What is White Supremacy?

There Are A Lot Of Angry White People In America, And It’s A Problem
By John Haltiwanger
Jan 7, 2016

White people, particularly men, are by far the most privileged group in the US in essentially every capacity.

Historically and presently, no other demographic in America has enjoyed such consistency in terms of rights and opportunities.

Across the board, white Americans are generally treated with more respect, trust and dignity than minorities.

Simply put, white privilege is alive and well.

As the New York Times put it,

What does white privilege mean today? In part, it means to live in the world while being given the benefit of the doubt.
White privilege does not guarantee every white American will become exorbitantly wealthy or wildly successful.

It's the notion white people enjoy greater freedom of mobility across the social, political and economic landscape of the US. And there is ample evidence to support this assertion.

For example, whites are decidedly less likely than blacks to be pulled over, arrested, incarcerated, harassed or killed by police. And even though white people are more likely to deal drugs, they are less likely than blacks to be arrested for it.

Research shows people with "white-sounding" names are even more likely to get called in for job interviews than those with "black-sounding" names.

Not to mention, black children in the US are nearly four times as likely as white children to live in poverty.

Indeed, white privilege is endemic in American society.

This is why it's somewhat baffling a new poll, entitled "American Rage," reveals whites are the angriest group in the US.

The online poll was conducted by NBC/Survey Monkey/Esquire between Nov. 20-24 and surveyed 3,257 adults.

Around half of all Americans (49 percent) said they feel angrier about current events than they did a year ago.

Whites make up the most enraged cohort of Americans, with 54 percent saying their anger escalated over the course of the year. Comparatively, 43 percent of Hispanics and 33 percent of African-Americans expressed similar sentiments.

Moreover, around 73 percent of whites say they get angry once daily, compared to 56 percent of blacks and 66 percent of Hispanics.

There were many interesting findings in this poll, but the racial disparities are perhaps the most telling in terms of the current state of America. As the editors of Esquire wrote,

Indeed, despite having what many would consider a more legitimate case for feeling angry, black Americans are generally less angry than whites. Though they take great issue with the way they are treated by both society in general and the police in particular, blacks are also more likely than whites to believe that the American dream is alive; that America is still the most powerful country in the world… Their optimism in the face of adversity suggests that hope, whatever its other virtues, remains a potent antidote to anger.
In other words, the group with the least number of reasons to feel aggrieved is somehow the most enraged in American society.

But where is this white rage coming from?

One might say it's a product of a culture of entitlement and an attachment to a mythicized version of US that never truly existed.

There Are A Lot Of Angry White People In America, And It’s A Problem
There Are A Lot Of Angry White People In America, And It’s A Problem
By John Haltiwanger
Jan 7, 2016

White people, particularly men, are by far the most privileged group in the US in essentially every capacity.

Historically and presently, no other demographic in America has enjoyed such consistency in terms of rights and opportunities.

Across the board, white Americans are generally treated with more respect, trust and dignity than minorities.

Simply put, white privilege is alive and well.

As the New York Times put it,

What does white privilege mean today? In part, it means to live in the world while being given the benefit of the doubt.
White privilege does not guarantee every white American will become exorbitantly wealthy or wildly successful.

It's the notion white people enjoy greater freedom of mobility across the social, political and economic landscape of the US. And there is ample evidence to support this assertion.

For example, whites are decidedly less likely than blacks to be pulled over, arrested, incarcerated, harassed or killed by police. And even though white people are more likely to deal drugs, they are less likely than blacks to be arrested for it.

Research shows people with "white-sounding" names are even more likely to get called in for job interviews than those with "black-sounding" names.

Not to mention, black children in the US are nearly four times as likely as white children to live in poverty.

Indeed, white privilege is endemic in American society.

This is why it's somewhat baffling a new poll, entitled "American Rage," reveals whites are the angriest group in the US.

The online poll was conducted by NBC/Survey Monkey/Esquire between Nov. 20-24 and surveyed 3,257 adults.

