What is worse, Cuba's government or Hungary's government?

Lefties seemed to admire the crooked Ukraine regime but they dislike the relatively friendly government of Hungary. What gives? I guess it beats talking about the mess the Biden administration is in over Taiwan.
Where do you get your information on the current governments of Ukraine and Hungary.
I hope our school system does not use your sources of information.
Did you ever go to school? I would guess no.
He’s tough on judges

Something the left has not been favorable of in America

Though their attitude on that is subject to change with the new consrrvative supreme court

Every member of the Supreme Court of the USA is independent from the government of the USA. A president of the USA is not able to give the judges of the Supreme Court of the USA orders what they have to do or not to do.
Not even close.
He has turned the FBi into his own personal Gestapo which persecutes his enemies and prosecutes them. We have a two tier system of justices that lets Dims off the hook but throws the book at Republicans. The later aren't even permitted their habeas corpus rights.
Every member of the Supreme Court of the USA is independent from the government of the USA. A president of the USA is not able to give the judges of the Supreme Court of the USA orders what they have to do or not to do.
They are the government of the USA, dumbass.
He has turned the FBi into his own personal Gestapo which persecutes his enemies and prosecutes them. We have a two tier system of justices that lets Dims off the hook but throws the book at Republicans. The later aren't even permitted their habeas corpus rights.

You certainly are a drama queen.
I do not know any of his words other than those related to ethnicity.

I have read that he believes Hungary is a happier country if everyone remains a Caucasian and a Christian.

He does not hate anyone.

He does NOT say that other countries should follow Hungary's example (or Japan's example, either).

Israel, for example, also believes that the nation's survival depends on remaining a Jewish nation. It harbors no "dislike" for other groups.

So, NO: his words with which I am familiar do not "bother" me.
Why is he giving speeches in the US about his philosophy of governance. You sound like the white nationalists, they say " we don't hate blacks or Jews, we just don't want them around where we live". That is worse than hate.
Move to Hungary Mac- we do not want Hungary here. You belong in Hungary, Russia or North Korea. The USA is far to good for you
We don't want Mexico here. Move to Mexico. You're the one who belongs in Russia or North Korea.
Supermarkets in Hungary,

List of supermarket chains in Hungary​


Aldi store entrance
Fürdő utca 31.Petőfi Sándor utca 80.
Kandó Kálmán u. 2.Malomkő u. 3.
II., Pasaréti út 98.III., Huszti út 33.III., Rákóczi út 38.IV., Óceánárok u. 3-5.V., Kossuth Lajos u. 13.V., Báthory u. 8.VIII., Rákóczi út 65.IX., Tűzoltó u. 10-16.IX., Vámház körút 1-3.X., Kerepesi út 73.XI., Kondorosi út 7.XI., Soproni út 60.XI., Hunyadi János út 19.XI., Rétköz u. 10/b.XIII., Rokolya u. 1-13.XIII., Pannónia utca 59-63.XIII., Petneházy utca 12.XIV., Szugló u. 60-62.XV., Régi Fóti út 64.XV., Erdőkerülő u. 47.XV., Késmárk utca 10.XVI., Bökényföldi út 102.XVII., Pesti út 237/pXVII., Pesti út 2.XVIII., Cziffra György utca 7.XIX., Szalay u. 7-17.XIX., Hofherr Albert u. 38-40.XIX., Üllői út 280.XX., Köves út 9.XXI., II. Rákóczi F. út 154-170.XXI., Szent Imre tér 6-8.XXII., Háros u. 11.XXII., Nagytétényi út 145-147.XXIII., Haraszti út 32/b
Kishatár utca 9/AOzmán utca 1.Ötvenhatosok tere 5/b.Vincellér utca 5.
Eszperantó út 4.Kandó Kálmán tér 10.
Szauter Ferenc u. 3/CCsipkegyári út 11.Fehérvári út 5/AMalomszéki utca 11.
Árpád utca 31.Petőfi utca 56.
Izsáki út 69.Rákóczi út 13/A.Szt. István krt. 30.
Kiss Ernő utca 13/APesti út
Kállói út 16/CPazonyi út 40.Törzs utca 2.
Zsolnay Vilmos utca 48.Árnyas utca 25.Tüzér utca 5/A
Ágfalvi út 4/AGyőri út 45.
Kossuth Lajos sgt. 119.Katona József utca 89.
Holland fasor 1.Jancsár köz 1-3.Szt. Flórián krt. 11.
Demeter utca 2.Szent Gellért utca 49.
Dornyai Béla u. 5.Észak-keleti útgyűrű 6.


