What is wrong with the African-American community

I never bought the no father/welfare argument. I grew up without a father, and there was a period where my mother had to work a full time job as well as receive food stamps to support us. Now my brother and I bust our asses for 10 hours a day in a steel mill, one sister design websites, and another sister works at a catering company for almost 10 hours a day while attending culinary classes. Yeah, one of my brothers cooks meth, but four out of five kids ain't bad. :dunno:
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.

I haven't heard of a whole lot of white kids playing the knock out game..
White kids don't commit crimes?
There is no solution to this problem. The only thing we can do is let black people live in their own neighborhoods, and not wander into them. There should be no laws forcing people to do business with black people.
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
Perhaps you shouldn't ask questions that incredible stupid. :laugh:
It's stupid to acknowledge White kids do not or can not commit crimes? I think it's stupid to ignore that they do.

Or maybe you're saying it's stupid not to assume you want to craft laws that apply to the African-American community? That level of blatant racism would not only be stupid, but unconstitutional.
I knew this old Hispanic guy, he served at Pearl harbor. He kind of drew me in, I saw his wife suffering from Alzheimer's .He pissed off some blacks kids, and they beat his dog to death. Really, so a old veteran with a dying wife, they kill his dog. Wow, it resonates with me even now. Poor blacks out of touch hurt people because they don't understand anything outside of them selves, but they get a freebie because they are black? I don't think so.
It's too bad I wasn't there....I wouldn't have beaten those thugs to death. Literally. Would have enjoyed watching that dog bite them too while I was beating them to death.
It was sad, and deserves mention here, he was a minor hero, I know he loved his wife, like he did that little dog. Those black kids beat it to death with glee, they hated HIM THAT much. Pearl Harbor meant nothing to those morons.Just ignorant black haters. But. hate is OK, when it's not ..whatever. Breaks my heart.
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops

Bully who sucker-punched disabled man on video arrested, police say

This is a white thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow whites who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, slaughtering [people in a black church, engaging in white on white crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the white community. It is an epidemic and if the white community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.
Even more urgent: What is wrong with the white Appalachia community?

worst of all, they vote GOP because living such a miserable life isn't bad enough.

Poor and uneducated whites covering 5 states. Red States are economic basket cases.

Yet, these right wingers have "suggestions" for black communities. Why take advice from people who have already failed?
Take an entire race with average IQs generally in the low eighties and put them with other races with IQs generally in the 115-120s and higher and everyone can see the results.
It's known as facing REALITY folks.
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
No, if you partake in actions as these, you should lose all government assistance for life. I'm tired of supporting these people, and before you play the over used race card. White, Brown, yellow, red, queer, transgendered not matter what you want to call yourself, you lose your government benefits for life.
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops

Bully who sucker-punched disabled man on video arrested, police say

This is a white thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow whites who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, slaughtering [people in a black church, engaging in white on white crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the white community. It is an epidemic and if the white community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.
Lol, yes there are bad white people, but how many blacks been killed in Chicago this weekend? Keep ignoring the problem, and soon enough blacks will really be a minority forever.
More education, science and infrastructure is needed in the african American community. ;) Like all others.

They have schools,they choose not to participate.
Explain to me how science is going to fix their social ills.
Why would you build anything in the ghetto when you know it'll be burned down and destroyed in the next riot?
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
No, if you partake in actions as these, you should lose all government assistance for life. I'm tired of supporting these people, and before you play the over used race card. White, Brown, yellow, red, queer, transgendered not matter what you want to call yourself, you lose your government benefits for life.
Assault and battery means no benefits? How about parking tickets? Five year suspension?
[Nah....not true at all. There are plenty of African-Americans with IQ's off the charts (Dr. Ben Carson and Collin Powell to name just a couple). And their testosterone levels aren't any higher than any other ethnicity.
And there are tall Chinese people too
They have a severe parenting problem in that community. As MaryL astutely pointed out - welfare has replaced the father. The family structure is in total disarray and living off of the government has removed the need and the drive to get their act together and strive for a future.
Blacks behave the same way all over the world, it is just natural for them
This is crazy and it is flat-out inexcusable. And don't tell me this has anything to do with slavery, racism, oppression, etc. because you never saw this type of behavior from young men in the African-American community back in the 1940's and 1950's when segregation still existed and racism was much worse. Parents in that generation would have beaten their children senseless had they ever done something like this.

This is a black thug who isn't being raised properly attacking a fellow African-American who is also mentally handicapped. This is repulsive and it is not some obscure occurrence. They have been playing "the knockout game" for many years, rioting (such as Ferguson), engaging in black-on-black crime, and a whole lot more. There is clearly a severe parenting problem in the black community. It is an epidemic and if the black community can't get their shit together and correct it, then the law should do it for them. Start coming down harder on these thugs and their parents.

Thug, 12, sucker-punched mentally challenged man: cops
Are you presuming that thuggish behavior is exclusive to the African-American community? Further, are you suggesting that laws be drafted that apply exclusively to the African-American community?

Perhaps you should rethink your position.
No, if you partake in actions as these, you should lose all government assistance for life. I'm tired of supporting these people, and before you play the over used race card. White, Brown, yellow, red, queer, transgendered not matter what you want to call yourself, you lose your government benefits for life.
Assault and battery means no benefits? How about parking tickets? Five year suspension?
You don't want them in jail. So do away with their benefits. I don't want to support these thugs. My goodness you can lose everything for using the n word.
More education, science and infrastructure is needed in the african American community. ;) Like all others.

Squawk! Polly want a cracker?
He simply lacks the intellect to discuss issues. Everything is "just unconstitutional throw money at me" with Matthew. :bang3:

When I first joined I saw all the ratings, posts etc. The I started reading, land O' goshen. I thought idiocracy has arrived and I am finding out late?
The plainest truth is that since the late 60's black adult males have been given a free pass for poor conduct regarding their family and society
Straighten that out and most problems solved
Assault and battery means no benefits? How about parking tickets? Five year suspension?
The fact that you mock people who are sick to their limit with criminals and defend the criminals is obnoxious. You're truly a jack-ass.
Assault and battery means no benefits? How about parking tickets? Five year suspension?
The fact that you mock people who are sick to their limit with criminals and defend the criminals is obnoxious. You're truly a jack-ass.
I'm not defending criminals. I just don't agree with your plot to deny people all benefits for,life for mistakes made in their youth. Nor do I agree that criminality is the exclusive province of the African -American community.

This shouldn't be one of those popular Conservative 'you're either with us or against us' situations. Draconian measures require debate and instill disagreement.

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