What is wrong with Merrick Garland? Is he asleep at the wheel - or just afraid?

not going anywhere....the wheels of justice turn slowly. this ain't your garbage gop propaganda hysteria world...
Just need his cases to be challenged at the SCOTUS level. He would be shamed into quitting for his ignoring the actual law.
if Garland is too afraid too act, i'm too courageous not to.

my friends, i'm running for president on a platform to lock up Donald Trump DAY ONE. VOTE FOR ME!
Go Garland.
He will. Right out of his current job and into unemployment. I am rooting for a House of Republicans to indict this corrupted AG. It may not be enough without a huge GOP Senate too. But it might behoove the retarded Sim Senators to jettison that hack AG at a Senate trial.
He will. Right out of his current job and into unemployment. I am rooting for a House of Republicans to indict this corrupted AG. It may not be enough without a huge GOP Senate too. But it might behoove the retarded Sim Senators to jettison that hack AG at a Senate trial.
You want to explain what crimes Garland should be indicted for? Btw, you sure you want Garland indicted considering he jus gave Trump the best early Xmas gift he ever had with this SC appointment?
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Garland has a lot of people confused about why he needs a "special counsel" - including me.

Garland made a huge mistake again on "OBVIOUS TIMING" that suggests intimidation again (obstructing justice of Joe Biden investigations to come). Last time he timed the raid hours after they failed to turn over Hunters Files as required by law, this time he apts the special council a day after a group of congressman announced their intentions to supoena questioning and file charges on everything from Pelosis actions leading up to and on Jan 6 and Hunter's and Joe's illegal dealings leaving him compromised and us at brink of nuclear war.
The gang of Congress persons were well versed & armored with brass balls that I haven't seen in a while from the conservatives.
The only thing missing is getting the point cross of just how serious being compromised is in regards to allowing China poison and kill our population with it's fentanyl, from compromising our fuel reserve supplies leaving us vulnerable, to hijacking our democracy with dark money poured into our elections through illegal laundered kickback schemes.
To say there is more important things to tackle than Biden corruption is to ignore the Nukes and war issue and that the border can be making us vulnerable to terrorists. Clearly they are not making their case if Dems are using the "ole- nothing important" ad hominem excuse.

It only takes one informant to come forward to announce who ordered the political hit job.
Or 1 signal observed giving the order in code publically or 1 email or instant message or third party private back channel call.
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Garland has a lot of people confused about why he needs a "special counsel" - including me.


For starters, Republicans are already talking about impeaching Garland over the Mar-a-lago search and the January 6th prosecutions. This frees Garland up to get other things done than the Trump related stuff, and to deal with the shit the Republicans are going to try to pull.

It also insulates the investigations from Congressional harassment.
Garland made a huge mistake again on "OBVIOUS TIMING" that suggests intimidation again (obstructing justice of Joe Biden investigations to come). Last time he timed the raid hours after they failed to turn over Hunters Files as required by law, this time he apts the special council a day after a group of congressman announced their intentions to supoena questioning and file charges on everything from Pelosis actions leading up to and on Jan 6 and Hunter's and Joe's illegal dealings leaving him compromised and us at brink of nuclear war.
The gang of Congress persons were well versed & armored with brass balls that I haven't seen in a while from the conservatives.
The only thing missing is getting the point cross of just how serious being compromised is in regards to allowing China poison and kill our population with it's fentanyl, from compromising our fuel reserve supplies leaving us vulnerable, to hijacking our democracy with dark money poured into our elections through illegal laundered kickback schemes.
To say there is more important things to tackle than Biden corruption is to ignore the Nukes and war issue and that the border can be making us vulnerable to terrorists. Clearly they are not making their case if Dems are using the "ole- nothing important" ad hominem excuse.

It only takes one informant to come forward to announce who ordered the political hit job.
Or 1 signal observed giving the order in code publically or 1 email or instant message or third party private back channel call.

This post is complete bullshit and conspiracy theories from top to bottom, starting with the White House failing to turn over ANYTHING related to Hunter Biden.

The attack on Nancy Pelosi's role on January 6th has been completed debunked and in fact film of Mrs. Pelosi's work on January 6th has already been publically broadcast.

