What is Trump's exit strategy if he starts losing? Social experiment?

Trump's and his campaign's impact on the future of the GOP.

Eugene Robinson: How the GOP will never be the same

WASHINGTON: History will remember 2015 as the year when The Republican Party As We Knew It was destroyed by Donald Trump. An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.

Am I overstating Trump’s impact, given that not a single vote has been cast? Hardly. I’m not sure it’s possible to exaggerate how the Trump phenomenon has torn the party apart, revealing a chasm between establishment and base that is far too wide to bridge with stale Reagan-era rhetoric. Can you picture the Trump legions meekly falling in line behind Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio? I can’t either.

Trump didn’t blow up the party on his own. He had help from a field of presidential contenders that was touted as deep and talented but proved shallow and wanting. Bush raised shock-and-awe money but turns out to lack his father’s and brother’s skill at performing on the national stage; he seems to want to be crowned, not elected. Rubio is like the teacher’s pet who speaks eloquently in class but doesn’t do his homework. Chris Christie was slow off the mark, perhaps having been stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.

Read more at the link above

Robinson is a Washington Post columnist. He can be reached at[email protected].
Poach more Rinos
If you guys on the left could actually charge Trump rent for his living inside your heads you would be as rich as Trump.

Oh, and you clowns don't live rent free in Obama, Bill and Hillary's heads? Who started that stupid rent free shit. It's childishly stupid.
Obama is the President Hillary is the Democratic nominee I say that as she has no challenger for the nominmation Trump is one candidate who may or may not be the Republican nominee. As far as childish and stupid go I defer to your expertise on that as no one does stupid or childish better than you.
How genius would it be if Trump were to announce, just as he started to drop in the Iowa and New Hampshire polls, that his campaign was in fact not a legitimate quest for the presidency, but rather to conduct the world's greatest social experiment?

"I'm leaving the race. I don't want to be president. I never wanted to be president. I just wanted to hold a mirror up to the ignorance and bigotry that lurks dangerously beneath the surface. And you shocked me. The more vile and racist I became, the more you loved me! No matter what I did, I'd go up in the polls! I'd say to Melania, what do I have to do turn these people against me, kill someone?! I pulled off the greatest social experiment in American history. In the end, it wasn't Donald Trump whose behavior was shameful, it was yours. I was merely pretending, but you weren't. You've got a lot to work on, America. And you can thank Trump for exposing it."

Much More: What If This Is Actually What Donald Trump's Campaign Is All About?

With Trump's enormous narcissistic ego - this is the most plausible excuse I can imagine.

Donald Trump never had any intention of winning the Presidency.

No candidate goes into a race, doing the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior. Donald Trump did. He blasted Republicans for losing in 2012, citing they were too mean spirited toward illegals as the reason for the loss.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

Trump jumped in this race after getting a phone call from Bill Clinton. So connect the dots and he's trying to drive this race into Hillary Clinton's lap.

Trump has been very successful so far. 17% of the population (Hispanics) are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column. The GOP needs at least 40% of this vote to win the White House, and Trump is polling at a Negative 75% with them. Regardless of who the GOP nominee is this is going to roll over onto them. He's really made it impossible for Republicans to win the White House, and with these numbers it wouldn't surprise me to see them lose the Senate and a ton of seats in the house.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him

But when he tires of it, he'll just drop out. It's become clear there are a lot of stupid people in the right wing base of the party--akaTea Party. Donald Trump has definitely exposed them.
Column: Trump exploits rational political ignorance

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Tea Party Nazis are America's most dangerous terrorists.
Trump is on a pre-publication book tour, the material he has been gathering will earn him record dough from a publishing company.
Is Trump the Anti-Christ? Is he a sign of Armageddon?

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Whether intentional or not, Trump is conducting a great social experiment. He is exposing how ignorant, immoral, racist, vile and vicious his base really is.
And, of course, he's luring pie-eyed, naive, know-it-all pissant extremist Liberals to the surface of the pond, where such scum tends to dissolve beyond their already dissipated state, when brought out into the light of day, and properly vetted...
Whether intentional or not, Trump is conducting a great social experiment. He is exposing how ignorant, immoral, racist, vile and vicious his base really is.
And, of course, he's luring pie-eyed, naive, know-it-all pissant extremist Liberals to the surface of the pond, where such scum tends to dissolve beyond their already dissipated state, when brought out into the light of day, and properly vetted...

That don't make no sense.

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