that his administration is THE most criminally non-compliant in US history regarding the FOIA has proven tbat he has had hidden more from the American people than any President in US history.

What MORE is Hillary hiding?
-- Despite the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally tried to hide (from FOUA requests) she still refuses to release the transcripts of her Goldman Sax speeches.

There is no clamor from liberals for Obama and Hillary to release their hidden documents and no condemnation for their refusal to do so...so their hypocrisy regarding Trump exposes their insane partisanship and their lack of concern over the secrecy of their own party's leaders.
Is there any history or precedent for releasing college records of speech transcripts made while a politician is making speeches as a private citizen? There is a precedent or tradition of candidates releasing years of tax returns for the voting public to review.

Yeah, why would you actually like to learn about the guy who wants you to elect them to rule your life?

If they want to / try to hide who they are before / while they ask you to give them that kind of power they obviously can't be trusted and should not be rewarded with your vote.

Regardint tax returns and who pays their taxes, AGAIN, why do liberals suddenly give a shit?

After promising to have the smoothest transition into office evuh, the Obama administration's transition into office was anything BUT, marred by a continuous stream of Obama Cabinet picks exposed for not having paid their taxes...to include (good grief) his selection for Secretary of the TREASURY - lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner.
Liberals were NOT condemning Obama for his inability to vet potentoal Cabinet members or Democrats' refusal to pay their taxes.

Then there is the constant stream of Liberals who have not only refused to pay their taxes but who have intentionally attempted to defraud the government / IRS by hiding money, refusing to claim income, and refusing to pay their taxes...none of which appropriately received liberal voter condemnation.

My favorite is Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel, who on numerous occasions attempted to hide money, withheld reporting income, and refused to pay his taxes / his fair share of taxes....DESPITE being on the committee that writes the tax code. (Hard to claim you made a mistake when YOU wrote the f*ing tax code!)

After he repeatedly got caught perpetrating tax fraud / not paying his taxes, he was subjected to the 'other' set of rules reserved only for politicians: He did NOT get charged for his crimes, he did NOT have to pay a monetary fine, he did NOT have to pay interest on his back taxes...he just had to pay the taxes that he owed....just like what would happen if we did all that, right?!

After one of the numerous times Rangel was caught doing this, members of the GOP actually wrote and submitted legislation, more as a jab at Democrats than to help voters, that called for the same rules to apply to citizens who had not paid their taxes -- no jail time, no fines, no interest on back taxes. After protecting Rangel the same way Democrats hypocritically rejected / voted down this legislation.

Then there are more....like:
Professional Race-Baiter Al Sharpton who was caught not paying his taxes...liberals give him a complete pass. Is it because he is black, a liberal, or both?

Trump, however, is a white professed Republican who has NOT been caught committing tax fraud, but liberals are trying to demonize him in a way they refuse to do to their own...BECAUSE he is a Republican and is a threat to Hillary.

To all the liberals reading this, let me help you out by posting a response for you:

You're a racist!'
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What is Mr. 'Most Transparent Administration Evuh' hiding?
-- His oersonal records remain sealed. Recent news that his administration is THE most criminally non-compliant in US history regarding the FOIA has proven tbat he has had hidden more from the American people than any President in US history.

What MORE is Hillary hiding?
-- Despite the thousands of e-mails and documents she illegally tried to hide (from FOUA requests) she still refuses to release the transcripts of her Goldman Sax speeches.

There is no clamor from liberals for Obama and Hillary to release their hidden documents and no condemnation for their refusal to do so...so their hypocrisy regarding Trump exposes their insane partisanship and their lack of concern over the secrecy of their own party's leaders.
Is there any history or precedent for releasing college records of speech transcripts made while a politician is making speeches as a private citizen? There is a precedent or tradition of candidates releasing years of tax returns for the voting public to review.

Yeah, why would you actually like to learn about the guy who wants you to elect them to rule your life?

If they want to / try to hide who they are befote / while they ask you to give them that kind of power they obviously can't be trusted and should not be rewarded with your vote.

Regardint tac returns and who pays theur taxes, AGAIN, why do liberals suddenly give a shit?

After promising to have the smoothest transition into office evuh, the Obama administration's transition into office wa sanything BUT, marred by a continuous stream of Obama Cabinet picks exposed for not having paid their taxes...to include (good grief) his selection for Secretary of the TREASURY - lil' Timmy 'Tax Cheat' Geithner.
Liberals were condemning Obama for his inability to vet potentoal Cabinet members or Democrats' refusal to pay their taxes.

