What is White Supremacy?

I have been attacked by people that had dark melialin levels in their skin, no so much ones that had lighter melanin levels Lets talk reparation for slavery. How does that work? Is that even a thing?
The only reparations to be paid is to whites, for AA victimization. The liberal goons who enact and support it, should pay the $$$$$$$$$$$$$, and should also go to jail for violation of civil rights law.
Unless you are in your 80s or older, you have not endured racism. You have lived in the Affrimative Action era (1961-2020), and thus you have enjoyed the Black Supremacy policies of this era. It is whites and some women and non-blacks who have endured racism (AA), not you. You've got a lot of nerve to claim you have endured racism. :slap:
Your math sucks. The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of education which determined that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional occured in 1954 which was 66 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 from which affirmative action arose was 56 years ago. So you're off by about 15 year, approximatley half a generation. There are plenty of people who were born when the United States was still lawfully segegrated especially if you take into account our parents and grandparent's lives.
My math is fine. Maybe you could get a beads counter to help you. :laugh:
Did you mean a bean counter?

What the hell is wrong with you that you can't even admit that you made a mathematical error? No, your math is not fine, it's off by around 15 years. So that either makes you stupid or dishonest or both. Which is it?
None of my numbers are wrong.

Your numbers are made up bullshit. You are a disingenuous liar.
You like to throw the word "proof" around. OK. I'll follow suit. Show a shred of proof that any of my numbers are wrong. G'wan. Do it.
I have been attacked by people that had dark melialin levels in their skin, no so much ones that had lighter melanin levels Lets talk reparation for slavery. How does that work? Is that even a thing?
I've been attack by whites not so much by blacks. You have no point. The DOJ shows that most crimes happen between people of the same race which disqualifies any anecdotal situations. You will soon learn why reparations aren't just for slavery.
Lets go into that quicksand of reparations, for slavery.. because that is really where this is going. Milk a yak if you buy this con job.....
You all are soon to get your white asses embarrassed on this matter. I would suggest you stay on topic.
I have been attacked by people that had dark melialin levels in their skin, no so much ones that had lighter melanin levels Lets talk reparation for slavery. How does that work? Is that even a thing?
I've been attack by whites not so much by blacks. You have no point. The DOJ shows that most crimes happen between people of the same race which disqualifies any anecdotal situations. You will soon learn why reparations aren't just for slavery.
I know how some folks discount "anecdotal" evidence, But I surely doubt many middle or lower class blacks share your "experience".
I have been attacked by people that had dark melialin levels in their skin, no so much ones that had lighter melanin levels Lets talk reparation for slavery. How does that work? Is that even a thing?
I've been attack by whites not so much by blacks. You have no point. The DOJ shows that most crimes happen between people of the same race which disqualifies any anecdotal situations. You will soon learn why reparations aren't just for slavery.
I know how some folks discount "anecdotal" evidence, But I surely doubt many middle or lower class blacks share your "experience".
I surely think they do.

white-on-white violent crime (12.0 per 1,000)
black-on-white violent crime (3.1 per 1,000).
black-on-black crime (16.5 per 1,000)
white-on-black violent crime (2.8 per 1,000)

Race and Hispanic Origin of Victims and Offenders, 2012-2015, DOJ’s Bureau of Justice Statistics
Picture this: a black man shaking my hand and congratulating Me. (a little ot' white grannie person) he was like I was a liberator walking into Paris ...I didn't know what the hell to think. Just for walking through Denver's infamous 5 points area in 1988.
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Blacks aren't dumb, They know their communities are broken A hardy handshake and a nod.. In the spirit of MLK...
Your math sucks. The SCOTUS decision in Brown vs Board of education which determined that "separate but equal" was unconstitutional occured in 1954 which was 66 years ago. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 from which affirmative action arose was 56 years ago. So you're off by about 15 year, approximatley half a generation. There are plenty of people who were born when the United States was still lawfully segegrated especially if you take into account our parents and grandparent's lives.
My math is fine. Maybe you could get a beads counter to help you. :laugh:
Did you mean a bean counter?

