What is White Supremacy?

There is no such thing as a stupid question. Is that how to talk to your music students or all they all white with the same mind set and perspectives as you?

My question was to illustrate that you constantly make statements, without qualifiers, that are patently untrue.
The only thing you illustrate is yourself as a fool >>
You really should see someone about your delusions.
Stop talking to your mirror. :biggrin:
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
There is no genocide against whites. Only the most severely radicalized white supremacists believe that bullshit.
The white genocide, white extinction,[1][2][3][4][5] or white replacement conspiracy theory[6][7][8] is a white supremacist[9][10][11][12] belief that there is a deliberate plot, often blamed on Jews,[9][12] to promote miscegenation, mass non-white immigration, racial integration, low fertility rates, abortion, governmental land-confiscation from whites, organised violence,[13] and eliminationism in supposedly white-founded countries[9] in order to cause the extinction of whites through forced assimilation[13] and violent genocide.[14][15][16][17] Less frequently, blacks,[18] Hispanics,[19] and Muslims[20] are blamed, but merely as more fertile immigrants,[21] invaders,[22] or violent aggressors,[23] rather than masterminds of a secret plot.[24]

White genocide is a myth,[25][26] based on pseudoscience, pseudohistory, and hatred,[27] driven by a psychological panic often termed white extinction anxiety.[28][19] There is no evidence that white people are dying out or that they will die out, or that anyone is trying to exterminate them as a race.[29][30][31][32] The purpose of the conspiracy theory is to scare white people,[29] and justify a commitment to a white nationalist agenda[33] in support of increasingly successful calls to violence.[25][23][22] Proponents have killed hundreds and injured several hundred more since 2011.

The theory was popularized by white supremacist, neo-Nazi, and convicted felon David Lane around 1995, and has been leveraged as propaganda in Europe, North America, South Africa, and Australia. Similar conspiracy theories were prevalent in Nazi Germany[34] and have been used in present-day interchangeably with,[35] and as a broader and more extreme version of, Renaud Camus's 2012 The Great Replacement, focusing on the white Christian population of France.[36][37] Since the 2019 Christchurch and El Paso shootings, of which the shooters' manifestos decried a "white replacement" and have named The Great Replacement; author Bat Ye'or's 2002 Eurabia concept,[38] Camus's 2012 Great Replacement fallacy (often called replacement theory or population replacement),[39] and Gerd Honsik's resurgent 1970s myth of a Kalergi plan,[35] have all been used synonymously with "white genocide" and are increasingly referred to as variations of the conspiracy theory.

White genocide conspiracy theory - Wikipedia
The fact that the blacks you speak of lived during Jim Crow, and are STILL LIVING, and were AFFECTED for life because of Jim Crow is no different.

And department of labor statistics prove that the white population, generally is NOT being denied jobs. And you have yet to prove otherwise.

Nor can you.
I don't have to prove it. It is KNOWN, and your lies are laughed at. Please prove that birds can fly.

Ha ha, Liberals love to throw the word "prove" around, thinking they have some kind of leverage. It does - at making them look ridiculous.

LMAO. Apparantly you don't like it when your own logic is used in response to what you say, do you?
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
Last edited:
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, si finally you posted an actual fact. Snd white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, the history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.

There is no genocide against whites. Only the most severely radicalized white supremacists believe that bullshit.

If there is any white genocide happening, the opioid epidemic is certainly contributing to it.

And that is self inflicted.
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
And a major aspect of that is the rioting that occasionally takes place, usually caused by false accusations and fake news reporting.

A prime example was the LA riots, in which 54 people died, and billion$ in damages, caused by false accusations against the police arresting Rodney King, and the intentional doctoring of the video tape by KTLA.

Many more examples of this black crime distorted and softballed by Democrat politicians, liberal media, and all black juries are in my OP - Quiz for Liberals (if you dare), which USMB liberals floundered around with, doing nothing but showing how clueless they are.
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less because it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows. Police cars with flashing lights are an everyday occurance.
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, si finally you posted an actual fact. Snd white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the
Keep God out of it. He's not on your side
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Everybody knows it, you clown liar.
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Everybody knows it, you clown liar.

Nah, they really don't.
Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Everybody knows it, you clown liar.

Nah, they really don't.
Must be uncomfortable, going through life living lies. :rolleyes:
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Everybody knows it, you clown liar.

Nah, they really don't.
Must be uncomfortable, going through life living lies. :rolleyes:
You show us everyday how uncomfortable it is.
It concerns less but it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows.
Everybody doesn't know that because it's not so. White communities have locks on their doors, and silent alarm systems that contact the police.
Everybody knows it, you clown liar.

Nah, they really don't.
Must be uncomfortable, going through life living lies. :rolleyes:
You show us everyday how uncomfortable it is.
Ferguson, Baltimore, New York, LA riots, ho hum

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