What is your favorites drink and food ?

My favorite drink with a meat or pasta meal is a glass of red wine (Merlot); or a glass of white wine (Gewürztraminer) especially with a cheese and fruit plate on a summer evening, followed with a second glass with a corn on the cob and a fish steak both grilled on a Big Green Egg.

I certainly applaud your taste in food and wine. lol Though I enjoy gewurz...chilled Chardonnay is my white wine of choice. I often serve a cheese and fruit plate as dessert with a white...or dark chocolate with a red.

Pasta, crab chalou (a regional dish) and salad with Merlot...

Grilled whole fish is also a favorite.
Bonsoir, my favorite drink is a cold glass of water and for food i like chicken salad.

But it depend the season as well...a nice BBQ in summer time is great ! :)

Water is for bathing and baptism. I never drink it.

For hiking and backpacking I drink Gatorade.

For dinners I drink wines or mixed drinks.

My favorite dinner is a seafood platter with lobster, crab, scallops, prawns, and oysters. With this goes white wine best. My favorite white wine is pinot grigio.

My second favorite dinner is roast prime rib with mashed potatoes and buttered mixed vegies. With this goes red wine best. My favorite red is Shiraz.

My favorite mixed drink mixer is simply 99% moonshine. Goes great with anything else.

For alcohol you must have rules:

1 - no alcohol before 4 pm or after midnight.

2 - no alcohol without food.

3 - no more than 2 drinks.

4 - no alcohol except communion wine on Sundays -- this is a detox day.
Coffee, but I only have one cup a day

Coffee is a powerful drug that does the opposite of booze.

My rule for coffee is only 1 cup per day also.

But it is a much smaller cup than this -- about 3/4 pint.

For lunch I have tea or iced tea.

For late afternoons I have more tea.
I like cooking a lot but some recipe are more difficult to do View attachment 107883 and with all the gadget coming out i like to try it. like a deep fryer without oil i don't like it. i prefer the original deep fryer
My mom taught me how to cook, and therefore I have never needed a woman except for sex.

I have even become a better cook than most women I have dated.

My signature dinner for 2 is venison simmered in port wine with red potatoes and cherry tomatoes. With red wine of course. And cherry schnapps shooters.
Coffee bacon
During the week I will snack on cold bacon and donuts on the way to work, with a tall mug of coffee, yes.

I cook the bacon on Sunday and Wednesday nights and stick it into the fridge. And I freeze the donuts. They thaw on the way to work.
You're not French at all. Phony!

I like ice tea for lunch and dinner. Beer for entertainment. Best dinner possible under the sun is a thick steak with onions and mushrooms, oven fries and a no holds barred salad.
I don't know if you talk to me ? i am French Canadian so i don't like a lot the food here that as to much with butter etc...
When i was in Canada i like Saint Hubert BBQ ( Québec Compagnie) my sister that live in The island of prince edward have no Saint Hubert BBQ but the very simular chicken.

Ah, French Canadian hein?

When I was an au pair in France the movie "Kramer vs. Kramer" came out and the family went to see it. The movie has a scene where the divorced father tries to cook for his kids and makes pancakes.

The next day they came back and wanted to know what pancakes are and if I could make them for breakfast. I said yes, but warned them that getting maple syrup in France was not going to be cheap. ;)
Maple syrup is well-liked by Quebecers but there are French restaurants that make delicious pancakes here in Lyon
For breakfast on the weekends I usually make waffles and have them with Canadian dark maple syrup with berries.
I don't know if you talk to me ? i am French Canadian so i don't like a lot the food here that as to much with butter etc...
When i was in Canada i like Saint Hubert BBQ ( Québec Compagnie) my sister that live in The island of prince edward have no Saint Hubert BBQ but the very simular chicken.
I was kidding. I thought it was obligatory to love wine above all else. Oh, I could make myself miserable with that meal!
No problem i love red wine and here in France a lot choice for wine in my région i prefer La côte-rôtie :)

I don't know if you talk to me ? i am French Canadian so i don't like a lot the food here that as to much with butter etc...
When i was in Canada i like Saint Hubert BBQ ( Québec Compagnie) my sister that live in The island of prince edward have no Saint Hubert BBQ but the very simular chicken.
I was kidding. I thought it was obligatory to love wine above all else. Oh, I could make myself miserable with that meal!
No problem i love red wine and here in France a lot choice for wine in my région i prefer La côte-rôtie :)

The wines of NE France (Lorraine and Alsace) are my favorites.
Yes very good wine i like the riesling and Gewurztraminer

My ancestors on my mother's side came from Dabo, in Lorraine.
My fathers parents came from Lorraine also.
It depends on the food. Different drinks compliment different food on my palate. For instance, I prefer beer with a steak or burger with fries, but I often prefer red wine with dishes like spaghetti, or lasagna.
Morocco has the best Arab foods and the best Arab wines and moonshine.
If its a steak, its a barbequed Chateaubriand with garlic. not over done. with a salad and homemade blue cheese dressing.

but mostly some kind of fish, favorite drink in moderation is a good quality dark Rum
Good choice i like fish salmon and frog legs i adore that meal with some garlic and butter and i am not to much butter but for the Frog legs it is the best meal with a glass of red wine delicious :)

Have not tried frog legs yet, maybe one day.
Frog legs are pretty good.

The French and Moroccans have great recipes for spicing them up.

Moroccan moonshine or German cherry schnapps goes best with them.
If its a steak, its a barbequed Chateaubriand with garlic. not over done. with a salad and homemade blue cheese dressing.

but mostly some kind of fish, favorite drink in moderation is a good quality dark Rum
Good choice i like fish salmon and frog legs i adore that meal with some garlic and butter and i am not to much butter but for the Frog legs it is the best meal with a glass of red wine delicious :)

I really like lamb a lot. The best I ever had was a leg of lamb my friend from Iceland smuggled here on a plane, then roasted it in the oven. She used some sort of Mushroom gravy and rhubarb sauce. I cant describe how good it was. It was probably the best meat I've ever had.
I have lamb once each year on Easter Thursday, same as Jesus did.
Good food and wine thread so far.

As far as beer goes, I normally only have beer to wash down pizza with.

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