Around half of all Americans (49 percent) said they feel angrier about current events than they did a year ago.

Whites make up the most enraged cohort of Americans, with 54 percent saying their anger escalated over the course of the year. Comparatively, 43 percent of Hispanics and 33 percent of African-Americans expressed similar sentiments.

Moreover, around 73 percent of whites say they get angry once daily, compared to 56 percent of blacks and 66 percent of Hispanics.

There were many interesting findings in this poll, but the racial disparities are perhaps the most telling in terms of the current state of America. As the editors of Esquire wrote,

Indeed, despite having what many would consider a more legitimate case for feeling angry, black Americans are generally less angry than whites. Though they take great issue with the way they are treated by both society in general and the police in particular, blacks are also more likely than whites to believe that the American dream is alive; that America is still the most powerful country in the world… Their optimism in the face of adversity suggests that hope, whatever its other virtues, remains a potent antidote to anger.
In other words, the group with the least number of reasons to feel aggrieved is somehow the most enraged in American society.

But where is this white rage coming from?

One might say it's a product of a culture of entitlement and an attachment to a mythicized version of US that never truly existed.

There Are A Lot Of Angry White People In America, And It’s A Problem
There are many totally idiotic things that liberals "might say", and do say. Ho hum. :bigbed:
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You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
Unless I'm mistaken, because I'll admit I haven't read a significant enough portion of your posts to be 100% certain, it's not the statements you made, it's the implication which I got the impression you not only agreed with, but would further as an agenda if possible.

For example while the truth of the following statements are the same, the message they convey is quite different:

"America was founded by white people for white people"

"America was founded by white people for the sole benefit of white people"
The first statement implies what the second statement unequivocally states - that America was founded, by whites, was meant for whites and that all others have no place here, except in a subservient capacity. And both statements are different than even this statement

"The people who settled America were white and intended that the nation be established for their sole benefit, that of other whites and all of their decedants"
This last statement reads like something in a history book. It's giving an accounting of an event and it's significance.

The reason I asked how you can make the statement you did and not feel that it comes across as racist or as a white supramacist is because it was not a stand alone statement, you had it coupled with your comments about the displeasure that so many white males apparently have towards affirmative action and the belief that because of AA "white men are getting screwed out of jobs".

Believe me I know how contentious this topic is which is why I tried coming up with the merger analogy that might make sense if one is viewing the topic as a business problem that a company/employer has to resolve fairly, however the fact remains that the distribution of opportunites was never fair to begin with, white males have dominated the job market for centuries. What their true gripe concerns in actuality is having to share, or as I have had it explained to me is the fear and anxiety that accompanies a perceived loss of power as women and minorities enter domains which have traditionally been exclusively theirs.
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But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.
You're mistaken

Civil Rights Laws Cover All Ethnic Groups, Court Says
May 19, 1987
12 AM
Times Staff Writer

Expanding the scope of the nation’s civil rights laws, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that Jews, Arabs and others who suffer discrimination based on their “ancestry” are protected under statutes barring racial discrimination.

In two unanimous decisions, the justices concluded that Congress in the original 1866 Civil Rights Act intended not only to protect blacks but also immigrants and others who suffer because of their nationality or appearance.

Lawyers for Jewish and Arab groups, who filed common appeals to the high court, praised the rulings as an enlightened attack on social discrimination.

But, in practical terms, the rulings’ main beneficiary may be Latinos, the nation’s second-largest minority group. Courts have been divided over whether Latinos are covered by all federal civil rights statutes.

The 1866 law said that its coverage applied to those who were not “white citizens,” and a federal appeals court covering the Western states had ruled that light-skinned persons of Mexican ancestry were not protected because they are “white.”

“This Supreme Court ruling puts that issue to rest,” said Antonia Hernandez, president of the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund in Los Angeles. She predicted that the law will be especially valuable in challenging discrimination related to the new immigration law.