Then there is the constant stream of Liberals who have not only refused to pay their taxes but who have intentionally attempted to defraud the government / IRS by hiding money, refusing to claim income, and refusing to pay their taxes.

My favorite is Charlie 'Tax Cheat' Rangel, who on numerous occasions attempted to hide money, withheld reporting income, and refusing to pay his taxes / his fair share of taxes....DESPITE being on the committee that writes the tax code. (Hard to claim you made a mistake when YOU wrote the f*ing tax code!)

After he repeatedly got caught perpetrating tax fraud / not paying his taxes, he was subjected to the 'other' set of rules reserved only for politicians: He did NOT get charged for his crimes, he did NOT have to pay a monetary fine, he did NOT have to pay interest on his back taxes...he just had to pay the taxes that he owed....just like what would happen if we did all that right?!

After one of the numerous times Rangel was caught doing this, members of the GOP actually wrote and submitted legislation, more as a jab at Democrats than to help viters, that called for the same rules to apply to citizens who had not paid their taxes -- no jail time, no fines, no interest on back taxes. After protecting Rangel the same way Democrats hypocritically rejected / voted down this legislation.

Then there are more....
Professional Race-Baiter Al Sharpton who was caught not paying his taxes...liberals give him a complete pass. Is it because he is black, a liberal, or both?

Trump, however, is a white professed Republican who has NOT been caught commutting tax fraud, but liberals are trying to demonize him in a way they refuse to do to their own BECAUSE he is a Republican and is a threat to Hillary.

To all the liberals reading this, let me help you out by posting a response for you:

You're a racist!'
Well, that was a long lecture and rant, but you did not answer the question I asked. It sure doesn't take much to inspire you into a long drawn out rant.
The truth is a bitch, huh, Camp?!

No, that didn't answer your question either, but it is no less true. It is a truth liberals like you constantly avoid / deny because you don't TRULY want to see the Democratic Party for what it is...which is not THAT different from the GOP in more ways than you'd like to admit.
The truth is a bitch, huh, Camp?!

No, that didn't answer your question either, but it is no less true. It is a truth liberals like you constantly avoid / deny because you don't TRULY want to see the Democratic Party for what it is...which is not THAT different from the GOP in more ways than you'd like to admit.
There is a fundamental difference between the ideologies, priorities, and values between Republicans and Democrats. There corrupt behavior, once they get elected is often very similar. I see no measurable difference to substantiate that liberals are less trustworthy or honest than conservatives. Most politicians are corrupted one way or another once they get into office. It is the nature of the beast and a weakness in our form of government.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Why do you pretend to care?

Nothing that is in there could effect your opinion of him at all.
The truth is a bitch, huh, Camp?!

No, that didn't answer your question either, but it is no less true. It is a truth liberals like you constantly avoid / deny because you don't TRULY want to see the Democratic Party for what it is...which is not THAT different from the GOP in more ways than you'd like to admit.
There is a fundamental difference between the ideologies, priorities, and values between Republicans and Democrats. There corrupt behavior, once they get elected is often very similar. I see no measurable difference to substantiate that liberals are less trustworthy or honest than conservatives. Most politicians are corrupted one way or another once they get into office. It is the nature of the beast and a weakness in our form of government.

In politicians , I probably agree, but among the normal average American, those who strongly swing one way or the other are more likely to be dishonest than those who merely agree with one party or another philosophically, and clearly there are way more wildly to the left people who are dishonest in their every argument than there are right wing liars.
This election, every presidential candidate has made at least some tax information public—except for Donald Trump.

More at MSN.com

Obviously the small fraction of a person who won the GOP nomination last evening is hiding something. One would figure that the normally boisterous bloward would be happy to show off his riches....unless they are not as impressive as he has been saying.

National Review said the following which may be the way a lot of delegates feel:

A political party that didn’t demand the public release of Donald Trump’s tax returns could be committing electoral suicide. In his 40-year business career, he has assembled an empire of great complexity along with a serial record of credibility problems. In other words, he often “makes stuff up.” This is a man who said, under oath, in a 2008 libel suit he later lost: “My net worth fluctuates, and it goes up and down with the markets and with attitudes and with feelings, even my own feelings.”

Clearly Drumpf is engaged in hiding something from his supporters. The question is whether or not the supporters care or not.

Why do you pretend to care?

Nothing that is in there could effect your opinion of him at all.

Likewise , nothing would ever get her to admit that Hillary is a piece of shit, because she's a fellow liberal piece of shit

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