What is White Supremacy?

I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:

You're still here ranting? WTF is wrong with you?

I like where I live and you do as well.

Go away....you're a nutcase.
"End of discussion" for me is when I decide it has ended.

Getting back to the topic, there is very little white supremacy in America. Almost non-existent.

Black Supremacy however is very common. It is in every Affirmative Action program, and everywhere blacks are pandered to, as in the 10 examples presented in my Quiz for Liberals thread.

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Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:

You're still here ranting? WTF is wrong with you?

I like where I live and you do as well.

Go away....you're a nutcase.
"End of discussion" for me is when I decide it has ended.

Getting back to the topic, there is very little white supremacy in America. Almost non-existent.

Black Supremacy however is very common. It is in every Affirmative Action program, and everywhere blacks are pandered to, as in the 10 examples presented in my Quiz for Liberals thread.

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End of discussion for me is when I decide to stop responding.

And that time is now. Your circular reasoning is that of someone who is not dealing with a full deck.

Talk to yourself, I've got better things to do.
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Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:

You're still here ranting? WTF is wrong with you?

I like where I live and you do as well.

Go away....you're a nutcase.
"End of discussion" for me is when I decide it has ended.

Getting back to the topic, there is very little white supremacy in America. Almost non-existent.

Black Supremacy however is very common. It is in every Affirmative Action program, and everywhere blacks are pandered to, as in the 10 examples presented in my Quiz for Liberals thread.

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End of discussion for me is when I decide to stop responding.

And that time is now. Your circular reasoning is that of someone who is not dealing with a full deck.

Talk to yourself, I've got better things to do.
I've already left this :lame2: thread.
Lol. You fixed income, rent controlled, government leech.

I turned down several opportunities to move down south before retirement. Florida happened to be one of the states that I passed on, Georgia was another.

If I had chosen to uproot my family and go, I would have lived far better than you, in fact, someone like you probably would have been cutting my lawn, or cleaning my house.
1. 1 don't clean houses or cut lawns
I teach music.
2. There is no rent control in Florida.
3. You got something against Social Security and VA pensions ?
You earn money teaching music lessons? Can you lawfully do that while you're receiving social security benefits? What about a VA pension?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
And how would you know that they choose to be unemployed?

You need to make up your mind. grandma.
On one hand, you claim that "blacks are doing better than whites, and get better jobs".

Now that you were presented with facts regarding unemployment, you are stating that the unemployed blacks are unemployed by choice"

You can't have it both ways.

You need to call for one of the staff at the VA mental ward and request a medication check.
Looks like you are the one needing mental help.
Those blacks who choose to be unemployed, choose it. Others who choose to work, do that.
Gee, that was tough, huh ?
Something tells me you wouldn't make it as a music student . It takes a brain. :biggrin:

I WAS a music student, retard. Played the guitar since the age of 8.

Secondly, you allege that of the 6% of blacks who are unemployed, that they "choose to be".

How do you know that?

Answer the question or STFU.
I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:
Have you noticed how no matter what the topic protectionist can't find a single pleasant or positive thing to say?

Can you imagine having to work with him every day?
My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:

You're still here ranting? WTF is wrong with you?

I like where I live and you do as well.

Go away....you're a nutcase.
"End of discussion" for me is when I decide it has ended.

Getting back to the topic, there is very little white supremacy in America. Almost non-existent.

Black Supremacy however is very common. It is in every Affirmative Action program, and everywhere blacks are pandered to, as in the 10 examples presented in my Quiz for Liberals thread.

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End of discussion for me is when I decide to stop responding.

And that time is now. Your circular reasoning is that of someone who is not dealing with a full deck.

Talk to yourself, I've got better things to do.
I've already left this :lame2: thread.

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You misquoted her. Your entire position is false.

I don't have time for your racist idiocy tonight. You are a slave to hatred, slavery, and stupidity. You've made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.
You are the racist here buddy. I'm not the on posting lunacy about how America was founded for one specific race and how constitutional amendments are legal. You're the one who has made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.