What the hell is wrong with you that you can't even admit that you made a mathematical error? No, your math is not fine, it's off by around 15 years. So that either makes you stupid or dishonest or both. Which is it?
None of my numbers are wrong.

Your numbers are made up bullshit. You are a disingenuous liar.
You like to throw the word "proof" around. OK. I'll follow suit. Show a shred of proof that any of my numbers are wrong. G'wan. Do it.

You've been asked for "proof" when you have posted outright lies, which is on a regular basis. And as expected, your only "proof" has been to insist that "what you say" is fact.

Your belief that ANYONE who is black that has lived between 1961 and 2020, has benefitted from AA is a perfect example of the kind of trailer trash stupidity and ignorance that still resides in the minds of the bottom rung of society.

The world will be a better place when you are no longer here.
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What is White Supremacy?

I realised White Supremacy is not evil. White Supremacy only means that whites are more intelligent and more capable. And through this they are guardians of the creature. Of all creature and of all other humans. Just like the Bible says it is the humans who guard the creature and who are the overlords. That doesnt mean they abuse or mistreat the creature, they are just not like the others though. Just like humans are kind to animals and animals are your pets and love you and are faithful but humans are not animals themselfes. You should be kind to animals and treat them well and guard them. You are their master, you should protect them, feed them, guard them, love them. The dog also loves you and he is faithful. I disagree though with some animal rights activists who depict humans as animals or below animals, humans are not animals. Humans are the guardians of animals but they are not animals themselfes. I heard people saying "humans are also just animals".

That means White Supremacy. Whether you agree or disagree and science will reveal if Whites are really more intelligent. If they are and it is science, we shouldnt denie it.
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less because it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows. Police cars with flashing lights are an everyday occurance.
How would you have any idea of what it's like to live in a black neighborhood?
My neighbor's to right and left of.me are both black. The neighborhood is integrated, but mostly black. That's why Tampa congressmen are all Democrats.
The neighborhood you live in is predominantly black? Why? The white people won't let you live near them?
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The main question for this thread is, how much money should white Americans each be paid in reparations, to compensate for 6 decades of Black Supremacy oppression ?

1. $1,000
2. $5,000
3. $10,000
4. $100,000
5. $1 Million

I would select # 5, except I think it's not quite enough.

These reparations would have be coupled with the imprisonment of all the supporters of Affirmative Action.


White people passed the legislation to implement AA,. JFK and LBJ started it....ask their descendants to write you a check and maybe they will throw in a new walker for you as well.
,I demand reparations from ANYBODY who supports this abomination. And they should go to jail too. Go to jail!

No one is going to jail, you loon. You should be admitted to a mental ward.
Ahh, let's not be too hasty here <walking away while whistling> ;-)
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Nobody needs to waste valuable time trying to master an invalid argument. You're a dumb ass buddy and not reading your drivel is not about confirmation bias. Whoever you think this country was founded for has been changed by the legal process of amending the constitution. The white man was allowed to stay here because the indigenous people here did not believe that anybody had the right to own the land. And their belief makes sense because we only live for a period of time but the land remains when we are gone. It takes 2/3'rds of the states to ratify an amendment, and since the south had decided to form it's own country, wage war and lost, the winning side had every right to impose rules on the seceding states in order to allow them to rejoin the union. So it's like this, running your mouth on the internet with this bogus garbage does nothing. Take your case to the nation. You claim to be Mr. Big time so gather up the other radicalized scrubs and organize a national movement to rescind the 14th Amendment and see what you get. They shut trump up about ending the 14th Amendment and he's the president. You will be sent back to the survivalist compound too.
The 14th amendment, as it is treated, is unconstitutional.
It would be constitutional, IF it were treated as Jacob Howard said it was to be, but 20th century liberal loons twisted it out of it's intended design, to suit their purposes of increasing their power, and Democrats, desperate for votes now continue the wreckage.
How can it be unconstitutional when it's part of the U.S. Constitution?
Which part of the 14th amendment are you taking exception to, and how is it negatively impacting your life?
White supremist are the least of anybody's problems Actually the high black CRIME rate coupled with the Hispanic crime rate and sanctuary cities nobody asked for or needed...That's far larger issue .
White crime is higher than both. So why does the fact that you're 6 times more likely to get killed, beaten, robbed, raped or cheated by another white than a black or Hispanic not concern you?
It concerns less because it is an idiotic lie. Everybody knows black crime is astronomical compared to white crime.