“We see this as a major victory that greatly expands civil rights protections for Hispanics,” Hernandez said.

The two cases before the high court stemmed from the spray-painting of anti-Semitic and Nazi slogans and symbols on a synagogue in Silver Spring, Md., and the loss of tenure by a professor at St. Francis College of Loretto, Pa., who was a U.S. citizen born in Iraq.

In the first case, a federal appeals court in Richmond, Va., had dismissed the congregation’s civil rights suit against the men who desecrated the synagogue on the grounds that Jews are not a separate race. In the second case, an appeals court in Philadelphia allowed the suit by the Arab professor, Majid Ghaidan Al-Khazraji, after concluding that he may have suffered from discrimination based on his ancestry.

Justice Byron R. White, writing for the court, pointed out that the term “race” in the 19th Century was more akin to what today might be considered “nationality.” During the 1866 debate, lawmakers referred to the “German race,” the “Scandinavian race” and the “Anglo-Saxon race,” he noted.

“Based on the history of Section 1981 (of the Civil Rights Act), we have little trouble in concluding that Congress intended to protect from discrimination identifiable classes of persons who are subjected to intentional discrimination solely because of their ancestry or ethnic characteristics,” White wrote.

Dilemma for Jews

Lawyers for Jewish groups said that the case posed a dilemma because they do not want to foster the myth that Jews are a separate race.

“The court has clearly vindicated the right of Arabs and Jewish plaintiffs to seek relief under federal civil rights laws, without crossing the lines to declare they are members of a separate race,” said Gregg Levy, an attorney representing the Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith.

Abdeen Jabara, president of the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee, said the decision “recognizes that Arab-Americans have been subject to a certain degree of racism in the U.S. This case is so important because it says that racism directed at any individual because of his ancestry, religion or origin is as odious as racism based on his skin color.”

The cases are Shaare Tefila Congregation vs. Cobb, 85-2156, and St. Francis College vs. Al-Khazraji, 85-2169.
Civil Rights Laws Cover All Ethnic Groups, Court Says

But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You know, I'm honestly not trying to be mean to you (this time) but there is no such thing as an 'AA' questionnaire aka job application. You are free to answer the EEOC questions or not, you're not penalized for not doing so.

So you turned down a job because in your mind was an 'AA' job and you're too proud to accept a job based on anything other their your suitability for it, right? You're an idiot if that truly is the reason you turned down the job because as you relay the story, you were the best qualified candidate for the position. Hell the only qualified candidate if speaking Spanish was a requirement and you were the only one who spoke it.

So what was the real reason you turned down the job because your story just doesn't fly. If you needed the job and turned it down just so you could complain about getting screwed over by affirmative action, then you're your own worse enemy.

But lastly, if you didn't fill out the EEOC questions but they still offered you the job, how is it that you don't recognize that as a situation of having obtained it on your own merits, presumably? Or do you think they made assumptions about you because you speak Spanish?
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But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You know, I'm honestly not trying to be mean to you (this time) but there is no such thing as an 'AA' questionnaire aka job application. You are free to answer the EEOC questions or not, you're not penalized for not doing so.

So you turned down a job because in your mind was an 'AA' job and you're too proud to accept a job based on anything other their your suitability for it, right? You're an idiot if that truly is the reason you turned down the job because as you relay the story, you were the best qualified candidate for the position. Hell the only qualified candidate if speak Spanish was a requirement and you were the only one who spoke it.

So what was the real reason you turned down the job because your story just doesn't fly. If you needed the job and turned it down just so you could complain about getting screwed over by affirmative action, then you're your own worse enemy.

But lastly, if you didn't fill out the EEOC questions but they still offered you the job, how is it that you don't recognize that as a situation of having obtained it on your own merits, presumably? Or do you think they made assumptions about you because you speak Spanish?

He's lying.
There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
70% of Americans do not have a college degree, so let's just say half of that 70% which is 35% consists of these poor pitiful and jobless white women blaming affirmative action for denying them a job that they were never going to get anyway because they're NOT QUALIFIED for managerial level positions because they have a minimal/no education.

