What it really means if Republicans scuttle the Iran deal:

What would you expect a better deal to be. Beside, this deal isn't between the US and Iran. But between the Iran and 6 other countries.
Article VI of the NPT implemented.
Republicans aren't the only ones with reservations:

Brad Sherman (D – Calif.), the second ranking democratic member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, questioned whether the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was capable of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and expressed his skepticism of the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), suggesting that it will need to be renegotiated
Democrats are a coalition Party. They have conservatives. There are no liberals in the Republican Party.
all come to mind
Republicans aren't the only ones with reservations:

Brad Sherman (D – Calif.), the second ranking democratic member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, questioned whether the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was capable of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and expressed his skepticism of the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), suggesting that it will need to be renegotiated
Democrats are a coalition Party. They have conservatives. There are no liberals in the Republican Party.
all come to mind

Anyone that would invest in our own country = liberal
Anyone that would care about infrastructure and our childrens future = liberal.

Maybe the right wing nutz are wrong on some issues?
Republicans play politics. They are a desperate party. Willing to use this dangerous situation to score what they imagine are political points.

The Iran deal is with the US and six other nations. The current sanctions only work because the rest of the world participates. If Republicans mess up this deal after 5 other countries agreed to it, you can bet that will be the end of the sanctions. Which means Iran has plenty of oil to sell. Money will pour into Iran and they will do whatever they want. Including building nuclear weapons.

Republicans say they want a better deal. Republicans imagine they can get a better deal than the six countries Iran negotiated with. There is no better deal. It will only get worse. Republicans don't know how to negotiate and those people will not be intimidated by the US even though Republicans imagine they only need to be tough like Ronald Reagan and the Iranians will cower and do what we say. Such stupid ignorance when Iranians are willing to commit suicide. The Kamikaze's were the most dangerous during WWII for good reason.

The moratorium is for 15 years. No treaties are forever. 15 years is a long time. A lot can happen in that time. Look at the Middle East before Bush and the GOP. It was relatively stable. Now they have turned it into a violent quagmire pretty much without any more Christians. What happened to Iraq's Christians under Bush? And Bush did it in a few years, not 15.

So because this deal is scuttled, we are expected to go bomb them if they build a nuclear weapon? A country three times the size of Iraq with lots more oil? Are Republicans willing to send their kids off on another fiasco? What if people stop joining the military because of GOP foolish policies? Then what? And how will the rest of the world react. Will they put sanctions on us?

And as Obama pointed out, the hard right in Iran scream "Death to America" while the hard right here scream, "Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran". That means their hard right and our hard right are working together.

Basically the Republicans are desperate to invade Iran. Such a deal takes away their "WMD factor" and makes it harder, if they get the next president.
This "treaty" isn't designed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
It merely postpones it
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"
Republicans play politics. They are a desperate party. Willing to use this dangerous situation to score what they imagine are political points.

The Iran deal is with the US and six other nations. The current sanctions only work because the rest of the world participates. If Republicans mess up this deal after 5 other countries agreed to it, you can bet that will be the end of the sanctions. Which means Iran has plenty of oil to sell. Money will pour into Iran and they will do whatever they want. Including building nuclear weapons.

Republicans say they want a better deal. Republicans imagine they can get a better deal than the six countries Iran negotiated with. There is no better deal. It will only get worse. Republicans don't know how to negotiate and those people will not be intimidated by the US even though Republicans imagine they only need to be tough like Ronald Reagan and the Iranians will cower and do what we say. Such stupid ignorance when Iranians are willing to commit suicide. The Kamikaze's were the most dangerous during WWII for good reason.

The moratorium is for 15 years. No treaties are forever. 15 years is a long time. A lot can happen in that time. Look at the Middle East before Bush and the GOP. It was relatively stable. Now they have turned it into a violent quagmire pretty much without any more Christians. What happened to Iraq's Christians under Bush? And Bush did it in a few years, not 15.

So because this deal is scuttled, we are expected to go bomb them if they build a nuclear weapon? A country three times the size of Iraq with lots more oil? Are Republicans willing to send their kids off on another fiasco? What if people stop joining the military because of GOP foolish policies? Then what? And how will the rest of the world react. Will they put sanctions on us?

And as Obama pointed out, the hard right in Iran scream "Death to America" while the hard right here scream, "Bomb bomb bomb.......bomb bomb Iran". That means their hard right and our hard right are working together.

Basically the Republicans are desperate to invade Iran. Such a deal takes away their "WMD factor" and makes it harder, if they get the next president.

If they invade Iran then we will spend another 2-3 trillion bucks and at the same time they will bitch about spending on infrastructure, science, r&d and education. These people don't care about America.
This "treaty" isn't designed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
It merely postpones it
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"

Okay Sherlock.... What should US do? Do you have an idea how to solve this Iran thing?
This is quite an apposite time to discuss this issue on the anniversary of the Hiroshima demonstration to the Russians.
I know lets listen to liar of the yr.....cause he wouldnt lie again would he.....Libs are the idiots Gruber loved so
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?
You get a face saving exit from crumbling sanctions and the opportunity for US businesses to invest in Iran, rather than being isolated and shut out while the competition has a field day.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?
You get a face saving exit from crumbling sanctions and the opportunity for US businesses to invest in Iran, rather than being isolated and shut out while the competition has a field day.
SO building up another enemy like we did China.....that worked out well didnt it
This "treaty" isn't designed to prevent Iran from having nuclear weapons.
It merely postpones it
So what if that is the case?

You can't get any better deal.
What's in it for us, or anyone else except Iran?

Iran gets billions of dollars flowing again, thanks to the lifting of sanctions.
Money they can funnel to whatever terrorist group they choose.

What do we get out of it? Besides a 10year delay in the inevitable?
Or, besides The Obama being able to say "Iran didn't procure a nuclear weapon on my watch"

Okay Sherlock.... What should US do? Do you have an idea how to solve this Iran thing?
I defer to the gentlemen that are members of the foreign relations committee.

Keep the sanctions in place, cripple their economy,let the UN continue enforcing resolutions.

#1 rule: NEVER negotiate with terrorists

Still don't have an answer to what we get out of this wonderful deal?
Republicans aren't the only ones with reservations:

Brad Sherman (D – Calif.), the second ranking democratic member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, questioned whether the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) was capable of preventing Iran from developing a nuclear weapon and expressed his skepticism of the nuclear deal known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), suggesting that it will need to be renegotiated
I thought Democrats always marched in lockstep!

Has the talking point changed?
It's so hard to keep up.
If the USA backs out ....

Iran continues to comply with the treaty.

They ask for Russian and Chinese help to defend from the unprovoked aggression of the USA. After all, Iran is fully complying with the treaty, the USA is not.

They get the help. No nation other than Israel sides with the USA. The world is basically thoroughly disgusted with US aggression.

And whatever warmongering GOP president is in office has to eat a big helping of shit, as a completely humiliated USA is forced to back down.

That's the Republican plan now.

That's the problem with Republicans. They don't live in the real world. They're positive Iran will break the treaty, even though all the incentives are for Iran to hold to the treaty, even if the USA breaks it.
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