I built 3 sucessful organizations and retired from that work at age 52. If I have failed then success does not exist, boy. What I am doing is speaking truth and you can't handle it. You're the one that hates. You see Junior, for as long as you have studied that crazy shit, I have studied white racism. In fact, that's required learning in the black community. You are the example of the 21st century white supremacist and the only tool you have is gaslighting. That's why you're here arguing a hate filled argument and claim I'm the racist for exposing you for what you are.

And I am going to continue.

I just saw a Chinese girl on the Dr. Phil Show expose people like you.

They called her a racist too for simply quoting the facts. The facts are facts. They have no agenda. You do. The first Naturalization Act says what it says. If you've wasted that much of your life fretting over racism, you wasted your life.

I worked in immigration law for six years, working for the prosecution side, defense side, expert witness, and working with undocumented foreigners with peripheral problems (like getting payment plans set up to pay their doctor bills.) When I cite the facts, Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc.

But, like I told you. I don't give a shit who believes what. I can tell people the truth and that's it. Your hatred is becoming contagious and should a race war break out, you will be responsible for much of the carnage.

You're not too retired or doing so good. You won't meet me face to face and talk skeet before a live audience. If you took your circus show on the road, you wouldn't have an audience any more.
"Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc."

You sure about that, chief??


When I have given them the facts about immigration, and I have in more in the field experience from all sides than any man alive today, they reject the facts, ignore the evidence and every thread I participate in becomes a shitstorm.

Try telling people that the public is fickle and you cannot criminalize Liberty, they act as if you just raped their 11 year old daughter. Tell them that coming into the United States without papers is not a crime, but a civil violation of the law and they will send death threats to your house. Remind them that it was the right that created the precedent that allowed sanctuary cities and prevented local governments from enforcing federal gun control laws and they either ignore you or send assassins to your home.

Yeah, they've sent people to shoot into my house. For five years I had a stalker that followed me day and night until I put a bounty out on him and it was substantial. So, yeah, I'm sure about what I'm telling you.

BTW, if you leave the right alone, they are advocating enforcing immigration laws that were designed to dilute the white vote and marginalize the whites. All you have to do is remain silent and they will give America away to foreigners. Just make sure they come in "legally" as the right erroneously calls it. But, yeah, I'm sure of it.
Do you know who profits from illegal immigration? WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS!! Go to any construction site, any place that sells food to the public, any hotel, etc....it ain't po black negro's and po white trash hiring illegals, who flood this country, ITS WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS, NOW TAKE YOUR BLANKET AND FIND A MIRROR.
The matter of ethnicity and intelligence simply cannot be discussed in public, not even in university classrooms.

This is a topic that is discussed only in private.

In fact, if it were ever "proved" that the Martians, for example, are more intelligent than the inhabitants of Earth, that information would have to be suppressed, lest it give human beings an inferiority complex.

As I understand it, most websites will not even allow a discussion of this topic. Received wisdom holds that both Martians and human beings are equally intelligent. Any deviation from this position constitutes "hate speech" and is prohibited.
That's because there is no relationship between ethnicity and intelligence. Forums like this are evidence of this reality.
the Asians are smarter than blacks

who isn't?
The matter of ethnicity and intelligence simply cannot be discussed in public, not even in university classrooms.

This is a topic that is discussed only in private.

In fact, if it were ever "proved" that the Martians, for example, are more intelligent than the inhabitants of Earth, that information would have to be suppressed, lest it give human beings an inferiority complex.

As I understand it, most websites will not even allow a discussion of this topic. Received wisdom holds that both Martians and human beings are equally intelligent. Any deviation from this position constitutes "hate speech" and is prohibited.
That's because there is no relationship between ethnicity and intelligence. Forums like this are evidence of this reality.
the Asians are smarter than blacks

who isn't?
I don't have time for your racist idiocy tonight. You are a slave to hatred, slavery, and stupidity. You've made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.
You are the racist here buddy. I'm not the on posting lunacy about how America was founded for one specific race and how constitutional amendments are legal. You're the one who has made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.

