What is White Supremacy?

You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

He thinks his racist comments is an unspoken truth whites have been scared to speak because of political correctness. I've seen this before here, it was from a poster named Humone. He made a series of posts claiming that was something that was needed to be said.

Check this out:


“When America was founded, it was founded on Christian principles, not as a theocracy, but upon Christian principles. Virtually every early state constitution had some references to things such as only white Christians being able to vote and / or hold public office. In our first immigration statute, federal law limited citizenship to White persons of good character. And, as such, our race became a part of our culture.”

“For example, it was Justice Roger Taney, a Democrat, that wrote the ruling in the Dred Scott v Sanford decision that African-Americans, having been considered inferior at the time the
United States Constitution was drafted, were not part of the original community of citizens and, whether free or slave, could not be considered citizens of the United States.”

“Now, let us be totally honest and realistic. Taney was at least partially right. The Preamble to the Constitution reads:”

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."

I bolded that fragment of a sentence to show that the Constitution was designed to secure the blessings of Liberty to ourselves (the founders) and our Posterity (meaning their children and their offspring - aka the white race.)”

Then there was this in the Constitution:

"Article I, Section. 2
Representatives and direct Taxes shall be apportioned among the several States which may be included within this Union, according to their respective Numbers, which shall be determined by adding to the whole Number of free Persons, including those bound to Service for a Term of Years, and excluding Indians not taxed, three fifths of all other Persons"

3/5th Clause in the Constitution. What is it and why was it put in?

I'm not going to overwhelm you any single post, but here is the bottom line:
The whites who came here originally saw themselves as a separate culture, chosen of God, to establish a New Jerusalem. Building on those principles, America became the greatest nation in the annals of history. If you're going to understand the race issue in America it is imperative that you understand this reality

“Today, we find ourselves in very precarious predicament. The Preamble of the Constitution states, unequivocally, WHO that document pertains to along with the first Naturalization laws saying that in order to become a citizen, one had to be a white person of good character. That is all fact. Then history records that the Dred Scott decision confirming that inspired the Republicans to pass the 14th Amendment... which was done illegally:”

“IF the 14th Amendment was not legally ratified, then the black people who are claiming citizenship are no more "citizens" than migrant worker who slid under the wall from Mexico.”

Rockwell has said the same thing, and like Humone wants to debate this because he believes it's true and that it is not racist.

Quite frankly, I don't care whether you "debate" it or not. BTW, it appears that guy stole some of my thunder.
That guy was a white supremacist who appears to have been banned. So if he stole some of your thunder that means you're a white supremacist.

It's more likely from studying the posts that he is a fellow Georgian who attended or attends the Anglo-Israelite Christian Church. I find their historical material very useful in this discussion.

I don't care what you call me. That is the problem you have. If you want to call me a white supremacist, I fully support your Right to do so. Fact is, I will fight to the death for your Right to say so.

At the same time, when you make allegations, there are consequences. IF (and you and I don't know what the ban was over), but, IF that guy got axed for being a "white supremacist," then I've established my case that it is black people who are getting an unfair advantage. You are what I see as the epitome of what a supremacist is. You live, eat, breathe and sleep this stuff. Man, I was off today and we've spent the entire day arguing over this. But, I am with you until the end on this subject as long as this thread lasts... or the man bans me for giving you the other side of this discussion.
Due to the fact that you stoop to calling me names and LYING I haven't bothered to read your last book.
You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?
Due to the fact that you stoop to calling me names and LYING I haven't bothered to read your last book.
You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
Whites aren't any of those things. Take this racist bullshit back to stormfront.

Agreed. Only your racist bullshit is welcome here......

It is not welcomed.

It is tolerated.

None of the righties ever debate anything he says. All they do is accuse him of being a racist.

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IM2 might get a debate if he'd quit writing a damn book in every post and actually debate something. Twelve paragraphs are sufficient for any post. Beyond that, NOBODY reads the post.

