What is worse, the state of the economy or the state of morals in the US?

Robust economy and national security are the opposite of anti-American. Stifled economy, segregation, fascism, censorship, open borders, etc., are anti-American and all-democrat.
I guess we disagree but that sure is a convenient list. I have a list too.

Undermine democracy with stolen election lies, lie about a pandemic, cuddle up to communists, take Putin's side over ours on the global stage, steal government documents, ride Obama's economy, not build a wall with the tab on Mexico, the fake medical plan, capitulating to lobbyists on tax promises, waging public wars against any agency or individual who doesn't support Trump, fascism, corruption, nepotism, anti 2nd amendment, etc etc are all Republican ideals and anti American.

Certainly Democrats have no shortage of faults but good grief the Republicans are a shit show right now but that is what happens when a large group of voters support the man instead of the country.
I guess we disagree but that sure is a convenient list. I have a list too.

Undermine democracy with stolen election lies, lie about a pandemic, cuddle up to communists, take Putin's side over ours on the global stage, steal government documents, ride Obama's economy, not build a wall with the tab on Mexico, the fake medical plan, capitulating to lobbyists on tax promises, waging public wars against any agency or individual who doesn't support Trump, fascism, corruption, nepotism, anti 2nd amendment, etc etc are all Republican ideals and anti American.

Certainly Democrats have no shortage of faults but good grief the Republicans are a shit show right now but that is what happens when a large group of voters support the man instead of the country.
You just spewed another democrat anti-Americanism and that’s the hijacking of media and the message. I’m no republican as there are plenty of sleazy republican politicians but at least the republican party doesn’t endorse and advance policy to destroy the US and its culture.
I guess we disagree but that sure is a convenient list. I have a list too.

Undermine democracy with stolen election lies, lie about a pandemic, cuddle up to communists, take Putin's side over ours on the global stage, steal government documents, ride Obama's economy, not build a wall with the tab on Mexico, the fake medical plan, capitulating to lobbyists on tax promises, waging public wars against any agency or individual who doesn't support Trump, fascism, corruption, nepotism, anti 2nd amendment, etc etc are all Republican ideals and anti American.

Certainly Democrats have no shortage of faults but good grief the Republicans are a shit show right now but that is what happens when a large group of voters support the man instead of the country.
What you support is of Chairman Mao or Stalin's expertise. I get the pushing of opportunities and the improving relations between all groups. Prog agendas though comes with a lot of baggage and promises made that costs more and more to fund.
You just spewed another democrat anti-Americanism and that’s the hijacking of media and the message. I’m no republican as there are plenty of sleazy republican politicians but at least the republican party doesn’t endorse and advance policy to destroy the US and its culture.
Yeah, I seem to meet a lot of trump supporters who are not Republicans...oddly I would agree, they aren't.

What did I hijack? Pick something out of my list.
Yeah, I seem to meet a lot of trump supporters who are not Republicans...oddly I would agree, they aren't.

What did I hijack? Pick something out of my list.
The media have been hijacked by democrat anti-Americanism. You spewed anti-trump rhetoric and made no challenge to the very real list of democrat anti-Americanisms. Democrats are racist, segregationist, anti-capitalism, destroy the economy with AGW propaganda, destroy the culture and increase crime with destructuring the family unit, endorse and impose Covid restrictions, propagate phony white supremacy to destroy American heritage and culture, etc.
The media have been hijacked by democrat anti-Americanism. You spewed anti-trump rhetoric and made no challenge to the very real list of democrat anti-Americanisms. Democrats are racist, segregationist, anti-capitalism, destroy the economy with AGW propaganda, destroy the culture and increase crime with destructuring the family unit, endorse and impose Covid restrictions, propagate phony white supremacy to destroy American heritage and culture, etc.
It seems we are at an impass. No point in comparing lists any longer.

Have a great day.

Here we learn that a parent dropped their underage daughter off at a hotel with an adult male, and even paid for the room

I'm sure the parents were paid well for that in these hard financial times.
This is important topic to bring forward.

Both the economy and the state of morals are not what they used to be in this country. We have high inflation gas prices are high. Look at the price of homes they’ve l skyrocketed in a relatively short amount of time especially after the coronavirus.

I asked my dad the value of his home and I couldn’t believe when he said what it was worth compared to what it was worth five years ago. When I was in Las Vegas for four months this summer …I was glad to be paying the prices I pay for my place here in New York State. Nevada well more specifically Las Vegas sees some incredibly high prices it is really bad for the working class people. I was talking with a poker dealer who had to pay $500 more per month in rent so that is just a big time increase it’s one thing if it’s 25 or 50 bucks.

And the whole thing is just a few years ago Vegas was a much less expensive place it was very attractive for people to come to. Now it’s very expensive lots of people have ran away from California they sold their homes in California pocketed half the money…. and then go to Vegas buy homes there and so what that does is it skyrockets the price of homes in the greater Las Vegas area .

To your point I believe that the American middle class in the American society was at its peak in the 1940s. This was the World War II generation the greatest generation. Our divorce rate with something like under 5% now it is over 50%. Look at how many children are born out of wedlock these days. Look at the fact that in the 1960s almost 35% if not more of all jobs in the country we’re unionized and now only 10% of jobs in this country are unionized.

