What Is Wrong With Just Saying NO!!!?


Platinum Member
Oct 30, 2008
Why can't the Obama administration just simply say, "There is no way that we are EVER turning U.S. soldiers over to face Sharia law"? Why? As Nancy Reagan opined..JUST SAY NO !!!!

Says NATO agreed to bring to justice 'those responsible for incident'
By Jack Minor

In a development that could chill the dedication of every soldier in the field, the U.S. government has refused to deny reports by the government of Afghanistan that NATO has agreed to have the soldiers who burned copies of the Quran face trial.
“NATO officials promised to meet Afghan nation’s demand of bringing to justice, through an open trial, those responsible for the incident and it was agreed that the perpetrators of the crime be brought to justice as soon as possible,” the statement said.
U.S officials were unwilling to state emphatically that the soldiers would not be turned over to the Afghan legal system for burning the Qurans.

Cmdr. William Speakes, a spokesman for the Pentagon said, “It would be premature to speculate at any potential outcomes. Any disciplinary action if deemed warranted will be taken by U.S. authorities after a thorough review of the facts pursuant to all U.S. military law and regulations and in accordance with due process. We have made no commitments beyond that.”

Afghans: Quran-burning soldiers to face trial

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