What is White Supremacy?

And how would you know that they choose to be unemployed?

You need to make up your mind. grandma.
On one hand, you claim that "blacks are doing better than whites, and get better jobs".

Now that you were presented with facts regarding unemployment, you are stating that the unemployed blacks are unemployed by choice"

You can't have it both ways.

You need to call for one of the staff at the VA mental ward and request a medication check.
Looks like you are the one needing mental help.
Those blacks who choose to be unemployed, choose it. Others who choose to work, do that.
Gee, that was tough, huh ?
Something tells me you wouldn't make it as a music student . It takes a brain. :biggrin:

I WAS a music student, retard. Played the guitar since the age of 8.

Secondly, you allege that of the 6% of blacks who are unemployed, that they "choose to be".

How do you know that?

Answer the question or STFU.
I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
Last edited:
I don't think playing the guitar on a street corner with a tin cup qualifies for "teaching music lessons".
Name of the band was "Purple Mountains", and we played in "Sebastian's" on the 12th floor of Tower 2, in the Pruneyard" shopping mall, in Campbell, California, during the 80s.

And I teach music lessons now with 3 different companies, and my music is on video right here in this forum. Dumbass.

Sure. All of the above is true. In your imagination.
So you say I don't have any video of me playing music in USMB ?

Would you like a free violin lesson, right now ? :biggrin:

I started out playing the violin at age 7 and preferred the guitar. So no thank you.
Anybody who plays the violin would know how many scales of G it has. And covering how many octaves. This is elementary.

Well, mister violin player. Can you tell us ? :biggrin:

I said that I played the violin for one year, fool from the age of 7 until 8, then I picked up the guitar. Can"t you read?
They make sense to intelligent people. Ever hear the word "Retired" ? Or "Semi-retired" ?

BTW- .I forgot to mention
You earn money teaching music lessons? Can you lawfully do that while you're receiving social security benefits? What about a VA pension?
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

San Jose, CA 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel | Weather.com

Tampa, FL 10-Day Weather Forecast - The Weather Channel | Weather.com


61 - 76 in Tampa.
46 - 75 in San Jose, CA

Weekly highs:

69 - 77 in Tampa
61 - 67 in San Jose

And apparently you are unaware that high humidity here in Florida is only a summer thing. Fall, winter, and spring have low humidity, highs in the 70s. Eat your heart out poor soul Californian.
Last edited:
Of course. You thought SS had something to do with working ? Ha ha

SS isn't welfare, lass. Neither is a VA pension.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.
And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.

I answered your last post, and you are delusional, and flat out crazy.

The average annual humidity in Florida is higher than any state in America. Anywhere between 61% up to 83%.

Look it up and prove that I'm wrong.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.

I answered your last post, and you are delusional, and flat out crazy.

The average annual humidity in Florida is higher than any state in America. Anywhere between 61% up to 83%.

Look it up and prove that I'm wrong.
You didn't read what I just wrote.
Go back and finish reading my previous post - including the 2 links.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
That post is known as Display of IGNORANCE.
Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.

I answered your last post, and you are delusional, and flat out crazy.

The average annual humidity in Florida is higher than any state in America. Anywhere between 61% up to 83%.

Look it up and prove that I'm wrong.
You didn't read what I just wrote.
Go back and finish reading my previous post - including the 2 links.

I read them. You do realize that southern California and northern California are nearly 500 miles apart., don't you?....or did you flunk geography?
And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
That post is known as Display of IGNORANCE.

Its known as adressing someone crazy as what they are......CRAZY.
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
WHERE in California are you ? You're not going to tell me anything about climate in the San Francisco Bay area. I lived in 3 counties of it, for 12 wasted years.

1. Summer - DRY like desert. Zero rain and not 1 cloud for 5 months. Fire constant.

2. Winter - WET drizzly rains constantly. Dry days rare. Mudslides, floods, washed out roads constant.

3. Ocean & bay waters - never warmer than 55 degrees. Could be 35. Horrible.

4. Winds - Ferocious and freezing cold, due to the high temperature differential between the land and see. Makes recreation unbearable.
Last edited:
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.

I answered your last post, and you are delusional, and flat out crazy.

The average annual humidity in Florida is higher than any state in America. Anywhere between 61% up to 83%.

Look it up and prove that I'm wrong.
You didn't read what I just wrote.
Go back and finish reading my previous post - including the 2 links.