I built 3 sucessful organizations and retired from that work at age 52. If I have failed then success does not exist, boy. What I am doing is speaking truth and you can't handle it. You're the one that hates. You see Junior, for as long as you have studied that crazy shit, I have studied white racism. In fact, that's required learning in the black community. You are the example of the 21st century white supremacist and the only tool you have is gaslighting. That's why you're here arguing a hate filled argument and claim I'm the racist for exposing you for what you are.

And I am going to continue.

I just saw a Chinese girl on the Dr. Phil Show expose people like you.

They called her a racist too for simply quoting the facts. The facts are facts. They have no agenda. You do. The first Naturalization Act says what it says. If you've wasted that much of your life fretting over racism, you wasted your life.

I worked in immigration law for six years, working for the prosecution side, defense side, expert witness, and working with undocumented foreigners with peripheral problems (like getting payment plans set up to pay their doctor bills.) When I cite the facts, Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc.

But, like I told you. I don't give a shit who believes what. I can tell people the truth and that's it. Your hatred is becoming contagious and should a race war break out, you will be responsible for much of the carnage.

You're not too retired or doing so good. You won't meet me face to face and talk skeet before a live audience. If you took your circus show on the road, you wouldn't have an audience any more.
"Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc."

You sure about that, chief??


When I have given them the facts about immigration, and I have in more in the field experience from all sides than any man alive today, they reject the facts, ignore the evidence and every thread I participate in becomes a shitstorm.

Try telling people that the public is fickle and you cannot criminalize Liberty, they act as if you just raped their 11 year old daughter. Tell them that coming into the United States without papers is not a crime, but a civil violation of the law and they will send death threats to your house. Remind them that it was the right that created the precedent that allowed sanctuary cities and prevented local governments from enforcing federal gun control laws and they either ignore you or send assassins to your home.

Yeah, they've sent people to shoot into my house. For five years I had a stalker that followed me day and night until I put a bounty out on him and it was substantial. So, yeah, I'm sure about what I'm telling you.

BTW, if you leave the right alone, they are advocating enforcing immigration laws that were designed to dilute the white vote and marginalize the whites. All you have to do is remain silent and they will give America away to foreigners. Just make sure they come in "legally" as the right erroneously calls it. But, yeah, I'm sure of it.
Do you know who profits from illegal immigration? WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS!! Go to any construction site, any place that sells food to the public, any hotel, etc....it ain't po black negro's and po white trash hiring illegals, who flood this country, ITS WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS, NOW TAKE YOUR BLANKET AND FIND A MIRROR.

The whole purpose in working nights, holidays, and weekends while creating a business is to make a profit. That is the objective. The objective is not to create jobs for people. That is not a requirement of any business.

You are arguing for a side that conflates Liberty with citizenship. The Declaration of Independence, written before there were any citizens of the United States has this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

People have an unalienable Right to accept opportunities willingly offered by an employer. The word unalienable has a meaning. The word unalienable was defined by the EARLY courts. Due to the actions of the right wing, those unalienable Rights no longer exist.

Neither side understands the concept. An unalienable Right is above the law. When you lobbied against those Rights, the Right to keep and bear Arms became a privilege doled out by the government as opposed to a Right that was bestowed upon you by a Creator as presupposed by the Declaration of Independence. When you lobbied against unalienable Rights, your Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press... even your Right to your own Religion became subject to government approval. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee any Right. It protects privileges and immunities and allows the government to take away any Right you have via due process. In other words, your Rights CAN BE ALIENED due to the 14th Amendment because that Amendment puts the government into the Rights granting business.

It is Americans that rent to foreigners; it is Americans that buy from, sell to, and otherwise do business with foreigners. It is Americans voting for American politicians that attempt to give foreigners access to the benefits and privileges of citizenship. It's YOUR side that demands that foreigners become citizens. AND once you've created that monster, it takes over your country, rendering this part of the discussion moot. But, "white" business owners? Think again paleface. Much of America is owned by foreign businesses. Your failure to understand means that you cannot solve the real issue.
1. 1 don't clean houses or cut lawns
I teach music.
2. There is no rent control in Florida.
3. You got something against Social Security and VA pensions ?
You earn money teaching music lessons? Can you lawfully do that while you're receiving social security benefits? What about a VA pension?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
I receive Social Security (for being old), + a VA pension. Neither are what is commonly entitle "welfare", which does not require paying into, as these 2 do.
Looks like you are the one needing mental help.
Those blacks who choose to be unemployed, choose it. Others who choose to work, do that.
Gee, that was tough, huh ?
Something tells me you wouldn't make it as a music student . It takes a brain. :biggrin:

I WAS a music student, retard. Played the guitar since the age of 8.

