What is White Supremacy?

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow DID NOT end in 1961. Pick up a history book and read as opposed to making up bullshit and lies.

No more "weird" than your silly assertion that "hundreds of millions of whites have been adversely affected by AA".

Using your same logic, "The sons and daughters of the so called victims of AA are also affected by it"

Therefore, "the sons and daughters" of the victims of Jim Crow were affected by it as well, in the form of generational poverty.

And the sons and daughters of the BENEFICIARIES of Jim Crow, benefitted as well"

And no, I'm not "crazy".

YOU are.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Although your previous posts have been asinine at best, this time Ill give you a "Nice Try"

Jim Crow is long gone. Ended in 1961 with the beginning of AA, and massive pandering to blacks. AA OTOH, is still with us full blast in 42 states, and partially in 8 others.You can probably figure this out. You like to play dumb.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
I have lived under the oppression of Black Supremacy as shown in the Quiz for Liberals thread, which not one liberal in this forum was able to answer even a single item correctly, including you.

I also have lived under the oppression of AA, for 59 years. YOU have never lived under any type of oppression. Quite the contrary, you have been the beneficiary, with favorable discrimination given to you. You were lucky to be born at the right time for you, you spoiled brat.
The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.
Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
I have lived under the oppression of Black Supremacy as shown in the Quiz for Liberals thread, which not one liberal in this forum was able to answer even a single item correctly, including you.

I also have lived under the oppression of AA, for 59 years. YOU have never lived under any type of oppression. Quite the contrary, you have been the beneficiary, with favorable discrimination given to you. You were lucky to be born at the right time for you, you spoiled brat.

Far from spoiled, you senile old fool. I worked two jobs to put myself through college, and was not handed anything for free.

As far as living in an oppresed environment, I attended several civil rights marches with my elders in the shithole south in the early 60's, and watched as they had feces and urine thrown on them by lowlife, racist scum like you, for peacefully demonstrating to end segregated schools and gain the right to vote. I also saw the fear that they lived under when white people were able to murder minorities with immunity and impunity.

During my career before retirement, I was one of only two black directors/vp's in a division that covered 6 states, had 3600 employees and with the exception of my counterpart and I , the company was made up of nearly 80% white male executives and several Asians. I was passed over several times until I was promoted. But, unlike you, I didn't whine about it and play victim.

If I "benefitted" as you claim, it was because of work ethic and results.

You haven't been REALLY oppressed, an effeminate sissy like you would be hiding in a fetal position under your bed if you were.
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The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.


White people passed the legislation to implement AA,. JFK and LBJ started it....ask their descendants to write you a check and maybe they will throw in a new walker for you as well.
More lies. Can you prove i have benefitted? Of course not, because I haven’t. Everyone has to compete for jobs. There were more black women in some if my classes than white women. No preferential treatment.
You still haven't stated what field your degree is in so why is it worth mentioning that in some of your classes there were more black women than white women? Is that something you view as a negative?
My degree is in drafting and design. Autocad, surveying and blueprints. I work in the Civil Engineering field with my degree. Why would I view more black women in my classes as a negative? I am proud of anyone who furthers their education.
What is the name of your degree, not what do you do with it.
Associates in Drafting and Design
Yes AA, is still in effect in 42 states, so finally you posted an actual fact. Good job.

And white females continue to benefit from it more than any other demographic.

Jim Crow laws were ended with the passage of the civil rights act of 1964, and their residual effects did not magically disappear because of affirmative action being introduced.

No matter how many times you repeat your lies in this forum, history and the truth will not change, and only serves to make you look even more retarded than you are.

If that is possible.
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
I have lived under the oppression of Black Supremacy as shown in the Quiz for Liberals thread, which not one liberal in this forum was able to answer even a single item correctly, including you.

I also have lived under the oppression of AA, for 59 years. YOU have never lived under any type of oppression. Quite the contrary, you have been the beneficiary, with favorable discrimination given to you. You were lucky to be born at the right time for you, you spoiled brat.

I went to college on a wrestling scholarship. I earned my education by winning matches. I helped build a business from an idea on a piece of paper. I made my executive status by working 10-12 hour days, 6 days a week for 5 years until the business got steady and only then began the normal work schedule. So shut the fuck up with your crying about AA. If I was white and born during Jim Crow, I would have become the president. You're just a sorry no talent turd, crying because you weren't given what you think your white ass is entitled to.