Affirmative action didn't do that to them, their own laziness, lack of ambition or lack of ability (includes finanial as well which is unfortunate but not the fault of AA) is the reason why they're losing out on jobs.
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There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
70% of Americans do not have a college degree, so let's just say half of that 70% which is 35% consists of these poor pitiful and jobless white women blaming affirmative action for denying them a job that they were never going to get anyway because they're NOT QUALIFIED for managerial level positions because they have a minimal/no education.

Affirmative action didn't do that to them, their own laziness, lack of ambition or lack of ability (includes finanial as well which is unfortunate but not the fault of AA) is the reason why they're losing out on jobs.


There is proof white women benefitted from AA. Funny how white people will declare how it's certain that every black person has benefited from AA, but when it's shown how whites have there is no proof or "Hispanics" continually post fact less bullshit about how it's a very small number. Numerous studies and years of labor statistics show that 100's of millions of white women have benefitted from AA. Opinions from dementia addled fake Hispanics and white women who have benefitted from AA doesn't change this reality.
When did speaking out against the racism by whites become racism?
In 1961, when Affirmative Action began, making blacks the beneficiaries of racism, and whites the victims.

Sure. AA was introduced in 1961, and magically overnight, millions of black people displaced millions of white people in the work force and colleges.

Jim Crow had not even been totally abolished in 1961, you dumbass.


A 1995 report by the California Senate Government Organization Committee found that white women held a majority of managerial jobs (57,250) compared with African Americans (10,500), Latinos (19,000), and Asian Americans (24,600) after the first two decades of affirmative action in the private sector.

In 2015, a disproportionate representation of white women business owners set off concerns that New York state would not be able to bridge a racial gap among public contractors.
who tripled between 1970 and 2002, from 7.6 percent to 25.2 percent, and in 2009 women were receiving a majority of bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degrees, according to the American Association of University Women. To be clear, these numbers include women of all races; however, breaking down affirmative action beneficiaries by race and gender seems to be rare in reported data.

Contrary to popular belief, affirmative action isn't just black. It's white, too. But affirmative action's white female faces are rarely at the center of the conversation.

White women benefit most from affirmative action — and are among its fiercest opponents
And as an information-deprived, liberal, victim of liberal Omission media, you still don't know why white women are among AA's fiercest critics ?

I find it hard to believe that I have not already educated you to this, but for the 300th time or so, the number of white women gaining from AA, is a drop in the bucket compared to the many millions of white daughters and wives of white men discriminated against. Ho hum.

And in many AA programs, white women are discriminated against too, as are Hispanics and Asians, with only blacks being the beneficiaries.

Nonsense. Until you can produce any credible facts which refute the success of white females since the implementation of AA, as well as statistical proof of blacks that have benefitted from AA at the expense of "millions of whites" as you claim, you are just typing incoherent gibberish as usual.

Your made up BS does not count as a credible source.
There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA

There are a plethora of sources and statistics that state otherwise. This is just one of many.

Ironically, the group that affirmative action helps the most is also one of its most stringent opponents. Statistics show that white women benefit immensely from affirmative action, but according to Vox, they are also among those who most want to see it abolished.
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He was referring to the period of time when early settlers arrived, you pathetic dumbass, not the present. Pay attention or STFU.

And WTF do you mean "WE"?

Even though you claim to be half Hispanic, you more frequently identify as white in this forum.
Yeah ? Like where ?

And when are you going to take the QUIZ ? Otherwise, you have no business being here.

Like where? Are you F'ing serious? Nearly 100% of your posts are you whining about how WHITE people are treated so unfairly because of AA.

As for you quiz...stop obsessing over it. I'm not taking it, nor am I interested in doing so.
Wow, you really are lacking. Just because someone talks about white victimization, that doesn't mean they're identifying as white. There are thousands of Black Republicans who condemn racial discrimination against whites in AA. Get a brain.