You talked about facts. I posted the facts. In a debate you use facts to back up your premise. That is what I did. You don't want to face the facts and are making excuses as to why you cannot defend your position.

You claimed you used facts. You got your ass handed to you and you came back with chickenshit name calling. Then you post a hundred paragraphs of gibberish. Mindless stupidity!!!
I did use facts and I beat your ass.so badly that you refused to read what you were shown.
You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.

These are your words.

"Finally, America was founded by whites and our laws are predicated upon the Anglo - Saxon system of jurisprudence and our culture reflects the founding race. You don't want to integrate into that culture; you want to destroy it and your hatred has driven you to want to make this personal. Due to affirmative action, hiring quotas, and whites being scared shitless to say anything to hatemongers like you, they have pretty much lost their country and their culture."

You are a white supremacist.

I told you that I do not care what you call me and what I said is honest, accurate and true. Is it white supremacy? I don't know but, instead of hijacking this thread, I'll start my own and let the posters decide. See if you can keep your maximum responses to 12 paragraphs. Otherwise I won't bother to address the blather.

I will post what I want. The quoted statement is a white supremacist belief. This nation was "founded" by excluding non whites and women that lived here from attending the constitutional convention. You ignore this fact in your comment. These men believed that only white men had the capacity to form a nation. That in itself is a belief in white supremacy.

I don't give a fuck what you won't address. You have no rebuttal to offer that will make sense. I am prepared to embarrass you and I will make an example out of you. You starting a thread thinking that the other members of stormfront who support your racism validates you, doesn't give your opinion merit.

Mortimer started this thread and has admitted to being a member of stormfront. So we all know you and those like you will deny that you are white supremacists. Nobody white admits to being or believing in white supremacy.

You're the one taking a spanking. And I don't need 150 paragraphs to do it in either.
You took a thorough ass kicking whereby I used information that destroyed all the arguments you could make.
These are your words.

"Finally, America was founded by whites and our laws are predicated upon the Anglo - Saxon system of jurisprudence and our culture reflects the founding race. You don't want to integrate into that culture; you want to destroy it and your hatred has driven you to want to make this personal. Due to affirmative action, hiring quotas, and whites being scared shitless to say anything to hatemongers like you, they have pretty much lost their country and their culture."

You are a white supremacist.

I told you that I do not care what you call me and what I said is honest, accurate and true. Is it white supremacy? I don't know but, instead of hijacking this thread, I'll start my own and let the posters decide. See if you can keep your maximum responses to 12 paragraphs. Otherwise I won't bother to address the blather.

I will post what I want. The quoted statement is a white supremacist belief. This nation was "founded" by excluding non whites and women that lived here from attending the constitutional convention. You ignore this fact in your comment. These men believed that only white men had the capacity to form a nation. That in itself is a belief in white supremacy.

I don't give a fuck what you won't address. You have no rebuttal to offer that will make sense. I am prepared to embarrass you and I will make an example out of you. You starting a thread thinking that the other members of stormfront who support your racism validates you, doesn't give your opinion merit.

Mortimer started this thread and has admitted to being a member of stormfront. So we all know you and those like you will deny that you are white supremacists. Nobody white admits to being or believing in white supremacy.
No black supremacist ever admits to his racism, such as all those supporters of Affirmative Action.

That's because speaking out on white racism isn't black supremacy and AA is not racism.
This is a perfect example of the black supremacist racist point of view.

According to IM2, when race is used favoring whites, to determine job hiring, that is racism.

But when race is used favoring blacks (as in AA), he calls that "not racism"

So like all black (and white liberal) racists, he's OK with racial discrimination, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

And don't try to tell me that white women line again, I already shredded it.
You haven't shredded shit. What happened was that your claim of AA favoring blacks got destroyed. AA has benefited white women the most. That's the way it is.
You called him 'hatemonger' in the screed where you complained about name calling. The self awareness of a deplorable.

I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
You haven't supported anything with facts.
"Thousands of Black Republicans"? There are some but thousands is a stretch.