It's apparent that you're senile. Because a white man issued the executive order.

I haven't taken that quiz and don't plan to.

When you can show proof of any reduction for whites as I have requested, let me know.
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The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.
The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.


White people passed the legislation to implement AA,. JFK and LBJ started it....ask their descendants to write you a check and maybe they will throw in a new walker for you as well.
,I demand reparations from ANYBODY who supports this abomination. And they should go to jail too. Go to jail!
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
I have lived under the oppression of Black Supremacy as shown in the Quiz for Liberals thread, which not one liberal in this forum was able to answer even a single item correctly, including you.

I also have lived under the oppression of AA, for 59 years. YOU have never lived under any type of oppression. Quite the contrary, you have been the beneficiary, with favorable discrimination given to you. You were lucky to be born at the right time for you, you spoiled brat.

Far from spoiled, you senile old fool. I worked two jobs to put myself through college, and was not handed anything for free.

As far as living in an oppresed environment, I attended several civil rights marches with my elders in the shithole south in the early 60's, and watched as they had feces and urine thrown on them by lowlife, racist scum like you, for peacefully demonstrating to end segregated schools and gain the right to vote. I also saw the fear that they lived under when white people were able to murder minorities with immunity and impunity.

During my career before retirement, I was one of only two black directors/vp's in a division that covered 6 states, had 3600 employees and with the exception of my counterpart and I , the company was made up of nearly 80% white male executives and several Asians. I was passed over several times until I was promoted. But, unlike you, I didn't whine about it and play victim.

If I "benefitted" as you claim, it was because of work ethic and results.

You haven't been REALLY oppressed, an effeminate sissy like you would be hiding in a fetal position under your bed if you were.
Upside down nonsense. And in the same paragraph where you whined and played victim, crying about being "passed over several times," you say you didn't whine and play victim.

Are you for real ? Whining and playing victim, is a way of life for blacks, in everything from AA to riots
1961, 1964, hardly much difference. :biggrin:

If you lived in an oppressive society in a system of 2nd class citizenship for 3 years, you would likely commit suicide.
I have lived in that kind of society for 59 years, ever since the start of AA, and I'm still here.

If YOU lived under that oppression, YOU likely would commit suicide.
You've never lived under any type of oppression.
I have lived under the oppression of Black Supremacy as shown in the Quiz for Liberals thread, which not one liberal in this forum was able to answer even a single item correctly, including you.

I also have lived under the oppression of AA, for 59 years. YOU have never lived under any type of oppression. Quite the contrary, you have been the beneficiary, with favorable discrimination given to you. You were lucky to be born at the right time for you, you spoiled brat.

I went to college on a wrestling scholarship. I earned my education by winning matches. I helped build a business from an idea on a piece of paper. I made my executive status by working 10-12 hour days, 6 days a week for 5 years until the business got steady and only then began the normal work schedule. So shut the fuck up with your crying about AA. If I was white and born during Jim Crow, I would have become the president. You're just a sorry no talent turd, crying because you weren't given what you think your white ass is entitled to.

It's apparent that you're senile. Because a white man issued the executive order.

I haven't taken that quiz and don't plan to.

When you can show proof of any reduction for whites as I have requested, let me know.
When you can show proof that you got what you got without AA, let me know.

You may have got it because of AA, and you don't even know it. You probably slept till noon every day for those 6 years, with your hardest work walking to your mailbox to get your welfare check.

Now, :anj_stfu: deadbeat.
Whilst we are at it, lets bring up the so called "Black Hebrew Israelites" .There is plenty of crazy racist shit to dole out all the way round. When YOU go out on the street, in some dark unlit corner, "white supremist" aren't lurking in the dark about to rob and/or rape your ass.
The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.
That's you in whiteface. :laugh:
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.
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You have shown yourself son. You are a white supremacist. There are others here who have disagreed with me but they are not racists. You have tried to defend a claim of America was founded by whites, it is only for whites and that blacks for example, exist here illegally as they aren't citizens. You have not said that to Sharpton. And your claim is the definition of racist. I know those like you want to place a false symmetry on the arguments blacks make against white racism, but you can't. It is not possible. There is a difference between reacting or responding to something than initiating it. What you call racism is a response to the racism we have endured as blacks. The fact you and others call it racism means that you believe we are just supposed to accept white racist behavior because that is our place. That belief in and of itself is a belief in white supremacy.
Unless you are in your 80s or older, you have not endured racism. You have lived in the Affrimative Action era (1961-2020), and thus you have enjoyed the Black Supremacy policies of this era. It is whites and some women and non-blacks who have endured racism (AA), not you. You've got a lot of nerve to claim you have endured racism. :slap:
Your math sucks. The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of education which determined that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional occured in 1954 which was 66 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 from which affirmative action arose was 56 years ago. So you're off by about 15 year, approximatley half a generation. There are plenty of people who were born when the United States was still lawfully segegrated especially if you take into account our parents and grandparent's lives.
My math is fine. Maybe you could get a beads counter to help you. :laugh:
Did you mean a bean counter?

