What is your favorite Trump Quote

"Crooked Hillary", which was spot on.

no doubt that rightwingnut trolls understand their presidential-candidate troll.

If Hillary was so corrupt, it should have been so easy for the GOP to have picked any random Republican running for president and that guy (Kasich, Rubio, Jeb, Cruz, Carson, Christie, Paul, Huckabee, Fiorino) should have and would have easily defeated her BUT

A. Hillary is a very formidable opponent. The GOP have been throwing everything they have at her for decades and still here she is.

B. The GOP shit their pants deciding who to nominate.

But seriously, look at how many of those Republicans running for President were told to go fuck themselves? And that was Republicans telling them to go fuck themselves. Imagine how the rest of us feel about those slimy mother fuckers. And the dirt on them is probably so long that they make Hillary look like Mary Poppins.

So the GOP went out and got a reality tv star who has no experience. Before they worried about experience but they know any Republican with experience is also a dirty fuck. So they went to an outsider. Only problem is, Trump has more dirt on him in public life, it's laughable they nominated him before vetting. If you would vote for a guy who's business experience is not paying people he hires, trump is your man. Or if you like a guy who knows pay for play, trumps your man. He's going to be THE BOSS. The boss doesn't care what his employees think or say. America doesn't need a boss. The president works for us.
no doubt that rightwingnut trolls understand their presidential-candidate troll.

We have lowered the bar for Mr. Trump.

It is not uncommon, during the course of a campaign, for a candidate to “gaffe” in a manner that trips up his campaign. Obama did this in 2012. So did Romney. But saying entrepreneurs rely on the government to help build their businesses or that you enjoy the ability to be able to fire people is on a wholly different scale than praising an autocratic leader, insulting U.S. generals and defending the notion that women in the armed forces should expect to be subjected to harassment and rape. Those aren’t gaffes.

And to get a sense of how much political acceptability has moved for Trump, just consider this: Four years ago, Romney’s campaign nearly came apart after he was videotaped saying 47 percent of the country were moochers. The Huffington Post resurfaced video of Trump demanding that Romney not apologize for the line and insisting he was right. No one batted an eye.

Donald Trump Keeps Saying Things That Would Destroy Any Other Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post
Is anyone really saying Hillary is not crooked?!

You could pick any politician in America that's been in it as long as her and you'd find more dirt on all of them. Seriously.

You guys like to say, "all politicians are crooked". True. Hillary just happens to be less crooked than the GOP.

And Trump it is so very obvious would be the most corrupt abusive of their power admin in all of American history. You are insane for suggesting he be POTUS.
Eixeis gini polli malakas pia. Just suggesting that the Beast is no more corrupt than other politicians stretches any credibility you might have ever had.
I think you've been drinking the anti Clinton coolaid since the 90's. You're brainwashed.

And if you think Trump will be a good president, you're just a fucking retard. I know a lot of Greeks who think they are so smart. You're not.
A lot of Greeks are smart and successful. Some of the country's best went to America, became educated, but apparently no all.

Anyone who comes to Hillary's defense in the matter of her corruption is nothing but a hack, even a "Greek" like yourself who is completely ignorant of the language of his ancestors and obviously has achieved little scholastically.

Still, I am proud of being Greek, but not proud of all Greeks. I suppose that is normal.
"Crooked Hillary", which was spot on.

no doubt that rightwingnut trolls understand their presidential-candidate troll.

If Hillary was so corrupt, it should have been so easy for the GOP to have picked any random Republican running for president and that guy (Kasich, Rubio, Jeb, Cruz, Carson, Christie, Paul, Huckabee, Fiorino) should have and would have easily defeated her BUT

A. Hillary is a very formidable opponent. The GOP have been throwing everything they have at her for decades and still here she is.

B. The GOP shit their pants deciding who to nominate.

But seriously, look at how many of those Republicans running for President were told to go fuck themselves? And that was Republicans telling them to go fuck themselves. Imagine how the rest of us feel about those slimy mother fuckers. And the dirt on them is probably so long that they make Hillary look like Mary Poppins.

So the GOP went out and got a reality tv star who has no experience. Before they worried about experience but they know any Republican with experience is also a dirty fuck. So they went to an outsider. Only problem is, Trump has more dirt on him in public life, it's laughable they nominated him before vetting. If you would vote for a guy who's business experience is not paying people he hires, trump is your man. Or if you like a guy who knows pay for play, trumps your man. He's going to be THE BOSS. The boss doesn't care what his employees think or say. America doesn't need a boss. The president works for us.
And I thought Bill Bradley was an asshole. You take first prize.
We have lowered the bar for Mr. Trump.

It is not uncommon, during the course of a campaign, for a candidate to “gaffe” in a manner that trips up his campaign. Obama did this in 2012. So did Romney. But saying entrepreneurs rely on the government to help build their businesses or that you enjoy the ability to be able to fire people is on a wholly different scale than praising an autocratic leader, insulting U.S. generals and defending the notion that women in the armed forces should expect to be subjected to harassment and rape. Those aren’t gaffes.

And to get a sense of how much political acceptability has moved for Trump, just consider this: Four years ago, Romney’s campaign nearly came apart after he was videotaped saying 47 percent of the country were moochers. The Huffington Post resurfaced video of Trump demanding that Romney not apologize for the line and insisting he was right. No one batted an eye.

Donald Trump Keeps Saying Things That Would Destroy Any Other Presidential Candidate | Huffington Post
Is anyone really saying Hillary is not crooked?!

You could pick any politician in America that's been in it as long as her and you'd find more dirt on all of them. Seriously.

You guys like to say, "all politicians are crooked". True. Hillary just happens to be less crooked than the GOP.