"Thousands of Black Republicans"? There are some but thousands is a stretch.

You certainly have a way of embellishing numbers to the point of being ludicrous.
See what happens when people get caught up in liberal distortion media ?

Idiot. There are millions of Black Republicans. Wow. Are you ever detached.

37 million non-Hispanic blacks in America. 34% support Trump. Got it ?

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Democrats are Doomed: Two Polls Show Support for Trump Among African Americans at 34% | Election 2020

From your own link.....nutcase:

"I have a better chance of jumping center for the Celtics tonight than Donald Trump having 30 percent support in the African-American community,” former Hillary Clinton adviser Joel Payne, who is African-American, told InsideSources.

“Donald Trump’s presidency is an existential crisis for the African-American community and I would predict historically low African-American support for him next November.”

CNN’s anti-Trump host Ana Navarro-Cardenas went even further. “Zero chance this is accurate. Zero,” she tweeted. “The poll must have only been conducted in the homes of Ben Carson, Kanye, that sheriff guy with the hat and those two Cubic Zirconia & Polyester-Spandex ladies.” (She’s referring to former Milwaukee Sheriff David A. Clarke and African-American Fox News personalities Diamond & Silk.)

And it’s true that these polls are contradicted by data from Gallup and Quinnipiac University, where Trump’s numbers among black voters remain both steady and unimpressive".

Trump has far more pressing issues confronting him as of now, and gaining the black vote by using smoke, mirrors and bullshit is the least of them.

You're a dumbass, low information idior.
There is not one that exists. Affirmative Action policy is not, nor has it ever been race specific.

The introduction of it just made it unlawful to discriminate based on race, and to many in positions of receiving preferential treatment by default, that felt like oppression.
Practically everyone in this country has applied for a job, and been confronted with Affirmative Action questionnaires.

They all know that what you just said here is a total lie, and shows what an idiot you are. This ludicrous lie of yours has zero chance of being believed.

Everyone knows AA questionnaires require selection of a RACE among a multiple choice of typically, at least 5 choices.

Nothing dumber than a bad liar, and you're about the flimsiest one in this forum.

However, you have yet to prove that anything I have said is a lie.

Your delusions and individual persecution complex do not qualify as facts.
Like most conservatives, I regard what liberals consider fact sources, as laughingstocks.

Then pick a source that you consider to be credible. And your opinion/whining does not count

There is not one that exists. Affirmative Action policy is not, nor has it ever been race specific.

The introduction of it just made it unlawful to discriminate based on race, and to many in positions of receiving preferential treatment by default, that felt like oppression.
Practically everyone in this country has applied for a job, and been confronted with Affirmative Action questionnaires.

They all know that what you just said here is a total lie, and shows what an idiot you are. This ludicrous lie of yours has zero chance of being believed.

Everyone knows AA questionnaires require selection of a RACE among a multiple choice of typically, at least 5 choices.

Nothing dumber than a bad liar, and you're about the flimsiest one in this forum.

However, you have yet to prove that anything I have said is a lie.

Your delusions and individual persecution complex do not qualify as facts.
Nobody needs to prove what everyone knows. Wanna give us proof that fire is hot ? That fish can swim ? Got any proof ? You damn fool.

You have not proven anything here except your lacking of any logical thought.

That is at least one fact in your favor....crazy person.
I hope this doesn't give you liberal constipation, but most things in life don't require your sanctimonious "source".

Is water wet ? Are mountains tall ? Do mosquitos bite ? Do AA questionnaires cite race ? Duh!

We live in a world of information and statistics, you stupid ass.

And you never provide a single one to support your ignorant rants.
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Like where? Are you F'ing serious? Nearly 100% of your posts are you whining about how WHITE people are treated so unfairly because of AA.