Secondly, you allege that of the 6% of blacks who are unemployed, that they "choose to be".

How do you know that?

Answer the question or STFU.
I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:
Have you noticed how no matter what the topic protectionist can't find a single pleasant or positive thing to say?

Can you imagine having to work with him every day?
I tend to treat people about the same way they treat me. :biggrin:
You are the racist here buddy. I'm not the on posting lunacy about how America was founded for one specific race and how constitutional amendments are legal. You're the one who has made your own Hell on earth and seem to love to wallow in self pity and blame for everybody but yourself for your failures in life.

I built 3 sucessful organizations and retired from that work at age 52. If I have failed then success does not exist, boy. What I am doing is speaking truth and you can't handle it. You're the one that hates. You see Junior, for as long as you have studied that crazy shit, I have studied white racism. In fact, that's required learning in the black community. You are the example of the 21st century white supremacist and the only tool you have is gaslighting. That's why you're here arguing a hate filled argument and claim I'm the racist for exposing you for what you are.

And I am going to continue.

I just saw a Chinese girl on the Dr. Phil Show expose people like you.

They called her a racist too for simply quoting the facts. The facts are facts. They have no agenda. You do. The first Naturalization Act says what it says. If you've wasted that much of your life fretting over racism, you wasted your life.

I worked in immigration law for six years, working for the prosecution side, defense side, expert witness, and working with undocumented foreigners with peripheral problems (like getting payment plans set up to pay their doctor bills.) When I cite the facts, Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc.

But, like I told you. I don't give a shit who believes what. I can tell people the truth and that's it. Your hatred is becoming contagious and should a race war break out, you will be responsible for much of the carnage.

You're not too retired or doing so good. You won't meet me face to face and talk skeet before a live audience. If you took your circus show on the road, you wouldn't have an audience any more.
"Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc."

You sure about that, chief??


When I have given them the facts about immigration, and I have in more in the field experience from all sides than any man alive today, they reject the facts, ignore the evidence and every thread I participate in becomes a shitstorm.

Try telling people that the public is fickle and you cannot criminalize Liberty, they act as if you just raped their 11 year old daughter. Tell them that coming into the United States without papers is not a crime, but a civil violation of the law and they will send death threats to your house. Remind them that it was the right that created the precedent that allowed sanctuary cities and prevented local governments from enforcing federal gun control laws and they either ignore you or send assassins to your home.

Yeah, they've sent people to shoot into my house. For five years I had a stalker that followed me day and night until I put a bounty out on him and it was substantial. So, yeah, I'm sure about what I'm telling you.

BTW, if you leave the right alone, they are advocating enforcing immigration laws that were designed to dilute the white vote and marginalize the whites. All you have to do is remain silent and they will give America away to foreigners. Just make sure they come in "legally" as the right erroneously calls it. But, yeah, I'm sure of it.
Do you know who profits from illegal immigration? WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS!! Go to any construction site, any place that sells food to the public, any hotel, etc....it ain't po black negro's and po white trash hiring illegals, who flood this country, ITS WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS, NOW TAKE YOUR BLANKET AND FIND A MIRROR.

The whole purpose in working nights, holidays, and weekends while creating a business is to make a profit. That is the objective. The objective is not to create jobs for people. That is not a requirement of any business.

You are arguing for a side that conflates Liberty with citizenship. The Declaration of Independence, written before there were any citizens of the United States has this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

People have an unalienable Right to accept opportunities willingly offered by an employer. The word unalienable has a meaning. The word unalienable was defined by the EARLY courts. Due to the actions of the right wing, those unalienable Rights no longer exist.