You certainly have a way of embellishing numbers to the point of being ludicrous.
See what happens when people get caught up in liberal distortion media ?

Idiot. There are millions of Black Republicans. Wow. Are you ever detached.

37 million non-Hispanic blacks in America. 34% support Trump. Got it ?

New polls show black support for Trump surging

Democrats are Doomed: Two Polls Show Support for Trump Among African Americans at 34% | Election 2020

This is a classic example of a right wing lie.

November 20, 2019
Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

"Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time, despite blacks presumably having had plenty of time to observe the economic gains that Trump touts as the reason why they should be moving into his camp."

Analyzing Black Support for President Trump

Gallup is the best in the business and you used an opinion from a conservative writer and a fake news website known for failed fact checks. On top of that we happen to be black and communicate with other blacks daily. You don't. Black support is not increasing for trump.
Gallup is just another mainstream media poll that is generally inaccurate, because being MSM, it is ignored by Republicans, and gets a disproportionate % of overwhelming leftist responses.

Information-deprived liberals didn't know this in 2016, and reading the inaccurate msm polls, were "sure" Hillary was going to win the next day.

Rasmussen is more accurate, because it is one of the few polls that Republicans trust (including blacks,) and do respond to it, in addition to Democrats.

This isn't 2016, you don't want to talk about voter suppression, Hillary did win the popular vote as the polls predicted, Gallup is the best in the business, I am black and know what black people think of trump. I am a member of a majority black forum that's just as big as this one and there isn't much support for trump there.
So it's an anti-Trump forum. Big deal. So is political hotwire and many others. Whoopee.

You can praise Gallup all you want, but it's just another MSM left poll, as 2016 showed.

Voter suppression ? There needs to be much more to stop illegal aliens from voting. Proof of citizenship needs to be required, to prevent illegitimate vote counts, as in 2016. Despite all Hillary's illegals, she still lost.
And there is no honor in winning a popular vote that includes millions of Democrat illegals. Trump won the AMERICAN popular vote, big-time.

No illegals voted. The Gallup poll is the best in the business. Trump will get 10 percent of the black vote and he should be glad for that. You're out to lunch with no food old man. Stop putting coke in your CPAP machine.
Whites aren't any of those things. Take this racist bullshit back to stormfront.

Agreed. Only your racist bullshit is welcome here......
My racist bullshit doesn't exist. When did speaking out against the racism by whites become racism?

When you group all whites together. You despise white people, and everyone knows it.

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Unfortunately for the racists in the white population, there are whites who actually are not racist. They generally are not the ones calling every non white that speaks out about racism a racist, they don't cry about affirmative action, they understand that whites have always been the preferred race, by statute and policy, they don't whine about imaginary anti white discrimination and they don't need to be told it's OK to be white. The racists are the ones that do all the whining. Because for white men having 70 percent of all the jobs isn't enough. Porter Rockhead provided us with evidence that whites, specifically white men, believe they are entitled. In the opinion of a toilet bowl ring like him, whites are to be given everything in America because America was founded for whites based only on the color of their skin.

Whites have practiced racism and the laws and policies that are based on racism benefit all whites. So fuck your whining because I am not going to say not all whites every time I talk about racism.

So fuck you, delusional racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Agreed. Only your racist bullshit is welcome here......

It is not welcomed.

It is tolerated.

None of the righties ever debate anything he says. All they do is accuse him of being a racist.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

IM2 might get a debate if he'd quit writing a damn book in every post and actually debate something. Twelve paragraphs are sufficient for any post. Beyond that, NOBODY reads the post.

You talked about facts. I posted the facts. In a debate you use facts to back up your premise. That is what I did. You don't want to face the facts and are making excuses as to why you cannot defend your position.

You claimed you used facts. You got your ass handed to you and you came back with chickenshit name calling. Then you post a hundred paragraphs of gibberish. Mindless stupidity!!!
I did use facts and I beat your ass.so badly that you refused to read what you were shown.

You kissing my ass is not the same as beating it.
I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.

These are your words.