I read them. You do realize that southern California and northern California are nearly 500 miles apart., don't you?....or did you flunk geography?
It was my major (in addition to economics). I also taught both subjects in college - just like I taught you here now (if you read my honest posts).

I did read your dishonest ones, like temperature in the 70s. Tampa yeah. San Jose, no.
Are you going to state WHERE in California you've been talking about, or is this supposed to be a secret ?

You need to read more. Post less.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
You're not ready to answer my last post. I'm still posting on it, dummy.

Look at the weather forecast links I posted showing how wrong and stupid you are.

I answered your last post, and you are delusional, and flat out crazy.

The average annual humidity in Florida is higher than any state in America. Anywhere between 61% up to 83%.

Look it up and prove that I'm wrong.
2 things wrong with that post - "average" and "annual"
Neither is what I do. You can't receive welfare unless you have a minor child so your fantasies of me waiting on a government check are just wishful thinking on your part.

I do remember you complaining about affirmative action and per usual were blaming it for the amount of your retirement benefits which you stated were insufficient. I don't know anything about VA pensions and not that much about social security except that you can draw benefits if you are permanently disabled, but from what I've read VA pensions are available to low-income veterans who do not qualify for full military benefits. So is the following accurate?

Veterans Pension
Supplemental Income for Wartime Veterans

VA helps Veterans and their families cope with financial challenges by providing supplemental income through the Veterans Pension benefit. Veterans Pension is a tax-free monetary benefit payable to low-income wartime Veterans.


In addition to meeting minimum service requirements, the Veteran must be:
  • Age 65 or older, OR
  • Totally and permanently disabled, OR
  • A patient in a nursing home receiving skilled nursing care, OR
  • Receiving Social Security Disability Insurance, OR
  • Receiving Supplemental Security Income
Your yearly family income must be less than the amount set by Congress to qualify for the Veterans Pension benefit. Learn more about income and net worth limitation, and see an example of how VA calculates the VA Pension benefit.

Income and Net Worth Limitations
Countable income includes income from most sources as well as from any eligible dependents. It generally includes earnings, disability and retirement payments, interest and dividend payments from annuities, and net income from farming or a business. Some expenses, such as unreimbursed medical expenses, may reduce your countable income.

Net worth is the sum of a claimant’s or beneficiary’s assets and annual income. You should report all of your net worth. For purposes of entitlement to VA pension, the net worth limit effective December 1, 2018 is $127,061.​

And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
"forecast" WHERE ?
And there is more:
the estimated average Social Security retirement benefit in 2020 is $1,503 a month. The average disability benefit is $1,258.)Dec 16, 2019. At full retirement age the MAXIMUM benefit is 2861.00 per month.

Even though I am of age to start collecting now, I opted to wait, I likely would only use it for recreational activities.

In California that pittance would barely pay my annual property taxes.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
WHERE in California are you ? You're not going to tell me anything about climate in the San Francisco Bay area. I lived in 3 counties of it, for 12 wasted years.

1. Summer - DRY like desert. Zero rain and not 1 cloud for 5 months. Fire constant.

2. Winter - WET drizzly rains constantly. Dry days rare. Mudslides, floods, washed out roads constant.

3. Ocean & bay waters - never warmer than 55 degrees. Could be 35. Horrible.

4. Ferocious and freezing cold, due to the high temperature differential between the land and see. Makes recreation unbearable.

I live in southern California. My parents lived in northern California for 40 years in St. Francis Woods.

While the weather is gloomier in the northern area of California, it was never "freezing" as you claim.

Cool year around unlike the southern area, but no snow like the midwest or the south. A light jacket was all I ever needed there.

In southern California, you can walk around nearly all year in shorts and tee shirts....which is what I wear nearly all of the time.

I visit Pismo Beach on the coast at a time share that I have there, every year, and the weather is nearly perfect, and right by the ocean.

As a whole, the weather is better in California than Florida.

That is a fact that cannot be disputed.


Now, i am returning to the subject matter relating to this thread. You like where you live, and so do I.

I am pleased that you are not a resident in my city, and you are obliged to feel the same.

End of discussion.
California is the worst deal in America. Astronomical housing costs all for the "benefits" of earthquakes, constant fires, floods, washed out roads, freezing cold winds and ocean water, and millions of illegal Mexicans draining away budgets and govt services.

Then there's the threat of loss of fresh water to the southern half of the state if the forebay shuts down if the delta levees collapse. Half the state would have to evacuate for years.