And Trump it is so very obvious would be the most corrupt abusive of their power admin in all of American history. You are insane for suggesting he be POTUS.
Eixeis gini polli malakas pia. Just suggesting that the Beast is no more corrupt than other politicians stretches any credibility you might have ever had.
I think you've been drinking the anti Clinton coolaid since the 90's. You're brainwashed.

And if you think Trump will be a good president, you're just a fucking retard. I know a lot of Greeks who think they are so smart. You're not.
A lot of Greeks are smart and successful. Some of the country's best went to America, became educated, but apparently no all.

Anyone who comes to Hillary's defense in the matter of her corruption is nothing but a hack, even a "Greek" like yourself who is completely ignorant of the language of his ancestors and obviously has achieved little scholastically.

Still, I am proud of being Greek, but not proud of all Greeks. I suppose that is normal.
One of my mom's sisters married and divorced a white guy. They divorced and had a daughter who had a bunch of white trash babies. Now my mom's sister is dying in the hospital so I'm hanging out in the hospital with all her white trash offspring. They are all struggling lower middle class. They don't like gays in the ladies bathroom. They don't like blm. They don't like all the people on welfare, even though I'm sure some of them have benefitted from safety nets.

And they don't like hillary. So even half Greeks can be stupid. Anyways, you sound a lot like some ignorant Greek conservatives I know.
It's a tie between:

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”


“You may get AIDS by kissing.”

Course, there's the one about banging his daughter.

I'm torn.
One of my mom's sisters married and divorced a white guy. They divorced and had a daughter who had a bunch of white trash babies. Now my mom's sister is dying in the hospital so I'm hanging out in the hospital with all her white trash offspring. They are all struggling lower middle class. They don't like gays in the ladies bathroom. They don't like blm. They don't like all the people on welfare, even though I'm sure some of them have benefitted from safety nets.

And they don't like hillary. So even half Greeks can be stupid. Anyways, you sound a lot like some ignorant Greek conservatives I know.
You didn't need to tell me that story about your family for me to recognize that there is Greek-American white trash. You yourself were ample proof.
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It's a tie between:

“You know, it really doesn’t matter what the media write as long as you’ve got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass.”


“You may get AIDS by kissing.”

Course, there's the one about banging his daughter.

I'm torn.

So you can't come up with anything without lying, rderp?

Well, you are a Communist, lying defines you. :thup:

One of my mom's sisters married and divorced a white guy. They divorced and had a daughter who had a bunch of white trash babies. Now my mom's sister is dying in the hospital so I'm hanging out in the hospital with all her white trash offspring. They are all struggling lower middle class. They don't like gays in the ladies bathroom. They don't like blm. They don't like all the people on welfare, even though I'm sure some of them have benefitted from safety nets.

And they don't like hillary. So even half Greeks can be stupid. Anyways, you sound a lot like some ignorant Greek conservatives I know.

Well now, you sure a racist fuck, aren't you monkey boi?

Ignorance and racism go together, and you are abysmally ignorant, Silly Bonobo.
As far as his quotes go, from amongst the veritable flower bed of possibilities, I find myself stuck between "I have a good brain" and "I have the best words".

I think it just depends on the day, the weather, my mood at the moment, what I may have had for breakfast. So I go back and forth.
As far as his quotes go, from amongst the veritable flower bed of possibilities, I find myself stuck between "I have a good brain" and "I have the best words".

I think it just depends on the day, the weather, my mood at the moment, what I may have had for breakfast. So I go back and forth.

He indirectly called Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) a “pussy” at a rally in New Hampshire. Trump didn’t say the word first, nor was he planning on using it, but rather allowed a supporter in the crowd to essentially do the dirty deed for him. “You said a terrible thing. You know what she said? Shout it out, because I don’t want to say,” Trump told a supporter, before she happily obliged. “Okay, you’re not allowed to say that, and I never expect to hear that from you again. She said he’s a pussy.” Feigning shock, he then took a step back from the podium and reprimanded the woman for saying what he in fact invited her to do. “That’s terrible! Terrible,” he said disapprovingly, clearly relishing that the word had now been associated with the Texas senator.

Trump has also employed this tactic against Jeb Bush, his favorite punching bag. “I was going to say ‘dummy’ Bush; I won’t say it. I won’t say it,”.

Trump referenced then-GOP hopeful Carly Fiorina’s rocky tenure as CEO of Hewlett-Packard in a similar way. “I promised I would not say that she ran Hewlett-Packard into the ground, that she laid off tens of thousands of people and she got viciously fired,” he said. “I said I will not say it, so I will not say it.”

Media personalities have gotten the treatment as well. “I refuse to call Megyn Kelly a bimbo, because that would not be politically correct,” he wrote on Twitter. “Instead, I will only call her a lightweight reporter!”

And of the former host of Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show,” Trump stated that, “unlike others, I never attacked dopey Jon Stewart for his phony last name. Would never do that!”

He Would Never Say It, But This Is Donald Trump's Favorite Rhetorical Device | Huffington Post
trump hand gestures 2.jpg

I like Biggly...
And when he says believe me....
And of course when he does those finger gestures with those tiny lady like hands.

Trump hand gestures.jpg

Trump hand gestures 3.jpg
Too many choices. I think it has to be a best of category. Favorite hate rant. Favorite rant against women. Favorite pants on fire lie.....and so on.
Here's a fresh one from the Trumpster.....

Given this sequence of events, you might think that the unrest in Charlotte was caused by outrage over Scott’s killing, and the long history of state violence against African-Americans that preceded it.

But on Thursday, the Republican nominee suggested that the unrest had little to do with police brutality in black communities — and a lot to do with all of the narcotics in black people’s veins.

“If you’re not aware, drugs are a very, very big factor in what you’re watching on television,” Trump explained to a crowd of supporters in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in reference to cable news coverage of the protests.

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