What is worse, the state of the economy or the state of morals in the US?

Yet, all you did was indulge in a tu quoque deflection to trivialize the act of parents pimping out their own children.

Seems to me you are trying to do the same. People still allow their children to be involved in the Catholic Church even though they know there is a huge problem there.
Yet, all you did was indulge in a tu quoque deflection to trivialize the act of parents pimping out their own children.
I responded in kind to post 12 who indulged in tu quoque deflection to trivialize morals and grooming and shift the blame to Democrats.

Post shit, expect shit back.
Seems to me you are trying to do the same. People still allow their children to be involved in the Catholic Church even though they know there is a huge problem there.
So you see going to church as the moral equivalent of pimping out your child?

Every time I think you couldn't be more stupid if you tried, you manage to outdo yourself.
When there is no self supporting economy you cannot afford morals.

Unless you are some sort of a religious nut and then you starve and freeze .

But you live for Baby Jesus if you are a Christian .Which somehow makes it admirable . Until glorious death arrives
So you see going to church as the moral equivalent of pimping out your child?

Every time I think you couldn't be more stupid if you tried, you manage to outdo yourself.

If you know an organization has a real problem with molesting kids and you continue to send them............
No, you’re just a democrat retarded baboon.
Nah. I was Democrat as a kid mainly cause my parents were. Then as I got a little older I started to lean right a bit. My Facebook page said, fiscally conservative and socially Democrat.

In the last decade or so conservatives have shown they are anything but fiscally responsible and Democrats have stepped into wacko world in some social issues so I became an independent. Not an independent who votes only independent but just someone who could vote for both parties as long as they don't support Trump.

Since the inception if Trump I have been pushed back to the left because the party of Trump is fucking freak show.

Politics is a roller coaster ride for sure.
If you know an organization has a real problem with molesting kids and you continue to send them............
I realize you are too stupid to understand the distinction, but there is an enormous difference between sending a child into a situation where they have a slight chance of being molested and sending them into a situation where sex is the very purpose

By your same illogic,people shouldn't send their kids to school, either.
I realize you are too stupid to understand the distinction, but there is an enormous difference between sending a child into a situation where they have a slight chance of being molested and sending them into a situation where sex is the very purpose

By your same illogic,people shouldn't send their kids to school, either.

I disagree it's slight. Worse yet, it will get covered up but you go ahead and make your excuses.
Going to be blunt.

If society doesn’t give a fuck about you, you won’t give a fuck about society.

We need to fix our morals but it starts by everyone giving a fuck about other people again.
Nah. I was Democrat as a kid mainly cause my parents were. Then as I got a little older I started to lean right a bit. My Facebook page said, fiscally conservative and socially Democrat.

In the last decade or so conservatives have shown they are anything but fiscally responsible and Democrats have stepped into wacko world in some social issues so I became an independent. Not an independent who votes only independent but just someone who could vote for both parties as long as they don't support Trump.

Since the inception if Trump I have been pushed back to the left because the party of Trump is fucking freak show.

Politics is a roller coaster ride for sure.
No, you’re essentially a democrat. Anybody who votes for any democrat at this stage is anti-American. Ignorance is no excuse.
I disagree it's slight. Worse yet, it will get covered up but you go ahead and make your excuses.
So, let me get this right - a poster offers an excuse for parents pimping out their kid, you run with it like the uneducated ninny you are and then claim I'M the one making excuses?

No, you’re essentially a democrat. Anybody who votes for any democrat at this stage is anti-American. Ignorance is no excuse.
Conversely I think anyone who votes for Trump or anyone that advocates for him is anti-American.

That's why we have sites like these.
The moral state is worse.

The boundaries between right and wrong have become blurred, eventually to become invisible.

Lawlessness and the normalization of deviancy prove this!!

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