"Finally, America was founded by whites and our laws are predicated upon the Anglo - Saxon system of jurisprudence and our culture reflects the founding race. You don't want to integrate into that culture; you want to destroy it and your hatred has driven you to want to make this personal. Due to affirmative action, hiring quotas, and whites being scared shitless to say anything to hatemongers like you, they have pretty much lost their country and their culture."

You are a white supremacist.

I told you that I do not care what you call me and what I said is honest, accurate and true. Is it white supremacy? I don't know but, instead of hijacking this thread, I'll start my own and let the posters decide. See if you can keep your maximum responses to 12 paragraphs. Otherwise I won't bother to address the blather.

I will post what I want. The quoted statement is a white supremacist belief. This nation was "founded" by excluding non whites and women that lived here from attending the constitutional convention. You ignore this fact in your comment. These men believed that only white men had the capacity to form a nation. That in itself is a belief in white supremacy.

I don't give a fuck what you won't address. You have no rebuttal to offer that will make sense. I am prepared to embarrass you and I will make an example out of you. You starting a thread thinking that the other members of stormfront who support your racism validates you, doesn't give your opinion merit.

Mortimer started this thread and has admitted to being a member of stormfront. So we all know you and those like you will deny that you are white supremacists. Nobody white admits to being or believing in white supremacy.

You're the one taking a spanking. And I don't need 150 paragraphs to do it in either.
You took a thorough ass kicking whereby I used information that destroyed all the arguments you could make.

You done nothing of the kind and the feedback on this testifies to that. You are a legend in your own mind. I've addressed aspects of this issue you don't know how to deal with.
I told you that I do not care what you call me and what I said is honest, accurate and true. Is it white supremacy? I don't know but, instead of hijacking this thread, I'll start my own and let the posters decide. See if you can keep your maximum responses to 12 paragraphs. Otherwise I won't bother to address the blather.

I will post what I want. The quoted statement is a white supremacist belief. This nation was "founded" by excluding non whites and women that lived here from attending the constitutional convention. You ignore this fact in your comment. These men believed that only white men had the capacity to form a nation. That in itself is a belief in white supremacy.

I don't give a fuck what you won't address. You have no rebuttal to offer that will make sense. I am prepared to embarrass you and I will make an example out of you. You starting a thread thinking that the other members of stormfront who support your racism validates you, doesn't give your opinion merit.

Mortimer started this thread and has admitted to being a member of stormfront. So we all know you and those like you will deny that you are white supremacists. Nobody white admits to being or believing in white supremacy.
No black supremacist ever admits to his racism, such as all those supporters of Affirmative Action.

That's because speaking out on white racism isn't black supremacy and AA is not racism.
This is a perfect example of the black supremacist racist point of view.

According to IM2, when race is used favoring whites, to determine job hiring, that is racism.

But when race is used favoring blacks (as in AA), he calls that "not racism"

So like all black (and white liberal) racists, he's OK with racial discrimination, as long as blacks are the beneficiaries, and whites are the victims.

And don't try to tell me that white women line again, I already shredded it.
You haven't shredded shit. What happened was that your claim of AA favoring blacks got destroyed. AA has benefited white women the most. That's the way it is.

Your arguments have been totally annihilated.
I'm only calling his hate what it is. Go to the first time on this thread and show me the justification for him calling me a white supremacist. Now fuck off.
Claiming the United States was founded by white people [only] for white people and all that statement implies, doesn't make you a white supremacist in your mind? Or a racist?

Did you read the first two posts in the OP?
I did and I just went back and read them again. What did I miss?

My bad. I was focused on another thread... the one I started. I started a separate thread, backed it up with the facts and cannot get people focused enough to talk about one subject.

Acknowledging irrefutable facts don't make me anything IMO. When I defend one side, I'm a race traitor; if I speak out against another, I'm a white supremacist.

My position is that I don't see anything different from either side. BOTH sides are being duped. At the end of the day, the solutions both sides proffer only empower government and steal our Rights.
You haven't supported anything with facts.