I moved out of California 31 years ago. There is no reason for anyone to live there.

Earthquakes are infrequent, floods are practically non existent better choices in real estate, better recreational facilities and vacation destinations.

Far better weather. The humidity in Florida is unpleasant and right now it is cold there. I sat by my pool and read yesterday and it was 70 degrees.

As far as the cost of housing, more expensive yes, but I would rather pay more for better weather. My home is paid for, so I only pay property taxes, but if and when I do leave, I will get more money for my house than you have probably ever seen in your life.
Illegal immigrants are invisible in my neighborhood except when they are looking for clean up jobs to make ends meet

Plenty of good reasons to live here......if you can afford to.
This is one of the easiest posts to refute I've ever seen.

1. How does "infrequent" sound to the families of the dozens of people killed in the 1989 "World Series" earthquake ? And other earthquakes since then ?

2. Floods are VERY existent and commonly happen all winter, together with mudslides and washed out roads, due to the excessive rainfall, and denuded hillsides from the chronic summer fires.

3. Just as California's winters are too wet, the summers are too dry. This causes constant wildfires all summer. It also caused temperature in versions which hold frequent smoke clouds in place over cities.
In the Sam FrancisconBay area, we had smoke clouds that kept the sun hidden for 2 weeks.

4. "Better recreation facilities" ,? If you like skiing maybe
That's about all. There's no such thing as a beach in California. How can you have a beach where the water is too cold, the surf is too rough, and the water is dark ? In Florida, the water is warm, clear, and has a very mild surf.

5. The weather is one of the worst aspects of California, due to the precipitation extremes of summer and winter. Right now, you are in the middle of your wet season, with drizzly rains practically every day. Here, we have high temperatures in the low-mid 70s with very low humidity, and clear skies.

1. Where were you when Hurricane Irma touched down in Florida? That was just 3 years ago. The San Francisco earthquake in 1989 was 30 years ago.

Hurricane Irma in 2017 was blamed for 129 deaths, including 123 in Florida

2. Floods are not common in California, you dunce. Just last year there were less than 5 days of rain, and none of those days were enough to produce any floods. In fact, we had a severe drought here that lasted over 2 years

Where are you getting these lies from?

3. California's winters are not ""wet". They are typically dry. From November right up until this very day, we have had exactly 3 days of sporadic rain. The weather is one of the BEST aspects of living in California. Look up average weather during the winter in California and educate your stupid self. I've lived here all of my life and what you stating with this made up horseshit is outrageous. It has barely drizzled during this entire month, you damn fool.

In fact, the forecast for the rest of this week and next are highs in the mid 70's. I spent yesterday sitting by my pool and the weather was nearly perfect.

I am totally convinced now that your imagination is where you get your facts from.

4. Low humidity in Florida?! Maybe the humidity is low in your room at the VA mental ward, but I traveled to Orlando as well as Tampa, Palm Beach and Tallahassee, during varying months and the humidity was so bad, that I felt like a needed a shower after just getting out of one even in the early morning.

You are fucking crazy. Get some help, you nutcase.
WHERE in California are you ? You're not going to tell me anything about climate in the San Francisco Bay area. I lived in 3 counties of it, for 12 wasted years.

1. Summer - DRY like desert. Zero rain and not 1 cloud for 5 months. Fire constant.

2. Winter - WET drizzly rains constantly. Dry days rare. Mudslides, floods, washed out roads constant.

3. Ocean & bay waters - never warmer than 55 degrees. Could be 35. Horrible.

4. Ferocious and freezing cold, due to the high temperature differential between the land and see. Makes recreation unbearable.

I live in southern California. My parents lived in northern California for 40 years in St. Francis Woods.

While the weather is gloomier in the northern area of California, it was never "freezing" as you claim.

Cool year around unlike the southern area, but no snow like the midwest or the south. A light jacket was all I ever needed there.

In southern California, you can walk around nearly all year in shorts and tee shirts....which is what I wear nearly all of the time.

I visit Pismo Beach on the coast at a time share that I have there, every year, and the weather is nearly perfect, and right by the ocean.

As a whole, the weather is better in California than Florida.

That is a fact that cannot be disputed.


Now, i am returning to the subject matter relating to this thread. You like where you live, and so do I.

I am pleased that you are not a resident in my city, and you are obliged to feel the same.

