What is White Supremacy?

Whilst we are at it, lets bring up the so called "Black Hebrew Israelites" .There is plenty of crazy racist shit to dole out all the way round. When YOU go out on the street, in some dark unlit corner, "white supremist" aren't lurking in the dark about to rob and/or rape your ass.
The Black Israelites are another group formed as a reaction to white racism. White supremacists are actually wearing police unifors, but in standard racist fashion you ignore that.
what ??? the black Israelites are the funniest idiots on the internet !! seriously just watch some of the crap they spout ! they called a Native American an uncle tomahawk !
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Nobody needs to waste valuable time trying to master an invalid argument. You're a dumb ass buddy and not reading your drivel is not about confirmation bias. Whoever you think this country was founded for has been changed by the legal process of amending the constitution. The white man was allowed to stay here because the indigenous people here did not believe that anybody had the right to own the land. And their belief makes sense because we only live for a period of time but the land remains when we are gone. It takes 2/3'rds of the states to ratify an amendment, and since the south had decided to form it's own country, wage war and lost, the winning side had every right to impose rules on the seceding states in order to allow them to rejoin the union. So it's like this, running your mouth on the internet with this bogus garbage does nothing. Take your case to the nation. You claim to be Mr. Big time so gather up the other radicalized scrubs and organize a national movement to rescind the 14th Amendment and see what you get. They shut trump up about ending the 14th Amendment and he's the president. You will be sent back to the survivalist compound too.

LMFAO. Even my most ardent critics on other issues would say that you just acted out of fear and projected your own inner fears onto me. You are a funny guy.

If you can show me a post where I claim to be "Mr. Big Time," I'll be glad to exit USM never to return. The fact is, you can't. Then again, you accused me of fucking someone related to you so son, you are a sick puppy.

As a matter of fact, before the left flipped the right wing and conned them into doing the dirty work of the One Worlders, we DID take this before a national audience. Do you remember a little thing called he Fair Tax? My former U.S. Congressman introduced that bill. That bill would have gotten rid of the income tax and the IRS.

But, it would be the right that demanded the so - called "Patriot Act," and the National ID / REAL ID Act which saved the Socialist Surveillance Number, making people like you and I property of Uncle Scam. Now, we're equal, but you're still a slave.

With the National ID system in place, we are all subject to the 14th Amendment and it does not guarantee unalienable Rights. You accept it and I protest the unconstitutional law, never giving a slave master any power over me. You're happy because, on the surface, you think they did something for you. And you call me names!!! LMFAO.

BTW, if I had the know how to do podcasts, YouTube videos and could be in the public eye challenging the powers that be, I would do exactly that. But, I was not brought up on computers. Be glad I don't know people from the younger generation that would help me reach a broad audience. I'd have no problem with it. THAT is why I expected you to make good and tell me to name the time and the place. Face to face debate beats the Hell out of keyboard pecking.
Whilst we are at it, lets bring up the so called "Black Hebrew Israelites" .There is plenty of crazy racist shit to dole out all the way round. When YOU go out on the street, in some dark unlit corner, "white supremist" aren't lurking in the dark about to rob and/or rape your ass.
The Black Israelites are another group formed as a reaction to white racism. White supremacists are actually wearing police unifors, but in standard racist fashion you ignore that.
what ??? the black Israelites are the funniest idiots on the internet !! seriously just watch some of the crap they spout ! they called a Native American an uncle tomahawk !
Its funny how CNN or the main stream media ignored them (BHIs ) instead went after a perfectly innocent white boy in a MAGA hat. They call that a "tell" A not so subtle tell.
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Why are you so offended and angry? The utopia you wish to exists simply doesn't. I had nothing to do with it ending, I wasn't even born then. And quite frankly as has been pointed out to you already by the others on this board, white people are the ones who drafted and passed the civil rights laws.

You haven't presented a succinct and logical premise for me to argue, so it's not possible for me to debate you. Likewise you have presented nothing that disputes any of the points I've made because my arguments are based in fact and case law not "oh wouldn't it be nice" or "black people are screwing white people out of jobs" or "the only reason black people have achieved anything, [wait, strike "achieved anything" and replace it with just "anything" because according to to all we haven't honestly earned a damn thing we possess"].

On the other hand if you're serious, then file your complaint, quantify your damages, identify your defendants and let's argue it in the public domain not on a internet message board where anyone can claim anything.

And I addressed the rest of your comments in a separate post, which is why I stopped reading after your first statement.
Trigger rhymes with another word we cant say, because...ya know. When is the last time a white supremacist actually did something to you? But meanwhile back at the ranch, we have to skulk around and use our car keys as weapons because all those "white" racists rapists murderer robbers are just hiding behind every bush to attack us....
Maybe you should live in a better neighborhood
No matter how anyone slices it, you cant explain duplicity. Democrats will say or pander to anything. How many genders are there now? (it's like particle physics coming up with entirely new concepts). 112, . and growing. Oh yeah, the white supremacists want to eat your babies, we are totally against that shit.All 12 and 1/2 of them, they are major threat to the existence of humanity.
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Multi quotes are a waste of time. NOBODY participates. I'll answer you once, but after that, you can talk to the hand. I won't read it. You already said you don't read my posts beyond a couple of sentences.
Read, don't read it's up to you, you're not the only person who reads my comments, you're not even the target audience.

