What isnt being asked?


Diamond Member
May 6, 2015
Floor E Da
During the procedures of yesterdays grilling of AG, Jeff Sessions, why weren't the questions asked
1. Where was James Comey during the Russian Collusion between the Ambassador of Russia and then Senator Sessions? Shouldn't have James Comey been checking into this while the elections were going on?
2. Where was Loretta Lynch(then Attorney General for Barrack Hussein Obama) while the election process was going on, shouldn't she be checking into the election hacking, instead of sitting there on the Airport runway with Bill(I did not have sexual relations with that woman) Clinton, who had his wife approve the sale of US uranium which has now ended up in Iran?

Geez, it would seem that these questions should of come up, but didn't, why didn't they?
Could be the ruling class is protecting itself and making sure the pressure stays on Trump.
Wow, that Sessions thing really went bad for you guys yesterday, didn't it?
Not at all, Joe. But then you would of seen it, except for your liberal thinking.

Wow, that Sessions thing really went bad for you guys yesterday, didn't it?

Au contraire, Sessions whomped the tar out of them, especially that ill-bred bitch Harris. What a singularly repulsive creature she is.

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