End of discussion.
Southern California. That's even worse . I can just imagine what the illegal alien infestation must be like there.

Do you have any idea what catastrophe is looking over you if the delta levees fall, and the Clifton Forebay closes up ?

INFRASTRUCTURE - Part 2 - California Catastrophe

BTW - southern Californians claim their ocean water is warm. It's cold by Florida standards.
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Name of the band was "Purple Mountains", and we played in "Sebastian's" on the 12th floor of Tower 2, in the Pruneyard" shopping mall, in Campbell, California, during the 80s.

And I teach music lessons now with 3 different companies, and my music is on video right here in this forum. Dumbass.

Sure. All of the above is true. In your imagination.
So you say I don't have any video of me playing music in USMB ?

Would you like a free violin lesson, right now ? :biggrin:

I started out playing the violin at age 7 and preferred the guitar. So no thank you.
Anybody who plays the guitar would know what the tonic, subdominant, and dominants are for the key of D. And for the key of A.
You know them ?

How about the relative minor chord for D ? Or for C ? Got any clue ?

1st and last, 4th and fifth.....tag your it.

Fill in the rest as it relates to major and minor triads.
As in the quiz shows when you fail to provide the correct answer, the buzzer sounds off: AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!

The correct answers are:

Key of D - D,G,A
Key of A - A,D,E

Relative minor of D is B minor. Of C is A minor

You're no guitar player. :doubt:
Looks like you are the one needing mental help.
Those blacks who choose to be unemployed, choose it. Others who choose to work, do that.
Gee, that was tough, huh ?
Something tells me you wouldn't make it as a music student . It takes a brain. :biggrin:

I WAS a music student, retard. Played the guitar since the age of 8.

Secondly, you allege that of the 6% of blacks who are unemployed, that they "choose to be".

How do you know that?

Answer the question or STFU.
I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:
I WAS a music student, retard. Played the guitar since the age of 8.

Secondly, you allege that of the 6% of blacks who are unemployed, that they "choose to be".

How do you know that?

Answer the question or STFU.
I don't know it fake news "reports"
I know it same way everybody knows it.
From blacks themselves saying it and doing it. Seen them for 60 years in 5 States of the US. What else is new ?

Typical. You make statements, then make up lies to justify them.

So now you are stating that unemployed black people are unemployed by choice?

Here is a fact for you, loony tune.

Here in California, you can exit any freeway offramp in most areas and see able bodied white males holding cardboard signs begging for handouts, and right beside them on the same offramp is a hispanic person, selling oranges, peanuts, flowers and numerous other things.


Would the white beggar also be a so called "victim of AA" like you?

Make up a good one...you're on a roll, loser.
Ha ha ha
You live in California, and you call ME a loser ? Lol. How much money are they gouging you to live in the worst state in America ? Are you ready for the next earthquake ? The next winter flood ? The next summer fires ?

And how about those shores you laughably call beaches ? Next time you go there don't forget your winter jacket. And you don't happen to live in San Francisco, do you ? Got AIDS yet ?

And you do know it's the illegal aliens that are lighting all those wildfires, right ? Oh, that's right. You watch CNN. :laugh:

My primary home and two rental homes are paid for.....you could not afford to live in the garage of any one of them. As far as wildfires, not a single one near my neighborhood in decades.

People contract AIDS in different ways. One of them is intravenous drug use with dirty needles...something you likely are very familiar with.

Earthquakes? There is insurance available to cover property damage, and there has not been a major one since the 90's in Northridge.

And no I don't listen to CNN, I get my news from satellite radio...as far as the rest if your jealous rage for being a lifelong renter, if you had worked in a better paying career, you would have been able to buy your own home,

As far as San Francisco goes, you would be picking up aluminum cans and sleeping in Union Square with pigeons and stray animals if you lived there...it is no place for broke, mentally impaired outcasts like you.
San Francisco is no place for ANYBODY, other than drug dealers, queers and other sex perverts, and corrupt politicians like Nancy Pelosi and Kamala Harris.

I have owned 2 homes in the past. I prefer to rent, as I have no maintenance concerns, and am freer to move whenever I might want to.

As for what you claim about wildfires and earthquakes, I don't believe it

And how did it feel on the 2016 election night, to know that Trump was elected before your States electoral votes ever came into play ? :biggrin:

You're still here ranting? WTF is wrong with you?

I like where I live and you do as well.

Go away....you're a nutcase.
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