In white communities, people leave their doors wide open. In black communities, ravaged with crime, people have fox locks on their doors, and bars on their windows. Police cars with flashing lights are an everyday occurance.
How would you have any idea of what it's like to live in a black neighborhood?
My neighbor's to right and left of.me are both black. The neighborhood is integrated, but mostly black. That's why Tampa congressmen are all Democrats.
The neighborhood you live in is predominantly black? Why? The white people won't let you live near them?

This should be good
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Nobody needs to waste valuable time trying to master an invalid argument. You're a dumb ass buddy and not reading your drivel is not about confirmation bias. Whoever you think this country was founded for has been changed by the legal process of amending the constitution. The white man was allowed to stay here because the indigenous people here did not believe that anybody had the right to own the land. And their belief makes sense because we only live for a period of time but the land remains when we are gone. It takes 2/3'rds of the states to ratify an amendment, and since the south had decided to form it's own country, wage war and lost, the winning side had every right to impose rules on the seceding states in order to allow them to rejoin the union. So it's like this, running your mouth on the internet with this bogus garbage does nothing. Take your case to the nation. You claim to be Mr. Big time so gather up the other radicalized scrubs and organize a national movement to rescind the 14th Amendment and see what you get. They shut trump up about ending the 14th Amendment and he's the president. You will be sent back to the survivalist compound too.
The 14th amendment, as it is treated, is unconstitutional.
It would be constitutional, IF it were treated as Jacob Howard said it was to be, but 20th century liberal loons twisted it out of it's intended design, to suit their purposes of increasing their power, and Democrats, desperate for votes now continue the wreckage.
How can it be unconstitutional when it's part of the U.S. Constitution?
Which part of the 14th amendment are you taking exception to, and how is it negatively impacting your life?

He likely believes the 14th amendment to be an "affirmative action conspiracy", designed to help "blacks" at his wretched expense.

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I just find your attempts to talk down to me repulsive. You said it all when you said:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

You can't debate anything when you're too lazy or ignorant to read. Don't leave us much to converse about, does it?
It's very disengenious on your part to truncate my statement which makes it appear to read as something other than what I said

I have not read any further than your first statement above BECAUSE that [statement] needed to be addressed FIRST and foremost. I'm (sic) address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post. (which I did)
So which one of us was too "lazy or ignorant" to read the other's comments? Here's where I addressed the rest of your post as promised
In terms of raw numbers, the white race is the least (numerically) of the people in the United States. I've said nothing different. The nonwhites outnumber the whites and a subtle form of genocide is being employed
My pointing out the fact that the United States is not a homogenous society is not agreement that non-whites outnumber whites because this simply is not true and I have no idea why you believe it is. The numbers below are updated as of September 2018 and in terms of raw numbers as well as percentages whites far outnumber everyone else:


... a subtle form of genocide is being employed. There is an assault on the family unit by the masses (as you said mostly non-white.) .
I never said anything of the kind.
There is the drugging of America as the system itself gets whites hooked on drugs and destroys lives forever... again disproportionately white.
Are you seriously alleging that black doctors are responsible for the alleged disproportionate number of white drug addicts?
The media attacks whites all day long with tv shows that glorify inter-racial marriages, gay marriage, and whites in heterosexual relationships are portrayed like backward rednecks.
And black people are responsible for this how?
I stand against the 14th Amendment and you try to denigrate me. Well segregation was a reality too until Rosa Parks refused to obey a law she believed to be unconstitutional - as did others who felt the same way. Yet you would deny me that luxury. You would shit on my constitutional Rights and deny them because under that veil of reason and tolerance is just another smooth talking bigot with a hatred of anyone that dares to challenge the status quo.
Okay so now we're getting to the real issue.