You must be blind as a bat. You cannot point to any fact I've posted and refute it.
There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
Answering those EEOC questions is voluntary, as far as I know it's never been a requirement to answer them.
Correct, and I've NEVER answered one, and wouldn't be caught dead doing so.

This wasn't what I was talking about however. the post was in response to a previos post claiming race is not part of AA.
But you're not a black Republican unless you've been lying about your racial makeup among other things, but that's not the point.

You keep crying right here on U.S. Message Board about how affirmative action allegedly ruined your plans to pursue a career as a city planner and somehow prevented you from continuing your grad school studies due to its 'anti-WHITE' discriminatory nature. As a matter of fact I was initially confused for a while because I have never heard a minority complain that due to affirmative action being anti-white, that they, as a minority were being discriminated against.

I still don't understand how affirmative action discriminates against you as a hispanic since hispanics are a covered protected class as well.
FALSE! SOMETIMES Hispanics are covered. Not always. At Memphis State University ONLY blacks received assistantships. 2 Hispanics, 2 Asians, and 7 non-black women all were denied, in addition to scores of white men.

Memphis State Univ. liberals administering these assistantships, were embedded in deranged guilt over slavery, despite having nothing to do with it.

Even if Hispanics were to be included, I still would not have gotten one, because of AA, since I never fill out an AA questionnaire, and never will. I could not degrade myself that way. It is something for people with no self-respect.

When I lived in California, I was offered AA and a job requiring speaking Spanish, and filling out an AA form. I was the only applicant who spoke Spanish (of 6 applicants) I refused the AA and the job. They never filled it.
You haven't shredded shit. What happened was that your claim of AA favoring blacks got destroyed. AA has benefited white women the most. That's the way it is.
How funny to hear that long smashed to bits BS line uttered yet again. You have a habit of ignoring all the ass kicking you've received, and pretending they never happened. Legend in your own mind.

OK, one more time :ahole-1: White women who benefit from AA are a tiny %, compared to all those who suffer from it due to husbands, fathers etc who are victimized. And those include the ones who benefit as well.

ALL white women are victimized, including the beneficiaries, simultaneous with their benefit. Maybe you're too stupid to get all this, Could that be it ? :rolleyes:

How many times have I corrected you about white women ? 10 ? 20 ? 100? Sheeesh ! You know the truth about it. Stop bullshitting.
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No illegals voted. The Gallup poll is the best in the business. Trump will get 10 percent of the black vote and he should be glad for that. You're out to lunch with no food old man. Stop putting coke in your CPAP machine.
"Old man" ? So now you add ageism to go along with your racism, I see. As for your dopey Gallup 10%, I've already smashed that to bits in previous posts too. No need to keep repeating. Everybody here read what I wrote. :biggrin:

As for CPAP machine, neva hoid'v it.

And the whole country knows that Hillary won the popular vote only because of millions of illegals' votes, and that's why Democrats support these low-life invaders, with amnesty votes, sanctuary cities, etc. Few issues have been more researched than illegal aliens voting. I posted 10 links, but it could have been 100, if I had more time. :biggrin:

But you keep blabbering away all your jibberish. Makes you feel better, apparently. :rolleyes:

Texas Democrats ask noncitizens to register to vote

Poll: 13% of Illegal Aliens ADMIT They Vote - California Political Review


Finally Proof of Illegal Alien Voting

Noncitizens, Voting Violations and U.S. Elections | Federation for American Immigration Reform

Illegal Aliens Really Do Vote – a Lot



Exclusive: Florida Investigating Potential Non-Citizen Voters

Poll Shows Noncitizens Can Shape Elections
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There is no proof that white women have benefitted from AA
While some white women have benefitted from AA, they are a tiny minority of all US white women. Overwhelming majority (perhaps as much as 99%) have suffered from AA, by being discriminated against in it, and their white male husbands, fathers, etc being discriminated by it.
I always wonder how anyone knows whether or not white women benefit most. I have never been given a job just because I am female.

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