As for you quiz...stop obsessing over it. I'm not taking it, nor am I interested in doing so.
Wow, you really are lacking. Just because someone talks about white victimization, that doesn't mean they're identifying as white. There are thousands of Black Republicans who condemn racial discrimination against whites in AA. Get a brain.

"Thousands of Black Republicans"? There are some but thousands is a stretch.

You certainly have a way of embellishing numbers to the point of being ludicrous.
See what happens when people get caught up in liberal distortion media ?

Idiot. There are millions of Black Republicans. Wow. Are you ever detached.

37 million non-Hispanic blacks in America. 34% support Trump. Got it ?

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Democrats are Doomed: Two Polls Show Support for Trump Among African Americans at 34% | Election 2020

This is a classic example of a right wing lie.

November 20, 2019
Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

"Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp."

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

Gallup is the best in the business and you used an opinion from a conservative writer and a fake news website known for failed fact checks. On top of that we happen to be black and communicate with other blacks daily. You don't. Black support is not increasing for trump.
Gallup is just another mainstream media poll that is generally inaccurate, because being MSM, it is ignored by Republicans, and gets a disproportionate % of overwhelming leftist responses.

Information-deprived liberals didn't know this in 2016, and reading the inaccurate msm polls, were "sure" Hillary was going to win the next day.

Rasmussen is more accurate, because it is one of the few polls that Republicans trust (including blacks,) and do respond to it, in addition to Democrats.

He posted a video, you damn fool. Dispute that as opposed to deflecting as usual.
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"Unfortunately for the racists in the white population, there are whites who actually are not racist. They generally are not the ones calling every non white that speaks out about racism a racist, they don't cry about affirmative action, they understand that whites have always been the preferred race, by statute and policy, they don't whine about imaginary anti white discrimination and they don't need to be told it's OK to be white. The racists are the ones that do all the whining. Because for white men having 70 percent of all the jobs isn't enough. Porter Rockhead provided us with evidence that whites, specifically white men, believe they are entitled. In the opinion of a toilet bowl ring like him, whites are to be given everything in America because America was founded for whites based only on the color of their skin."

This is what I posted in #65. This is an example of the more than 5,000 times I have made a comment in this regard. So my racism is imaginary and it's made up in order to try shutting me up or to derail. The people doing this are the ones like Rockhead, Prostitute, Incontinent, Vasturbator, and other members of stormfront. My racism doesn't exist, but the history and continuation of racism by whites in America does. As long as it does and God allows me to live, I will be speaking on it.
FALSE! Blacks have been the "preferred race by statute and policy" , since 1961 (beginning of Affirmative Action)
Please post the statute and policy along with the verbiage that mandates preferential treatment for blacks.

There is not one that exists. Affirmative Action policy is not, nor has it ever been race specific.

The introduction of it just made it unlawful to discriminate based on race, and to many in positions of receiving preferential treatment by default, that felt like oppression.
Practically everyone in this country has applied for a job, and been confronted with Affirmative Action questionnaires.

They all know that what you just said here is a total lie, and shows what an idiot you are. This ludicrous lie of yours has zero chance of being believed.

Everyone knows AA questionnaires require selection of a RACE among a multiple choice of typically, at least 5 choices.

Nothing dumber than a bad liar, and you're about the flimsiest one in this forum.
Answering those EEOC questions is voluntary, as far as I know it's never been a requirement to answer them.

It never has been required. If I stay in this thread, I will post proof of that for the village idiot to see.
There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
I always wonder how anyone knows whether or not white women benefit most. I have never been given a job just because I am female.

And I was never "given a job for being black".

IMO what is really being discussed here is not to imply that ALL white females have benefitted from AA.

Just the fact that "generally" they have benefitted more than others.

And I will add, that "FEMALES" generally have benefitted more, and they SHOULD.

They represent a larger portion of the population size, and have been marginalized in the past by a white male dominated workforce.
I told you that I do not care what you call me and what I said is honest, accurate and true. Is it white supremacy? I don't know but, instead of hijacking this thread, I'll start my own and let the posters decide. See if you can keep your maximum responses to 12 paragraphs. Otherwise I won't bother to address the blather.