The status quo is equal rights per the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. I advised you all to work on whatever process there is that would allow you to get it removed if you feel that strongly about it. More importantly, I have not, nor do I have the capability to deny you any of your rights under the U.S. Constitution. You stating that you are standing against the 14th amendment is different that you stating unequivocally that it's invalid or was never ratified ergo not a valid amendment and therefore not a part of the U.S. Constitution.

Me pointing that out this fact is not me denigrating you but I have to tell you that your comparison to Rosa Parks is not on point and it has nothing to do with race per se. Rosa Parks exercised her right to protest an unjust law, a law that was used to deny people of their "equal" rights. You want to exercise your right to attempt to recind an amendment that would effectively put those laws which denied equal rights to others back into place. Rosa Parks fought to help people, you're fighting to harm people so why would you expect anything other than the pushback you're getting from the very people you're trying to harm if you are successful? And then you call us hateful for pushing back against what you're trying to do, all while denying that you're coming from a position of white supremacy.

Again that's not me denigrating you or being hateful, it's me dismantling your argument.
So if you saw see poverty shacks and homeless people everywhere you look, you would agree with a report that says the community is economically healthy, right ? Is this how brain-fried liberals are ?

Wow, are YOU ever stupid. Read my post that you quoted over again. Maybe this time a bit slower. Read it 20 times if necessary. Maybe eventually it will sink in. Only an idiot could disagree with it.

And I didn't say anything about eyewitness testimony, you moron.
I dont' have to read, I already know it doesn't contain anything of substance.

It doesn't surprise me that you missed the eyes & ears reference.
Eyes and ears are your best source of information. Too bad liberals are wrapped up BS "reports"
You have a wealth of knowledge at your fingertips so there is absolutely no reason for you to remain as ignorant on so many topics as you are.

Eyes & ears aren't real useful if your brain doesn't work properly.
Just like all the other liberals, it is YOU who is ignorant. You couldn't even score a 10% on any of my Quizzes. :biggrin:
If I agree to take one of your quizzes, then you have to agree to take one of mine.
Trigger rhymes with another word we cant say, because...ya know. When is the last time a white supremacist actually did something to you? But meanwhile back at the ranch, we have to skulk around and use our car keys as weapons because all those "white" racists rapists murderer robbers are just hiding behind every bush to attack us....
Maybe you should live in a better neighborhood
You mean a white one ?
A more affluent one
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Blacks aren't dumb, They know their communities are broken A hardy handshake and a nod.. In the spirit of MLK...
I am black and don't say the black community is broken. I will say that our tax dollars go into developing white communities. You are white and ignore a whole lot of shit whites have done to create the damage. You need to quit talking about Dr. King.

"Where Do We Go From Here?," Address Delivered at the Eleventh Annual SCLC Convention
Author: King, Martin Luther, Jr.
Date: August 16, 1967

"With all the struggle and all the achievements, we must face the fact, however, that the Negro still lives in the basement of the Great Society. He is still at the bottom, despite the few who have penetrated to slightly higher levels. Even where the door has been forced partially open, mobility for the Negro is still sharply restricted. There is often no bottom at which to start, and when there is there's almost no room at the top. In consequence, Negroes are still impoverished aliens in an affluent society. They are too poor even to rise with the society, too impoverished by the ages to be able to ascend by using their own resources. And the Negro did not do this himself; it was done to him."
white paternalism

White paternalism is the belief that whites know what is best for people of other races, viewing them pretty much as overgrown children. It is racist since it assumes that whites know better than other races.


