What is Trump's exit strategy if he starts losing? Social experiment?

Whether intentional or not, Trump is conducting a great social experiment. He is exposing how ignorant, immoral, racist, vile and vicious his base really is.
Can't be worse than the Obama experiment has been. A community agitator with no experience.

Why if Trump is simply exposing ignorant, racist NaziCons?
Racist are liberals.

Yeah, typical NaziCon strategy - accuse others of what you are.
Obama has split the nation by race you stupid idiot. Sorry facts are not your friend.
Trump can always say I stopped the elite mother fuckers giving R's baby Jeb who thought he should be President because mommy thinks he should be one too.
How genius would it be if Trump were to announce, just as he started to drop in the Iowa and New Hampshire polls, that his campaign was in fact not a legitimate quest for the presidency, but rather to conduct the world's greatest social experiment?

"I'm leaving the race. I don't want to be president. I never wanted to be president. I just wanted to hold a mirror up to the ignorance and bigotry that lurks dangerously beneath the surface. And you shocked me. The more vile and racist I became, the more you loved me! No matter what I did, I'd go up in the polls! I'd say to Melania, what do I have to do turn these people against me, kill someone?! I pulled off the greatest social experiment in American history. In the end, it wasn't Donald Trump whose behavior was shameful, it was yours. I was merely pretending, but you weren't. You've got a lot to work on, America. And you can thank Trump for exposing it."

Much More: What If This Is Actually What Donald Trump's Campaign Is All About?

With Trump's enormous narcissistic ego - this is the most plausible excuse I can imagine.

You who backs the woman who believes she should be Prez because her husband fucked around on her so many times.

YOU OWE ME BILL!!!!!!!!!!
Personally, I'm not sure if Trump is conducting a great social experiment - or whether he may have his eye on building a Trump dynasty in the White House for decades to come.
Apparently my friends on the right don't find the OP very interesting - or plausible. But what if it's true?
What are the Hildebeast's exit strategy when The Bern starts kicking her fat, old, flabby ass?
Trump's and his campaign's impact on the future of the GOP.

Eugene Robinson: How the GOP will never be the same

WASHINGTON: History will remember 2015 as the year when The Republican Party As We Knew It was destroyed by Donald Trump. An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.

Am I overstating Trump’s impact, given that not a single vote has been cast? Hardly. I’m not sure it’s possible to exaggerate how the Trump phenomenon has torn the party apart, revealing a chasm between establishment and base that is far too wide to bridge with stale Reagan-era rhetoric. Can you picture the Trump legions meekly falling in line behind Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio? I can’t either.

Trump didn’t blow up the party on his own. He had help from a field of presidential contenders that was touted as deep and talented but proved shallow and wanting. Bush raised shock-and-awe money but turns out to lack his father’s and brother’s skill at performing on the national stage; he seems to want to be crowned, not elected. Rubio is like the teacher’s pet who speaks eloquently in class but doesn’t do his homework. Chris Christie was slow off the mark, perhaps having been stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.

Read more at the link above

Robinson is a Washington Post columnist. He can be reached at[email protected].
Now, on to Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's exit strategy:

Will Slick bake her a cake with a hacksaw blade inside?

Will she knit herself a ladder out of hundred dollar bills to climb down?

Would she know how to use either blade or needle....NO, libs, not THAT kinda needle.....
Now, on to Mrs. Rodham-Clinton/Lewinsky's exit strategy:

Will Slick bake her a cake with a hacksaw blade inside?

Will she knit herself a ladder out of hundred dollar bills to climb down?

Would she know how to use either blade or needle....NO, libs, not THAT kinda needle.....
Trump's and his campaign's impact on the future of the GOP.

Eugene Robinson: How the GOP will never be the same

WASHINGTON: History will remember 2015 as the year when The Republican Party As We Knew It was destroyed by Donald Trump. An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.

Am I overstating Trump’s impact, given that not a single vote has been cast? Hardly. I’m not sure it’s possible to exaggerate how the Trump phenomenon has torn the party apart, revealing a chasm between establishment and base that is far too wide to bridge with stale Reagan-era rhetoric. Can you picture the Trump legions meekly falling in line behind Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio? I can’t either.

Trump didn’t blow up the party on his own. He had help from a field of presidential contenders that was touted as deep and talented but proved shallow and wanting. Bush raised shock-and-awe money but turns out to lack his father’s and brother’s skill at performing on the national stage; he seems to want to be crowned, not elected. Rubio is like the teacher’s pet who speaks eloquently in class but doesn’t do his homework. Chris Christie was slow off the mark, perhaps having been stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.

Read more at the link above

Robinson is a Washington Post columnist. He can be reached at[email protected].

I'm a Eugene Robinson fan. NaziCons are whistling past their political graveyard. The GOP has been hijacked by the NRA and assorted religious nuts.

Trump's and his campaign's impact on the future of the GOP.

Eugene Robinson: How the GOP will never be the same

WASHINGTON: History will remember 2015 as the year when The Republican Party As We Knew It was destroyed by Donald Trump. An entity called the GOP will survive — but can never be the same.

Am I overstating Trump’s impact, given that not a single vote has been cast? Hardly. I’m not sure it’s possible to exaggerate how the Trump phenomenon has torn the party apart, revealing a chasm between establishment and base that is far too wide to bridge with stale Reagan-era rhetoric. Can you picture the Trump legions meekly falling in line behind Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio? I can’t either.

Trump didn’t blow up the party on his own. He had help from a field of presidential contenders that was touted as deep and talented but proved shallow and wanting. Bush raised shock-and-awe money but turns out to lack his father’s and brother’s skill at performing on the national stage; he seems to want to be crowned, not elected. Rubio is like the teacher’s pet who speaks eloquently in class but doesn’t do his homework. Chris Christie was slow off the mark, perhaps having been stuck in traffic on the George Washington Bridge.

Read more at the link above

Robinson is a Washington Post columnist. He can be reached at[email protected].

I'm a Eugene Robinson fan. NaziCons are whistling past their political graveyard. The GOP has been hijacked by the NRA and assorted religious nuts.

The GOP establishment deserves to die, a slow and painful death.
Career politicians are the lowest of life forms
Trump's exit strategy is that after 8 Years as a successful President he goes back to New York on Air Force one and goes back to running his empire........after receiving an actual Nobel Peace Prize for ending the problems all over the world....and doing it Yuge!!!!!!!
If you guys on the left could actually charge Trump rent for his living inside your heads you would be as rich as Trump.
If you guys on the left could actually charge Trump rent for his living inside your heads you would be as rich as Trump.

Oh, and you clowns don't live rent free in Obama, Bill and Hillary's heads? Who started that stupid rent free shit. It's childishly stupid.

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