Neither side understands the concept. An unalienable Right is above the law. When you lobbied against those Rights, the Right to keep and bear Arms became a privilege doled out by the government as opposed to a Right that was bestowed upon you by a Creator as presupposed by the Declaration of Independence. When you lobbied against unalienable Rights, your Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press... even your Right to your own Religion became subject to government approval. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee any Right. It protects privileges and immunities and allows the government to take away any Right you have via due process. In other words, your Rights CAN BE ALIENED due to the 14th Amendment because that Amendment puts the government into the Rights granting business.

It is Americans that rent to foreigners; it is Americans that buy from, sell to, and otherwise do business with foreigners. It is Americans voting for American politicians that attempt to give foreigners access to the benefits and privileges of citizenship. It's YOUR side that demands that foreigners become citizens. AND once you've created that monster, it takes over your country, rendering this part of the discussion moot. But, "white" business owners? Think again paleface. Much of America is owned by foreign businesses. Your failure to understand means that you cannot solve the real issue.

I just saw a Chinese girl on the Dr. Phil Show expose people like you.

They called her a racist too for simply quoting the facts. The facts are facts. They have no agenda. You do. The first Naturalization Act says what it says. If you've wasted that much of your life fretting over racism, you wasted your life.

I worked in immigration law for six years, working for the prosecution side, defense side, expert witness, and working with undocumented foreigners with peripheral problems (like getting payment plans set up to pay their doctor bills.) When I cite the facts, Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc.

But, like I told you. I don't give a shit who believes what. I can tell people the truth and that's it. Your hatred is becoming contagious and should a race war break out, you will be responsible for much of the carnage.

You're not too retired or doing so good. You won't meet me face to face and talk skeet before a live audience. If you took your circus show on the road, you wouldn't have an audience any more.
"Trump's people are equally sure that I am a race traitor, negrophilist, leftist, etc."

You sure about that, chief??


When I have given them the facts about immigration, and I have in more in the field experience from all sides than any man alive today, they reject the facts, ignore the evidence and every thread I participate in becomes a shitstorm.

Try telling people that the public is fickle and you cannot criminalize Liberty, they act as if you just raped their 11 year old daughter. Tell them that coming into the United States without papers is not a crime, but a civil violation of the law and they will send death threats to your house. Remind them that it was the right that created the precedent that allowed sanctuary cities and prevented local governments from enforcing federal gun control laws and they either ignore you or send assassins to your home.

Yeah, they've sent people to shoot into my house. For five years I had a stalker that followed me day and night until I put a bounty out on him and it was substantial. So, yeah, I'm sure about what I'm telling you.

BTW, if you leave the right alone, they are advocating enforcing immigration laws that were designed to dilute the white vote and marginalize the whites. All you have to do is remain silent and they will give America away to foreigners. Just make sure they come in "legally" as the right erroneously calls it. But, yeah, I'm sure of it.
Do you know who profits from illegal immigration? WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS!! Go to any construction site, any place that sells food to the public, any hotel, etc....it ain't po black negro's and po white trash hiring illegals, who flood this country, ITS WHITE BUSINESS OWNERS, NOW TAKE YOUR BLANKET AND FIND A MIRROR.

The whole purpose in working nights, holidays, and weekends while creating a business is to make a profit. That is the objective. The objective is not to create jobs for people. That is not a requirement of any business.

You are arguing for a side that conflates Liberty with citizenship. The Declaration of Independence, written before there were any citizens of the United States has this:

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness..."

People have an unalienable Right to accept opportunities willingly offered by an employer. The word unalienable has a meaning. The word unalienable was defined by the EARLY courts. Due to the actions of the right wing, those unalienable Rights no longer exist.

Neither side understands the concept. An unalienable Right is above the law. When you lobbied against those Rights, the Right to keep and bear Arms became a privilege doled out by the government as opposed to a Right that was bestowed upon you by a Creator as presupposed by the Declaration of Independence. When you lobbied against unalienable Rights, your Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press... even your Right to your own Religion became subject to government approval. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee any Right. It protects privileges and immunities and allows the government to take away any Right you have via due process. In other words, your Rights CAN BE ALIENED due to the 14th Amendment because that Amendment puts the government into the Rights granting business.