  • White man’s burden – the duty of whites to help the lesser races. Used in the early 1900s to excuse imperialism.
  • White saviour films – where a white hero saves people of colour. “The Blind Side” (2009), “Dangerous Minds” (1995), etc
  • Western imperialism – which seeks not just control of land, trade and taxes like most empires, but goes beyond that to remaking subjects in its own image – Westernization.
  • American and Australian policy on natives – separating children from their parents to make them white; controlling what little land they have left.
  • Whites adopting African children – like Madonna and Angelina Jolie.
  • White allies – when they go beyond merely helping anti-racist causes to telling people of colour what to do, trying to take over.
White paternalists love to:

  1. Point out the success of whites and the failures of blacks – Mugabe, Detroit, white inventions.
  2. See blacks screw up or act like fools.
  3. Talk down to blacks.
  4. Tell blacks that they treat them better than anyone else would.
  5. Tell blacks, in so many words, that they “saved” them from Africa.
White paternalists hate it when:

  1. Blacks are not grateful to them.
  2. Blacks get angry or say anything bad about whites.
You see that not just from white commenters on this blog, you see it in how they show blacks on American television. Black crime. Black buffoons. Black pathologies. Screwed-up or helpless black countries.

White paternalists do not see:

  1. Their failed record at handling the affairs of people of colour: genocide, slavery, Jim Crow, apartheid, taking their land, taking their children, screwing up their countries – Vietnam, El Salvador, Chile, Gaza, Congo and on and on. They do not see that the most successful non-white country was one of the few countries they were not able to screw up: Japan, which shut out the West for hundreds of years.
  2. That much of their “success” was based on screwing up the very people they are now supposedly trying to “help”. America was built on Indian land and black slave labour. The West was built on robbing the world through the Spanish, Portuguese, French and British empires. They do not see that they got to where they are through the barrel of a gun. They think it was through “values” or “institutions” or culture or genes.
  3. That just as whites know what is in their own best interest, so do blacks and Indians and Vietnamese and everyone else. There is nothing special about white people. They point to Mugabe but not to Hitler or Stalin. They point to the black illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%, but not to the white illegitimacy rate when it went over 20%. They point to black street crime but not to Wall Street crime. Etc.
Whites say, “Where would you be without us?” Wrong: where would they be without us!

white paternalism
You try to appear as if you are an intellectual, but with each new posting you show that there is a layer of dishonesty, ignorance, and hatred that is just under the surface.
No, you just don't like what I'm conveying. There is no hatred involved, let alone dishonestly. As far as ignorance, I readily admit that I am ignorant of many subjects, many of which simply because I have no interests in them. However when it comes to the topic of who did what based on their beliefe in the superiority/inferiority of themselves and others, due to race, I found it necessary to educate myself in order to be able to counter the lies, deceit and misconceptions (to be generous) of white racists who are still attempting to wreck havoc on the lives of non-whites, but particularly those people of African descent.

I have not read any further than your first statement above because that needed to be addressed first and foremost. I'm address the rest of your comment if necessary in a separate post.

And for the record, I find it interesting that you believe me to being trying to appear as an intellectual. I am smart or intelligent if you prefer, not simply because I believe myself to be (I do, because that's what our teachers have told us getting good grades means) but because others have certified me to be. Understand? Unlike protectionist for example, who believes he's better, smarter, more intelligent than all of the African Americans on this board but has shown nothing to support his beliefs apparently other than he's not African American.

Let me make this short for you. These are YOUR words:

"I have not read any further than your first statement above..."