And you obviously did not read what I wrote because while I did make the comment that I didn't read beyond the first sentence, I went on to indicate to you specifically that I would address the rest of your comment in a separate post, which I did. I wouldn't have advised you of that if I did not have concern that you would think that I didn't read everything at all. It was a courtesy, apparently one that was wasted.

1) You lied about me and I responded. America is not a homogeneous nation. We agree. Full stop
What lie did I tell about you? Please quote it because I honestly have no idea what you're referring to.

I still don't understand why you're comparing other nations which are homogenous nations and have no white people to speak of to the United States which we aqree is not a homogenous nation.
2) America was INTENDED to be a homogeneous nation. Full stop
Perhaps, but it's NOT. Again we're back to your difficulty in dealing with things as they are not as you wish them to be. Hell women were considered property and not allowed to vote until the 1920's. Things change.

And just FYI, this is where the white supramecist vibe comes in, you lamenting about how things were, how things were intended to be, how presumably you want a return to a whites only nation although that never existed and the abolishment of the 14th amendment. I'm not sure though what you envision that would achieve.
The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.


White people passed the legislation to implement AA,. JFK and LBJ started it....ask their descendants to write you a check and maybe they will throw in a new walker for you as well.
,I demand reparations from ANYBODY who supports this abomination. And they should go to jail too. Go to jail!

No one is going to jail, you loon. You should be admitted to a mental ward.
I have no idea, but since AA was in existence, the possibility of it making whatever success you had, can't be ruled out.

Future generations of blacks can only be free of AA suspicion, when it is eliminated 100%. Until then, blacks live under a dark cloud
I've been thinking about showing some of your comments to some of my associates, maybe even send them over to a contact I have at Microsoft. I'm curious how they view attempts to impugn their certification process.
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Nobody needs to waste valuable time trying to master an invalid argument. You're a dumb ass buddy and not reading your drivel is not about confirmation bias. Whoever you think this country was founded for has been changed by the legal process of amending the constitution. The white man was allowed to stay here because the indigenous people here did not believe that anybody had the right to own the land. And their belief makes sense because we only live for a period of time but the land remains when we are gone. It takes 2/3'rds of the states to ratify an amendment, and since the south had decided to form it's own country, wage war and lost, the winning side had every right to impose rules on the seceding states in order to allow them to rejoin the union. So it's like this, running your mouth on the internet with this bogus garbage does nothing. Take your case to the nation. You claim to be Mr. Big time so gather up the other radicalized scrubs and organize a national movement to rescind the 14th Amendment and see what you get. They shut trump up about ending the 14th Amendment and he's the president. You will be sent back to the survivalist compound too.
The 14th amendment, as it is treated, is unconstitutional.
It would be constitutional, IF it were treated as Jacob Howard said it was to be, but 20th century liberal loons twisted it out of it's intended design, to suit their purposes of increasing their power, and Democrats, desperate for votes now continue the wreckage.
Whilst we are at it, lets bring up the so called "Black Hebrew Israelites" .There is plenty of crazy racist shit to dole out all the way round. When YOU go out on the street, in some dark unlit corner, "white supremist" aren't lurking in the dark about to rob and/or rape your ass.
The Black Israelites are another group formed as a reaction to white racism. White supremacists are actually wearing police unifors, but in standard racist fashion you ignore that.
No, um, no I don't . The fact that most of us will never be accosted by "White supper dupper racists " most of us are far more likely to be attacked by (Gulp) , I cant say it. People of a darker melanin tone.
No, you are more likely to be attacked by someone white. Most crimes occur between people of the same race. You have been race pimped to believe what you do.
Bernard Goetz for president.
Reginald Denny for vice president. :biggrin:
You have shown yourself son. You are a white supremacist. There are others here who have disagreed with me but they are not racists. You have tried to defend a claim of America was founded by whites, it is only for whites and that blacks for example, exist here illegally as they aren't citizens. You have not said that to Sharpton. And your claim is the definition of racist. I know those like you want to place a false symmetry on the arguments blacks make against white racism, but you can't. It is not possible. There is a difference between reacting or responding to something than initiating it. What you call racism is a response to the racism we have endured as blacks. The fact you and others call it racism means that you believe we are just supposed to accept white racist behavior because that is our place. That belief in and of itself is a belief in white supremacy.
Unless you are in your 80s or older, you have not endured racism. You have lived in the Affrimative Action era (1961-2020), and thus you have enjoyed the Black Supremacy policies of this era. It is whites and some women and non-blacks who have endured racism (AA), not you. You've got a lot of nerve to claim you have endured racism. :slap:
Your math sucks. The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of education which determined that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional occured in 1954 which was 66 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 from which affirmative action arose was 56 years ago. So you're off by about 15 year, approximatley half a generation. There are plenty of people who were born when the United States was still lawfully segegrated especially if you take into account our parents and grandparent's lives.
My math is fine. Maybe you could get a beads counter to help you. :laugh:
Did you mean a bean counter?