It is Americans that rent to foreigners; it is Americans that buy from, sell to, and otherwise do business with foreigners. It is Americans voting for American politicians that attempt to give foreigners access to the benefits and privileges of citizenship. It's YOUR side that demands that foreigners become citizens. AND once you've created that monster, it takes over your country, rendering this part of the discussion moot. But, "white" business owners? Think again paleface. Much of America is owned by foreign businesses. Your failure to understand means that you cannot solve the real issue.


Facts you can't handle. You've already proven you'd fail a grade school civics test, so you don't need to rattle my cage.
An unalienable Right is above the law. When you lobbied against those Rights, the Right to keep and bear Arms became a privilege doled out by the government as opposed to a Right that was bestowed upon you by a Creator as presupposed by the Declaration of Independence. When you lobbied against unalienable Rights, your Freedom of Speech and Freedom of the Press... even your Right to your own Religion became subject to government approval. The 14th Amendment does not guarantee any Right. It protects privileges and immunities and allows the government to take away any Right you have via due process. In other words, your Rights CAN BE ALIENED due to the 14th Amendment because that Amendment puts the government into the Rights granting business.
Not all rights are unalienable or Creator given rights, also known as "human rights". And not all of the amendments of the U.S. Constitution prohibit interference only with those natural, Creator given human rights. Citizenship is not a creator given natural human right.

Citizenship, relationship between an individual and a state to which the individual owes allegiance and in turn is entitled to its protection. Citizenship implies the status of freedom with accompanying responsibilities. Citizens have certain rights, duties, and responsibilities that are denied or only partially extended to aliens and other noncitizens residing in a country. In general, full political rights, including the right to vote and to hold public office, are predicated upon citizenship. The usual responsibilities of citizenship are allegiance, taxation, and military service.

Human rights arise simply by being a human being. Civil rights, on the other hand, arise only by virtue of a legal grant of that right, such as the rights imparted on American citizens by the U.S. Constitution.

Human Rights
Human rights are generally thought of as the most fundamental rights. They include the right to life, education, protection from torture, free expression, and fair trial. Many of these rights bleed into civil rights, but they are considered to be necessities of the human existence. As a concept, human rights were conceived shortly after World War II, particularly in regard to the treatment of Jews and other groups by the Nazis. In 1948, the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, cementing their foundation in international law and policy.

Civil Rights
Civil rights, on the other hand, are those rights that one enjoys by virtue of citizenship in a particular nation or state. In America, civil rights have the protection of the U.S. Constitution and many state constitutions. Civil rights protect citizens from discrimination and grant certain freedoms, like free speech, due process, equal protection, the right against self-incrimination, and so forth. Civil rights can be thought of as the agreement between the nation, the state, and the individual citizens that they govern.
The rights we enjoy under the U.S. Constitution are predicated upon our citizenship for the most part however the right to be a U.S. citizen is not a Creator given right. I'm sure Taney knew this when he ruled that people of African descent were not and could not be citizens which is why the 14th amendment became necessary

14th Amendment
1: All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; | nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; | nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.​
You earn money teaching music lessons? Can you lawfully do that while you're receiving social security benefits? What about a VA pension?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
I receive Social Security (for being old), + a VA pension. Neither are what is commonly entitle "welfare", which does not require paying into, as these 2 do.
Social Security for being old and a VA pension for being poor?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
I receive Social Security (for being old), + a VA pension. Neither are what is commonly entitle "welfare", which does not require paying into, as these 2 do.
Social Security for being old and a VA pension for being poor?
VA pension is for being a veteran and being old. (over 65).
Just "being poor" doesn't qualify.
You earn money teaching music lessons? Can you lawfully do that while you're receiving social security benefits? What about a VA pension?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
I receive Social Security (for being old), + a VA pension. Neither are what is commonly entitle "welfare", which does not require paying into, as these 2 do.
Hold on there Hoss...as a geezer and as a Vet..I take exception.

First..Social Security Insurance...the last word is the important one..you were not 'paying into' Social Security..you were paying an insurance premium. It is almost a dead certainty that you will take out far more than you put in. People are just living far longer than they did in 1936--and the draws on the SS fund encompass a lot more than was envisioned--probably a race as to which drops dead first..you or Social Security!