What you seek is bias confirmation that validates your own views. Everything else is racist. Until you can argue my points better than I can, you are ignorant. I can argue your points all day long and never miss a beat of the standard canard. It's been forced fed down me for a number of decades.
Nobody needs to waste valuable time trying to master an invalid argument. You're a dumb ass buddy and not reading your drivel is not about confirmation bias. Whoever you think this country was founded for has been changed by the legal process of amending the constitution. The white man was allowed to stay here because the indigenous people here did not believe that anybody had the right to own the land. And their belief makes sense because we only live for a period of time but the land remains when we are gone. It takes 2/3'rds of the states to ratify an amendment, and since the south had decided to form it's own country, wage war and lost, the winning side had every right to impose rules on the seceding states in order to allow them to rejoin the union. So it's like this, running your mouth on the internet with this bogus garbage does nothing. Take your case to the nation. You claim to be Mr. Big time so gather up the other radicalized scrubs and organize a national movement to rescind the 14th Amendment and see what you get. They shut trump up about ending the 14th Amendment and he's the president. You will be sent back to the survivalist compound too.
The 14th amendment, as it is treated, is unconstitutional.
It would be constitutional, IF it were treated as Jacob Howard said it was to be, but 20th century liberal loons twisted it out of it's intended design, to suit their purposes of increasing their power, and Democrats, desperate for votes now continue the wreckage.
How can it be unconstitutional when it's part of the U.S. Constitution?
Which part of the 14th amendment are you taking exception to, and how is it negatively impacting your life?

Just because the 14th Amendment is in the Constitution does not mean it passed constitutional muster. Government has the power to declare things legal, but they do not always have the authority.

Normally your question here would be off topic; however, if nullified, the 14th Amendment would have far reaching racial implications that would have to be dealt with by applying other legal doctrines and case law. The links I provide show that the 14th Amendment is illegal because the process was not followed that allows an amendment to become law.

PRIOR to the 14th Amendment becoming law, the people had unalienable Rights. The courts determined that those Rights were inherent, God given, natural, absolute, above the law, and not subject to alienation. Legal dictionaries defined the word unalienable as not subject to alienation. The government could not take those Rights. Period. End of story. In a famous gun control case, the United States Supreme Court ruled in one of their first rulings:

"The right there specified is that of "bearing arms for a lawful purpose." This is not a right granted by the Constitution. Neither is it in any manner dependent upon that instrument for its existence."
United States v. Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 (1876)

In other words, the Constitution does not grant Rights; it merely guarantees them. Unalienable Rights predate the Constitution. But the United States Supreme Court illegally legislated from the bench and created another branch of law to circumvent the absolute nature of unalienable Rights. My links prove, unequivocally, that the 14th Amendment unequivocally created two classes of citizenship: Preamble Citizens and 14th Amendment citizens.

Fourteenth Amendment citizens are only guaranteed privileges and immunities. We sometimes refer to these as "rights," but they are not unalienable Rights. "Rights" are merely grants by the government. Unalienable Rights are the codification of that part of the Declaration of Independence which reads:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.-"

In order to circumvent the law, the United States Supreme Court began using a synonym for unalienable. It is inalienable. Then the United States Supreme Court defined the word inalienable this way:

(Inalienable) Rights which are not capable of being surrendered or transferred without the consent of the one possessing such rights. Morrison v. State, Mo. App., 252 S.W.2d 97, 101.

Notice that unalienable Rights cannot be aliened. Inalienable "Rights" all of a sudden could be aliened if you consented. This changed the origin of the Right. You cannot forfeit an unalienable Right (for example, you do not have a Right to kill yourself. The Right to Life was given by a Creator (your God, whomever you deem that to be.) The government dropped the word unalienable from its legal lexicon (it's no longer a word in Black's Law Dictionary despite that the word unalienable appears in the official version of the Declaration of Independence.) The government laid claim to being the grantor of all your "rights." How did that impact my life?

The government gets to interfere in my religion, telling me what I can and cannot believe, taxing my beliefs according to the government's acceptance of my tenets of faith.

The government has determined the value of my life and how I'm allowed to defend it, while, at the same time telling me it's my responsibility to defend my individual life and the cops only protect society as a whole.

When the National ID / REAL ID Act was passed, it mandated the Socialist Surveillance Number ...ooops "Social Security Number" and the government now claims I'm their property (a slave) and they monitor my every movement 24 / 7 / 365, either approving or disapproving of my every move within this country. AND they subject us to the unconstitutional income tax (a plank from the Communist Manifesto) in order to maintain control. The government likes to call this the equal protection of the laws (14th Amendment language.)

I'd continue on, but posts need to have a limit. I've already exceeded mine, but will give you more examples if those are not good enough.

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