I look at the downfall of church attendance in America. At how people are complaining about the pledge of allegiance to the flag includes “under God. “ that is something that’s pretty cool to have in there that’s the right thing. it’s not in your face. it’s an accepted part of American traditions and overwhelmingly appreciated by American society by European society even by the non-Christian societies of course. Plenty of non-Christians appreciate the term God. It encompasses all religions one may say….. I have heard Hindus say they believe in one god through many gods.

we have a drug and alcohol problem in this country. Could it be that the government wants people to get so stoned so drunk every day they don’t realize how bad things are out there. Is it the right thing to do that we have so many states legalizing marijuana. I see young people going into the marijuana stores and buying these marijuana products that are very strong and expensive… now if this type of thing gets popular and you have a bunch of young men smoking weed all the time playing video games nonstop. What’s gonna happen if a war comes up and we need these men? This could be an overreach on my part I could be wrong but some are saying that the weed of today is way stronger and they’re actually using different types of products like these vaporizer pens. Not to mention the hard-core drugs which I haven’t even talked about…. is that more of an issue today than in the American past? wrt drugs like fentanyl and cocaine, methamphetamine and such?

So the economy is bad and that actually probably makes morals worse. if people are struggling economically they might say hey what’s it matter if I just do a bunch of drugs or something.
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It seems we are at an impass. No point in comparing lists any longer.

Have a great day.
Except my list is accurate and tangible. My county is the second most dangerous and has the second worst schools in the locale and the state for forty years as a result of democrat segregationist and sexist agendas. Democrat money printing and AGW policy have cost our household tens of thousands of dollars over the past two democrat administrations. Very real. And things continue to get worse because low-info retarded baboons trust the corrupt messages democrat controlled media gaslight them with. Very real.
This is important topic to bring forward.

Both the economy and the state of morals are not what they used to be in this country. We have high inflation gas prices are high. Look at the price of homes they’ve l skyrocketed in a relatively short amount of time especially after the coronavirus.

I asked my dad the value of his home and I couldn’t believe when he said what it was worth compared to what it was worth five years ago. When I was in Las Vegas for four months this summer …I was glad to be paying the prices I pay for my place here in New York State. Nevada well more specifically Las Vegas sees some incredibly high prices it is really bad for the working class people. I was talking with a poker dealer who had to pay $500 more per month in rent so that is just a big time increase it’s one thing if it’s 25 or 50 bucks.

And the whole thing is just a few years ago Vegas was a much less expensive place it was very attractive for people to come to. Now it’s very expensive lots of people have ran away from California they sold their homes in California pocketed half the money…. and then go to Vegas buy homes there and so what that does is it skyrockets the price of homes in the greater Las Vegas area .

To your point I believe that the American middle class in the American society was at its peak in the 1940s. This was the World War II generation the greatest generation. Our divorce rate with something like under 5% now it is over 50%. Look at how many children are born out of wedlock these days. Look at the fact that in the 1960s almost 35% if not more of all jobs in the country we’re unionized and now only 10% of jobs in this country are unionized.

I look at the downfall of church attendance in America. At how people are complaining about the pledge of allegiance to the flag includes “under God. “ that is something that’s pretty cool to have in there that’s the right thing. it’s not in your face. it’s an accepted part of American traditions and overwhelmingly appreciated by American society by European society even by the non-Christian societies of course. Plenty of non-Christians appreciate the term God. It encompasses all religions one may say….. I have heard Hindus say they believe in one god through many gods.

we have a drug and alcohol problem in this country. Could it be that the government wants people to get so stoned so drunk every day they don’t realize how bad things are out there. Is it the right thing to do that we have so many states legalizing marijuana. I see young people going into the marijuana stores and buying these marijuana products that are very strong and expensive… now if this type of thing gets popular and you have a bunch of young men smoking weed all the time playing video games nonstop. What’s gonna happen if a war comes up and we need these men? This could be an overreach on my part I could be wrong but some are saying that the weed of today is way stronger and they’re actually using different types of products like these vaporizer pens. Not to mention the hard-core drugs which I haven’t even talked about…. is that more of an issue today than in the American past? wrt drugs like fentanyl and cocaine, methamphetamine and such?

So the economy is bad and that actually probably makes morals worse. if people are struggling economically they might say hey what’s it matter if I just do a bunch of drugs or something.

I'm long on Coleman tents in the market.
Except my list is accurate and tangible. My county is the second most dangerous and has the second worst schools in the locale and the state for forty years as a result of democrat segregationist and sexist agendas. Democrat money printing and AGW policy have cost our household tens of thousands of dollars over the past two democrat administrations. Very real. And things continue to get worse because low-info retarded baboons trust the corrupt messages democrat controlled media gaslight them with. Very real.
Thanks for your anecdotes. I think you have a distorted view of politics but addressing all your greivences is not something I wish to do.

I am fine if you feel the same way about me.

Good luck.

What is worse, the state of the economy or the state of morals in the US?​

Well apparently you can cheat on all three of your wives, grab pussies at will, steal from the elderly at your fake university, steal billions from investors and banks, and still win the evangelical vote.

Then you can go on to double the federal deficit and add the same amount to the debt as your predecessor in half the time.
The state of morals is fine, as long as you like drag shows.

During Shakespeare's time men dressed as women as women were not allowed to participate in plays. Families sat around the television in the 50's watching Uncle Miltie dress in drag. Some Like it Hot was a big hit still popular today. Bosom Buddies got Tom Hanks career off the ground. I recall as a kid seeing billboards along the highway to places like Myrtle Beach advertising drag shows. I think they were more known as female impersonators then but meh, it was what it was and has been for a long time.
Progressives constantly emote that we have evolved in the 21st Century. It is part of the propaganda. So, this should not exist. Poverty and hunger should be eliminated now from the millions of pages of theories that Progs have written on it and the War ongoing since the 1960's spending tens of trillions of dollars.
Damn those that follow Jesus.

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