How, exactly, did you pay into your VA pension? With your service? That's lame..the reason we call it service..is that we offer it to our country.. In return, in appreciation of that service..our country gifts certain low-income senior Vets with a pension. Unless you are service-connected--then I guess you could claim your disability is 'payment' but it grates..that anyone would see it so. If you are retired after 20+...they did YOU a favor..but I gather that is not the case, for you. Oh well..it takes all kinds~
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​
Sounds like you haven't been around too much. Eligibility for welfare varies from state to state, county to county, and city to city. Been that way as long as I can remember.

In 1974, then President Ford refused to even talk to New York City's mayor Abe Beame, who went to Washington DC for money, when NY was going bankrupt, because they were giving EVERYONE welfare.

Millions of Puerto Ricans and poor blacks from the south poured into New York to take advantage of New York's idiotic ultra-liberal welfare laws.
If you're talking about anything other than Aid For Dependant Children then you're a government welfare recipient yourself:

Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
in: Programs, Public Relief/Public Welfare
Aid for Dependent Children (ADC: 1935-1961)
By: John E. Hansan, Ph.D.

Social Welfare Board Poster for Newly Enacted ADC Program

Introduction: Aid to Dependent Children (ADC) was established by the Social Security Act of 1935 as a grant program to enable states to provide cash welfare payments for needy children who had been deprived of parental support or care because their father or mother was absent from the home, incapacitated, deceased, or unemployed. All 50 states, the District of Columbia, Guam, Puerto Rico, and the Virgin Islands operated an AFDC program. States defined “need,” set their own benefit levels, established (within federal limitations) income and resource limits, and administered the program or supervised its administration. States were entitled to unlimited federal funds for reimbursement of benefit payments, at “matching” rates that were inversely related to state per capita income. States were required to provide aid to all persons who were in classes eligible under federal law and whose income and resources were within state-set limits.

Early Years: The 1935 Social Security Act, however, was not the first government income support provided to poor children in the United States. In most cases, ADC added federal aid to state mothers’ pension programs, which were already assisting “deserving” poor lone mothers. Several features of the new ADC program kept states from abandoning their current efforts following the passage of the Social Security Act. Federal ADC aid was contingent on state contributions, and states were given considerable discretion to determine ADC eligibility and grant levels. For example, a state could continue to require that only children living in so-called “suitable homes” could receive assistance. Until they were struck down in 1960, these requirements were used to exclude “undesirable” families from aid, particularly children of never-married or African-American mothers.

Although the ADC subsidy was originally intended to allow mothers to stay at home to care for their children, a series of cultural, demographic, and policy shifts related to marriage, poverty, and women’s employment began to undermine public support for that goal. Concerns about whether the ADC subsidy inadvertently encouraged unwed motherhood arose early on in some states. From a federal perspective, these concerns were short-circuited by the perception that ADC was a program for families headed by widows. In 1939, however, Survivors Benefits were added to the mainstream Social Security program that separately aided widows—the most “deserving” of mothers—and left the ADC program to serve a caseload of apparently less deserving single mothers.

The original title of the program was Aid to Dependent Children. The stated purpose of Title IV was to provide financial assistance to needy dependent children. The federal program made no provision for assisting a parent or other relative in the household although it did specify that the child must live with a parent or other close relatives to be eligible for federal aid. It was not until 1950 that the federal government began to share in the maintenance costs of a caretaker relative the child of an unemployed parent and that parent (AFDC-Unemployed Parent), effective in 1961; a second parent in a family with an incapacitated or unemployed parent was allowed effective in 1962 and the name of the program was changed to Aid to Families with Dependent Children.
Public Welfare: Aid for Dependent Children
I receive Social Security (for being old), + a VA pension. Neither are what is commonly entitle "welfare", which does not require paying into, as these 2 do.
Social Security for being old and a VA pension for being poor?
VA pension is for being a veteran and being old. (over 65).
Just "being poor" doesn't qualify.
But..you DO have to be poor...and be a vet..and be over 65. All three....so indeed..you are financially indigent....and dependent on the charity of our govt.--so show your gratitude~

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