Whenever Republicans are backed into a corner and Donald Trump is threatened, as he is now, you trot out all of the tired old lies that the public no longer believes about the criminal conman they elected as President. It's OVER for Trump. The American people are done with the lies and the bullshit.

Nobody believes anything you clowns are selling.
This post is complete bullshit and conspiracy theories from top to bottom, starting with the White House failing to turn over ANYTHING related to Hunter Biden.

The attack on Nancy Pelosi's role on January 6th has been completed debunked and in fact film of Mrs. Pelosi's work on January 6th has already been publically broadcast.

Whenever Republicans are backed into a corner and Donald Trump is threatened, as he is now, you trot out all of the tired old lies that the public no longer believes about the criminal conman they elected as President. It's OVER for Trump. The American people are done with the lies and the bullshit.

Nobody believes anything you clowns are selling.
You just called the facts and law b.s.
YOUR reply proved my point about ad hominem responses. The congressional crew were not saying what they said to be vindictive, it is a necessity for a functioning stable democracy.
You place gang mentality (affiliation pride of your party over humanity (human safety-security and stability. ) THAT MAKES YOU either selfish, misslead/missinformed or a sociopath. Which is it?
You just called the facts and law b.s.
YOUR reply proved my point about ad hominem responses. The congressional crew were not saying what they said to be vindictive, it is a necessity for a functioning stable democracy.
You place gang mentality (affiliation pride of your party over humanity (human safety-security and stability. ) THAT MAKES YOU either selfish, misslead/missinformed or a sociopath. Which is it?

No I did not. I called your post bullshit. It was completely fact free and full of conspiracy theories and debunked lies.
No I did not. I called your post bullshit. It was completely fact free and full of conspiracy theories and debunked lies.
DOJ's own web site;
You called the Law B.S., because I stated the law.

Fact: the job of the special council is to first ( like any law investigation) is to investigate who is ordering the investigation and make sure the investigative branch (like law officers) aren't being used or lied to in order to use that enforcement as a weapon of revenge. That falls under the law on manipulating and using officers with false charges on your victim.
Every state has false charges laws and if you ever filed a report you notice they ask you for your info and thoroughly do a search on you the complaintant informant before they investigate the subject. If this seperate council does not find out who ordered Garland at this exact specific time to hire him, then he is that weapon willingly and it's a big political sham -case closed.
DOJ's own web site;
You called the Law B.S., because I stated the law.

Fact: the job of the special council is to first ( like any law investigation) is to investigate who is ordering the investigation and make sure the investigative branch (like law officers) aren't being used or lied to in order to use that enforcement as a weapon of revenge. That falls under the law on manipulating and using officers with false charges on your victim.
Every state has false charges laws and if you ever filed a report you notice they ask you for your info and thoroughly do a search on you the complaintant informant before they investigate the subject. If this seperate council does not find out who ordered Garland at this exact specific time to hire him, then he is that weapon willingly and it's a big political sham -case closed.

This is the first post in which you quoted this law. Once again, you're trying to post bullshit and then trying to gaslight me into believing you quoted this law before.

I have little to no patience with liars and those who seek to mislead. Take your garbage and peddle it to the gullible Trump Cult.
This is the first post in which you quoted this law. Once again, you're trying to post bullshit and then trying to gaslight me into believing you quoted this law before.

I have little to no patience with liars and those who seek to mislead. Take your garbage and peddle it to the gullible Trump Cult.
Garland broke it twice and you can't tell us who ordered Garland, yet you already (LIED) & claimed to know by your claim of the law.
If you have no tolerance for liars THEN why do you tolerate your politicians and yourself all claiming themselves above the law.
-"Rules for thee but not for me", must be nice being a totalitarian.
For starters, Republicans are already talking about impeaching Garland over the Mar-a-lago search and the January 6th prosecutions. This frees Garland up to get other things done than the Trump related stuff, and to deal with the shit the Republicans are going to try to pull.

It also insulates the investigations from Congressional harassment.

But it doesn't insulate Garland.

In fact it puts him right in the crosshairs

And now he has plenty of time to testify

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