I will post what I want. The quoted statement is a white supremacist belief. This nation was "founded" by excluding non whites and women that lived here from attending the constitutional convention. You ignore this fact in your comment. These men believed that only white men had the capacity to form a nation. That in itself is a belief in white supremacy.

I don't give a fuck what you won't address. You have no rebuttal to offer that will make sense. I am prepared to embarrass you and I will make an example out of you. You starting a thread thinking that the other members of stormfront who support your racism validates you, doesn't give your opinion merit.

Mortimer started this thread and has admitted to being a member of stormfront. So we all know you and those like you will deny that you are white supremacists. Nobody white admits to being or believing in white supremacy.
No black supremacist ever admits to his racism, such as all those supporters of Affirmative Action.

That's because speaking out on white racism isn't black supremacy and AA is not racism.

IF AA isn't racism, then neither are segregated schools.
AA isn't racism. Segregated schools is. Whites are a race and whites have benefited the most from the policy.
No more of your opinion. Produce numeric evidence of how AA has had an adverse impact on whites. None of this anecdotal garbage, show reductions in white income, wealth, education and employment since AA was ordered. Then show the provision in the executive order where it states AA is specifically ordered only for blacks.

There has been no reduction in the prosperity of the white population in general that can be directly traced to the introduction of AA.

IMO opinion, segregated but MANDATORILY EQUAL schools would be fine. if properly implemented.

What failed with previous segregation strategies is that TRUE EQUALITY never was the norm.

I recall it and saw it in effect.
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I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
Unless I'm mistaken, because I'll admit I haven't read a significant enough portion of your posts to be 100% certain, it's not the statements you made, it's the implication which I got the impression you not only agreed with, but would further as an agenda if possible.

For example while the truth of the following statements are the same, the message they convey is quite different:

"America was founded by white people for white people"

"America was founded by white people for the sole benefit of white people"​
The first statement implies what the second statement unequivocally states - that America was founded, by whites, was meant for whites and that all others have no place here, except in a subservient capacity. And both statements are different than even this statement

"The people who settled America were white and intended that the nation be established for their sole benefit, that of other whites and all of their decedants"
This last statement reads like something in a history book. It's giving an accounting of an event and it's significance.

The reason I asked how you can make the statement you did and not feel that it comes across as racist or as a white supramacist is because it was not a stand alone statement, you had it coupled with your comments about the displeasure that so many white males apparently have towards affirmative action and the belief that because of AA "white men are getting screwed out of jobs".

Believe me I know how contentious this topic is which is why I tried coming up with the merger analogy that might make sense if one is viewing the topic as a business problem that a company/employer has to resolve fairly, however the fact remains that the distribution of opportunites was never fair to begin with, white males have dominated the job market for centuries. What their true gripe concerns in actuality is having to share, or as I have had it explained to me is the fear and anxiety that accompanies a perceived loss of power as women and minorities enter domains which have traditionally been exclusively theirs.
You perceive wrong. When all the non-blacks in my graduate school were denied assistantships, there was no sharing. The blacks got it all. The non-blacks got nothing.

This is commonly the way AA has worked for decades. Walk the long hallways of your local VA hospital, and observe who's working there. You'll see clearly. 95% minorities. 5% white women.
There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
70% of Americans do not have a college degree, so let's just say half of that 70% which is 35% consists of these poor pitiful and jobless white women blaming affirmative action for denying them a job that they were never going to get anyway because they're NOT QUALIFIED for managerial level positions because they have a minimal/no education.

Affirmative action didn't do that to them, their own laziness, lack of ambition or lack of ability (includes finanial as well which is unfortunate but not the fault of AA) is the reason why they're losing out on jobs.
You will say anything to defend AA, but you're fighting a losing battle. AA is racist and sexist bigot discrimination, and you are a bigot as long as you support it.

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