What the hell is wrong with you that you can't even admit that you made a mathematical error? No, your math is not fine, it's off by around 15 years. So that either makes you stupid or dishonest or both. Which is it?

You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Why are you so offended and angry? The utopia you wish to exists simply doesn't. I had nothing to do with it ending, I wasn't even born then. And quite frankly as has been pointed out to you already by the others on this board, white people are the ones who drafted and passed the civil rights laws.

You haven't presented a succinct and logical premise for me to argue, so it's not possible for me to debate you. Likewise you have presented nothing that disputes any of the points I've made because my arguments are based in fact and case law not "oh wouldn't it be nice" or "black people are screwing white people out of jobs" or "the only reason black people have achieved anything, [wait, strike "achieved anything" and replace it with just "anything" because according to to all we haven't honestly earned a damn thing we possess"].

On the other hand if you're serious, then file your complaint, quantify your damages, identify your defendants and let's argue it in the public domain not on a internet message board where anyone can claim anything.

And I addressed the rest of your comments in a separate post, which is why I stopped reading after your first statement.

As stated, I rely solely on facts which is why, despite all your attempts, there is nothing to debate.

I don't blame the black people for anything. Whites screwed themselves. If I point out the errors of their ways, they call me a race traitor and a expletive deleted lover. As you see here, the most racist blacks swear and be damned that I am a white supremacist. Hell I didn't even know some of these people existed until IM2 helped me out. Now, I can at least explore what it is some of these guys believe in.

I'm angry that my race gave away this country after many of us fought for it. They continue to ignorantly work for the one worlders without even realizing it. I'm frustrated by black supremacists and their cowardice. At least Hosea Williams had the balls to face me publicly - though his racism cost him his tv show.

No black man ever screwed any white guy out of a job. Whites who cared about popularity and votes gave America away and did not have the cahones to say no to you. What I want to say is better said face to face... with whites or blacks.

I just find your attempts to talk down to me repulsive. You said it all when you said:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

You can't debate anything when you're too lazy or ignorant to read. Don't leave us much to converse about, does it?
I have been attacked by people that had dark melialin levels in their skin, no so much ones that had lighter melanin levels Lets talk reparation for slavery. How does that work? Is that even a thing?
You have shown yourself son. You are a white supremacist. There are others here who have disagreed with me but they are not racists. You have tried to defend a claim of America was founded by whites, it is only for whites and that blacks for example, exist here illegally as they aren't citizens. You have not said that to Sharpton. And your claim is the definition of racist. I know those like you want to place a false symmetry on the arguments blacks make against white racism, but you can't. It is not possible. There is a difference between reacting or responding to something than initiating it. What you call racism is a response to the racism we have endured as blacks. The fact you and others call it racism means that you believe we are just supposed to accept white racist behavior because that is our place. That belief in and of itself is a belief in white supremacy.
Unless you are in your 80s or older, you have not endured racism. You have lived in the Affrimative Action era (1961-2020), and thus you have enjoyed the Black Supremacy policies of this era. It is whites and some women and non-blacks who have endured racism (AA), not you. You've got a lot of nerve to claim you have endured racism. :slap:
Your math sucks. The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of education which determined that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional occured in 1954 which was 66 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 from which affirmative action arose was 56 years ago. So you're off by about 15 year, approximatley half a generation. There are plenty of people who were born when the United States was still lawfully segegrated especially if you take into account our parents and grandparent's lives.
My math is fine. Maybe you could get a beads counter to help you. :laugh:
Did you mean a bean counter?

What the hell is wrong with you that you can't even admit that you made a mathematical error? No, your math is not fine, it's off by around 15 years. So that either makes you stupid or dishonest or both. Which is it?
None of my numbers are wrong.

Your numbers are made up bullshit. You are a disingenuous liar.
Trigger rhymes with another word we cant say, because...ya know. When is the last time a white supremacist actually did something to you? But meanwhile back at the ranch, we have to skulk around and use our car keys as weapons because all those "white" racists rapists murderer robbers are just hiding behind every bush to attack us....
Maybe you should live in a better neighborhood
You mean a white one ?
Lets go into that quicksand of reparations, for slavery.. because that is really where this is going. Milk a yak if you buy this con job.....
Future generations of blacks can only be free of AA suspicion, when it is eliminated 100%. Until then, blacks live under a dark cloud
No, that's your own dark cloud that follows you around. It comes with being a dishonest, envious and hateful individual.
Live in denial if you like. There's no law against that. There's also no way you can change reality, or where that dark cloud of AA suspicion is located - right on top of your head. :biggrin:

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