Lidl store entrance
III. Bécsi út 325-337.III. Huszti út 20.III. Szentendrei út 251.IV. Megyeri út 53.VI. Bajcsy-Zsilinszky út 61.VI. Király u. 112.VIII. Hungária körút 26.VIII. Leonardo da Vinci u. 23.VIII. Teleki tér 1.IX. Gubacsi út 34.IX. Lobogó u. 12.X. Ceglédi út 1-3.X. Maglódi út 17.X. Sibrik Miklós út 30.XI. Bartók Béla út 47.XIII. Béke tér 2-4.XIV. Mogyoródi út 23-29.XV. Erdőkerülő út 36.XV. Régi Fóti u. 1.XVI. János u. 196.XVI. Újszász u. 47/BXVII. Pesti út 2.XVII. Pesti út 237/HXVIII. Cziffra György u. 115.XVIII. Margó Tivadar u. 83.XVIII. Nagykorösi út 35.XVIII. Üllői út 379-381.XIX. Báthory u. 6.XXI. Ady Endre út 58.XXII. Nagytétényi út 216.XXIII. Ciklámen u. 3.XXIII. Haraszti út 34-36.
Derék utcaFaraktár utca 58.
Bánomi útDobogokői út
Jereváni utca 42.Mécs László utcaSzeszgyár utca 6.Tihanyi Árpád utca 9.
Bereczk Sándor u. 2.Előd vezér u. 3.Füredi út
Sopron utca 43.Tapolcai utca 45/A
Csermőkei út 207.Kiss Ernő utca 13/BPesti út 5.
Debreceni út 106/CPazonyi út 37/A
Lahti utca 45.Lázár Vilmos utca 10.Puskin tér 22.Siklósi út 52/A
Bánfalvi út 12.Lófuttató utca 4.
Makkosházi körút 21.Szabadkai út 1/C
Balatoni út 21.Farkasvermi útMártírok út 11.
Széchenyi körút 4/BDélibáb utca 4-6.
Kenyérvíz utca 2.Verseny utca 30.Zanati út
Győri út 31.Szent Borbála út 31.
Bolgár u. 1.Naszály utca 20.
Cholnoky Jenő u. 29/1.Észak Keleti útgyűrű 2.
Átkötő utca 3.Platán sor 6/A

Penny Market[edit]​

Penny Market store entrance
Temető Sor 1/1Berényi Út 14.
III. Huszti Út 36.III. Pacsirtamező U. 41-43.III. Pünkösdfürdő U. 52-54.IV. Baross Utca 6.IV. Külső Szilágyi Út 4.VI. Király Utca 82.VII. Garay Tér 20.VIII. József Krt. 45.VIII. Hős U. 9.VIII. Könyves K. Krt. 62-64.X. Kolozsvári Utca 55.X. Sibrik Miklós Út 23.XI. Rétköz U. 1.XIII. Véső Utca 11.XIII. Váci Út 9-15.XIII. Jász U. 105.XIV. Füredi Út 37.XV. Régi Fóti Út 66-68.XVII. Pesti Út 16-18.XVIII. Margó Tivadar U. 31.XVIII. Üllői Út 661.XIX. Ady E. Út 32-40.XX. Topánka U. 7.XXI. Kossuth Lajos U. 69.
Malomtószél 27.Kőrösi Út 38.
Péterfia U. 13-19.Külső Szoboszlói Út 1.Sámsoni Út 99.
Baracsi Út 5.Kenyérgyári U. 2.
Mátyás Király Út 139.II. Rákóczi Ferenc U. 96.
Bajcsy-Zsilinszky Út 133-135.Budai Út 24.
Tihanyi Árpád Út 89.Gerence Út 29-31.Szabadrév U. 20.
Kossuth Krt. 60.Kodály Zoltán Tér 8.Tordai U. 2.
Csapás Út 6.Frech Miklós U. 1.
Ilona U.1.Soltész Nagy Kálmán U. 40.Andrássy Utca 65.
Dózsa György Utca 160.Kalmár U. 8.
Család U. 35.László U. 10.Állomás Tér 6.
Zsolnay Vilmos U. 8.Pécsváradi Út 1.Megyeri Út 84.Siklósi Út 68/ASztárai Mihály Út 4.
Makkosházi Krt. 27.Víztorony Tér 3.Dorozsmai Út 52/A.
Széchenyi U. 104.Palotai Út 10.
Bolt Köz 2.Széchenyi István Krt. 137.
Gazdag Erzsi U. 12.Körmendi Út 42-48.Sárvár U. 1.
Ságvári Út 44.Győri Út 35.
Aulich Lajos Utca 1.Csillag U. 22.Dózsa György Tér 1.
Köztársaság Útja 51.Platán Sor 17/B.


CBA (Príma)141
Coop (Coop Szuper, Coop C+C)423
Spar (Spar, City Spar, Spar Partner, Spar Express)377
Tesco (Expressz, Szupermarket, S-Market)93

Regional and local chains[edit]​


Specialty chains[edit]​

Consumer electronics[edit]​

Cuban communist owned food stores Cuba
And what are we suppose to take from your post?
Why is he giving speeches in the US about his philosophy of governance. You sound like the white nationalists, they say " we don't hate blacks or Jews, we just don't want them around where we live". That is worse than hate.
Who attacked blacks or Jews? Dims are the ones who are always attacking Jews.
Who attacked blacks or Jews? Dims are the ones who are always attacking Jews.
You are horrifically simple minded. That is why you struggle in our complex world. Don't even try to understand what I just said. You do not have the ability to understand. Others know what I mean.
You are horrifically simple minded. That is why you struggle in our complex world. Don't even try to understand what I just said. You do not have the ability to understand. Others know what I mean.
By "simple minded" you mean I don't swallow your sleazy premises.

Right, I don't.
ROFL. You claim Orban is a NAZI, but I'm the drama queen?

Yes, Orban is dangerous. He's turned Hungary into an autocracy.

The simple mind does not grasp real world situations. I feel the simple mindedness of people like Bripat should be considered a disability.
I just don't swallow your sleazy premises. That isn't "simple minded." That's wisdom.
Yes, Orban is dangerous. He's turned Hungary into an autocracy.

ROFL! He's far less dangerous than President Shitzzhispants. What is Orban doing that is so "dangerous?" Your problem with Orban is that he's not a communist.

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