What Is Your Own Definition of Liberal and Conservative?

Conservatives support smaller government, less spending and are against deficit spending in all but the most dire circumstance. They do not think the government is the answer to all of our problems. There are maybe 10 actual conservatives on this forum and we have not had one as POTUS in 93 years.

Nope! None of that is right! Except for the smaller government part that is as the government shouldn't be the answer to most all of our problems. And that last line of yours is just BS.
what a bunch of BS.
Liberalism is about liberty, consent of the governed, and equality under the law.

You can argue with some of that. But you take no responsibilities for your never-ending lies.
Liberals are about the group: if we build a school and give free education to our kids, that will improve everyone's life.

Conservatives are about the individual: I'll start a business and work hard and that will improve my life.
Actually, liberals want to improve the lives of liberals. Liberal policies don't improve the lives of conservatives.

Conservatives want to improve the lives of their families while providing down-to-earth value to the greater society.
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how the goalposts have so moved since 1927.....~S~


They sure have, Sparky.

I'd mentioned elsewhere around the board a few days ago that we have a serious problem in America with definitions. A well as with understanding of what kinds of policies we actually have.

Glad you took time to read those two pieces. They were a bit long. I often wonder if anyone actually reads this stuff.
Nope! None of that is right! Except for the smaller government part that is as the government shouldn't be the answer to most all of our problems. And that last line of yours is just BS.

You ask for our OWN definitions and then you tell me I am wrong. What the fuck is wrong with you?
how the goalposts have so moved since 1927.....~S~
Hayek seems to dismiss the tried and true (conservatism) in favor of the unknown (liberalism). He judges conservatives to be timid, while celebrating the boldness of liberals. Recklessness is to be applauded while security is a relic of the past.

In summary Hayek believes we will profit more from recklessness than from security; that we have enough security and can afford to be reckless.

They sure have, Sparky.

I'd mentioned elsewhere around the board a few days ago that we have a serious problem in America with definitions. A well as with understanding of what kinds of policies we actually have.

Glad you took time to read those two pieces. They were a bit long. I often wonder if anyone actually reads this stuff.
I read enough to realize this guy is completely detached from reality.
You ask for our OWN definitions and then you tell me I am wrong. What the fuck is wrong with you?

If I were to ask you to describe the sky, you wouldn't say that it was purple or green would you?
My opinion: liberals wants more gov't assistance and more gov't intervention and control. They want less autonomy and less responsibility. They want more equity whether a person earned it or not. They want a better life for everybody but their ideas for achieving it are not feasible nor practical in the long run.

Conservatives are the opposite with less gov't intrusion and control, more freedoms and rights and accountability. They are more interested in equality of opportunity that everyone should have. They want a better life for their kids and grandkids and will sacrifice for that goal. For them changes should be fiscally prudent and practical.
I read enough to realize this guy is completely detached from reality.
As I said, there's a problem with definitions in modern society. As well as a problem with understanding of what kinds of policies we actually have.

Your thought here just serves as confirmation, in my view.

And you clearly didn't grasp the historical nature of the pieces. I doubt yu even read them completely, to be honest.

Of course, it does't affect my day.

One overarching difference is that liberals believe the route to success and happiness is dependent upon a college education. They eschew actual physical work, regardless of how technical or lucrative.
As I said, there's a problem with definitions in modern society. As well as a problem with understanding of what kinds of policies we actually have.

Your thought here just serves as confirmation, in my view.

And you clearly didn't grasp the historical nature of the pieces. I doubt yu even read them completely, to be honest.

Of course, it does't affect my day.

I got about a third of the way through it. I read it as it was presented, that is germane to the thread.
In summary Hayek believes we will profit more from recklessness than from security; that we have enough security and can afford to be reckless.
On that note, one could go down a lot of roads , since the piece was written

After somebody else asked me this question it got me thinking that it was a pretty good question. Here's my answer to it and I'm going to make it short and sweet. A conservative wants and stands for America to be like it's supposed to be,.. a free country. While a liberal wants completely the opposite.

My opinion is somewhat different.


Desire to to conserve the status quo, traditions, etc.

Exclusive: if you don’t have an invite, you’ll be escorted out…in fact, you probably won’t even be considered human. Judeo Christian European heritage preferred. No atheists. And they get triggered by Muslims.

Value individual liberty over collective good, unless you are a pregnant woman.

Are willing to support governmental authoritarianism if they feel threatened - end justifies the means…

Confused about reality and facts.

Think they are patriots.

Think they own the copyright on the American flag.

Consider poverty a moral failing.

Make the best memes.

Can’t laugh at themselves.


Constantly push the envelope (which pisses conservatives off).

Inclusive: hey anyone can join us we welcome purple one legged transgender non binaries who identify as alcoholic beverages (they will even pass out name tags with your chosen pronouns when you join the party)…but they aren’t to keen on conservatives joining the party and they get triggered by Christians.

Feel that government is a tool of and expression of the people’s will rather than the enemy.

Support strong social safety-nets for all.

Feels the common good outweighs individual rights in some situations.

Consider wealth a moral failing.

Creative about reality and facts.

Can’t laugh at themselves.
Todays American Liberals ae not actual Liberals at all anymore. The Left is controlled by Marxists.

As for Conservatives, it is very simple: We believe is fidelity to the constitution and its original intent, limited government, maximum liberty, and traditional ethics and morals.

Mark Levin does the a great job at explaining conservatism if you find any lectures by him are serious papers or books by him.

Dang. Me and my typos. Let's try that again:

Todays American Liberals are not actual Liberals at all anymore. The Left is controlled by Marxists.

As for Conservatives, it is very simple: We believe in fidelity to the constitution and its original intent, limited government, maximum liberty, and traditional ethics and morals.

Mark Levin does the a great job at explaining conservatism if you find any lectures by him are serious papers or books by him.


Must read:

Liberty and Tyranny: A Conservative Manifesto

Well I don't know what liberals of today stand for. They're getting weirder by the day.
Conservatives say they are for freedom....but....many are opposed to legalizing pot. So they pick and choose and it's really hard to buy into their myopic stuff. They surely are against workers getting help as in social security, Medicare, unions, FMLA, and anything else that might benefit them. Not sure why they hate labor so much.
My opinion is somewhat different.


Desire to to conserve the status quo, traditions, etc.

Exclusive: if you don’t have an invite, you’ll be escorted out…in fact, you probably won’t even be considered human. Judeo Christian European heritage preferred. No atheists. And they get triggered by Muslims.

Value individual liberty over collective good, unless you are a pregnant woman.

Are willing to support governmental authoritarianism if they feel threatened - end justifies the means…

Confused about reality and facts.

Think they are patriots.

Think they own the copyright on the American flag.

Consider poverty a moral failing.

Make the best memes.

Can’t laugh at themselves.

As they say, opinions are like assholes, and yours stinks pretty bad. But you did get one thing right:

"Desire to to conserve the status quo, traditions, etc."

The rest of what you said is either pure bullshit or mostly bullshit.

You are a great example of a brainwashed Leftist, because you actually believe those lies. You are the biggest danger to American Liberty.
If I were to ask you to describe the sky, you wouldn't say that it was purple or green would you?

I have seen the sky both colors.

If you do not want people to give you their opinions, then do not ask for them. My definitions are just as valid as yours.

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