What the hell is wrong with you that you can't even admit that you made a mathematical error? No, your math is not fine, it's off by around 15 years. So that either makes you stupid or dishonest or both. Which is it?
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I deliberately choose to be born Caucasian so I could get all the perqs...but my little "plan" backfired, all those people that chose to be born Asian, Black, left handed or gay, they are on to us! Scram! The jig is up!
In terms of raw numbers, the white race is the least (numerically) of the people in the United States. I've said nothing different. The nonwhites outnumber the whites and a subtle form of genocide is being employed
My pointing out the fact that the United States is not a homogenous society is not agreement that non-whites outnumber whites because this simply is not true and I have no idea why you believe it is. The numbers below are updated as of September 2018 and in terms of raw numbers as well as percentages whites far outnumber everyone else:



... a subtle form of genocide is being employed. There is an assault on the family unit by the masses (as you said mostly non-white.) .
I never said anything of the kind.
There is the drugging of America as the system itself gets whites hooked on drugs and destroys lives forever... again disproportionately white.
Are you seriously alleging that black doctors are responsible for the alleged disproportionate number of white drug addicts?
The media attacks whites all day long with tv shows that glorify inter-racial marriages, gay marriage, and whites in heterosexual relationships are portrayed like backward rednecks.
And black people are responsible for this how?
I stand against the 14th Amendment and you try to denigrate me. Well segregation was a reality too until Rosa Parks refused to obey a law she believed to be unconstitutional - as did others who felt the same way. Yet you would deny me that luxury. You would shit on my constitutional Rights and deny them because under that veil of reason and tolerance is just another smooth talking bigot with a hatred of anyone that dares to challenge the status quo.
Okay so now we're getting to the real issue.

The status quo is equal rights per the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I advised you all to work on whatever process there is that would allow you to get it removed if you feel that strongly about it. More importantly, I have not, nor do I have the capability to deny you any of your rights under the U.S. Constitution. You stating that you are standing against the 14th amendment is different that you stating unequivocally that it's invalid or was never ratified ergo not a valid amendment and therefore not a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Me pointing that out this fact is not me denigrating you but I have to tell you that your comparison to Rosa Parks is not on point and it has nothing to do with race per se. Rosa Parks exercised her right to protest an unjust law, a law that was used to deny people of their "equal" rights. You want to exercise your right to attempt to recind an amendment that would effectively put those laws which denied equal rights to others back into place. Rosa Parks fought to help people, you're fighting to harm people so why would you expect anything other than the pushback you're getting from the very people you're trying to harm if you are successful? And then you call us hateful for pushing back against what you're trying to do, all while denying that you're coming from a position of white supremacy.

Again that's not me denigrating you or being hateful, it's me dismantling your argument.
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So if you saw see poverty shacks and homeless people everywhere you look, you would agree with a report that says the community is economically healthy, right ? Is this how brain-fried liberals are ?

Wow, are YOU ever stupid. Read my post that you quoted over again. Maybe this time a bit slower. Read it 20 times if necessary. Maybe eventually it will sink in. Only an idiot could disagree with it.

And I didn't say anything about eyewitness testimony, you moron.
I dont' have to read, I already know it doesn't contain anything of substance.

It doesn't surprise me that you missed the eyes & ears reference.
Eyes and ears are your best source of information. Too bad liberals are wrapped up BS "reports"
You have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips so there is absolutely no reason for you to remain as ignorant on so many topics as you are.

Eyes & ears aren't real useful if your brain doesn't work properly.
What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less because it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows. Police cars with flashing lights are an everyday occurance.
How would you have any idea of what it's like to live in a black neighborhood?

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